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[say command help

Lord Wolff

[say command help

Does anyone have a version of the old [say command. When I updated my server, it appears that this script no longer functions correctly.



1) last time I checked it was against board rules to post something that doesn't belong to you, it's rude besides the point.

2) it's not good to post scripts that are unsupported, so if you're not willing to support errors/bugs people come up with, you shouldn't be posting it.

3) if it's no longer on this board, that means that it was written *at least* as far back as RCO, so it could have compatibility issues that haven't been tested yet.

That's why.

On a side note, since you didn't give credit to who's script it was, people will by default assume that it's your intellectual property, which it's not.


I think it was David that was the originator of the [say and [itemsay commands. At least that's who I've got them listed under for my future "Thanks to these scriptors" webpage.


well, there's a reason why everybody says "if it's not in the script submissions, you'll have to script it yourself."

and the one last reason why you shouldn't have posted it: requests are for subscribers only. this is to cut down on everybody and their momma requestings scripts and taking up the time of people who are already working on other fab systems and scripts. If you aren't willing to start doing it yourself, then you'll be hard pressed to have it your way. Take what's there, or make it yourself.

It's a harsh world out there. Sorry buddy.

BTW, anybody got that mil for me? I got bills to pay...and gosh darn it....I don't want to.


blackgriffin said:

1) last time I checked it was against board rules to post something that doesn't belong to you, it's rude besides the point.

2) it's not good to post scripts that are unsupported, so if you're not willing to support errors/bugs people come up with, you shouldn't be posting it.

3) if it's no longer on this board, that means that it was written *at least* as far back as RCO, so it could have compatibility issues that haven't been tested yet.

That's why.

On a side note, since you didn't give credit to who's script it was, people will by default assume that it's your intellectual property, which it's not.

Seriously, get a life....the person who posted the original message was ASKING if anyone HAD the script, not where the damn grammy award should go to. It's not hurting you or anyone else for this guy to pass it on and thanks to Milt I found what *I* was looking for too. *applauds* :rolleyes:


Joeku said:
"I see" said the blind man to the deaf mute

I've heard that before but it went:

"I see" said the blind man to his deaf dog over the disconnected telephone.


Next time, I would suggest you just PM him the thing privately, then this thread would have been alot shorter. :cool: