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What's your job? And do you like it?


I'm going to try to be a freelance programmer, and, hopefully, start my own company for web services and applications. Unfortunately I'm not as skilled at programming as I would like to be, but I'm working on it!

Go for it, it's actually more lucrative than you think. my first application, i designed for my dad's business (it was a work order/contact organizer). before it was even complete, i had sold 5 copies. 15 or so more followed in the next 2 months. at $350/seat, that's pretty damn good money for someone just starting out w/no advertisement. now i'm building a whole suite of business manager productes...
lemme know if you need a few pointers (via pm)


irro said:
one thing people dont understand.. is that i work there, and i still LOVE to go eat there

Yeah I bet you get a great discount as well lol

I am a paramedic for the NYC Fire Department. I spent the last 10 years working in Coney Island, busting my hump with all walk ups and down. It amazes me how many apartment buildings dont have working elevators ! Anyway aside from that its a great job. I recently transfered to Staten Island so I could be closer to home and slow down a bit since I lost a lot of my Umf for the job after 9-11.

I do still enjoy coming to the rescue. The heat of the moment, sirens blasting, lights flashing. I guess you could call me a trauma junkie, cause if its messy I wanna be there. The hardest part of my job is the kids. I still lose it emotionally when some young person is hurt badly and all I can end up doing is pretty much nothing.

Three months ago there was a really bad accident on the island. A woman was driving at excessive speeds down a major street and hit a telephone pole. She was ok , hardly a scratch on her. Her 6 y/o son was not as lucky. He was unresponsive and posturing - which basically means significant brain damage from trauma. I was able to intubate this kid and with the help of another crew we started work on him pronto. He went into cardiac arrest three blocks from the hospital and died shortly thereafter. Moral of this story for parents and child caretakers: Please , oh god Please use child seats and safety restraints. If this little fella was in a child seat properly secured he would be alive to play with my nephews. You don't ever wanna be the dad sitting in the emergency room waiting for news to be told that your son is gone. I had to watch and hear that. I had nightmares for a month aftewards.

Whoa .. sorry to be a downer .. sometimes my fingers race faster then my brain. Anyway it sorta helps to vent every now and then so thnx for listening


thats aweosme you get to help people everyday. I thought about being a cop today. maybe i can help some people out

Gandy897 said:
Yeah I bet you get a great discount as well lol

I am a paramedic for the NYC Fire Department. I spent the last 10 years working in Coney Island, busting my hump with all walk ups and down. It amazes me how many apartment buildings dont have working elevators ! Anyway aside from that its a great job. I recently transfered to Staten Island so I could be closer to home and slow down a bit since I lost a lot of my Umf for the job after 9-11.

I do still enjoy coming to the rescue. The heat of the moment, sirens blasting, lights flashing. I guess you could call me a trauma junkie, cause if its messy I wanna be there. The hardest part of my job is the kids. I still lose it emotionally when some young person is hurt badly and all I can end up doing is pretty much nothing.

Three months ago there was a really bad accident on the island. A woman was driving at excessive speeds down a major street and hit a telephone pole. She was ok , hardly a scratch on her. Her 6 y/o son was not as lucky. He was unresponsive and posturing - which basically means significant brain damage from trauma. I was able to intubate this kid and with the help of another crew we started work on him pronto. He went into cardiac arrest three blocks from the hospital and died shortly thereafter. Moral of this story for parents and child caretakers: Please , oh god Please use child seats and safety restraints. If this little fella was in a child seat properly secured he would be alive to play with my nephews. You don't ever wanna be the dad sitting in the emergency room waiting for news to be told that your son is gone. I had to watch and hear that. I had nightmares for a month aftewards.

Whoa .. sorry to be a downer .. sometimes my fingers race faster then my brain. Anyway it sorta helps to vent every now and then so thnx for listening


I was origianlly gonna be a cop, but the whole gun thing and having to possibly ever use it made me look elsewhere. Although i work with PD on lots of assignments and I count many as friends, I don't think I could ever shoot anyone .....except Phantom..... lol .. only kidding I couldnt even shoot him hehehe


Gandy897 said:
I was origianlly gonna be a cop, but the whole gun thing and having to possibly ever use it made me look elsewhere. Although i work with PD on lots of assignments and I count many as friends, I don't think I could ever shoot anyone .....except Phantom..... lol .. only kidding I couldnt even shoot him hehehe

That's like saying "Shoot Picasso"... just because you don't understand him now doesn't mean people in the future won't.


I work at a Factory wich produces food stufs like Fish Sticks, Grateng wich is mushed fish with potatoes etc with cheeze melted ontop, also make something called Pariser Pizza . and different kinds of vegitable mixes.

the factory is called Findus. :p

I'm ok with my job, not the best thing to do but it is work.

I make a 125kr an hour wich is devided by 6.5usd


Nochte said:
Go for it, it's actually more lucrative than you think. my first application, i designed for my dad's business (it was a work order/contact organizer). before it was even complete, i had sold 5 copies. 15 or so more followed in the next 2 months.

Sold it before it was done...Your fully qualified to work for EA :D

Im a tech for local county govt. and love my job. Been working there for about 2 years and I have to say its the best career choice I ever made. I had been a mailman for 7 years prior to that...that was a living hell!!! I had to take a 25% cut in pay but it was worth it. Every day you had to justify every second of every day about a dozen times...then of course the weather, people bugging you for their welfare checks, and just flat out annoyingly stupid people. It had actually gotten to the point where there are now bar codes scattered throughout the route that you have to be scanned, and if there is like a 2 minute difference from one day to the next, theres a supervisor all over your ass.
Now as long as no incidents stay open for an excessive amount of time, no one bothers you at all. You can just do your work and be happy. For me, my sanity was worth the pay cut (Im almost back up to what I was making at the PO), and thats not even counting the ankle and other health problems the job was causing.


Dipset said:
I work on at Circuit City helping customers find whatever there looking for, making suggestions, cashing people out, you know the average stuff. I do alot of standing around and get paid pretty good for it. Its a good job but by the time I get home my back hurts like whoa.
I have a funny Circuit City brother and I took his computer there to try and find a vid card...cause well, he's got a weird computer, it's OEM from lol....hah. But yea, it's "tiny" in that, it kinda looks like a VCR/

And well, the Circuit City guys immediately blew us off because they thought our machine we were asking about was a

Circuit City charges too much for there crap too :p

But right now, Im a full-time student (starting at BCC August 10 :p), going for Computer Information Technology.

BTW, I noticed a lot of people on these forums from Florida :p Including, Phantom :)


Hello, im 28 years old, have 1 son, house, wife :p, and my main job is at Bellsouth Telecomminucations and I love the pay/benefits/work that i do. If you can deal with corporate america this is a great job to have. Also, I am a computer administrator for 3 middle class business (30+ people per business). I had to take over my dads job after he was killed earlier this year by his girlfriend (stupid fucking whore) her court date is on oct 31. Anyway, i sortof inherited these jobs, but i handle them properly and maintain thier stuff well. Also i am a landlord with 2 houses im renting out which i will own in 25 years! My hobbies are computers(obvioulsy), Radio controlled cars and airplanes, Runuo :), and helping out people that are in need. Oh i about forgot, i also own a web reseller account that i make $ on and have a couple websites that make some as well. Here is one for instance


Industrial Mechanic

I repair poultry processing equipment for the 2nd largest poultry producer in the US. Right now I'm learning our 1st processing area (Eviseration equipment). Prior to that they've had me working on equipment we bought from a company based in Iceland called Marel who feels that they need to add so many electronic controls to a piece of equipment that the average tech can't figure out how to repair it........God they'd hate to see what I've done to their machines " we really need this frequency control.......Yank!!" Most of the job is either babysitting production workers or watching the chickens go round and round through the machines on the line.


Being happy in your job is the only way to live

I am 35, married, father of 3 children and do whatever I want (mainly subcontract in new and existing housing). Have a 24 unit apartment complex and 4 duplexes that keep me pretty busy. I do all my own maintenance on buildings and grounds so I save alot of cash by not having to pay someone to do it. I have a degree in Business Mgmt and another in IT Computer Networking. Computers are a hobby therefore I do not do it full time because then I would probably hate doing it. A word of advice to all people, that my father gave me, "people fear what they don't understand so if you make yourself knowledgable of all things then what do you have to fear?" I also love to hunt and fish therefore i spend alot of time outdoors. I think people have forgotten how to sometimes get outside and enjoy life and what it has to offer!


Im 30, father of 2, divorced, not remarrying.

IT-Systems Integration Specialist
IT-Application Developer for Hewlett Packard in Stuttgart Germany.

have worked in the User/PC/Software support area for over 10 years now.
I love user support, the stories you collect through the years are worth gold.


I work at a datacenter. I get to play on computers all day, on a 100mbit connection.

Thats all i need to say.



Drull said:
I work at a datacenter. I get to play on computers all day, on a 100mbit connection.

Thats all i need to say.


I love the backbone I sit on as well. the line goes straight from Stuttgart, Germany to Colorado, U.S.

I do all my "big" downloading from here (Mondains Legacy in 40 minutes)


Jarrod said:
Im 30, father of 2, divorced, not remarrying.

IT-Systems Integration Specialist
IT-Application Developer for Hewlett Packard in Stuttgart Germany.

have worked in the User/PC/Software support area for over 10 years now.
I love user support, the stories you collect through the years are worth gold.

HP must die! :mad:
/me has had bad experiences with HP products.

I am an industrial engineer in a ruber factory. We produce sealing systems for cars... and yes i like my job.
Oh nice. I am an unemployed (rubber) Extruder Operator (also made microscopic dies w/ minature geissen tools). Any jobs available? ;)

Went to a tech school for two years and just got certified in HVAC. Currently taking AutoCAD in hopes of blue printing "duct work" for $60/hour.


Jarrod said:
I love the backbone I sit on as well. the line goes straight from Stuttgart, Germany to Colorado, U.S.

I do all my "big" downloading from here (Mondains Legacy in 40 minutes)

40 mins for 700mb? Holy hell slow ;)


dont forget though, Im sharing the backbone with about 3000 other people here, and another 2000 in colorado.

and Lucid, I would never buy HP. they just pay me to be there.