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You know you're a moderator when...

You know you're a moderator when...

Under "Thread Delete Reason:" the phrase "Advertisement" is filled in with Autocompletion.

No matter how good of friends you are with users over AIM, ICQ and IRC, they still piss you off on the boards.

You can nuke people for -50 karma.

You intentionally ban, unban, and reban the stupidest of users just to laugh at the threads they make in response to being banned, unbanned and rebanned.

You are a regular attendee of the secret "Operation Take Over the World" meetings. err... not that we here at have any of those...

You've been hit on repeatedly in IRC by a drunken Ryan, and after refusing his advances, still have access to (I'm overqualified here)


I used to wish I was a mod, but now I don't because I am scared of getting hit on by scary stranger internet predator men! :p


When I turned to be a shard admin, it was like turning into a god... well, it was for about 2 weeks. Since then (from time to time) I wish I could turn back the clock and be a normal, ignorant user again *sigh*


Radwen said:
Hehe, power feels so good at first. Then the responsibility catches up and ouch :(.

Mainly I didnt make this choice for the power, but yeah, sometimes one is really wondering if its worth all that. I dont have a problem with responsibility, but as a player I could focus on myself... as a shard admin, you have to have the big picture in mind and stay on the bleeding edge, 24/7. And I'm only doing the tech stuff :/ You know, one of those guys that everybody is unaware of and nobody cares about... until something brakes ;)
Just a little bit of appreciation now and then would be really nice.


Just my 2 cents ;)


You know your a mod when you can give -50 karma to everyone in this post just for fun ... :eek:

Giving bad ideas here ...:rolleyes:


You know your a Mod when you figure out you can go into the users profiles and edit the karma directly... hehehe Phantom: +323 now -323 now +323 now -323 Mwahhhahaha!