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Do you think Kerry Would Have Done Better Job Then Bush?

Do you think Kerry Would Have Done Better Job Then Bush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 45 56.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Kerry would have hidden under his desk. Fat lot of good that would have done.

War/conflicts sucks/suck. Deal with it. (Although Smurf is qualified to pontificate on this matter, having served in a few operations.)


Kerry's a chod, he alienated about 90% of all military veterans (which im one of). although i didnt vote for either of them...


Asmir3 said:
dood don’t get me start on that I went thought shit that no fucken kid did. Bosnia war one of the worst war in Europe. Barley any food, cant go outside bec fucken bombs and other shit where thrown like in front of your house.
I think living in USA is living in a fantasy there no war in USA, except a few bombing that happened
No doubt living in the USA is pretty good compared to many countries....But it has it down sides too.

We are under educated compared to many of the "First World Countries" in whole due to a educational system that considers it a priveledge to learn beyond basic education and even then they lie about this country's history. Granted I don't agree with the political systems of some countries requiring military service but those that do usually have the benifit of higher education being free for it's citizens.....That allows people in some 2nd and 3rd world countries to be better educated and I feel education is paramount in insuring a stable goverment.

There is poverty and hunger here too while not as wide spread it could easily be helped if the goverment would take a proactive role in helping this coutries citizens vs. giving away more in humanitarian aide each year to foriegn countries...I read that the US has the capability to feed the entire world if it wanted but they pay people to plow under crops while peope here in this country starve.

Political ambition has cast a side the needs of working class citizens. Employers here used to be required to pay you over time (1.5x base pay) on hours worked over 40 a it's optional unless your base pay is under x ammount or over x ammount leaving the majority of the country up to the will of the employer. This makes the Rich, richer and the poor richer but it what it really does is divide this into a nation of poverty or great wealth.

I mean no country is perfect and I do feel for those in countries that are in continual confict or agressive states but I feel that this country needs to fix it's internal problems before it goes and trys to save the rest of the world.

Asmir3 said:
In my opinion I think yea. Because Bush just sits in his chair and tell ppl to go somewhere go make a democracy as you see in Iraq its not quit working. Lot of ppl been killed in Iraq and that still don’t send a message that Bush needs maybe stop the war because I don’t think Iraq will ever have peace.

On your orginal post my views on this are as follows

The US has no business trying to "Mold" a new Democracy in a forigen country. The US is over 200 years old and is no longer a simple democracy it has evolved and advanced with the cultural and economic tides of this country's citizens and the rest of the world......

Trying to form a democracy in a forigen country with our own goverment as an example just does not work they Iraqi people think as much of the rest of the world do...

I am first and formost Shitte/Kurd/Suni ect..
I am Secondmost Muslim
I am last and finally Iraqi

That's how an average citizen would describe themself first by ethnic background then by religeon and finally by nationality. Where as in the US we define ourselves first and formost by nationality then by ethnic background or religeon. The concept of a goverment based on the people there is much more complex than it is here they are not looking to meld thier various cultures into one solid goverment they are looking to place one ethnic background or culture above another. Untill the Iraqi people think of themselves first and foremost as Iraqi they will never be able to form a stable goverment under any other means than a military dictatorship or Communist regime without running the risk of continued conflict as a result of squabbling and discontent from various ethnic groups.


Hmm,is there any way we can clone Ronald Reagan?? By the gods i miss him,now that was a real president.Unfortunatly,national security is a major issue now,which i dont believe Kerry would address very well.


turtle said:
Hmm,is there any way we can clone Ronald Reagan?? By the gods i miss him,now that was a real president.

As do I turtle. He was rock hard in his stance on what is right and wrong. He single handedly destroyed the USSR without ever firing a shot in open warfare, which is saying alot. He never groveled and everyone, domestic and foriegn alike, respected him. The last 3 Presidents are a pale comparision to him.

I want another President like that.

As for wiether or not we should be in Iraq or other places around the world...stop ostriching people. What I mean by that is that this world has gotten really really small and now things that happen in places like Iraq effect us alot more than they ever have and leaving a strong hold that was teaching terroist and other radicals how to kill people couldn't be tolerated. You say we don't belong there? I say you are not seeing the big picture.
My sister is a US Marine( shes in japan atm, happy its not iraq :) ) and regardless of how much i scared she will get hurt I still sleep much better at night knowing sadam is put away.

Bush may not have done it 100% correct but he still got the job done.


Is it just me, or is it funny that the thread poll bars are RED and BlUE, granted the colors are revered as NO Should be red and YES should be blue, but its still quite the coincidence.


Time for my opinion!

Bush... I believe that he's at least trying his best. Do I believe that he's perfect? No. Do I believe that he is doing the right thing? Yes.

Who knows, maybe Iraq will turn out to be a fully stable democratic nation in the future. Maybe they would influence other nations around them to do the same thing, and maybe, sooner or later, the entire middle-east would be democratic.
Maybe not.
Whatever happens, hopefully someone will be better off then they were before.

What really ticks me off is when people bash our loyal troops in the war. Most of them went into the military knowing that there might/would be a war, or a "conflict" as people have been putting it. They are trying to defend our country. They are trying to do the right thing. Is the war "conflict" 100% right? Maybe, maybe not. People have different definitions of right and wrong, and there's always going to be a conflict of opinions. For people against the war: don't join the military. Anyone going into the military now knows full well that they are going to be sent to a "conflict".

I believe that anyone who's given their life trying to defend this country and our beliefs should be revered and respected above any other man. One's life is the ultimate price to pay, and it can never be regained.

I don't believe that Kerry could have done better than Bush, but maybe that's just people around me and their influence on me. I'm leaning towards what PappaSmurf said, that a real good president would have had to walk through and endure the common hardships of life, rather than being born into luxury.


Not a very organized "rant", but I'm too tired to think of anything more elaborate :p

Best of wishes to everyone.


omfg poeple bush has not got a word of sense LOL

any how bush cant just say hey l;ets go to war he needs others to vote yes for that before he can send troops remember he not the one that has all power he has to wait for the others top say yes send them so it aint all bush

people dont seem to under stand that remember he aint theonly one making dissions to the GEN says bush i think we should strike them hard here bush thinks okay lets do it it aint all his ideas

other poeple have a say so he has to take the back lash for there ideas so dont just blame him blame all gov

dont matter who we voted for i think kerry would of still did same thing cause of are gov as is the would of con him or told him to not stop its bad

Pres ask Gen how is it over at IRAQ Gen says well we still need to be there because we need to do this that this and that. Pres responds hMMM okay then we stay,

see the dont want to know not one person makes all the choices it takes more then just him to make a choice like that are Gen and other poeple have to make that choice as well. so either way i think still be the same today


lowrider said:
omfg poeple bush has not got a word of sense LOL

any how bush cant just say hey l;ets go to war he needs others to vote yes for that before he can send troops remember he not the one that has all power he has to wait for the others top say yes send them so it aint all bush

people dont seem to under stand that remember he aint theonly one making dissions to the GEN says bush i think we should strike them hard here bush thinks okay lets do it it aint all his ideas

other poeple have a say so he has to take the back lash for there ideas so dont just blame him blame all gov

dont matter who we voted for i think kerry would of still did same thing cause of are gov as is the would of con him or told him to not stop its bad

Pres ask Gen how is it over at IRAQ Gen says well we still need to be there because we need to do this that this and that. Pres responds hMMM okay then we stay,

see the dont want to know not one person makes all the choices it takes more then just him to make a choice like that are Gen and other poeple have to make that choice as well. so either way i think still be the same today

I just have to let you know that I just read your post out loud to a friend and we have not laughed that long in quite a while. Thank you! :lol:


last i new the pres. could send troops with out consent but then congress could imediatly vote and bring them back.

Lets just all agree war is ugly. I only wish you could in the realy world do with out it, but it isnt going anywhere.
i dont think he could of done a better job nor do i think stopping the war NOW is a great idea, BECAUSE if we think about it we took all our troops outta iraq and where ever else they are, there really isnt no stopping the ppl in iraq from comeing to the US and bombing the hell outta everyone ;) just my opinion


lowrider said:
omfg poeple bush has not got a word of sense LOL

any how bush cant just say hey l;ets go to war he needs others to vote yes for that before he can send troops remember he not the one that has all power he has to wait for the others top say yes send them so it aint all bush

people dont seem to under stand that remember he aint theonly one making dissions to the GEN says bush i think we should strike them hard here bush thinks okay lets do it it aint all his ideas

other poeple have a say so he has to take the back lash for there ideas so dont just blame him blame all gov

dont matter who we voted for i think kerry would of still did same thing cause of are gov as is the would of con him or told him to not stop its bad

Pres ask Gen how is it over at IRAQ Gen says well we still need to be there because we need to do this that this and that. Pres responds hMMM okay then we stay,

see the dont want to know not one person makes all the choices it takes more then just him to make a choice like that are Gen and other poeple have to make that choice as well. so either way i think still be the same today
If you want people to take you seriously, at least write like you have an ounce of sense.


I personaly think America should try to perfect it's own form of democracy before trying to force it on others. Both canidates where related and in A country the size of America don't any of you find it odd that two people related could become so politicaly powerful. First you have two presidents from the Bush family. Then 3rd cousins running against each other in the elections. I won't even go into the Florida elections. Sounds just like Sadams method of goverment to me, smacks of corruption. :eek:


Solereaper said:
I personaly think America should try to perfect it's own form of democracy before trying to force it on others. Both canidates where related and in A country the size of America don't any of you find it odd that two people related could become so politicaly powerful. First you have two presidents from the Bush family. Then 3rd cousins running against each other in the elections. I won't even go into the Florida elections. Sounds just like Sadams method of goverment to me, smacks of corruption. :eek:
1. Most of the people in Iraq want Democracy, but many are afraid to support it because they fear being "punished" for it by someone. Nobody is "forcing" democracy.
2. How the hell can you relate the Bush Administration to Saddam's regime? Is our government communist? No. Does it control the economy and forcefully take privately-owned businesses? No. Does Bush exterminate hundreds of thousands of people? No. You are comparing apples and oranges, my friend.
3. It is not uncommon for one's successor to go into the same profession as oneself. Also, a name says a lot. Chances are, someone's child has most of (if not all) the same moral/ethical principles as that person. They would probably be the best pick to mirror that person and his/her policies. How can you say that's uncommon? That's like saying it's uncommon for the son of a farmer to become a farmer...