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I want to write a script for a "[tellname" command. That way my players would only see "Human" displayed over other players heads and in paperdolls, unless somebody tells them their name. When introducing yourself you would use [tellname and target the player you are introducing to. Any suggestions? Cause I dont even know where to start. Give me a clue and ill set sail.


Check any command with target after invokation. After you make target you can think about next step.


Might do a search for the [say command script, not sure how much it would help, just a thought


Serialize a dictionary in playermobile that stores serial values with the name as the corresponding value. Then wherever the server sends a name display, change the name to the value stored under that serial in the dictionary, or a default if not found.

Then write the [tellname like a normal targeted command, and you can provide an optional argument so people can fake their identity as well, IE, [tellname Santa Claus would make the system think the person's name is Santa Clause for the targeted person.