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Reading Client process memory


Reading Client process memory

In the file ProcessStream.cs it gets a handle to the Client process and use ReadProcessMemory( m_Process, m_Position, p + offset, count, ref res ) to access its memory. Everything is clear except for m_Position and p+Offset. Does anyone have documentation on where everything is layed out in the Client's memory?
Again thanks a lot


if this works like the API ReadProcessMemory

m_position is the address to start reading (as in offset) and p+offset should be your buffer`s address but I`m not sure since I don`t use Ultima SDK

I know what the code does. What I need is the addresses where everything exists in the Client's memory. Like, what offset is the STR, DEX, INT... where's the last system message... and so on.


It's very simple to do... for me this take 5 minutes.... i use 2.0.3 Client Version.... and ... find this value...

LastMessage 20040094... this offset content last sysmessage ....

str - 013E3160 - 4 byte value
dex - 013E3164 - 4 byte value
int - 013E3168 - 4 byte value

or same value here

str - 00B65718 - 2 byte value
dex - 00B6571A - 2 byte value
int - 00B6571C - 2 byte value


Z order at adress 00CC07FC - 4 byte value
Y at adress 00CC0800 - 4 byte value
X at adress 00CC0804 - 4 byte value

as you can see... x,y,z go with one end another start .... this block 12 byte... maybe use type... as example....

x as dword
y as dword
z as dword
end type

i find also .... anothe adress wich containe this value ... but ... i do not now which adress is true wich is false...

so you can ... make table for all client version.... and all value.... with your be working....

Craft Yor Own Client Engine! +) .... Or... BOT SYSTEM.... Or Flood Bot System....

P.S: My english so bad ..+) but i understend what your write in english .... so ... it is +)


I wonder if this same method can be transposed to the 4.0 clients. It should be, Lith-Ion, tell us if you get anywhere.

I bet zippy can give info, he does need similar information for razor.


XxSP1DERxX said:
I wonder if this same method can be transposed to the 4.0 clients. It should be, Lith-Ion, tell us if you get anywhere.

I bet zippy can give info, he does need similar information for razor.

if you what i help you with adress for your client version..... BUT! you must send your client on my E-MAIL.... and other who whant... please send me clients on my e-mail... i do not whant ... search clients in internet....

PS: my email [email protected] only client's! NO VIRUSIS! +)