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okay so im have an issue with paragon chest


so I have looked through base creature and paragon and have tried re adding paragon chest with no luck maybe I miss something I have no errors or anything but when i up the paragon spawn to 100 to test chest drop rate i went through 100 with no chest drop plzzz help if u can

Trying to re add paragon chest drop


Staff member
Can you post the methods that deals with the death of the paragon in code tags please (so I could have a look at them)?
They should have something to do with "OnDeath", "OnBeforeDeath" or some other variant of the word "death" in the method name.


sorry took so long to reply work nights

public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
            int treasureLevel = TreasureMapLevel;
            if ( treasureLevel == 1 && this.Map == Map.Trammel && TreasureMap.IsInHavenIsland( this ) )
                Mobile killer = this.LastKiller;
                if ( killer is BaseCreature )
                    killer = ((BaseCreature)killer).GetMaster();
            if ( !Summoned && !NoKillAwards && !IsBonded && treasureLevel >= 0 )
                if ( m_Paragon && Paragon.ChestChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    PackItem( new ParagonChest( this.Name, treasureLevel ) );
                else if ( (Map == Map.Felucca || Map == Map.Trammel) && TreasureMap.LootChance >= Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    PackItem( new TreasureMap( treasureLevel, Map ) );


Staff member
Can you post the entire method please?
This is only a small partial code snippet :(

In any case you might want to add some console write lines to see what the checkchance is (can be anywhere inside the OnBeforeDeath method, even the first line):
Console.WriteLine("Paragon: {0}, chest chance: {1}.", m_Paragon, Paragon.ChestChance);

See what is being printed on the console when you kill a paragon with this line inside the OnBeforeDeath method.


still trying to re add paragon not sure what im missing at this point
        public virtual double TreasureMapChance{ get{ return TreasureMap.LootChance; } }
        public virtual int TreasureMapLevel{ get{ return -1; } }
        public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
            int treasureLevel = TreasureMapLevel;
            if ( treasureLevel == 1 && this.Map == Map.Trammel && TreasureMap.IsInHavenIsland( this ) )
                Mobile killer = this.LastKiller;
                if ( killer is BaseCreature )
                    killer = ((BaseCreature)killer).GetMaster();
                Console.WriteLine("Paragon: {0}, chest chance: {100}.", m_Paragon, Paragon.ChestChance);
            if ( !Summoned && !NoKillAwards && !IsBonded && treasureLevel >= 0 )
                if ( m_Paragon && Paragon.ChestChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    PackItem( new ParagonChest( this.Name, treasureLevel ) );
                else if ( (Map == Map.Felucca || Map == Map.Trammel) && TreasureMap.LootChance >= Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    PackItem( new TreasureMap( treasureLevel, Map ) );
            // if they are controlled by a pseudoseer, attempt to reconnect:
            if (this.NetState != null && !CreaturePossession.AttemptReturnToOriginalBody(this.NetState))
            // find out whether most recent aggressor is in factions & how many heros their town has
            // and give a 10-40% gold bonus accordingly
            // NOTE: if it is desired to make this gold bonus go for anyone in a party with a faction
            // member, and not just when a faction member specifically gets the kill shot,
            // then this should be handled in the same place gold is boosted for Adventurer bonus (see below)
            PlayerMobile slayer = this.LastKiller as PlayerMobile;
            if (!HasBeenPseudoseerControlled  // plug gold duping potential
                && !(this is PackLlama) // plug gold duping potential
                && !(this is PackHorse) // plug gold duping potential
                && slayer != null
                && (slayer.FactionPlayerState != null
                    && slayer.FactionPlayerState.Faction != null))
                //Console.WriteLine("slayer=" + slayer);
                //Console.WriteLine("slayer.FactionPlayerState=" + slayer.FactionPlayerState);
                //Console.WriteLine("slayer.FactionPlayerState.Faction=" + slayer.FactionPlayerState.Faction);
                double extraGoldFraction = 0.1; // free extra 10% for being in factions
                CommonwealthState owningCommonwealthState = slayer.FactionPlayerState.Faction.OwningCommonwealth.State;
                if (owningCommonwealthState.Hero != null
                    && (owningCommonwealthState.Hero.IsHome))
                    extraGoldFraction += 0.1; // extra 10% if their own hero is ok
                foreach (TownHero capturedHero in owningCommonwealthState.CapturedHeroes)
                    extraGoldFraction += 0.1; // extra 10% for every captured hero
                //Console.WriteLine("extraGoldFraction=" + extraGoldFraction);
                //Console.WriteLine("before TotalGold=" + TotalGold);
                PackGold((int)(this.TotalGold * extraGoldFraction));
                //Console.WriteLine("after TotalGold=" + TotalGold);
            if (IsAnimatedDead)
                Effects.SendLocationEffect(Location, Map, 0x3728, 13, 1, 0x461, 4);
            InhumanSpeech speechType = this.SpeechType;
            CurrentWayPoint = null;
            if (speechType != null && Speaks)
            return base.OnBeforeDeath();
        private bool m_NoKillAwards;
        public bool NoKillAwards
            get { return m_NoKillAwards; }
            set { m_NoKillAwards = value; }
        public int ComputeBonusDamage(List<DamageEntry> list, Mobile m)
            int bonus = 0;
            for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                DamageEntry de = list[i];
                if (de.Damager == m || !(de.Damager is BaseCreature))
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)de.Damager;
                Mobile master = null;
                master = bc.GetMaster();
                if (master == m)
                    bonus += de.DamageGiven;
            return bonus;
        public Mobile GetMaster()
            if (Controlled && ControlMaster != null)
                return ControlMaster;
            else if (Summoned && SummonMaster != null)
                return SummonMaster;
            return null;
        private class FKEntry
            public Mobile m_Mobile;
            public int m_Damage;
            public FKEntry(Mobile m, int damage)
                m_Mobile = m;
                m_Damage = damage;
        public static List<DamageStore> GetLootingRights(List<DamageEntry> damageEntries, int hitsMax)
            List<DamageStore> rights = new List<DamageStore>();
            for (int i = damageEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (i >= damageEntries.Count)
                DamageEntry de = damageEntries[i];
                if (de.HasExpired)
                int damage = de.DamageGiven;
                List<DamageEntry> respList = de.Responsible;
                if (respList != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < respList.Count; ++j)
                        DamageEntry subEntry = respList[j];
                        Mobile master = subEntry.Damager;
                        if (master == null || master.Deleted || !master.Player)
                        bool needNewSubEntry = true;
                        for (int k = 0; needNewSubEntry && k < rights.Count; ++k)
                            DamageStore ds = rights[k];
                            if (ds.m_Mobile == master)
                                ds.m_Damage += subEntry.DamageGiven;
                                needNewSubEntry = false;
                        if (needNewSubEntry)
                            rights.Add(new DamageStore(master, subEntry.DamageGiven));
                        damage -= subEntry.DamageGiven;
                Mobile m = de.Damager;
                if (m == null || m.Deleted || !m.Player)
                if (damage <= 0)
                bool needNewEntry = true;
                for (int j = 0; needNewEntry && j < rights.Count; ++j)
                    DamageStore ds = rights[j];
                    if (ds.m_Mobile == m)
                        ds.m_Damage += damage;
                        needNewEntry = false;
                if (needNewEntry)
                    rights.Add(new DamageStore(m, damage));
            if (rights.Count > 0)
                rights[0].m_Damage = (int)(rights[0].m_Damage * 1.25);    //This would be the first valid person attacking it.  Gets a 25% bonus.  Per 1/19/07 Five on Friday
                if (rights.Count > 1)
                    rights.Sort(); //Sort by damage
                int topDamage = rights[0].m_Damage;
                int minDamage;
                if (hitsMax >= 3000)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 16;
                else if (hitsMax >= 1000)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 8;
                else if (hitsMax >= 200)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 4;
                    minDamage = topDamage / 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < rights.Count; ++i)
                    DamageStore ds = rights[i];
                    ds.m_HasRight = (ds.m_Damage >= minDamage);
            return rights;
        public virtual void OnKilledBy(Mobile mob)
            if (m_Paragon && Paragon.CheckArtifactChance(mob, this))
        public override void OnDeath(Container c)
            MeerMage.StopEffect(this, false);
            if (IsBonded)
                int sound = this.GetDeathSound();
                if (sound >= 0)
                    Effects.PlaySound(this, this.Map, sound);
                Warmode = false;
                Poison = null;
                Combatant = null;
                Hits = 0;
                Stam = 0;
                Mana = 0;
                IsDeadPet = true;
                ControlTarget = ControlMaster;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;
                List<AggressorInfo> aggressors = this.Aggressors;
                for (int i = 0; i < aggressors.Count; ++i)
                    AggressorInfo info = aggressors[i];
                    if (info.Attacker.Combatant == this)
                        info.Attacker.Combatant = null;
                List<AggressorInfo> aggressed = this.Aggressed;
                for (int i = 0; i < aggressed.Count; ++i)
                    AggressorInfo info = aggressed[i];
                    if (info.Defender.Combatant == this)
                        info.Defender.Combatant = null;
                Mobile owner = this.ControlMaster;
                if (owner == null || owner.Deleted || owner.Map != this.Map || !owner.InRange(this, 12) || !this.CanSee(owner) || !this.InLOS(owner))
                    if (this.OwnerAbandonTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                        this.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.Now;
                    this.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (!Summoned && !m_NoKillAwards)
                    int totalFame = Fame / 100;
                    int totalKarma = -Karma / 100;
                    if (Map == Map.Felucca)
                        totalFame += ((totalFame / 10) * 3);
                        totalKarma += ((totalKarma / 10) * 3);
                    List<DamageStore> list = GetLootingRights(this.DamageEntries, this.HitsMax);
                    List<Mobile> titles = new List<Mobile>();
                    List<int> fame = new List<int>();
                    List<int> karma = new List<int>();
                    bool givenQuestKill = false;
                    bool givenFactionKill = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                        DamageStore ds = list[i];
                        if (!ds.m_HasRight)
                        Party party = Engines.PartySystem.Party.Get(ds.m_Mobile);
                        //In Party
                        if (party != null)
                            int nearbyPartyMembers = 0;
                            //Determine Nearby Party Members
                            for (int j = 0; j < party.Members.Count; ++j)
                                PartyMemberInfo info = party.Members[j] as PartyMemberInfo;
                                //If Party Member is Valid and Within Maximum Distance of Corpse for Fame/Karma Sharing
                                if (info != null && info.Mobile != null && info.Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(this) <= FeatureList.FameKarma.PartyFameKarmaSharingDisance)
                            //Set to 1 if Not Valid (Won't Be Distributed Anyways)
                            if (nearbyPartyMembers <= 0)
                                nearbyPartyMembers = 1;
                            int divedFame = totalFame / nearbyPartyMembers;
                            int divedKarma = totalKarma / nearbyPartyMembers;
                            //Divide Up Fame and Karma
                            for (int j = 0; j < party.Members.Count; ++j)
                                PartyMemberInfo info = party.Members[j] as PartyMemberInfo;
                                //If Party Member is Valid and Within Maximum Distance of Corpse for Fame/Karma Sharing
                                if (info != null && info.Mobile != null && info.Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(this) <= FeatureList.FameKarma.PartyFameKarmaSharingDisance)
                                    int index = titles.IndexOf(info.Mobile);
                                    if (index == -1)
                                        fame[index] += divedFame;
                                        karma[index] += divedKarma;


Staff member
Can you move the console write line to be the first line in the OnBeforeDeath method please?
After you do you should be able to see what it prints in the console.


RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 4801.34413
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
Core: Optimizing for 4 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (cached)
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts...done (use -vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying...done (3041 items, 538 mobiles) (0.83 seconds)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...done (41852 items, 2909 mobiles) (1.11 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
RevRaffle Version 0.1.2
Bittiez Utilities Version 0.0.3
FFA System
Loading XmlSpawner configuration
9 settings processed
Listening for TCP web requests on port 2595
Loading XmlDialog configuration
4 settings processed
When spawning 0xF "a sheep", System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be
greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
  at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String fo
rmat, Object[] args)
  at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] arg
  at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1)
  at System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object arg0,
Object arg1)
  at Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.OnBeforeDeath()
  at Server.Mobile.Kill()
  at Server.Mobiles.BaseXmlSpawner.ApplyObjectStringProperties(XmlSpawner spawn
er, String str, Object o, Mobile trigmob, Object refobject, String& status_str)
  at Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawner.Spawn(Int32 index, Boolean smartspawn, Int32 pac
krange, Point3D packcoord, Boolean ignoreloopprotection)