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startup error

startup error

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2959.20979
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Unix environment detected
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error:
System.Exception: Compiler failed to produce the assembly. Stderr='', Stdout=''
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler.CompileFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromFile (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at Server.ScriptCompiler.CompileCSScripts (Boolean debug, Boolean cache, System.Reflection.Assembly& assembly) [0x00000]
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile (Boolean debug, Boolean cache) [0x00000]
at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

any ideas?
Ok fixed this error removed mono 1.9 and installed 1.2.6 now it compiled correct i only get one script error if i start the server

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 3123.3862
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 4 processors
Core: Unix environment detected
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: : /home/lithium/devel/runuo.exe (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Engines/CannedEvil/ChampionSpawn.cs:
CS0117: Line 924: `Server.GenericReader' does not contain a definition for `ReadItemG'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

the part of the script
#if MONO
m_Idol = reader.ReadItemG<IdolOfTheChampion>();
m_Idol = reader.ReadItem<IdolOfTheChampion>();
m_HasBeenAdvanced = reader.ReadBool();


this is the latest svn
Ok fixed i compiled with

gmcs -out:runuo.exe -d:MONO -optimize+ -unsafe -r:System,System.Configuration.Install,System.Data,System.Drawing,System.EnterpriseServices,System.Management,System.Security,System.ServiceProcess,System.Web,System.Web.Services,System.Windows.Forms,System.Xml -nowarn:219 -recurse:Server/*.cs

now i have a new error haha but we are getting there . Ok the next error i think tells me that it cant find the datafiles but i doublechecked my DataPath.cs

I found out that in some uo's the datafile tiledata.mul is named Tiledata.mul in some TileData.mul and tiledata.mul in mine it was Tiledata.mul and i had to rename it to tiledata.mul because linux is as we know Casesensitive keep that in mind

Ok server compiled and startet i could make a account and about to log in ^^
Succesfully made account logged in The next bug i found is in your admin/accounts tab it wont load the account data . u can create accounts but it wont show in teh tab
And another one My players can seem to place a house correctly but they cant acces the house maybe i have some filepermissions wrong . anyone know where to look ?


Vince-Lithium;769241 said:
Succesfully made account logged in The next bug i found is in your admin/accounts tab it wont load the account data . u can create accounts but it wont show in teh tab

Not sure about the housing issue, but this one is actually normal. RunUO doesn't load the account list when you first bring up the menu, but if you click on the Search button with the Name and Pass fields blank it should show a listing of all accounts.
It seems to be even a bug with the doors if i place doors with pandora with the doortool it will give the same mesage " U are not allowed to acces this" same with placing a house


Staff member
Vince-Lithium;769090 said:
RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2959.20979
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Unix environment detected
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error:
System.Exception: Compiler failed to produce the assembly. Stderr='', Stdout=''
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler.CompileFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromFile (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00000]
at Server.ScriptCompiler.CompileCSScripts (Boolean debug, Boolean cache, System.Reflection.Assembly& assembly) [0x00000]
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile (Boolean debug, Boolean cache) [0x00000]
at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

any ideas?

I am having that same error.

I did try what you mentioned about switching version of mono but it turned out unsucessful...

Any other suggestion on what we could try now ?


Staff member
Vince-Lithium;769976 said:
Did u replace the files before u compiled ? or after

We tried to compile using the newer version of Mono and failed.

We then switched Mono and it failed.

Afterward we re-installed the whole runuo system and that's where we are at :(
MadeInQuebec;769977 said:
We tried to compile using the newer version of Mono and failed.

We then switched Mono and it failed.

Afterward we re-installed the whole runuo system and that's where we are at :(

ye the newest mono wont do u need teh 1.2.6 ! then make sure u get the latest svn after this replace the svn files with the linux files from RavonTUS and AFTER that go into ur devel map and compile


Staff member
Vince-Lithium;769981 said:
ye the newest mono wont do u need teh 1.2.6 ! then make sure u get the latest svn after this replace the svn files with the linux files from RavonTUS and AFTER that go into ur devel map and compile

Sometimes I wish I wasnt such a noob at this stuff...

Thanks for the info, i'll wait until my hoster is available and send him that information.

I'll let you know how it worked.