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Can the newest SDK send text to clients thats tital bar arnt "ultima online"? If so an example would be great.


uh.. i dont think it works that way..
the client your trying to use is prolly not the real uo client... or something..


With Razor out, you shouldn't rely on the window title anyway. I suggest using the winapi function FindWindow to search for the window through its class name, and SendMessage to actually send the text. It takes more work on your side than using the SDK, but you're safe against different titles. Also it's faster than the FindProcesses function that I guess the SDK is using.


I'm actually unsure why I decided to use a window name search--I've used FindWindow with the class name for all other similar applications. I'll see about getting this fixed for the next release.


I can answer this question I think.

When he gets it done, he will post it, he is a very busy man and doesn't need to be trying to guess when he will get stuff done.


Actually, I would say in the case of asking krrios SPECIFICALLY a question, DON'T use a forum, use a PM.


if you are trying to make something like uoloop or Dundees Other Hand, you don't even need the sdk...
i made NLoop (for the shard im staff on) and a prog that can store certain text under a button without using any sdk, i used vb6 with the postmessage api ... should be powerfull enough, unless you want to use ctrl/alt/shift .. in that case you have to use the sendkey function :?

Have Fun