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webstatus&how to lıst names ın an order


webstatus&how to lıst names ın an order

well ı thınk tıtle explaıns all thıs ıs my webstatus.cs and what ı wanna ask ıs ıf there ıs a way to lıst names ın an order lıke fırst staffs than players or ın an alphabetıc order and so ıf there ıs how??
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;

using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Accounting;

namespace Server.Misc
    public class StatusPage : Timer
	public string FormatTimeSpan(TimeSpan ts)
		return String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", ts.Days, ts.Hours % 24, ts.Minutes % 60, ts.Seconds % 60);
	public static string FormatByteAmount(long totalBytes)
	if (totalBytes > 1000000000)
		return String.Format("{0:F1} GB", (double)totalBytes / 1073741824);

	if (totalBytes > 1000000)
		return String.Format("{0:F1} MB", (double)totalBytes / 1048576);

	if (totalBytes > 1000)
		return String.Format("{0:F1} KB", (double)totalBytes / 1024);

		return String.Format("{0} Bytes", totalBytes);
	public static void Initialize()
		new StatusPage().Start();
	public StatusPage()
            : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0))
		Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;
	private static string Encode(string input)
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input);

		sb.Replace("&", "&");
		sb.Replace("<", "&lt;");
		sb.Replace(">", "&gt;");
		sb.Replace("\"", "&quot;");
		sb.Replace("'", "&apos;");

		return sb.ToString();
	protected override void OnTick()
		DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

	if (!Directory.Exists("web"))

	using (StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter("c:/Inetpub/vhosts/"))
		op.WriteLine("   <head>");
		op.WriteLine("       <br><p align=\"center\"><img align=\"center\" border=\"2\" border-color=\"FFFFFF\" src=\"\" </p>");
		op.WriteLine("      <title>Renovatio Server Status</title>");
		op.WriteLine("   </head>");
		op.WriteLine("   <body bgcolor=\"black\">");
		op.WriteLine("      <h1><font color=\"steelblue\">Renovatio UO Server Status</h1>");
		op.WriteLine("       <table>");
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Date & Time:</b> </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", DateTime.Now.ToString());
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Uptime:</b>      </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", FormatTimeSpan(DateTime.Now - Clock.ServerStart));
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Memory:</b>      </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", FormatByteAmount(GC.GetTotalMemory(false)));
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td width=\"5%\" height=\"15\"></td><td width=\"95%\" height=\"15\"></td></tr>");
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Mobiles:</b>    </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", World.Mobiles.Count.ToString());
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Items:</b>      </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", World.Items.Count.ToString());
	//op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"maroon\"><b>Moon Phase:</b> </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"silver\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", now.Hour.ToString());
		op.WriteLine("       </table>");

		op.WriteLine("       <table>");
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td width=\"5%\" height=\"15\"></td><td width=\"95%\" height=\"15\"></td></tr>");
		op.WriteLine("       <tr><td nowrap width=\"5%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"steelblue\"><b>Online clients:</b> </font></td><td width=\"95%\"><font face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\" color=\"goldenrod\" size=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></font></td></tr>", NetState.Instances.Count.ToString());
		op.WriteLine("       <table>");

		op.WriteLine("      <table width=\"100%\">");
		op.WriteLine("         <tr>");
		op.WriteLine("            <td bgcolor=\"maroon\"><font color=\"silver\"><b>Name</b></font></td><td bgcolor=\"maroon\"><font color=\"silver\"><b>Location</b></font></td><td bgcolor=\"maroon\"><font color=\"silver\"><b>Kills</b></font></td><td bgcolor=\"maroon\"><font color=\"silver\"><b>Karma / Fame</b></font></td>");
		op.WriteLine("         </tr>");
		op.WriteLine("         <font color=\"white\">");

		foreach (NetState state in NetState.Instances)
			Mobile m = state.Mobile;

                    if (m != null)
                        Guild g = m.Guild as Guild;

                        op.Write("         <tr><td><b><font color=\"white\">");
                        if (g != null)
			op.Write("<font color=\"white\">" + Encode(m.Name));
			op.Write(" [");

                            string title = m.GuildTitle;

                            if (title != null)
                                title = title.Trim();
                                title = "";

                            if (title.Length > 0)
                                op.Write(", ");
			op.Write( Encode( m.Name ) );

                        op.Write("</b></td><td><font color=\"white\">");                       
		if ( m.Region != null )
		op.Write("in Britannia");
                        op.Write("</b></td><td><b><font color=\"white\">");
                        op.Write("</b></td><td><b><font color=\"white\">" );
                        op.Write(" / ");
                        op.WriteLine("<b></td></tr><font color=\"white\">" );

                op.WriteLine("         <tr>");
                op.WriteLine("      </table>");
                op.WriteLine("   </body>");


Staff member
You'll have to loop twice, once add only staff and in the second time add the normal players.


		private class NameComparer : IComparer
			int IComparer.Compare( Object x, Object y )
				if( x is Mobile && y is Mobile )
					Mobile a = x as Mobile;
					Mobile b = y as Mobile;
					return( (new CaseInsensitiveComparer()).Compare( a.Name, b.Name ) );
				return 0;
That's a comparer that you could use for ArrayList.Sort() that will alphabitize the ArrayList. I'll leave it up to you to modify your code to use an ArrayList though :)

You could probably also modify this comparer to sort the AccessLevel as well, putting higher AccessLevels first, then alphabitize the names.


Download my In-Game Forum scripts(link is on my sig) and look for my DateSort class( its in ThreadEntry.cs, its a Comparer I wrote to sort things by date but also sorts stickies and announcements 1st, this removes the need to run through the loop 2 or 3 times to sort things the way you want them.