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Razor Special Abilties


Razor Special Abilties

razor is missing se and ml special abilties
the composite bow 2nd abilty is wrong it should be moving and in razor it is set to mortal..

and while at it i would suggest adding "target closest non-friendly humanoid"
btw as razor has a problem with this when there is an elf or ninja in a form any fixes about that would be great too
where is weapon abilities at in razor, i do not see them at all. i may just be blind and missing them, but i can not find them
those ones toggle it for the items itself, so it will not set wrong one, unless scripted wrong

and even then, it is controlled clisent side for the special abilities (unless using special script changes, then razor will not work correctly, since it is no longer the client ones)

but different versions of the cleint might have different special moves assigned to the graphic, thus changing what they would be when toggled
razor just toggles the weapon ability "on" (either prime or 2nd) or "off"

it does not select the ability itself, the client does that, so saying that razor makes what ever ability come up, is not razor, but the client

unless as i said you are on shard that uses 3rd party weapon ability system, in which case razor will not work with it (the book will not either from the paperdoll)
then i would be checking your OSI patching, etc, maybe a reintall and repatch
because as i said, weapon special abilities are controlled client side
if they are changed in scripts (not using the change over i mentioned) then they will not even work at all for that weapon

and demise does have bugs also, hence why they have their own bug tracker forum :rolleyes:

might want to try reading there, see if others are having the same problem, because you are the only one here mentioning it here, and i am sure there are other demise players here (and a few admins)


Nope, I'm with him. Can't acess the new weapon attacks. With AOS weapons it works fine, but it's like razor doesn't recognize the new weapons. Whenever I try with one of them equiped, I get the disarm/parablow combo, which means he's acting as tough I was unarmed.

This would be alright, if I wasn't so damn used to binding the special attacks to my scroll wheel :p

PS: I don't play in demise.
with out using the 3rd party weapon ability system
ALL new weapon graphics will default to para/disarm (default for unarmed)
this is the client doing that, not razor
OR the shard in question tried to use other specialities to the graphics that where not set up in the client
(you can not mix and match them at will with out SPECIAL scripting, in which case like i said, you are bypassing the normal system and razor can not control it)

also if this is an SA shard, razor will probably not support SA abilities, because that is totaly diiferent structure then, and since zippy is mostly retired on razor, I doubt he will start supporting SA except for logging in with (whioch some one else is now doing)

try making a little macro that opens the little book, then double clicks the button
see how that works


You're saying the client itself handles ml abilities different from aos abilities? Hmm that sure complicates things.
I'll try making a macro for it when I get home. If I press the buttons all abilities work well (despite some of them being poorly scripted :p), so as long as I can macro it I should be fine


Nope :( It doesn't recognize the icon. I also tried making a macro inside the client, then assigning a macro in razor to simulate those key presses, but nothing.
does the book work normaly, i.e. when you do it by hand? opening it and clicking on the buttons?

when you "record" the macro for it does it specify a certian button number other than 0, 1 or 2?


The book works normally yes. My shard has ML features enabled, so the special attacks do work. The client macro also works (through options -> macro ). When I try to make a macro in razor, two things happen:

- If it's an AOS ability, whenever I click the button, it shows the Ability that was selected
- If it's a ML ability, nothing is recorded.
when you record the macro for an aos ability, can you use it for any aos ability, or it only works for that one?
if it works for all, will that macro work then for the ML one?

but this may never get fixed, because RunUO have not even completely gotten ML to work with it, so it is all 3rd party support for ML, so RunUO has no official support for ML yet (complete, there is some that is in 2.0 final)
and since Zippy is basicaly retired from Razor, etc, and there is no official code for ML yet, ML, KR & SA weapons and abilities will probably not be supported then


Yeah =( I have resigned myself to adjust and get used to another key for specials (using the client macros). But it's gonna take a while. Old habits die hard :p