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[Paid Positions]


I am looking for a few individuals to form a team with and build a new ultima online experience.

Don't have a whole lot of details to put out there at this point, this is mainly a feeler post.

What I can say is that the positions are paid. (Obviously not an hourly rate, but a stipend as appreciation for your work) The pay depends on your experience, and contributions.

I am looking for a couple of coders, and a Community Promotor/Webmaster.

Please get in touch with me if you would like to be part of a professional team. Do not get in touch with me if you do not have verifiable references within the Emu community.

I'd like to talk to you about your expectations as well as mine, and what kind of agreement we can come to.


ICQ: 79436324
Skype: hungry4knowhow


At the risk of sounding grandiose and cliche, I have plans of building from the ground up new experiences in the game. Getting away from the UO as we know it, and giving a breath of fresh air while still using the platform that so many have come to love and know.

Nothing extremely crazy, the style, I assume you are talking era? It will be custom era, I.E. having certain aspects that current UO does no longer has (i.e. one facet, thieving, etc..) and maintaining some of the things that have been introduced/are being introduced (imbuing, custom housing, refinement)

Things are pretty vague as of right now. I have general ideas, but wanted to put a feeler out and see what kind of dedication I could get from others since I'm willing to pay.

My main intention is to get players back to actually PLAYING the game, instead of maxing out, hitting end game, and moving on to the next shiny new thing. Plans for this involve achievements system, a large custom quest system(no OSI quests), custom spawning the world, completely new rares system(meaning nothing from OSI).

That's about all I can really get into right now, I realize my post and response is extremely vague, but again this was a feeler post to see what kind of skill I could get to join the team by giving an incentive to those with the skills.

So basically, not a UO:R, not a UO:SA, not a UO:AOS, UO:T2A, or anything like that, custom era, with a concentration on getting players involved, and vested.


This sounds like it could be good and a great idea.

I have coding and website knowledge and experience.

Add me on Skype: Celisuis

and we can discuss this further.

I'm currently working on other projects aswell, but I can see what I can do.