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Setting MaxFollowers on 2.0 RC2


Setting FollowersMax on 2.0 RC2

Go into the playermobile.cs and add FollowersMax = **; in the constructors. Like so..
 public PlayerMobile()
m_VisList = new List<Mobile>();
m_PermaFlags = new List<Mobile>();
m_AntiMacroTable = new Hashtable();
[COLOR="Red"]FollowersMax = **;[/COLOR]  (whatever you want the amount to be)

m_BOBFilter = new Engines.BulkOrders.BOBFilter();

m_GameTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
m_ShortTermElapse = TimeSpan.FromHours( 8.0 );
m_LongTermElapse = TimeSpan.FromHours( 40.0 );

m_JusticeProtectors = new List<Mobile>();
m_GuildRank = Guilds.RankDefinition.Lowest;

m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo();

It will only show up on newly created player characters tho. Old ones need it manually added in thru props.