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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] ItemID is usefull again


Liacs;699199 said:
yeah, I got the same problem. The stuff still shows UNIDENTIFIED even when I use the skill or a wand or whatever... :( (But just the jewelery and clothes. Armor and Weapons work fine)...

Well if that's what it is, then I think know the problem. The IDWands and the ItemID skill is set to only ID armor and weapons, not clothing and jewlery, all you have to do is go in there and set both the ItemID skill and the IDWands to do the same for clothing and jewelry.


Like this:

(add red stuff)

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Items
	public class IDWand : BaseWand
		public override TimeSpan GetUseDelay{ get{ return TimeSpan.Zero; } }

		public IDWand() : base( WandEffect.Identification, 25, 175 )

		public IDWand( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

		public override bool OnWandTarget( Mobile from, object o )
			if ( o is BaseWeapon )
				((BaseWeapon)o).Identified = true;
			else if ( o is BaseArmor )
				((BaseArmor)o).Identified = true;
[COLOR="Red"]			else if ( o is BaseClothing )
				((BaseClothing)o).Identified = true;
			else if ( o is BaseJewel )
				((BaseJewel)o).Identified = true;[/COLOR]

			if ( !Core.AOS && o is Item )
				((Item)o).OnSingleClick( from );

			return ( o is Item );

and then the ItemID skill:

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Items
	public class ItemIdentification
		public static void Initialize()
			SkillInfo.Table[(int)SkillName.ItemID].Callback = new SkillUseCallback( OnUse );

		public static TimeSpan OnUse( Mobile from )
			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500343 ); // What do you wish to appraise and identify?
			from.Target = new InternalTarget();

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 );

		private class InternalTarget : Target
			public InternalTarget() :  base ( 8, false, TargetFlags.None )
				AllowNonlocal = true;

			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
				if ( o is Item )
					if ( from.CheckTargetSkill( SkillName.ItemID, o, 0, 100 ) )
						if ( o is BaseWeapon )
							((BaseWeapon)o).Identified = true;
						else if ( o is BaseArmor )
							((BaseArmor)o).Identified = true;
[COLOR="Red"]						else if ( o is BaseClothing )
							((BaseClothing)o).Identified = true;
						else if ( o is BaseJewel )
							((BaseJewel)o).Identified = true;[/COLOR]

						if ( !Core.AOS )
							((Item)o).OnSingleClick( from );
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500353 ); // You are not certain...
				else if ( o is Mobile )
					((Mobile)o).OnSingleClick( from );
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500353 ); // You are not certain...


Hienrich Jager;699204 said:
EDIT: Ah... Good idea

Maby this picture will help explain it

The only thing I can think of that is not letting you do that is the settings in the IDWands.cs and the ItemIdentification.cs. They both are normally set to only ID BaseWeapon and BaseArmor, but you have to go into them both and set them to ID both BaseClothing and BaseJewel for them to be able to identify clothing and jewelry.


Solinari555;699494 said:
Nice job, a very cool idea.
The only problem is, it makes ItemID a critical skill for anyone serious about dungeon crawls.

Even when items were unidentified in Pre-AoS, the ItemID skill was never a critical skill. Because there was ID Wands, and they are still in the RunUO scripts. So just have a way for players to get those, and everyone will enjoy it.

And just a miner note to everyone, all of the Wands use to be unidentfied as well.


How to make it so that artifacts won't have to be identified?

Or if this is not possible, could we hide the artifacts' name and hue before identifying it?

And lastly, would it be better to make it that all unidentified items cannot be equipped or can be equipped but mods won't take effect(better).



I attempted to use the install directions to make it so that playercrafted items are always already Identified;

If you want to make it so that playercrafted items are always alreadt Identified, then add the following changes into your CraftItem.cs

Look for the line:
if ( item != null )

And add under it:
double chance = ((from.Skills[SkillName.ItemID].Value-10)*0.01);
chance += (from.Skills[SkillName.ArmsLore].Value*0.001);
if ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() )
if ( item is BaseWeapon )
((BaseWeapon)item).Identified = true;
if ( item is BaseArmor )
((BaseArmor)item).Identified = true;

                    double chance = ((from.Skills[SkillName.ItemID].Value - 10) * 0.01);
                    chance += (from.Skills[SkillName.ArmsLore].Value * 0.001);
                    if (chance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                        if (item is BaseWeapon)
                            ((BaseWeapon)item).Identified = true;
                        if (item is BaseArmor)
                            ((BaseArmor)item).Identified = true;

got the following errors:

+ Engines/Craft/Core/CraftItem.cs:
CS0103: Line 120: The name 'from' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 121: The name 'from' does not exist in the current context

Here is my full code from that area:

				if ( item != null )
                    double chance = ((from.Skills[SkillName.ItemID].Value - 10) * 0.01);
                    chance += (from.Skills[SkillName.ArmsLore].Value * 0.001);
                    if (chance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                        if (item is BaseWeapon)
                            ((BaseWeapon)item).Identified = true;
                        if (item is BaseArmor)
                            ((BaseArmor)item).Identified = true;
					itemID = item.ItemID;


Oops.. well, dont know what happened, but when I went back to my original craftitem.cs file, the server threw exception and died... not sure what the failure was, but this script was the only thing that was 'new'. Stability issues?


using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Engines.Craft
	public enum ConsumeType
		All, Half, None

	public interface ICraftable
		int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue );

	public class CraftItem
		private CraftResCol m_arCraftRes;
		private CraftSkillCol m_arCraftSkill;
		private Type m_Type;

		private string m_GroupNameString;
		private int m_GroupNameNumber;

		private string m_NameString;
		private int m_NameNumber;
		private int m_Mana;
		private int m_Hits;
		private int m_Stam;

		private bool m_UseAllRes;

		private bool m_NeedHeat;
		private bool m_NeedOven;
		private bool m_NeedMill;

		private bool m_UseSubRes2;

		private bool m_ForceNonExceptional;

		public bool ForceNonExceptional
			get { return m_ForceNonExceptional; }
			set { m_ForceNonExceptional = value; }

		private Expansion m_RequiredExpansion;

		public Expansion RequiredExpansion
			get { return m_RequiredExpansion; }
			set { m_RequiredExpansion = value; }

		private Recipe m_Recipe;

		public Recipe Recipe
			get { return m_Recipe; }

		public void AddRecipe( int id, CraftSystem system )
			if( m_Recipe != null )
				Console.WriteLine( "Warning: Attempted add of recipe #{0} to the crafting of {1} in CraftSystem {2}.", id, this.m_Type.Name, system );

			m_Recipe = new Recipe( id, system, this );

		private static Hashtable m_ItemIDs = new Hashtable();
		public static int ItemIDOf( Type type )
			object obj = m_ItemIDs[type];

			if ( obj != null )
				return (int)obj;

			int itemID = 0;

			if ( type == typeof( FactionExplosionTrap ) )
				itemID = 14034;
			else if ( type == typeof( FactionGasTrap ) )
				itemID = 4523;
			else if ( type == typeof( FactionSawTrap ) )
				itemID = 4359;
			else if ( type == typeof( FactionSpikeTrap ) )
				itemID = 4517;

			if ( itemID == 0 )
				object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( CraftItemIDAttribute ), false );

				if ( attrs.Length > 0 )
					CraftItemIDAttribute craftItemID = (CraftItemIDAttribute) attrs[0];
					itemID = craftItemID.ItemID;

			if ( itemID == 0 )
				Item item = null;

				try{ item = Activator.CreateInstance( type ) as Item; }

				if ( item != null )
					itemID = item.ItemID;

			m_ItemIDs[type] = itemID;

			return itemID;

		public CraftItem( Type type, TextDefinition groupName, TextDefinition name )
			m_arCraftRes = new CraftResCol();
			m_arCraftSkill = new CraftSkillCol();

			m_Type = type;

			m_GroupNameString = groupName;
			m_NameString = name;

			m_GroupNameNumber = groupName;
			m_NameNumber = name;

		public void AddRes( Type type, TextDefinition name, int amount )
			AddRes( type, name, amount, "" );

		public void AddRes( Type type, TextDefinition name, int amount, TextDefinition message )
			CraftRes craftRes = new CraftRes( type, name, amount, message );
			m_arCraftRes.Add( craftRes );

		public void AddSkill( SkillName skillToMake, double minSkill, double maxSkill )
			CraftSkill craftSkill = new CraftSkill( skillToMake, minSkill, maxSkill );
			m_arCraftSkill.Add( craftSkill );

		public int Mana
			get { return m_Mana; }
			set { m_Mana = value; }

		public int Hits
			get { return m_Hits; }
			set { m_Hits = value; }

		public int Stam
			get { return m_Stam; }
			set { m_Stam = value; }

		public bool UseSubRes2
			get { return m_UseSubRes2; }
			set { m_UseSubRes2 = value; }

		public bool UseAllRes
			get { return m_UseAllRes; }
			set { m_UseAllRes = value; }

		public bool NeedHeat
			get { return m_NeedHeat; }
			set { m_NeedHeat = value; }

		public bool NeedOven
			get { return m_NeedOven; }
			set { m_NeedOven = value; }

		public bool NeedMill
			get { return m_NeedMill; }
			set { m_NeedMill = value; }
		public Type ItemType
			get { return m_Type; }

		public string GroupNameString
			get { return m_GroupNameString; }

		public int GroupNameNumber
			get { return m_GroupNameNumber; }

		public string NameString
			get { return m_NameString; }

		public int NameNumber
			get { return m_NameNumber; }

		public CraftResCol Ressources
			get { return m_arCraftRes; }

		public CraftSkillCol Skills
			get { return m_arCraftSkill; }

		public bool ConsumeAttributes( Mobile from, ref object message, bool consume )
			bool consumMana = false;
			bool consumHits = false;
			bool consumStam = false;

			if ( Hits > 0 && from.Hits < Hits )
				message = "You lack the required hit points to make that.";
				return false;
				consumHits = consume;

			if ( Mana > 0 && from.Mana < Mana )
				message = "You lack the required mana to make that.";
				return false;
				consumMana = consume;

			if ( Stam > 0 && from.Stam < Stam )
				message = "You lack the required stamina to make that.";
				return false;
				consumStam = consume;

			if ( consumMana )
				from.Mana -= Mana;

			if ( consumHits )
				from.Hits -= Hits;

			if ( consumStam )
				from.Stam -= Stam;

			return true;

		#region Tables
		private static int[] m_HeatSources = new int[]
				0x461, 0x48E, // Sandstone oven/fireplace
				0x92B, 0x96C, // Stone oven/fireplace
				0xDE3, 0xDE9, // Campfire
				0xFAC, 0xFAC, // Firepit
				0x184A, 0x184C, // Heating stand (left)
				0x184E, 0x1850, // Heating stand (right)
				0x398C, 0x399F,  // Fire field
				0x2DDB, 0x2DDC	//Elven stove

		private static int[] m_Ovens = new int[]
				0x461, 0x46F, // Sandstone oven
				0x92B, 0x93F,  // Stone oven
				0x2DDB, 0x2DDC	//Elven stove

		private static int[] m_Mills = new int[]
				0x1920, 0x1921, 0x1922, 0x1923, 0x1924, 0x1295, 0x1926, 0x1928,
				0x192C, 0x192D, 0x192E, 0x129F, 0x1930, 0x1931, 0x1932, 0x1934

		private static Type[][] m_TypesTable = new Type[][]
				new Type[]{ typeof( Log ), typeof( Board ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( Leather ), typeof( Hides ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( SpinedLeather ), typeof( SpinedHides ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( HornedLeather ), typeof( HornedHides ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( BarbedLeather ), typeof( BarbedHides ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( BlankMap ), typeof( BlankScroll ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( Cloth ), typeof( UncutCloth ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( CheeseWheel ), typeof( CheeseWedge ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( Pumpkin ), typeof( SmallPumpkin ) },
				new Type[]{ typeof( WoodenBowlOfPeas ), typeof( PewterBowlOfPeas ) }

		private static Type[] m_ColoredItemTable = new Type[]
				typeof( BaseWeapon ), typeof( BaseArmor ), typeof( BaseClothing ),
				typeof( BaseJewel ), typeof( DragonBardingDeed )

		private static Type[] m_ColoredResourceTable = new Type[]
				typeof( BaseIngot ), typeof( BaseOre ),
				typeof( BaseLeather ), typeof( BaseHides ),
				typeof( UncutCloth ), typeof( Cloth ),
				typeof( BaseGranite ), typeof( BaseScales )

		private static Type[] m_MarkableTable = new Type[]
					typeof( BaseArmor ),
					typeof( BaseWeapon ),
					typeof( BaseClothing ),
					typeof( BaseInstrument ),
					typeof( DragonBardingDeed ),
					typeof( BaseTool ),
					typeof( BaseHarvestTool ),
					typeof( FukiyaDarts ), typeof( Shuriken ),
					typeof( Spellbook ), typeof( Runebook )

		public bool IsMarkable( Type type )
			if( m_ForceNonExceptional )	//Don't even display the stuff for marking if it can't ever be exceptional.
				return false;

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_MarkableTable.Length; ++i )
				if ( type == m_MarkableTable[i] || type.IsSubclassOf( m_MarkableTable[i] ) )
					return true;

			return false;

		public bool RetainsColorFrom( CraftSystem system, Type type )
			if ( system.RetainsColorFrom( this, type ) )
				return true;

			bool inItemTable = false, inResourceTable = false;

			for ( int i = 0; !inItemTable && i < m_ColoredItemTable.Length; ++i )
				inItemTable = ( m_Type == m_ColoredItemTable[i] || m_Type.IsSubclassOf( m_ColoredItemTable[i] ) );

			for ( int i = 0; inItemTable && !inResourceTable && i < m_ColoredResourceTable.Length; ++i )
				inResourceTable = ( type == m_ColoredResourceTable[i] || type.IsSubclassOf( m_ColoredResourceTable[i] ) );

			return ( inItemTable && inResourceTable );

		public bool Find( Mobile from, int[] itemIDs )
			Map map = from.Map;

			if ( map == null )
				return false;

			IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInRange( from.Location, 2 );

			foreach ( Item item in eable )
				if ( (item.Z + 16) > from.Z && (from.Z + 16) > item.Z && Find( item.ItemID, itemIDs ) )
					return true;


			for ( int x = -2; x <= 2; ++x )
				for ( int y = -2; y <= 2; ++y )
					int vx = from.X + x;
					int vy = from.Y + y;

					Tile[] tiles = map.Tiles.GetStaticTiles( vx, vy, true );

					for ( int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; ++i )
						int z = tiles[i].Z;
						int id = tiles[i].ID & 0x3FFF;

						if ( (z + 16) > from.Z && (from.Z + 16) > z && Find( id, itemIDs ) )
							return true;

			return false;

		public bool Find( int itemID, int[] itemIDs )
			bool contains = false;

			for ( int i = 0; !contains && i < itemIDs.Length; i += 2 )
				contains = ( itemID >= itemIDs[i] && itemID <= itemIDs[i + 1] );

			return contains;

		public bool IsQuantityType( Type[][] types )
			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i )
				Type[] check = types[i];

				for ( int j = 0; j < check.Length; ++j )
					if ( typeof( IHasQuantity ).IsAssignableFrom( check[j] ) )
						return true;

			return false;

		public int ConsumeQuantity( Container cont, Type[][] types, int[] amounts )
			if ( types.Length != amounts.Length )
				throw new ArgumentException();

			Item[][] items = new Item[types.Length][];
			int[] totals = new int[types.Length];

			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i )
				items[i] = cont.FindItemsByType( types[i], true );

				for ( int j = 0; j < items[i].Length; ++j )
					IHasQuantity hq = items[i][j] as IHasQuantity;

					if ( hq == null )
						totals[i] += items[i][j].Amount;
						if ( hq is BaseBeverage && ((BaseBeverage)hq).Content != BeverageType.Water )

						totals[i] += hq.Quantity;

				if ( totals[i] < amounts[i] )
					return i;

			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i )
				int need = amounts[i];

				for ( int j = 0; j < items[i].Length; ++j )
					Item item = items[i][j];
					IHasQuantity hq = item as IHasQuantity;

					if ( hq == null )
						int theirAmount = item.Amount;

						if ( theirAmount < need )
							need -= theirAmount;
							item.Consume( need );
						if ( hq is BaseBeverage && ((BaseBeverage)hq).Content != BeverageType.Water )

						int theirAmount = hq.Quantity;

						if ( theirAmount < need )
							hq.Quantity -= theirAmount;
							need -= theirAmount;
							hq.Quantity -= need;

			return -1;

		public int GetQuantity( Container cont, Type[] types )
			Item[] items = cont.FindItemsByType( types, true );

			int amount = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i )
				IHasQuantity hq = items[i] as IHasQuantity;

				if ( hq == null )
					amount += items[i].Amount;
					if ( hq is BaseBeverage && ((BaseBeverage)hq).Content != BeverageType.Water )

					amount += hq.Quantity;

			return amount;

		public bool ConsumeRes( Mobile from, Type typeRes, CraftSystem craftSystem, ref int resHue, ref int maxAmount, ConsumeType consumeType, ref object message )
			return ConsumeRes( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref resHue, ref maxAmount, consumeType, ref message, false );

		public bool ConsumeRes( Mobile from, Type typeRes, CraftSystem craftSystem, ref int resHue, ref int maxAmount, ConsumeType consumeType, ref object message, bool isFailure )
			Container ourPack = from.Backpack;

			if ( ourPack == null )
				return false;

			if ( m_NeedHeat && !Find( from, m_HeatSources ) )
				message = 1044487; // You must be near a fire source to cook.
				return false;

			if ( m_NeedOven && !Find( from, m_Ovens ) )
				message = 1044493; // You must be near an oven to bake that.
				return false;

			if ( m_NeedMill && !Find( from, m_Mills ) )
				message = 1044491; // You must be near a flour mill to do that.
				return false;

			Type[][] types = new Type[m_arCraftRes.Count][];
			int[] amounts = new int[m_arCraftRes.Count];

			maxAmount = int.MaxValue;

			CraftSubResCol resCol = ( m_UseSubRes2 ? craftSystem.CraftSubRes2 : craftSystem.CraftSubRes );

			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i )
				CraftRes craftRes = m_arCraftRes.GetAt( i );
				Type baseType = craftRes.ItemType;

				// Resource Mutation
				if ( (baseType == resCol.ResType) && ( typeRes != null ) )
					baseType = typeRes;

					CraftSubRes subResource = resCol.SearchFor( baseType );

					if ( subResource != null && from.Skills[craftSystem.MainSkill].Base < subResource.RequiredSkill )
						message = subResource.Message;
						return false;
				// ******************

				for ( int j = 0; types[i] == null && j < m_TypesTable.Length; ++j )
					if ( m_TypesTable[j][0] == baseType )
						types[i] = m_TypesTable[j];

				if ( types[i] == null )
					types[i] = new Type[]{ baseType };

				/*if ( !retainedColor && RetainsColorFrom( craftSystem, baseType ) )
					retainedColor = true;
					Item resItem = ourPack.FindItemByType( types[i] );

					if ( resItem != null )
						resHue = resItem.Hue;

				amounts[i] = craftRes.Amount;

				// For stackable items that can ben crafted more than one at a time
				if ( UseAllRes )
					int tempAmount = ourPack.GetAmount( types[i] );
					tempAmount /= amounts[i];
					if ( tempAmount < maxAmount )
						maxAmount = tempAmount;

						if ( maxAmount == 0 )
							CraftRes res = m_arCraftRes.GetAt( i );

							if ( res.MessageNumber > 0 )
								message = res.MessageNumber;
							else if ( res.MessageString != null && res.MessageString != String.Empty )
								message = res.MessageString;
								message = 502925; // You don't have the resources required to make that item.

							return false;
				// ****************************

				if ( isFailure && !craftSystem.ConsumeOnFailure( from, types[i][0], this ) )
					amounts[i] = 0;

			// We adjust the amount of each resource to consume the max posible
			if ( UseAllRes )
				for ( int i = 0; i < amounts.Length; ++i )
					amounts[i] *= maxAmount;
				maxAmount = -1;

			Item consumeExtra = null;

			if ( m_NameNumber == 1041267 )
				// Runebooks are a special case, they need a blank recall rune

				Item[] runes = ourPack.FindItemsByType( typeof( RecallRune ) );

				for ( int i = 0; i < runes.Length; ++i )
					RecallRune rune = runes[i] as RecallRune;

					if ( rune != null && !rune.Marked )
						consumeExtra = rune;

				if ( consumeExtra == null )
					message = 1044253; // You don't have the components needed to make that.
					return false;
			int index = 0;

			// Consume ALL
			if ( consumeType == ConsumeType.All )
				m_ResHue = 0; m_ResAmount = 0; m_System = craftSystem;

				if ( IsQuantityType( types ) )
					index = ConsumeQuantity( ourPack, types, amounts );
					index = ourPack.ConsumeTotalGrouped( types, amounts, true, new OnItemConsumed( OnResourceConsumed ), new CheckItemGroup( CheckHueGrouping ) );

				resHue = m_ResHue;

			// Consume Half ( for use all resource craft type )
			else if ( consumeType == ConsumeType.Half )
				for ( int i = 0; i < amounts.Length; i++ )
					amounts[i] /= 2;

					if ( amounts[i] < 1 )
						amounts[i] = 1;

				m_ResHue = 0; m_ResAmount = 0; m_System = craftSystem;

				if ( IsQuantityType( types ) )
					index = ConsumeQuantity( ourPack, types, amounts );
					index = ourPack.ConsumeTotalGrouped( types, amounts, true, new OnItemConsumed( OnResourceConsumed ), new CheckItemGroup( CheckHueGrouping ) );

				resHue = m_ResHue;

			else // ConstumeType.None ( it's basicaly used to know if the crafter has enough resource before starting the process )
				index = -1;

				if ( IsQuantityType( types ) )
					for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++ )
						if ( GetQuantity( ourPack, types[i] ) < amounts[i] )
							index = i;
					for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++ )
						if ( ourPack.GetBestGroupAmount( types[i], true, new CheckItemGroup( CheckHueGrouping ) ) < amounts[i] )
							index = i;

			if ( index == -1 )
				if ( consumeType != ConsumeType.None )
					if ( consumeExtra != null )

				return true;
				CraftRes res = m_arCraftRes.GetAt( index );

				if ( res.MessageNumber > 0 )
					message = res.MessageNumber;
				else if ( res.MessageString != null && res.MessageString != String.Empty )
					message = res.MessageString;
					message = 502925; // You don't have the resources required to make that item.

				return false;

		private int m_ResHue;
		private int m_ResAmount;
		private CraftSystem m_System;

		private void OnResourceConsumed( Item item, int amount )
			if ( !RetainsColorFrom( m_System, item.GetType() ) )

			if ( amount >= m_ResAmount )
				m_ResHue = item.Hue;
				m_ResAmount = amount;

		private int CheckHueGrouping( Item a, Item b )
			return b.Hue.CompareTo( a.Hue );

		public double GetExceptionalChance( CraftSystem system, double chance, Mobile from )
			if( m_ForceNonExceptional )
				return 0.0;

			switch ( system.ECA )
				case CraftECA.ChanceMinusSixty: return chance - 0.6;
				case CraftECA.FiftyPercentChanceMinusTenPercent: return (chance * 0.5) - 0.1;
				case CraftECA.ChanceMinusSixtyToFourtyFive:
					double offset = 0.60 - ((from.Skills[system.MainSkill].Value - 95.0) * 0.03);

					if ( offset < 0.45 )
						offset = 0.45;
					else if ( offset > 0.60 )
						offset = 0.60;

					return chance - offset;

		public bool CheckSkills( Mobile from, Type typeRes, CraftSystem craftSystem, ref int quality, ref bool allRequiredSkills )
			return CheckSkills( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref quality, ref allRequiredSkills, true );

		public bool CheckSkills( Mobile from, Type typeRes, CraftSystem craftSystem, ref int quality, ref bool allRequiredSkills, bool gainSkills )
			double chance = GetSuccessChance( from, typeRes, craftSystem, gainSkills, ref allRequiredSkills );

			if ( GetExceptionalChance( craftSystem, chance, from ) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
				quality = 2;

			return ( chance > Utility.RandomDouble() );

		public double GetSuccessChance( Mobile from, Type typeRes, CraftSystem craftSystem, bool gainSkills, ref bool allRequiredSkills )
			double minMainSkill = 0.0;
			double maxMainSkill = 0.0;
			double valMainSkill = 0.0;

			allRequiredSkills = true;

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_arCraftSkill.Count; i++)
				CraftSkill craftSkill = m_arCraftSkill.GetAt(i);

				double minSkill = craftSkill.MinSkill;
				double maxSkill = craftSkill.MaxSkill;
				double valSkill = from.Skills[craftSkill.SkillToMake].Value;

				if ( valSkill < minSkill )
					allRequiredSkills = false;

				if ( craftSkill.SkillToMake == craftSystem.MainSkill )
					minMainSkill = minSkill;
					maxMainSkill = maxSkill;
					valMainSkill = valSkill;

				if ( gainSkills ) // This is a passive check. Success chance is entirely dependant on the main skill
					from.CheckSkill( craftSkill.SkillToMake, minSkill, maxSkill );

			double chance;

			if ( allRequiredSkills )
				chance = craftSystem.GetChanceAtMin( this ) + ((valMainSkill - minMainSkill) / (maxMainSkill - minMainSkill) * (1.0 - craftSystem.GetChanceAtMin( this )));
				chance = 0.0;

			if ( allRequiredSkills && valMainSkill == maxMainSkill )
				chance = 1.0;

			return chance;

		public void Craft( Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool )
			if ( from.BeginAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) ) )
				if( RequiredExpansion == Expansion.None || ( from.NetState != null && from.NetState.SupportsExpansion( RequiredExpansion ) ) )
					bool allRequiredSkills = true;
					double chance = GetSuccessChance( from, typeRes, craftSystem, false, ref allRequiredSkills );

					if ( allRequiredSkills && chance >= 0.0 )
						if( this.Recipe == null || !(from is PlayerMobile) || ((PlayerMobile)from).HasRecipe( this.Recipe ) )
							int badCraft = craftSystem.CanCraft( from, tool, m_Type );

							if( badCraft <= 0 )
								int resHue = 0;
								int maxAmount = 0;
								object message = null;

								if( ConsumeRes( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref resHue, ref maxAmount, ConsumeType.None, ref message ) )
									message = null;

									if( ConsumeAttributes( from, ref message, false ) )
										CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

										if( context != null )
											context.OnMade( this );

										int iMin = craftSystem.MinCraftEffect;
										int iMax = (craftSystem.MaxCraftEffect - iMin) + 1;
										int iRandom = Utility.Random( iMax );
										iRandom += iMin + 1;
										new InternalTimer( from, craftSystem, this, typeRes, tool, iRandom ).Start();
										from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
										from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, message ) );
									from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
									from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, message ) );
								from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
								from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, badCraft ) );
							from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
							from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, 1072847 ) ); // You must learn that recipe from a scroll.
						from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
						from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, 1044153 ) ); // You don't have the required skills to attempt this item.
					from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, RequiredExpansionMessage( RequiredExpansion ) ) ); //The {0} expansion is required to attempt this item.
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500119 ); // You must wait to perform another action

		private object RequiredExpansionMessage( Expansion expansion )	//Eventually convert to TextDefinition, but that requires that we convert all the gumps to ues it too.  Not that it wouldn't be a bad idea.
			switch( expansion )
				case Expansion.SE:
					return 1063307; // The "Samurai Empire" expansion is required to attempt this item.
				case Expansion.ML:
					return 1072650; // The "Mondain's Legacy" expansion is required to attempt this item.
					return String.Format( "The \"{0}\" expansion is required to attempt this item.", ExpansionInfo.GetInfo( expansion ).Name );

		public void CompleteCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CustomCraft customCraft )
			int badCraft = craftSystem.CanCraft( from, tool, m_Type );

			if ( badCraft > 0 )
				if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, badCraft ) );
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( badCraft );


			int checkResHue = 0, checkMaxAmount = 0;
			object checkMessage = null;

			// Not enough resource to craft it
			if ( !ConsumeRes( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref checkResHue, ref checkMaxAmount, ConsumeType.None, ref checkMessage ) )
				if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, checkMessage ) );
				else if ( checkMessage is int && (int)checkMessage > 0 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( (int)checkMessage );
				else if ( checkMessage is string )
					from.SendMessage( (string)checkMessage );

			else if ( !ConsumeAttributes( from, ref checkMessage, false ) )
				if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, checkMessage ) );
				else if ( checkMessage is int && (int)checkMessage > 0 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( (int)checkMessage );
				else if ( checkMessage is string )
					from.SendMessage( (string)checkMessage );


			bool toolBroken = false;

			int ignored = 1;
			int endquality = 1;

			bool allRequiredSkills = true;

			if ( CheckSkills( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref ignored, ref allRequiredSkills ) )
				// Resource
				int resHue = 0;
				int maxAmount = 0;

				object message = null;

				// Not enough resource to craft it
				if ( !ConsumeRes( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref resHue, ref maxAmount, ConsumeType.All, ref message ) )
					if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
						from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, message ) );
					else if ( message is int && (int)message > 0 )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( (int)message );
					else if ( message is string )
						from.SendMessage( (string)message );

				else if ( !ConsumeAttributes( from, ref message, true ) )
					if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
						from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, message ) );
					else if ( message is int && (int)message > 0 )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( (int)message );
					else if ( message is string )
						from.SendMessage( (string)message );



				if ( craftSystem is DefBlacksmithy )
					AncientSmithyHammer hammer = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded ) as AncientSmithyHammer;
					if ( hammer != null && hammer != tool )
						if ( hammer.UsesRemaining < 1 )

				if ( tool.UsesRemaining < 1 )
					toolBroken = true;

				if ( toolBroken )

				int num = 0;

				Item item;
				if ( customCraft != null )
					item = customCraft.CompleteCraft( out num );
				else if ( typeof( MapItem ).IsAssignableFrom( ItemType ) && from.Map != Map.Trammel && from.Map != Map.Felucca )
					item = new IndecipherableMap();
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1070800 ); // The map you create becomes mysteriously indecipherable.
					item = Activator.CreateInstance( ItemType ) as Item;

				if ( item != null )
                    double chance = ((from.Skills[SkillName.ItemID].Value - 10) * 0.01);
                    chance += (from.Skills[SkillName.ArmsLore].Value * 0.001);
                    if (chance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                        if (item is BaseWeapon)
                            ((BaseWeapon)item).Identified = true;
                        if (item is BaseArmor)
                            ((BaseArmor)item).Identified = true;

					if( item is ICraftable )
						endquality = ((ICraftable)item).OnCraft( quality, makersMark, from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, this, resHue );
					else if ( item.Hue == 0 )
						item.Hue = resHue;

					if ( maxAmount > 0 )
						if ( !item.Stackable && item is IUsesRemaining )
							((IUsesRemaining)item).UsesRemaining *= maxAmount;
							item.Amount = maxAmount;

					from.AddToBackpack( item );

					//from.PlaySound( 0x57 );

				if ( num == 0 )
					num = craftSystem.PlayEndingEffect( from, false, true, toolBroken, endquality, makersMark, this );

				bool queryFactionImbue = false;
				int availableSilver = 0;
				FactionItemDefinition def = null;
				Faction faction = null;

				if ( item is IFactionItem )
					def = FactionItemDefinition.Identify( item );

					if ( def != null )
						faction = Faction.Find( from );

						if ( faction != null )
							Town town = Town.FromRegion( from.Region );

							if ( town != null && town.Owner == faction )
								Container pack = from.Backpack;

								if ( pack != null )
									availableSilver = pack.GetAmount( typeof( Silver ) );

									if ( availableSilver >= def.SilverCost )
										queryFactionImbue = Faction.IsNearType( from, def.VendorType, 12 );

				// TODO: Scroll imbuing

				if ( queryFactionImbue )
					from.SendGump( new FactionImbueGump( quality, item, from, craftSystem, tool, num, availableSilver, faction, def ) );
				else if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, num ) );
				else if ( num > 0 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( num );
			else if ( !allRequiredSkills )
				if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, 1044153 ) );
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1044153 ); // You don't have the required skills to attempt this item.
				ConsumeType consumeType = ( UseAllRes ? ConsumeType.Half : ConsumeType.All );
				int resHue = 0;
				int maxAmount = 0;

				object message = null;

				// Not enough resource to craft it
				if ( !ConsumeRes( from, typeRes, craftSystem, ref resHue, ref maxAmount, consumeType, ref message, true ) )
					if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
						from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, message ) );
					else if ( message is int && (int)message > 0 )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( (int)message );
					else if ( message is string )
						from.SendMessage( (string)message );



				if ( tool.UsesRemaining < 1 )
					toolBroken = true;

				if ( toolBroken )

				// SkillCheck failed.
				int num = craftSystem.PlayEndingEffect( from, true, true, toolBroken, endquality, false, this );

				if ( tool != null && !tool.Deleted && tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
					from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, num ) );
				else if ( num > 0 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( num );

		private class InternalTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_From;
			private int m_iCount;
			private int m_iCountMax;
			private CraftItem m_CraftItem;
			private CraftSystem m_CraftSystem;
			private Type m_TypeRes;
			private BaseTool m_Tool;

			public InternalTimer( Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, CraftItem craftItem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, int iCountMax ) : base( TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( craftSystem.Delay ), iCountMax )
				m_From = from;
				m_CraftItem = craftItem;
				m_iCount = 0;
				m_iCountMax = iCountMax;
				m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
				m_TypeRes = typeRes;
				m_Tool = tool;

			protected override void OnTick()


				if ( m_iCount < m_iCountMax )
					m_CraftSystem.PlayCraftEffect( m_From );
					m_From.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );

					int badCraft = m_CraftSystem.CanCraft( m_From, m_Tool, m_CraftItem.m_Type );

					if ( badCraft > 0 )
						if ( m_Tool != null && !m_Tool.Deleted && m_Tool.UsesRemaining > 0 )
							m_From.SendGump( new CraftGump( m_From, m_CraftSystem, m_Tool, badCraft ) );
							m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( badCraft );


					int quality = 1;
					bool allRequiredSkills = true;

					m_CraftItem.CheckSkills( m_From, m_TypeRes, m_CraftSystem, ref quality, ref allRequiredSkills, false );

					CraftContext context = m_CraftSystem.GetContext( m_From );

					if ( context == null )

					if ( typeof( CustomCraft ).IsAssignableFrom( m_CraftItem.ItemType ) )
						CustomCraft cc = null;

						try{ cc = Activator.CreateInstance( m_CraftItem.ItemType, new object[] { m_From, m_CraftItem, m_CraftSystem, m_TypeRes, m_Tool, quality } ) as CustomCraft; }

						if ( cc != null )


					bool makersMark = false;

					if ( quality == 2 && m_From.Skills[m_CraftSystem.MainSkill].Base >= 100.0 )
						makersMark = m_CraftItem.IsMarkable( m_CraftItem.ItemType );

					if ( makersMark && context.MarkOption == CraftMarkOption.PromptForMark )
						m_From.SendGump( new QueryMakersMarkGump( quality, m_From, m_CraftItem, m_CraftSystem, m_TypeRes, m_Tool ) );
						if ( context.MarkOption == CraftMarkOption.DoNotMark )
							makersMark = false;

						m_CraftItem.CompleteCraft( quality, makersMark, m_From, m_CraftSystem, m_TypeRes, m_Tool, null );


Here is the Exception:

World:  Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type:  Server.Items.GoldRing
- Serial: 0x400137D6
Delete the object? <y/n>
Delete all objects of that type? <y/n>
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate

System.Exception: Load failed (items=True, mobiles=False, guilds=False, type=Server.Items.GoldRing, serial=0x400137D6) ---> System.Exception:  ***** Bad serialize on Server.Items.GoldRing *****
at Server.World.Load<>
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load<>
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile<Boolean debug>
at Server.Core.Main<String[] args>
This exception is fatal, press return to exit


I've been waiting patiently for some sort of assistance on the problem, no word yet. I built a 100% clean RC1 shard and followed the install instructions and got the failure. Pity, I really liked the idea of the script.