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Trouble With Others Connecting.


Trouble With Others Connecting.

I have searched in the fourms for days, i have tried all that i can remember from my previous shard i ran. I have made many changes to try and get it to have some friends of mine connect. But im confused here are the changes that i have made, I am running 2.0 behind a router,

First I am using Mr Fixits Serverlist the only changes i have made to that is
next to public static string Address = " is inserted here";
Here is the entire scripit

// ==================================================================================================
// ServerList.cs
// ==================================================================================================
//    	1.0 	RunUO Beta 36	Initial version
//    	1.1 	Mr Fixit	Now automaticly detects if you are connecting localy and uses the
//				servers local ip in the client serverlist.
//	1.2	Mr Fixit	Internet IP autodetection using
//  	1.3	Mr Fixit	If script fails to find the internet ip, keep the old one and try
//				again in # minutes.
//      1.4	Mr Fixit	You can now add AutoIP mirrors. Added and
//      1.5	Mr Fixit	Adjusted the AutoIP mirror engine so it supports more mirrors.
//				Added and
//      1.6	Mr Fixit	IP is now trimmed (Just in case). Added,,
// and
//      1.7     Mr Fixit        Removed is it seems to be out of buisness.
//      1.8     Mr Fixit        Added a message to the console with ServerList.cs version when server loads.
//				Now detects the internet ip when the server starts.
//				Now checks if the ip has changed every 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
//      1.9     Mr Fixit        Removed mirror as it isnt working anymore.
//      2.0     Mr Fixit        Now only renews the ip every 24 hours (1440 minutes).
// ==================================================================================================

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Misc
	public class ServerList

		// ==================================================================================
		// ==================================================================================
		public const string ServerName = "EGM";

		// ==================================================================================
		// Here you can select to autodetect your internet ip, or manualy specify
		// Examples:
		// public static string Address = "";
		// public static string Address = "[COLOR="Red"] here[/COLOR]";
		// ==================================================================================
		public const bool InternetIPAutodetect = true;
		public const int MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect = 1440;
		public static string Address = "[COLOR="red"] Here[/COLOR]";
		// ==================================================================================
		// Here are some values stored
		// ==================================================================================
		private static LocalLanIPRange[] LocalLanIPRanges = new LocalLanIPRange[10];		
		private static UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesCount;
		private static AutoIPMirror[] AutoIPMirrors = new AutoIPMirror[10];	
		private static UInt32 AutoIPMirrorsCount;
		private static DateTime InternetIPAutodetectLast;

		// ==================================================================================
		// Initialization
		// ==================================================================================
		public static void Initialize()
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Select what port to use
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			Listener.Port = 2593;

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Load the local LAN ip ranges
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
			AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
			AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
			AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Load the Auto IP mirros
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is:<br>", "</FONT>");
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is: ", "<br>");
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "Current IP Address: ", "</body>");
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "<title>", "</title>");
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is  <B> ", " </B>");
			AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is <BR>", "<BR>");
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Create the event
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			EventSink.ServerList += new ServerListEventHandler( EventSink_ServerList );
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Show info in console
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			Console.WriteLine("Serverlist.cs: 2.0");
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Lets find internet ip
			// ----------------------------------------------------

		// ==================================================================================
		// Add a range of local lan ips
		// ==================================================================================
		private static void AddLocalLANIPRange(string RangeFrom, string	RangeTo)
			LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount] = new LocalLanIPRange();
			LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeFrom = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeFrom);
			LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeTo = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeTo);
			LocalLanIPRangesCount = LocalLanIPRangesCount + 1;
		// ==================================================================================
		// Convert a ip string to a binary unsigned int
		// ==================================================================================
		private static UInt32 StringIPToUInt32IP(string addr)
			byte[] byteArray1 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
			byte[] byteArray2 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
			byteArray1[0] = byteArray2[3];
			byteArray1[1] = byteArray2[2];
			byteArray1[2] = byteArray2[1];
			byteArray1[3] = byteArray2[0];
			return  BitConverter.ToUInt32( byteArray1, 0);

		// ==================================================================================
		// Used to store the local lan ip ranges
		// ==================================================================================
		private class LocalLanIPRange
			public UInt32			RangeFrom;
			public UInt32			RangeTo;

		// ==================================================================================
		// Add a AutoIP mirror
		// ==================================================================================
		private static void AddAutoIPMirror(string sURL, string	sStart, string sEnd)
			AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount] = new AutoIPMirror();
			AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sURL = sURL;
			AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sStart = sStart;
			AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sEnd = sEnd;
			AutoIPMirrorsCount = AutoIPMirrorsCount + 1;

		// ==================================================================================
		// Used to store the Auto IP mirrors
		// ==================================================================================
		private class AutoIPMirror
			public string			sURL;
			public string			sStart;
			public string			sEnd;
			public UInt32			iFailures;

		// ==================================================================================
		// Detect ip
		// ==================================================================================
		public static void DetectInternetIP()

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Autodetect the Internet IP
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			if (InternetIPAutodetect) {
				DateTime UpdateTime = InternetIPAutodetectLast;
				UpdateTime = UpdateTime.AddMinutes(MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect);
				if (UpdateTime<DateTime.Now) {
					string NewAddress = null;
					NewAddress = FindInternetIP();
					InternetIPAutodetectLast = DateTime.Now;
					if (NewAddress!=null) 
						Address = NewAddress;

		// ==================================================================================
		// The serverlist event
		// ==================================================================================
		public static void EventSink_ServerList( ServerListEventArgs e )

				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Lets find internet ip
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Find the server ip to use for this user
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				IPAddress ipAddr = FindMachineIP(e);
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Send serverlist
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				if (ipAddr != null)
					e.AddServer( ServerName, new IPEndPoint( ipAddr, Listener.Port ) );
				} else {
					e.Rejected = true;
				e.Rejected = true;
		// ==================================================================================
		// Connects to a webserver that gives you your internet ip
		// ==================================================================================
                public static string FindInternetIP( )

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Pick a random mirror
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			Random rnd = new Random();
			int UseMirror = (int)( rnd.NextDouble() * AutoIPMirrorsCount);
			string MyIP = "";
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Catch if the mirror is down
			// ----------------------------------------------------
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Get the webpage
				// ----------------------------------------------------
        	    		WebClient client = new WebClient();
            			byte[] pageData = client.DownloadData(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
            			MyIP = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pageData);
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Find the string
				// ----------------------------------------------------
                        	int iStart = MyIP.LastIndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart);   
                        	int iEnd = MyIP.IndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sEnd, iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length);
                        	MyIP = MyIP.Substring(iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length, iEnd-iStart-AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length );
                        	MyIP = MyIP.Trim();
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				// Return value
				// ----------------------------------------------------
                        	Console.WriteLine("Internet IP: {0} ({1})", MyIP, AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
        	                return MyIP;
				Console.WriteLine("Unable to autoupdate the Internet IP from {0}!", AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
				return null;
		// ==================================================================================
		// Calculates what server IP to use
		// ==================================================================================
                public static IPAddress FindMachineIP( ServerListEventArgs e )
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Find the IP of the connecting user
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			Socket sock = e.State.Socket;
			IPAddress theirAddress = ((IPEndPoint)sock.RemoteEndPoint).Address;				
			IPAddress serverAddress;

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Is it Loopback?
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			if ( IPAddress.IsLoopback( theirAddress ) )
				return IPAddress.Parse( "" );

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Local
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			UInt32 uint32Address = StringIPToUInt32IP(theirAddress.ToString());
			for (UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesLoop = 0 ; LocalLanIPRangesLoop < LocalLanIPRangesCount; LocalLanIPRangesLoop++)
				if ( (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeFrom <= uint32Address) && (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeTo >= uint32Address) )
					Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);
					Console.WriteLine("Player is reconnecting to " + serverAddress.ToString());
					return serverAddress;

			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// Internet addresses
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			if (Address!=null)
				Resolve(Address, out serverAddress);	
			} else {
				Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);	
			Console.WriteLine("Player is reconnecting to " + serverAddress.ToString());
			return serverAddress;

		// ==================================================================================
		// Resolves dns names
		// ==================================================================================
		public static bool Resolve( string addr, out IPAddress outValue )
				outValue = IPAddress.Parse( addr );
				return true;
					IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.Resolve( addr );

					if ( iphe.AddressList.Length > 0 )
						outValue = iphe.AddressList[iphe.AddressList.Length - 1];
						return true;
			outValue = IPAddress.None;
			return false;


Secound I am behind a Linksys Router I have what i believe to be as port forwarding but not a hundred percent sure so here is what i have done,

I have disabled my DHCP Server. Under Application/ Gaming i have Start 2593 end 2593, Protocl Both, and my Ip address is the Ip i got from the command prompt, which is the top ip. Found by typing in ipconfig in the run. Next i have DMZ Disabled.

Third In my Local area connection TCP/IP properties I have checked the Use the following ip address to make it static if im not mistaking I got the information for this also under the ipconfig in command prompt. I also have the use the following DNS server address checked. with the correct Information in both alternate and preferred.

I have Enabled my windows firwall but with the exspection of the port 2593 TCP checked to allow the port to be open. I have norton anti virus but i have disabled it to rule that out.

I believe that is it, Fyi i am able to connect my self on my computer using I am using razor to connect also, so are my friends trying to connect. I really appreciate anyone who talkes to time to help me out just a premature Thank You.