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Creating a new weapon property.


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Fifth;
using Server.Spells.Seventh;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;

namespace Server
public class AOS
public static void DisableStatInfluences()
for( int i = 0; i < SkillInfo.Table.Length; ++i )
SkillInfo info = SkillInfo.Table;

info.StrScale = 0.0;
info.DexScale = 0.0;
info.IntScale = 0.0;
info.StatTotal = 0.0;

public static int Damage( Mobile m, int damage, bool ignoreArmor, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
return Damage( m, null, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, int damage, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
return Damage( m, null, damage, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, Mobile from, int damage, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
return Damage( m, from, damage, false, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, 0, 0, false, false, false );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, Mobile from, int damage, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy, int chaos )
return Damage( m, from, damage, false, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, chaos, 0, false, false, false );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, Mobile from, int damage, bool ignoreArmor, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
return Damage( m, from, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, 0, 0, false, false, false );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, Mobile from, int damage, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy, bool keepAlive )
return Damage( m, from, damage, false, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, 0, 0, keepAlive, false, false );

public static int Damage( Mobile m, Mobile from, int damage, bool ignoreArmor, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy, int chaos, int direct, bool keepAlive, bool archer, bool deathStrike )
if( m == null || m.Deleted || !m.Alive || damage <= 0 )
return 0;

if( phys == 0 && fire == 100 && cold == 0 && pois == 0 && nrgy == 0 )
Mobiles.MeerMage.StopEffect( m, true );

if( !Core.AOS )
m.Damage( damage, from );
return damage;

Fix( ref phys );
Fix( ref fire );
Fix( ref cold );
Fix( ref pois );
Fix( ref nrgy );
Fix( ref chaos );
Fix( ref direct );

if ( Core.ML && chaos > 0 )
switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
case 0: phys += chaos; break;
case 1: fire += chaos; break;
case 2: cold += chaos; break;
case 3: pois += chaos; break;
case 4: nrgy += chaos; break;

BaseQuiver quiver = null;

if ( archer && from != null )
quiver = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Cloak ) as BaseQuiver;

int totalDamage;

if( !ignoreArmor )
// Armor Ignore on OSI ignores all defenses, not just physical.
int resPhys = m.PhysicalResistance;
int resFire = m.FireResistance;
int resCold = m.ColdResistance;
int resPois = m.PoisonResistance;
int resNrgy = m.EnergyResistance;

totalDamage = damage * phys * (100 - resPhys);
totalDamage += damage * fire * (100 - resFire);
totalDamage += damage * cold * (100 - resCold);
totalDamage += damage * pois * (100 - resPois);
totalDamage += damage * nrgy * (100 - resNrgy);

totalDamage /= 10000;

if ( Core.ML )
totalDamage += damage * direct / 100;

if ( quiver != null )
totalDamage += totalDamage * quiver.DamageIncrease / 100;

if( totalDamage < 1 )
totalDamage = 1;
else if( Core.ML && m is PlayerMobile && from is PlayerMobile )
if ( quiver != null )
damage += damage * quiver.DamageIncrease / 100;

if ( !deathStrike )
totalDamage = Math.Min( damage, 35 );// Direct Damage cap of 35
totalDamage = Math.Min( damage, 70 );// Direct Damage cap of 70
totalDamage = damage;

if ( Core.ML && quiver != null )
totalDamage += totalDamage * quiver.DamageIncrease / 100;

#region Dragon Barding
if( (from == null || !from.Player) && m.Player && m.Mount is SwampDragon )
SwampDragon pet = m.Mount as SwampDragon;

if( pet != null && pet.HasBarding )
int percent = (pet.BardingExceptional ? 20 : 10);
int absorbed = Scale( totalDamage, percent );

totalDamage -= absorbed;
pet.BardingHP -= absorbed;

if( pet.BardingHP < 0 )
pet.HasBarding = false;
pet.BardingHP = 0;

m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1053031 ); // Your dragon's barding has been destroyed!

if( keepAlive && totalDamage > m.Hits )
totalDamage = m.Hits;

if( from != null && !from.Deleted && from.Alive )
int reflectPhys = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical );

if( reflectPhys != 0 )
if( from is ExodusMinion && ((ExodusMinion)from).FieldActive || from is ExodusOverseer && ((ExodusOverseer)from).FieldActive )
from.FixedParticles( 0x376A, 20, 10, 0x2530, EffectLayer.Waist );
from.PlaySound( 0x2F4 );
m.SendAsciiMessage( "Your weapon cannot penetrate the creature's magical barrier" );
from.Damage( Scale( (damage * phys * (100 - (ignoreArmor ? 0 : m.PhysicalResistance))) / 10000, reflectPhys ), m );

m.Damage( totalDamage, from );
return totalDamage;

public static void Fix( ref int val )
if( val < 0 )
val = 0;

public static int Scale( int input, int percent )
return (input * percent) / 100;

public enum AosAttribute

public sealed class AosAttributes : BaseAttributes
public AosAttributes( Item owner )
: base( owner )

public AosAttributes( Item owner, AosAttributes other )
: base( owner, other )

public AosAttributes( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
: base( owner, reader )

public static int GetValue( Mobile m, AosAttribute attribute )
if( !Core.AOS )
return 0;

List<Item> items = m.Items;
int value = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
Item obj = items;

if( obj is BaseWeapon )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseWeapon)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];

if( attribute == AosAttribute.Luck )
value += ((BaseWeapon)obj).GetLuckBonus();
else if( obj is BaseArmor )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseArmor)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];

if( attribute == AosAttribute.Luck )
value += ((BaseArmor)obj).GetLuckBonus();
else if( obj is BaseJewel )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseJewel)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if( obj is BaseClothing )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseClothing)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if( obj is Spellbook )
AosAttributes attrs = ((Spellbook)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if( obj is BaseQuiver )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseQuiver)obj).Attributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if ( obj is BaseTalisman )
AosAttributes attrs = ((BaseTalisman)obj).Attributes;

if (attrs != null)
value += attrs[attribute];

return value;

public int this[AosAttribute attribute]
get { return GetValue( (int)attribute ); }
set { SetValue( (int)attribute, value ); }

public override string ToString()
return "...";

public void AddStatBonuses( Mobile to )
int strBonus = BonusStr;
int dexBonus = BonusDex;
int intBonus = BonusInt;

if ( strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0 )
string modName = Owner.Serial.ToString();

if ( strBonus != 0 )
to.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

if ( dexBonus != 0 )
to.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

if ( intBonus != 0 )
to.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );


public void RemoveStatBonuses( Mobile from )
string modName = Owner.Serial.ToString();

from.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
from.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
from.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );


[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int RegenHits { get { return this[AosAttribute.RegenHits]; } set { this[AosAttribute.RegenHits] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int RegenStam { get { return this[AosAttribute.RegenStam]; } set { this[AosAttribute.RegenStam] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int RegenMana { get { return this[AosAttribute.RegenMana]; } set { this[AosAttribute.RegenMana] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int DefendChance { get { return this[AosAttribute.DefendChance]; } set { this[AosAttribute.DefendChance] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int AttackChance { get { return this[AosAttribute.AttackChance]; } set { this[AosAttribute.AttackChance] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusStr { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusStr]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusStr] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusDex { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusDex]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusDex] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusInt { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusInt]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusInt] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusHits { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusHits]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusHits] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusStam { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusStam]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusStam] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int BonusMana { get { return this[AosAttribute.BonusMana]; } set { this[AosAttribute.BonusMana] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int WeaponDamage { get { return this[AosAttribute.WeaponDamage]; } set { this[AosAttribute.WeaponDamage] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int WeaponSpeed { get { return this[AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed]; } set { this[AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int SpellDamage { get { return this[AosAttribute.SpellDamage]; } set { this[AosAttribute.SpellDamage] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int CastRecovery { get { return this[AosAttribute.CastRecovery]; } set { this[AosAttribute.CastRecovery] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int CastSpeed { get { return this[AosAttribute.CastSpeed]; } set { this[AosAttribute.CastSpeed] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int LowerManaCost { get { return this[AosAttribute.LowerManaCost]; } set { this[AosAttribute.LowerManaCost] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int LowerRegCost { get { return this[AosAttribute.LowerRegCost]; } set { this[AosAttribute.LowerRegCost] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ReflectPhysical { get { return this[AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical]; } set { this[AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int EnhancePotions { get { return this[AosAttribute.EnhancePotions]; } set { this[AosAttribute.EnhancePotions] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Luck { get { return this[AosAttribute.Luck]; } set { this[AosAttribute.Luck] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int SpellChanneling { get { return this[AosAttribute.SpellChanneling]; } set { this[AosAttribute.SpellChanneling] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int NightSight { get { return this[AosAttribute.NightSight]; } set { this[AosAttribute.NightSight] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int IncreasedKarmaLoss { get { return this[AosAttribute.IncreasedKarmaLoss]; } set { this[AosAttribute.IncreasedKarmaLoss] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Crit { get { return this[AosAttribute.Crit]; } set { this[AosAttribute.Crit] = value; } }

public enum AosWeaponAttribute

public sealed class AosWeaponAttributes : BaseAttributes
public AosWeaponAttributes( Item owner )
: base( owner )

public AosWeaponAttributes( Item owner, AosWeaponAttributes other )
: base( owner, other )

public AosWeaponAttributes( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
: base( owner, reader )

public static int GetValue( Mobile m, AosWeaponAttribute attribute )
if( !Core.AOS )
return 0;

List<Item> items = m.Items;
int value = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
Item obj = items;

if( obj is BaseWeapon )
AosWeaponAttributes attrs = ((BaseWeapon)obj).WeaponAttributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if ( obj is ElvenGlasses )
AosWeaponAttributes attrs = ((ElvenGlasses)obj).WeaponAttributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];

return value;

public int this[AosWeaponAttribute attribute]
get { return GetValue( (int)attribute ); }
set { SetValue( (int)attribute, value ); }

public override string ToString()
return "...";

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int LowerStatReq { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.LowerStatReq]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.LowerStatReq] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int SelfRepair { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.SelfRepair]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.SelfRepair] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLeechHits { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechHits]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechHits] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLeechStam { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechStam]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechStam] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLeechMana { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechMana]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechMana] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLowerAttack { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerAttack]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerAttack] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLowerDefend { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerDefend]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerDefend] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitMagicArrow { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitMagicArrow]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitMagicArrow] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitHarm { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitHarm]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitHarm] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitFireball { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireball]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireball] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitLightning { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLightning]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitLightning] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitDispel { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitDispel]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitDispel] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitColdArea { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitColdArea]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitColdArea] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitFireArea { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireArea]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireArea] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitPoisonArea { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitPoisonArea]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitPoisonArea] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitEnergyArea { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitEnergyArea]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitEnergyArea] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int HitPhysicalArea { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitPhysicalArea]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.HitPhysicalArea] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ResistPhysicalBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistPhysicalBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistPhysicalBonus] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ResistFireBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistFireBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistFireBonus] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ResistColdBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistColdBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistColdBonus] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ResistPoisonBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistPoisonBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistPoisonBonus] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int ResistEnergyBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistEnergyBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.ResistEnergyBonus] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int UseBestSkill { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.UseBestSkill]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.UseBestSkill] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int MageWeapon { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.MageWeapon]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.MageWeapon] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int DurabilityBonus { get { return this[AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus]; } set { this[AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus] = value; } }


public enum AosArmorAttribute

public sealed class AosArmorAttributes : BaseAttributes
public AosArmorAttributes( Item owner )
: base( owner )

public AosArmorAttributes( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
: base( owner, reader )

public AosArmorAttributes( Item owner, AosArmorAttributes other )
: base( owner, other )

public static int GetValue( Mobile m, AosArmorAttribute attribute )
if( !Core.AOS )
return 0;

List<Item> items = m.Items;
int value = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
Item obj = items;

if( obj is BaseArmor )
AosArmorAttributes attrs = ((BaseArmor)obj).ArmorAttributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];
else if( obj is BaseClothing )
AosArmorAttributes attrs = ((BaseClothing)obj).ClothingAttributes;

if( attrs != null )
value += attrs[attribute];

return value;

public int this[AosArmorAttribute attribute]
get { return GetValue( (int)attribute ); }
set { SetValue( (int)attribute, value ); }

public override string ToString()
return "...";

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int LowerStatReq { get { return this[AosArmorAttribute.LowerStatReq]; } set { this[AosArmorAttribute.LowerStatReq] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int SelfRepair { get { return this[AosArmorAttribute.SelfRepair]; } set { this[AosArmorAttribute.SelfRepair] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int MageArmor { get { return this[AosArmorAttribute.MageArmor]; } set { this[AosArmorAttribute.MageArmor] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int DurabilityBonus { get { return this[AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus]; } set { this[AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus] = value; } }

public sealed class AosSkillBonuses : BaseAttributes
private List<SkillMod> m_Mods;

public AosSkillBonuses( Item owner )
: base( owner )

public AosSkillBonuses( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
: base( owner, reader )

public AosSkillBonuses( Item owner, AosSkillBonuses other )
: base( owner, other )

public void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
SkillName skill;
double bonus;

if( !GetValues( i, out skill, out bonus ) )

list.Add( 1060451 + i, "#{0}\t{1}", GetLabel( skill ), bonus );

public static int GetLabel( SkillName skill )
switch ( skill )
case SkillName.EvalInt: return 1002070; // Evaluate Intelligence
case SkillName.Forensics: return 1002078; // Forensic Evaluation
case SkillName.Lockpicking: return 1002097; // Lockpicking
default: return 1044060 + (int)skill;

public void AddTo( Mobile m )

for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
SkillName skill;
double bonus;

if( !GetValues( i, out skill, out bonus ) )

if( m_Mods == null )
m_Mods = new List<SkillMod>();

SkillMod sk = new DefaultSkillMod( skill, true, bonus );
sk.ObeyCap = true;
m.AddSkillMod( sk );
m_Mods.Add( sk );

public void Remove()
if( m_Mods == null )

for( int i = 0; i < m_Mods.Count; ++i ) {

Mobile m = m_Mods.Owner;

if ( Core.ML )
CheckCancelMorph ( m );
m_Mods = null;

public bool GetValues( int index, out SkillName skill, out double bonus )
int v = GetValue( 1 << index );
int vSkill = 0;
int vBonus = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
vSkill <<= 1;
vSkill |= (v & 1);
v >>= 1;

vBonus <<= 1;
vBonus |= (v & 1);
v >>= 1;

skill = (SkillName)vSkill;
bonus = (double)vBonus / 10;

return (bonus != 0);

public void SetValues( int index, SkillName skill, double bonus )
int v = 0;
int vSkill = (int)skill;
int vBonus = (int)(bonus * 10);

for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
v <<= 1;
v |= (vBonus & 1);
vBonus >>= 1;

v <<= 1;
v |= (vSkill & 1);
vSkill >>= 1;

SetValue( 1 << index, v );

public SkillName GetSkill( int index )
SkillName skill;
double bonus;

GetValues( index, out skill, out bonus );

return skill;

public void SetSkill( int index, SkillName skill )
SetValues( index, skill, GetBonus( index ) );

public double GetBonus( int index )
SkillName skill;
double bonus;

GetValues( index, out skill, out bonus );

return bonus;

public void SetBonus( int index, double bonus )
SetValues( index, GetSkill( index ), bonus );

public override string ToString()
return "...";

public void CheckCancelMorph ( Mobile m )
if ( m == null )

double minSkill, maxSkill;

AnimalFormContext acontext = AnimalForm.GetContext( m );
TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext( m );

if ( context != null ) {
Spell spell = context.Spell as Spell;
spell.GetCastSkills ( out minSkill, out maxSkill );
if ( m.Skills[spell.CastSkill].Value < minSkill )
TransformationSpellHelper.RemoveContext( m, context, true );
if ( acontext != null ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < AnimalForm.Entries.Length; ++i )
if ( AnimalForm.Entries.Type == acontext.Type )
if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Ninjitsu].Value < AnimalForm.Entries.ReqSkill )
AnimalForm.RemoveContext( m, true );
if ( !m.CanBeginAction ( typeof ( PolymorphSpell ) ) && m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value < 66.1 ) {
m.BodyMod = 0;
m.HueMod = -1;
m.NameMod = null;
m.EndAction( typeof( PolymorphSpell ) );
BaseArmor.ValidateMobile( m );
BaseClothing.ValidateMobile( m );
if ( !m.CanBeginAction ( typeof ( IncognitoSpell ) ) && m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value < 38.1 ) {
if ( m is PlayerMobile )
((PlayerMobile)m).SetHairMods( -1, -1 );
m.BodyMod = 0;
m.HueMod = -1;
m.NameMod = null;
m.EndAction( typeof( IncognitoSpell ) );
BaseArmor.ValidateMobile( m );
BaseClothing.ValidateMobile( m );
BuffInfo.RemoveBuff( m, BuffIcon.Incognito );

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public double Skill_1_Value { get { return GetBonus( 0 ); } set { SetBonus( 0, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public SkillName Skill_1_Name { get { return GetSkill( 0 ); } set { SetSkill( 0, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public double Skill_2_Value { get { return GetBonus( 1 ); } set { SetBonus( 1, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public SkillName Skill_2_Name { get { return GetSkill( 1 ); } set { SetSkill( 1, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public double Skill_3_Value { get { return GetBonus( 2 ); } set { SetBonus( 2, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public SkillName Skill_3_Name { get { return GetSkill( 2 ); } set { SetSkill( 2, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public double Skill_4_Value { get { return GetBonus( 3 ); } set { SetBonus( 3, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public SkillName Skill_4_Name { get { return GetSkill( 3 ); } set { SetSkill( 3, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public double Skill_5_Value { get { return GetBonus( 4 ); } set { SetBonus( 4, value ); } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public SkillName Skill_5_Name { get { return GetSkill( 4 ); } set { SetSkill( 4, value ); } }

public enum AosElementAttribute

public sealed class AosElementAttributes : BaseAttributes
public AosElementAttributes( Item owner )
: base( owner )

public AosElementAttributes( Item owner, AosElementAttributes other )
: base( owner, other )

public AosElementAttributes( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
: base( owner, reader )

public int this[AosElementAttribute attribute]
get { return GetValue( (int)attribute ); }
set { SetValue( (int)attribute, value ); }

public override string ToString()
return "...";

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Physical { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Physical]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Physical] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Fire { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Fire]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Fire] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Cold { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Cold]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Cold] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Poison { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Poison]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Poison] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Energy { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Energy]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Energy] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Chaos { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Chaos]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Chaos] = value; } }

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int Direct { get { return this[AosElementAttribute.Direct]; } set { this[AosElementAttribute.Direct] = value; } }

public abstract class BaseAttributes
private Item m_Owner;
private uint m_Names;
private int[] m_Values;

private static int[] m_Empty = new int[0];

public bool IsEmpty { get { return (m_Names == 0); } }
public Item Owner { get { return m_Owner; } }

public BaseAttributes( Item owner )
m_Owner = owner;
m_Values = m_Empty;

public BaseAttributes( Item owner, BaseAttributes other )
m_Owner = owner;
m_Values = new int[other.m_Values.Length];
other.m_Values.CopyTo( m_Values, 0 );
m_Names = other.m_Names;

public BaseAttributes( Item owner, GenericReader reader )
m_Owner = owner;

int version = reader.ReadByte();

switch( version )
case 1:
m_Names = reader.ReadUInt();
m_Values = new int[reader.ReadEncodedInt()];

for( int i = 0; i < m_Values.Length; ++i )
m_Values = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

case 0:
m_Names = reader.ReadUInt();
m_Values = new int[reader.ReadInt()];

for( int i = 0; i < m_Values.Length; ++i )
m_Values = reader.ReadInt();


public void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
writer.Write( (byte)1 ); // version;

writer.Write( (uint)m_Names );
writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int)m_Values.Length );

for( int i = 0; i < m_Values.Length; ++i )
writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int)m_Values );

public int GetValue( int bitmask )
if( !Core.AOS )
return 0;

uint mask = (uint)bitmask;

if( (m_Names & mask) == 0 )
return 0;

int index = GetIndex( mask );

if( index >= 0 && index < m_Values.Length )
return m_Values[index];

return 0;

public void SetValue( int bitmask, int value )
if( (bitmask == (int)AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus) && (this is AosWeaponAttributes) )
if( m_Owner is BaseWeapon )
else if( (bitmask == (int)AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus) && (this is AosArmorAttributes) )
if( m_Owner is BaseArmor )
else if( m_Owner is BaseClothing )

uint mask = (uint)bitmask;

if( value != 0 )
if( (m_Names & mask) != 0 )
int index = GetIndex( mask );

if( index >= 0 && index < m_Values.Length )
m_Values[index] = value;
int index = GetIndex( mask );

if( index >= 0 && index <= m_Values.Length )
int[] old = m_Values;
m_Values = new int[old.Length + 1];

for( int i = 0; i < index; ++i )
m_Values = old;

m_Values[index] = value;

for( int i = index; i < old.Length; ++i )
m_Values[i + 1] = old;

m_Names |= mask;
else if( (m_Names & mask) != 0 )
int index = GetIndex( mask );

if( index >= 0 && index < m_Values.Length )
m_Names &= ~mask;

if( m_Values.Length == 1 )
m_Values = m_Empty;
int[] old = m_Values;
m_Values = new int[old.Length - 1];

for( int i = 0; i < index; ++i )
m_Values = old;

for( int i = index + 1; i < old.Length; ++i )
m_Values[i - 1] = old;

if( (bitmask == (int)AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus) && (this is AosWeaponAttributes) )
if( m_Owner is BaseWeapon )
else if( (bitmask == (int)AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus) && (this is AosArmorAttributes) )
if( m_Owner is BaseArmor )
else if( m_Owner is BaseClothing )

if( m_Owner.Parent is Mobile )
Mobile m = (Mobile)m_Owner.Parent;

m.Delta( MobileDelta.Stat | MobileDelta.WeaponDamage | MobileDelta.Hits | MobileDelta.Stam | MobileDelta.Mana );

if( this is AosSkillBonuses )
((AosSkillBonuses)this).AddTo( m );


private int GetIndex( uint mask )
int index = 0;
uint ourNames = m_Names;
uint currentBit = 1;

while( currentBit != mask )
if( (ourNames & currentBit) != 0 )

if( currentBit == 0x80000000 )
return -1;

currentBit <<= 1;

return index;


Fantastic, it all works. I can now edit the Crit rating, and my deeds can add ratings.

Only problem i have now is that i am trying to add the critical rating of a weapon to the player critrate. I type in [showcrit and still shows 3 with weapon on or off.

I added

private int m_CritRate;

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public int CritRate
get{ return ( m_CritRate ); }
set{ m_CritRate = CritRate; InvalidateProperties();}

public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
//Crit Droth
if ( m_CritRate != 0 )
PlayerMobile pmfrom = from as PlayerMobile;
pmfrom.Crit += m_CritRate;
return base.OnEquip( from );

int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

to around the OnEquip.

I have changed the Crit from the rest of the script to CritRate to prevent it crossing with the player Crit.

This will be the last thing to sort, and then I can add to my live server.


There's no real need to store their crit rating separately, there is a single method you can use to get the total value of all equipped items' attribute:

int critChance = AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue( mob, AosWeaponAttribute.Crit );


Well, that code can be used anywhere that you need to get their total equipped critical rating.
For example, any place you already have player.Crit - you can use that code instead (and remove the Crit property from PlayerMobile completely)

To implement crit properly, you should edit the Aos.Damage method (AOS.cs) and do your calculations there, then modify the damage variable based on crit.


Thank you, i will try and add it to playermobile, i still want to keep the 3% already starting with, but i want to add to that.


Ahh, well I suppose you can keep the property on PlayerMobile then, call it BaseCrit, or BonusCrit and then, where needed, do this;

int totalCrit = player.BaseCrit + AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue( player, AosWeaponAttribute.Crit );

It's more efficient than recalculating the player.Crit every time something is equipped/unequipped and means you can modify their base/bonus crit at will.


Thnx, will try that, just out of curiousity, if i wanted to create somethign that only i can edit, would be changing GameMaster to Owner in the command thing?


Changing it to Owner would let anyone with Owner-level privileges edit it via [props or similar.

If you are the only one, then yes, that will work.


The CommandProperty attribute controls who can see what on the [Props interface and who can use [Set and [Get on specific properties on an object.

[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster, AccessLevel.Owner )]

The above is not commonly used, but it allows you to set the access for Getting and Setting separately - so first argument represents the access needed to Get the property and the second represents Set.
Using the above code, you would be allowing GameMasters to get the value of the property, but only the Owner could set the value.

If you want only the Owner to have access to the property, just use AccessLevel.Owner by itself.