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[RunUO SVN] Hawkins' Vendor Auction and Mall 2.0


mikeymaze;801021 said:
thanks man i commented out that line it seems to work good system u got here .

:D Thanks.

I am trying to make the bid gumps abit more intuitive, and to fix up some bugs in commission billing. And I am going to launch a new update these two days. :)


Updated, please refer to the 2nd post under OP, and re-download the package.

chagnes include,
  • - enhanced the Bidding features, added a Staff Bid Ledger for staff to manage bid approval for staff setup vendors
  • - corrected some bugs, including the commission calculation and charging
  • - added region control such that whether spell "Mark" is allowed can be set by staff's [props on the manager

You need to install Callandor2k's RunUO with Mondain's Legacy. Coz it's the version this development is based off.


More uptodate files are kept in CodePlex, here,

Release Notes
Hawkins' Vendor Auction and Mall System 2.0 Revision 11

- corrected pet seller showtime issues
- corrected a bug in StaffBidLedger causing null reference error
- corrected a bug in RestockableVendor and items can be removed properly
- Stackable items added to Restockable vendor will have a quantity of 1
- Restockable vendors now can sell 60000 stackable items and 999 non-stackable items

New features:
- Restockable vendors can be set to sell stackable items in bulk up to 60000 in quantity. They are now called Bulk Orderers.

To do so, just [props a Restocker and set 'IsBulk' to true. When 'IsBulk' is set to 'true', stock refilling will no longer increase or reduce the max quantity by half.


After applying to my own production shards, 2 major issues are reported. So I am sorry that I have to jet another release so soon.

You need to re-download the package, better from CodePlex:

Release Note

Release: Revision 12
CodePlex Build: 17332

- bug of HoldGold deserialization is fixed, such that vendor commission is reduced correctly after each server re-start
- bug of Pet Seller sending already sold pets to Internal map is fixed, such that during the road shows sold pets will be handled correctly
- road show pets after server re-start are handled more properly

New Features
- other than the "Mark" spell, both "Teleport" and "Recall" spells can be disabled from being casting inside a vendor mall


Just fixed a hard bug which is introduced by my fixing up of some other bugs. You may re-download now.

Apology. And this should be a stable, better be final, release.


There is a serious bug found.

when other currencies are used, restockable vendor and bulk orderer don't charge correctly using the classic vendor interface.

There will be update very soon to correct this.


Since one more distro file "BaseVendor.cs" is updated, you need to merge this file with your existing file.

Note: This package is developed under RunUO SVN, using Callandor2k's RunUO with Mondain's Legacy package. You are thus recommended to use the same version of RunUO and ML package.

Release: Revision 15
CodePlex Build: 20805

- distro file "BaseVendor.cs" is updated such that multiple currency purchase using classical vendor buying gump will handle the currencies correctly
- corrected a bug where pets on show purchased are with invulnerable status
- pets in forms of humans ( such as evo mercenary ) will not use the pet's own hue as shopitem, such that the displayed hue will not be 'black' in color

To download from CodePlex:



First of all, congrats on the script =) It's very very interesting, and I'm looking forward to putting it to use on my shard.

Hoever, there are a few things I wanna modify, or see modified/fixed, and I was hoping I'd get the support form the original scripter

Here's the list:

- of the 3 staff-run vendors, only the restockable vendor allows for the original buy gump, however, the Buy and Sell commands show up on the others as well. I'm trying to find a way to disable that (or maybe the others were supposed to have it working as well)

- The commissioned vendor has all the functions of a normal player vendor. This causes confusion because items added through the old system don't show up on the new shop inventory, and vice-versa. Is there a way to disable the old functions? I'm thinking of disabling old player vendors completely, so commenting out parts of the code is not an issue. This also applies for the old daily rent. I can't be sure if it actually takes the money out, but it still shows the time you have left, which can be confusing to players.

- If I add an item using the new system, I can't dismiss the vendor even if I take the item back. I need to use [viewequip and erase the containers used for the system

-When a comissioned player is dismissed, it would be great if the tile were created again :p

Again, thank you very much for the script =) I hope you keep improving it. I'm gonna take some time to try and figure out some of the issues on the list.



PitHelvit;804503 said:
First of all, congrats on the script =) It's very very interesting, and I'm looking forward to putting it to use on my shard.

Thanks. I've just done another round of bug fixing, and now the update is on test in my own shard and will launch it soon.

- of the 3 staff-run vendors, only the restockable vendor allows for the original buy gump, however, the Buy and Sell commands show up on the others as well. I'm trying to find a way to disable that (or maybe the others were supposed to have it working as well)

I made the change in BaseVendor.cs for this. Thanks.

- The commissioned vendor has all the functions of a normal player vendor. This causes confusion because items added through the old system don't show up on the new shop inventory, and vice-versa. Is there a way to disable the old functions? I'm thinking of disabling old player vendors completely, so commenting out parts of the code is not an issue. This also applies for the old daily rent. I can't be sure if it actually takes the money out, but it still shows the time you have left, which can be confusing to players.

this is because commissioned vendor is inherited from playervendor, and that it is difficult to trade off whether to remove the old features completely.

Anyway, I added a variable in CommissionedVendor.cs to disable the vendor's backpack from displaying to the buyers. Hope that this may cause less confusion to the buyers.

- If I add an item using the new system, I can't dismiss the vendor even if I take the item back. I need to use [viewequip and erase the containers used for the system

There is a bug in vendor dismissal. The history data is not handled correctly. It is fixed in the new update. Thanks.

-When a comissioned player is dismissed, it would be great if the tile were created again :p

I added an option to commissionedvendor.cs to allow shard owner to set globally whether to re-create the tiles automatically. Thanks.


Thank you so much for the quick update =) I've been battling with the script for days now (I have very limited scripting capabilities) and the progress was coming along slowly. I'll be waiting for the update on this amazing script then =) And congrats again on a great work!

By the way, short bug report :) : There are two functions initializing the vendor's body, hair and clothes. So Commissioned Vendors show up with two sets of clothing.


Recently, players in my own shard used this system intensively, and bugs found are fixed. Now it runs quite stably in my server.

The new update can be downloaded in,

Release: Revision 16
CodePlex Build: 22715

- Petseller didn't handle currency sales correctly, it always gives Gold to the owner instead of the correct currency ( fixed )
- Petseller didn't charge commission for hired pet sales ( fixed )
- Bidding may cause server crash when multiple players are competing for the same item ( fixed )
- Only the bid with highest amount placed can be approved ( after fixing, any bid can be approved )
- When Gold is used as currency, the owner is billed instead of the bider (fixed)
- Commissioned Vendor didn't dismiss properly ( fixed )

- Mall tiles are automatically added on commissioned vendor dismissal ( can be set in CommissionedVendor.cs )
- Useless "Buy" and "Sell" context menu options are removed from wandering traders and pet sellers
- Commissioned vendor's backpack can be disabled from being displayed to buyers ( option set in CommissionedVendor.cs )


Yap your update was exactly what I needed :) The system is now running exaclty how I wanted it.

I added the following modifications to adjust it to my shard:

- Added a variable to PlayerVendor.cs to check if it's a commissioned Vendor or not (to keep both systems enabled)
- Removed PlayerVendor clothing initializing if it's a commisioned vendor (since you already have a similar method on your script)
- Removed the drag-and-drop funcionality for items if it's a Commissioned Vendor (since they were going to the old system)
- Removed the "see goods" option from owner gump if it's a Commissioned Vendor.

This way it's impossible to get it wrong, but allows me to keep both systems working (not that I'm using the old one anymore)

Thank you again for the script :)
something wrong

Hi, what can be wrong in this case. I placed the manager with [manager comand but when i do a singe click on the manager gump with options dont appear. just showing managers name. Please help.

Sorry for my poor english.


mysterios;811414 said:
Hi, what can be wrong in this case. I placed the manager with [manager comand but when i do a singe click on the manager gump with options dont appear. just showing managers name. Please help.

Sorry for my poor english.

Just single click it and it will open the context menu.



I absolutely love this system. I wish I would have had it with my other two shards that I put together.

I do have one slight issue, though.

I currently was using this modification for my vendors:

It was helping me adjust the amount of buying and selling prices, without having to go and set them manually on all those scripts. Well, as you have probably already figured out... it also adjusts the prices and amount of items that I put on stockable vendors. So, if I tell it to have 1000 of something, it will pick from my defined range... as well as set the base price of the item according to my range of buying prices in the mod.

If there was way to keep the vendor prices contained on their own, that would be awesome. As it is now, in order to have the proper prices and amounts, I had to undo that modification (but was at least able to keep the 'sell back' price mod, as it didn't effect these vendors.)

The only other thing I wish I could have happen... is that you could select the amount of stackable items that you want to buy from the 'shop inventory' menu, instead of the 'buy' menu. It's a nit-picky thing, really... as the buy menu shows 'gold', even if you have the currency set differently. As it stands right now, you can only buy 1 item from the stackable at a time on the 'shop inventory' menu.

But FANTASTIC system. It is going to allow me to do a lot of great things!



When adjusting the vendor, I get this down on the bottom right (where you type your text):

'Buy Agent Warning: Contains Count 2 does not match ExtInfo 1.'

Not sure what that means there.


Running Callandor2k's ML svn, installed your system, merged distros and I get the following error in BaseVendor.cs.

 + BaseVendor.cs:
    CS0246: Line 765: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 766: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 768: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 1286: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBOD' could not be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 1287: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBODAcceptGump' cou
ld not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 1287: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBOD' could not be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 1287: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SendG
ump(Server.Gumps.Gump)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 1287: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'SmallMobileBODAcceptGu
mp' to 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
    CS0246: Line 1288: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 1289: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBODAcceptGump' cou
ld not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 1289: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 1289: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SendG
ump(Server.Gumps.Gump)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 1289: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'LargeMobileBODAcceptGu
mp' to 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
    CS0246: Line 128: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 129: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBODAcceptGump' coul
d not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 129: The type or namespace name 'SmallMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 129: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SendGu
mp(Server.Gumps.Gump)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 129: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'SmallMobileBODAcceptGum
p' to 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
    CS0246: Line 130: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 131: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBODAcceptGump' coul
d not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 131: The type or namespace name 'LargeMobileBOD' could not be f
ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 131: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SendGu
mp(Server.Gumps.Gump)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 131: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'LargeMobileBODAcceptGum
p' to 'Server.Gumps.Gump'

I have checked my playermobile and replaced it with the stock one from Callandor2k's download and still the same issue. Can anyone shed a little light on this for me please, the server ran fine prior to this install.


great system i just have one thing going wrong. for some reason i go through and set up the mall and place the manager and after a few days the manager just dissapears. I have to go through and re add the manager and set the mall region again. i need to know how to prevent the manager from dissapearing