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webstatus.cs display vendor and what vendor is selling- Error.


With this code I was able to at least show 1 of the items that were in the container
But its not listing all of the different items in the container.
Still trying to get it to show all the items in all of the containers of the vendor.

                            if ( item is Container )
                                foreach ( Item subItem in item.Items )
                                    op.Write( "<tr><td>");
                                    op.Write("</td></tr>" );


:mad: There is got to be a better way of going threw all the containers of a vendor to check and see if items are for sale!
I got it to show items if in a container, but wont go threw the container thats inside the container.

And the way I have it setup atm it is having issues showing the price and description.

I am at a lost on this.

Attached is also an immage of what it is displaying atm.

This is what I have so far. But I definatly know it is not correct.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
        public static bool Enabled = true;
        public static void Initialize()
            if ( Enabled )
                new StatusPage().Start();
        public StatusPage() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 ) )
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
        private static string Encode( string input )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( input );
            sb.Replace( "&", "&amp;" );
            sb.Replace( "<", "&lt;" );
            sb.Replace( ">", "&gt;" );
            sb.Replace( "\"", "&quot;" );
            sb.Replace( "'", "&apos;" );
            return sb.ToString();
        protected override void OnTick()
//            World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "STARTING STATUS" );
            if ( !Directory.Exists( "web" ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( "web" );
            using ( StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter( "web/status.html" ) )
                op.WriteLine( "<html>" );
                op.WriteLine( "  <head>" );
                op.WriteLine( "      <title>DragonKnights UO Server Status</title>");
                op.WriteLine( "  </head>" );
                op.WriteLine( "  <body bgcolor=\"black\">" );
                op.WriteLine( "<img src= <br> " );
                op.WriteLine( "      <h3><font color =\"gold\">UltimaOnline Server Status</font></h3>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">Current Server Version # :</font></b><font color=\"green\"></font><br>");
                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">Status Page Last Updated:</font></b><font color=\"green\"> "+DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</font><br>");
                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">Total World Items:</font></b><font color=\"green\"> "+World.Items.Count.ToString()+"</font><br>");
                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">Total World Mobiles:</font></b><font color=\"green\"> " + World.Mobiles.Count.ToString() + "</font><br>");
                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">Total Online:</font></b><font color=\"green\"> " + NetState.Instances.Count.ToString() + "</font><br>");
                op.WriteLine( "<br>" );
//                op.WriteLine( "<br>" );
//                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">END OF TOP  - START OF ONLINE CLIENT TABLE</font></b><br>" );
#region online client table
                op.WriteLine( "<font color=\"green\">      <table width=\"100%\">" );
                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></font>" );
                op.WriteLine( "            <td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color =\"black\"><b><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> ONLINE PLAYERS:</b></font></td>" );
                op.WriteLine( "        </tr>" );
                op.WriteLine( "      </table>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<font color=\"green\">      <table width=\"100%\">" );
                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></font>" );
                op.WriteLine( "            <td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> Name</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Location</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Kills</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Karma / Fame</font></td>" );
                op.WriteLine( "        </tr>" );
                if (NetState.Instances.Count > 0)
                #region list online players     
                foreach ( NetState state in NetState.Instances )
                    Mobile m = state.Mobile;
                    if ( m != null )
                        Guild g = m.Guild as Guild;
                        op.Write( "        <tr><td><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> " );
                        switch (m.AccessLevel)
                        case AccessLevel.Player:
                        op.Write( "<font color = FFFFFF><b>Player</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.Counselor:
                        op.Write( "<font color = 008000><b>Counselor</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.GameMaster:
                        op.Write( "<font color = FF0000><b>GameMaster</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.Seer:
                        op.Write( "<font color = FF0000><b>Seer</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.Administrator:
                        op.Write( "<font color = FF0000><b>Administrator</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.Developer:
                        op.Write( "<font color = FF0000><b>Developer</b> - " );
                        case AccessLevel.Owner:
                        op.Write( "<font color = 0000FF><b>Owner</b> - " );
                        if ( g != null )
                            op.Write( Encode( m.Name ) );
                            op.Write( " [ " );
                            string title = m.GuildTitle;
                            if ( title != null )
                                title = title.Trim();
                                title = "";
                            if ( title.Length > 0 )
                                op.Write( Encode( title ) );
                                op.Write( ", " );
                            op.Write( Encode( g.Abbreviation ) );
                            op.Write( " ] " );
                            op.Write( Encode( m.Name ) );
                        op.Write( "</td><td><font color = 008000>" );
                        op.Write( m.X );
                        op.Write( ", " );
                        op.Write( m.Y );
                        op.Write( ", " );
                        op.Write( m.Z );
                        op.Write( " (" );
                        op.Write( m.Map );
                        op.Write( ")</td><td><font color = FF0000>" );
                        op.Write( m.Kills );
                        op.Write( "</td><td><font color = 800080>" );
                        op.Write( m.Karma );
                        op.Write( " / " );
                        op.Write( m.Fame );
                        op.WriteLine( "</td></tr>" );
                #endregion list online players
                    op.WriteLine( "<td><b><font color =\"red\">Nobody but us chickens! =P</font></b></td></tr>" );
//                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></tr>" );//added /tr
                op.WriteLine( "      </table>" );
#endregion online client table
#region player vendors table
//                op.WriteLine( "<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<font color=\"green\">      <table width=\"100%\">" );
                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></font>" );
                op.WriteLine( "            <td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color =\"black\"><b><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> PLAYER VENDOR SHOPS:</b></font></td>" );
                op.WriteLine( "        </tr>" );
                op.WriteLine( "      </table>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<font color=\"green\">      <table width=\"100%\">" );
                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></font>" );
                op.WriteLine( "            <td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> Owners Name</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Shops Name</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Vendors Name</font></td><td bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"black\">Location</font></td>" );
                op.WriteLine( "        </tr>" );
                foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
                    if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
                        PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
                        op.Write( "        <tr><td bgcolor=\"red\"><font color = \"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> " );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name );
                        op.Write( "</td><td bgcolor=\"red\"><font color = \"black\">" );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.ShopName );
                        op.Write( "</td><td bgcolor=\"red\"><font color = \"black\">" );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.Name );
                        op.Write( "</td><td bgcolor=\"red\"><font color = \"black\">" );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Map );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Backpack );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.AccessLevel );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location );
                        op.Write( "</td></tr>" );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.X );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Y );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Z );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.RawName );
//                        op.WriteLine( "---------------");
//                        op.WriteLine( "</td></tr>" );
                op.WriteLine( "<tr><td bgcolor=\"yellow\"><font color=\"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\">Amount</td><td bgcolor=\"yellow\"><font color=\"black\">Item</td><td bgcolor=\"yellow\"><font color=\"black\">Price for the Amount<t/d><td bgcolor=\"yellow\"><font color=\"black\">Description</td></tr>" );
                        foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
                            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
                            if ( item is Container )
                                foreach ( Item subItem in item.Items )
                                    string siname = subItem.Name;
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(siname))
                                        siname = subItem.GetType().ToString();
                                        if (siname.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                            siname = siname.Substring(siname.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                                    if ( siname.Length > 25 )
                                        siname = siname.Substring(0, 25);
                                    string sides = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                                    op.Write( "<tr><td bgcolor=\"orange\"><font color = \"black\">");
                                    op.Write("</td>" );
                                    op.Write( "<td bgcolor=\"orange\"><font color = \"black\">");
                                    op.Write("</td>" );
                                    op.Write( "<td bgcolor=\"orange\"><font color = \"black\">");
                                    op.WriteLine(vi.Price.ToString() );// SHOWS -1 instead of the price
                                    op.Write("</td>" );
                                    op.Write( "<td bgcolor=\"orange\"><font color = \"black\">");
                                    op.WriteLine(sides);// NOT SHOWING DESCRIPTION
                                    op.Write("</td></tr>" );
//                            if ( item is Container && item.Items.Count >0)
//                            {
//                                items = new ItemInfo[ item.Items.Count ];
//                                for ( int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++ )
//                                {
//                                    items[ i ] = new ItemInfo( item.Items[ i ] as Item );
//                                }
//                            }
//                            else
//                            {
//                                items = new ItemInfo[ 1 ];
//                                items[ 0 ] = new ItemInfo( item );
//                            }
//                            if ( item is Container && ( (Container)item ).Items.Count != 0 )
//                            {
//                                if ( ( (Container)item ).Items != null && ( (Container)item ).Items.IsForSale )
//                                {
//                                    string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
//                                    string name = ( (Container)item ).Items.Name;
//                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
//                                    {
//                                        name = item.GetType().ToString();
//                                        if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
//                                            name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
//                                    }
//                                    if ( name.Length > 25 )
//                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
//                                    string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
//                                    op.WriteLine( "<tr><td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> {0} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {1,-25} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {2,7} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {3} </td></tr>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );//Added </tr
//                                }
//                            }
                            if ( vi != null && vi.IsForSale )
                                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
                                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
                                string name = item.Name;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
                                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                                    if ( name.Length > 25 )
                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
                                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                                    op.WriteLine( "<tr><td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"><img src= align=\"absmiddle\"> {0} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {1,-25} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {2,7} </td> <td bgcolor=\"green\"><font color = \"black\"> {3} </td></tr>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );//Added </tr
//                op.WriteLine( "        <tr></tr>" );
                op.WriteLine( "      </table>" );
#endregion player vendors table
//                op.WriteLine( "<b><font color =\"gold\">END OF LINE</font></b><br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "  </body>" );
                op.WriteLine( "</html>" );
//                Console.WriteLine( "WEBSTATUS UPDATE COMPLETE");


Staff member
Are you using visual C# express?

If so than what you need to do is highlight the entire section inside the "foreach" you just added, right click on it and select: "refactor -> extract method".

If you don't than you need to create a method that does exactly the same thing and call it yourself.

In that method you need to do the check if the item is a container again and if so you call the method again.

This is called "recursion", you can google it up.


Staff member
I understand what you are trying to do.

I also explained what you need to do in order to make it happen.


I cleaned up the code and brought it down to the basics. Hopefully it will make it easier, for you, to help me in makeing it so that it will check all the containers in the vendors backpack, and list those items with the amount, name, price and description.:(
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
        public static bool Enabled = true;
        public static void Initialize()
            if ( Enabled )
                new StatusPage().Start();
        public StatusPage() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 ) )
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
        private static string Encode( string input )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( input );
            sb.Replace( "&", "&amp;" );
            sb.Replace( "<", "&lt;" );
            sb.Replace( ">", "&gt;" );
            sb.Replace( "\"", "&quot;" );
            sb.Replace( "'", "&apos;" );
            return sb.ToString();
        protected override void OnTick()
            if ( !Directory.Exists( "web" ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( "web" );
            using ( StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter( "web/status.html" ) )
                op.WriteLine( "<html>" );
#region player vendors table
                op.WriteLine( "PLAYER VENDORS:<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
                foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
                    if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
                        PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
                        op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
                        op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
                        foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
                            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
                            if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
                                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
                                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
                                string name = item.Name;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
                                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                                if (name.Length > 25)
                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
                                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                                op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );
                        op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
                    if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
                        op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
#endregion player vendors table
            op.WriteLine( "  </body>" );
            op.WriteLine( "</html>" );


Staff member
I appreciate the effort but did you try what I suggested here:

Are you using visual C# express?

If so than what you need to do is highlight the entire section inside the "foreach" you just added, right click on it and select: "refactor -> extract method".

If you don't than you need to create a method that does exactly the same thing and call it yourself.

In that method you need to do the check if the item is a container again and if so you call the method again.

This is called "recursion", you can google it up.


I have not downloaded C# express.

Googleing and tring to figure out "recursion" Seems like banging my head against a wall.
this is that
if that.isforsale
print that
if that is a bag
bag = bagthis
if bagthis !=null && isforsale
Idontknow is now-this
go back to begining return; is the return what I am missing? I DONT KNOW! LMAO:confused:Going nuts!
using System;
class Program
    static void RecuriveFunction(int x)
        if (x > 10)  //Condition to stop recursion
            return;  //Exit out of function
            RecuriveFunction(x + 1);  //Call myself
    static void Main()


Staff member
Download C# express (it's free from microsoft) and do the refactor thingy then.

First you need to get the method working, after that you need to make it recursive.


I downloaded c# express 2010, it does not come with the recursive (right click) aparently they took it out.
Since you know what I am trying to do, if you can help me with fixing the script, please do.
I am uninstalling the 2010 along with all the other unneeded stuff it installed into my system.


Staff member
Here's a step by step:

1. Highlight the entire section inside the "foreach" you just added.
2. Right click on it and select: "refactor -> extract method"

3. Post the new code with the new method here for further assistance.

I'm very willing to help you but I won't do it for you.


Staff member
too bad, you should really start to use Visual C# express, it'll make your life a lot easier when coding.

In any case let's do it step by step.

1. Create a new method that returns "void".

2. Call the method "GetVendorItemsDisplay" or something to that effect.

3. You new method needs to accept the following arguments:
3.1. "StreamWriter" you can call it "op".
3.2. "PlayerVendor" you can call it "pv".
3.3. "Item" you can call it "item".

After you created this new method:

4. Copy all the code inside the foreach loop that runs on the pv.GetItems() list into the new method, this is your actual code.

5. Write inside the foreach loop the following line
GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);

so it'll look like this:
... bla bla ...
op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
    GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
... bla bla ...

All the above steps is just the "extract method" part.

When you get this ready and working exactly like it is working now (meaning no contained items yet) post it here and I'll help you understand the recursive part.


I thought this is what you ment but I guess not.
Still trying to figure it out :oops::( :
+ Misc/ws-last working on - Copy.cs:
    CS1519: Line 168: Invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member de
    CS1519: Line 169: Invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member de
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
        public static bool Enabled = true;
        public static void Initialize()
            if ( Enabled )
                new StatusPage().Start();
        public StatusPage() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 ) )
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
        private static string Encode( string input )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( input );
            sb.Replace( "&", "&amp;" );
            sb.Replace( "<", "&lt;" );
            sb.Replace( ">", "&gt;" );
            sb.Replace( "\"", "&quot;" );
            sb.Replace( "'", "&apos;" );
            return sb.ToString();
        protected override void OnTick()
            if ( !Directory.Exists( "web" ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( "web" );
            using ( StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter( "web/status.html" ) )
                op.WriteLine( "<html>" );
#region player vendors table
//                op.WriteLine( "PLAYER VENDORS:<br>" );
//                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
//                foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
//                {
//                    if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
//                    {
//                        PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
//                        op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
//                        op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
//                        foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
//                        {
//                            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
//                            if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
//                            {
//                                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
//                                    continue;
//                                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
//                                string name = item.Name;
//                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
//                                {
//                                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
//                                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
//                                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
//                                }                               
//                                if (name.Length > 25)
//                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
//                                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
//                                op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );
//                            }
//                        }
//                        op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
//                    }
//                    if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
//                        op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
//                }
//                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
#endregion player vendors table
        private void GetVendorItemsDisplay(StreamWriter op, PlayerVendor pv, Item item)
            foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
                if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
                    PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
                    op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
                    op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
                    op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
                    foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
                        VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
                        if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
                            if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
                            string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
                            string name = item.Name;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                name = item.GetType().ToString();
                                if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                    name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                            if (name.Length > 25)
                                name = name.Substring(0, 25);
                            string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                            op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );
                            GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
                    op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
                if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
                    op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
                    GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
        op.WriteLine( "  </body>" );
        op.WriteLine( "</html>" );


Staff member
1. This is exactly why you need Visual C# Express.
It'll tell you exactly what's wrong with it by marking it with a nice little red line under it.

2. see step 4:
4. Copy all the code inside the foreach loop that runs on the pv.GetItems() list into the new method, this is your actual code.
You copied the code in the other foreach loop.

Also, don't forget step 5.


+ Misc/ws-last working on - Copy.cs:
    CS0136: Line 125: A local variable named 'pv' cannot be declared in this sco
pe because it would give a different meaning to 'pv', which is already used in a
'parent or current' scope to denote something else
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
        public static bool Enabled = true;
        public static void Initialize()
            if ( Enabled )
                new StatusPage().Start();
        public StatusPage() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 ) )
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
        private static string Encode( string input )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( input );
            sb.Replace( "&", "&amp;" );
            sb.Replace( "<", "&lt;" );
            sb.Replace( ">", "&gt;" );
            sb.Replace( "\"", "&quot;" );
            sb.Replace( "'", "&apos;" );
            return sb.ToString();
        protected override void OnTick()
            if ( !Directory.Exists( "web" ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( "web" );
            using ( StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter( "web/status.html" ) )
                op.WriteLine( "<html>" );
#region player vendors table
//                op.WriteLine( "PLAYER VENDORS:<br>" );
//                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
//                foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
//                {
//                    if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
//                    {
//                        PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
//                        op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
//                        op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
//                        op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
//                        foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
//                        {
//                            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
//                            if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
//                            {
//                                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
//                                    continue;
//                                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
//                                string name = item.Name;
//                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
//                                {
//                                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
//                                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
//                                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
//                                }                               
//                                if (name.Length > 25)
//                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
//                                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
//                                op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );
//                            }
//                        }
//                        op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
//                    }
//                    if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
//                        op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
//                }
//                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
#endregion player vendors table
        private void GetVendorItemsDisplay(StreamWriter op, PlayerVendor pv, Item item)
            foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
                if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
                    PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
                    op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
                    op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
                    op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
                    op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
                if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
                    op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
                GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
        op.WriteLine( "  </body>" );
        op.WriteLine( "</html>" );               


Staff member
You really should start reading what I'm saying.

4. Copy all the code inside the foreach loop that runs on the pv.GetItems() list into the new method, this is your actual code.
Copy only what is INSIDE the foreach loot that RUNS ON pv.GetITems().

The rest of the code should remain exactly as it was before (as in NOT commented out).

Please go back to the code you had before you attempted to follow my 5 steps instructions and follow them to the letter.
What you have now doesn't even come close to what you need to have after following those 5 steps.

Make sure you got your code to look like the example I gave you in that post because if it doesn't than you did something wrong and you need to try again.

If for some reason you think you don't fully understand my instructions than don't be shy and ask for clarifications.


Not to sure of this cause missing all the other info.
But in the last thing you said, "The rest of the code should remain exactly as it was before (as in NOT commented out)."
I marked it with //HERE?? to see if that is what you mean?
5. Write inside the foreach loop the following line
GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
so it'll look like this:
... bla bla ...
op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);
op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
... bla bla ...
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
        public static bool Enabled = true;
        public static void Initialize()
            if ( Enabled )
                new StatusPage().Start();
        public StatusPage() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 ) )
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
        private static string Encode( string input )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( input );
            sb.Replace( "&", "&amp;" );
            sb.Replace( "<", "&lt;" );
            sb.Replace( ">", "&gt;" );
            sb.Replace( "\"", "&quot;" );
            sb.Replace( "'", "&apos;" );
            return sb.ToString();
        protected override void OnTick()
            if ( !Directory.Exists( "web" ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( "web" );
            using ( StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter( "web/status.html" ) )
                op.WriteLine( "<html>" );
#region player vendors table
                op.WriteLine( "PLAYER VENDORS:<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
                foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
                    if ( mob is PlayerVendor )
                        PlayerVendor pv = mob as PlayerVendor;
                        op.WriteLine( "Owners Name , Shops Name, Vendors Name, Location <br>" );
                        op.WriteLine( pv.Owner.Name + "," + pv.ShopName + "," + pv.Name + "," + pv.Map + " - " + pv.Location + "<br>" );
                        op.WriteLine("Amount,Item,Price for the Amount,Description<br>");
                        foreach (Item item in pv.GetItems())
                            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
                            if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
                                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
                                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
                                string name = item.Name;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
                                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                                if (name.Length > 25)
                                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
                                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                                op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );
                            GetVendorItemsDisplay( op, pv, item);//HERE????

                        op.WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>" );
                    if(mob is PlayerVendor == null)
                        op.WriteLine( "There are no player vendors in the world at the moment.<br>" );
                op.WriteLine( "***************************************************************************************<br>" );
#endregion player vendors table
            op.WriteLine( "  </body>" );
            op.WriteLine( "</html>" );
        private void GetVendorItemsDisplay(StreamWriter op, PlayerVendor pv, Item item)
            VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(item);
            if (vi != null && vi.IsForSale)
                if (pv.Owner == null || pv.Owner.Name == "1k5g6se84f895s854f884s6a") //If name same as this it will not show items in list.
                string ownername = (pv.Name != pv.Owner.Name ? pv.Owner.Name : " ");
                string name = item.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = item.GetType().ToString();
                    if (name.LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
                        name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                if (name.Length > 25)
                    name = name.Substring(0, 25);
                string des = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vi.Description) ? " " : vi.Description);
                op.WriteLine( "{0} {1,-25} {2,7}  {3} <br>", item.Amount, name, vi.Price.ToString(), des );