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Poisoning skill..


Razor Creator
There's a problem with targets in Beta 4 that prevents a poisoning skill macro (or any macro with 2 targets right after each other)


i was having troubles in b4 as well. with b5 i haven't been able to see if it was corrected, due to the shard i play on being down all day so far.

should lookk kinda like this though.
use skill poisoning
wait for target
target type poison
wait for target
target type (whatever you're poisoning (ex: food or weapon))
wait 6000ms (not sure exactly what timing to put in due to not being able to test.)

you should also be able to do it right out of a keg like this
use item (keg)
use skill poisoning
wait for target
target type poison
wait for target
target type (whatever you're poisoning (ex: food or weapon))
wait 6000ms (not sure exactly what timing to put in due to not being able to test.)

confirmed to work. i fired up my server to test it. the pause should be 8000ms though. works great.


So, how do I edit that into a Poisoning.macro located in the Razor/Macros folder which I made, or do I just have to record it in game?


I managed to make a poisoning macro with beta 5 for sure.
Don't know about beta 6 though,as I play the same shard coonrocks does and it's still down.


record the macro to use skill poisoning, target the poison, then target the item to poison. then you have to right click the first absolute target line and select the switch to target type option. then if you have multiple targets of the same type do the same for the second absolute target. then in order to put in a delay just right click the last line in the macro and select insert pause. the pause is in milliseconds so 8000 will be 8 seconds.


Re: Me Either

drdeath691 said:
My macro keeps freezing on waiting for target after the poison has been selected

this was happening for me as well in b4. i posted about it and got a speedy response that it was fixed in b5. are you running b5 or higher? i succesfully got it to work in b5, haven't tested b6 yet though.


I'm using B6

I have B6 installed and play on the uogamers shard.
OS: XP Home

I tried several different things and no matter what i try after it targets poison and the gets ready to target item it freezes.


I'm using B6

I have B6 installed and play on the uogamers shard.
OS: XP Home

I tried several different things and no matter what i try after it targets poison and the gets ready to target item it freezes.


i just opened the macro with notepad and this is copied and pasted


try copying this and pasting it into notepad then save as "poisoning.macro" in your razor\macros directory.


are you using multiple apples seperated in your pack? or a stack? if they're seperate just record it while targeting one of them, then right click the absolute target that relates to it and select switch to target type.