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show suggestion

show suggestion

The chat room mostly is silent and I personally don't like some stuff in the p/l at all, but hey, I like live shows. :p
Here is my suggestion for one: Make a RunUO quiz show. Questions broadcasted live from the DJ and participants can answer them in the channel, if they wish. No quiz a success without prizes huh? Offer a score table here in the Radio announcement forum.
Questions basically could be anything... music, films... anything, but most success would such a show have if the questions were UO related. *lol* But that would be up to the DJ. :)


Before such things we must create a table of rules such thing and create a Dj time table which we will also if we get permisson from Ryan creating a radio site where it will allow some news and tables of what show will be realesede at what time so..


This will be in VERY SOON.
We have a program that can do it.
Ryan paid it, we are still waiting for the link to download it from the company
Once we have it the radio station will rock =)
