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house problems


sorry i am really tired lol but yes it works i am gonna give it a try and i am gonna follow u becuase u seem to know what ur doing ty soooo much again again no homo *Bro Hug


o i am gonna learn because i am having the same problem with another script and i am off to fix that then bed because i am tired lol


k i fixed most of it but one last part i would keep messing with it but i really want some sleep lol
List<StaticTile> eable = m.GetTilesAt(point, false, false, true);
tried to change GetTilesAt to GetStaticTilesAt but just came up with doesnt know what GetStaticTilesAt
so i took out the static and tried it again and got this does not contain GetTilesAt
either way its a lose lol but i took care of the other 12 errors here is the script just in case

using System;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Horde
    //The center of the Horde territory
    public abstract class HordeSpawner :Item
        #region Thieves types

        /// <summary>
        /// Here you can add more slots, if you want Hordes that mix more critters together...
        /// but change also CreateThieves()...
        /// </summary>

        //Which critters in that horde ?
        public virtual Type Type_1{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual Type Type_2{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual Type Type_3{ get{ return null; } }

        //Ratio for distributing different types in our population
        //Here we got 50% for the first, and 25% for each of the others
        public virtual double Type_1_ratio{ get{ return 0.5; } }
        public virtual double Type_2_ratio{ get{ return 0.5; } }
        public virtual double Type_3_ratio{ get{ return 1.0; } }

        #region Constants

        //How much thieves in the Horde ?
        public virtual int m_minCount{ get{ return 3; } }
        public virtual int m_maxCount{ get{ return 12; } }

        //The whole territory size
        public virtual int m_HordeHomeRange{ get{ return 200; } }

        //The ambush area
        public virtual int m_ThiefHomeRange{ get{ return 8; } }

        //After a battle, they go away for a new one, but take their time
        public virtual TimeSpan m_HordeSpawnDelay{ get{ return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);} }

        //How long does they stay on the battle area, before go to do another ambush ?
        public virtual TimeSpan m_VanishAfterCombat{ get{ return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3);} }

        public virtual bool AlwaysInForest{ get{ return true; } }
        public virtual bool AlwaysNearARoad{ get{ return true; } }
        public virtual bool ShowNames{ get{ return false; } }

        #region Variables

        //Datetime before new ambush, cf m_HordeSpawnDelay
        public DateTime NextSpawn;

        //Our thieves
        private List<Mobile> m_Thieves = new List<Mobile>();

        //Who hurts our thieves
        public List<Mobile> m_Attackers = new List<Mobile>();

        //Where is the ambush, somewhere in range, cf m_HordeHomeRange
        private Point3D m_CurrentLocation;

        //Our treasure
        public Item TreasureBag;

        //the first to rummage a corpse call the others
        public Mobile Rummager;

        #region HordeConstructor
        public HordeSpawner() : base( 0x1f13 )
            Visible = false;
            Movable = false;

            Name = "Horde Spawner";

            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0), new TimerCallback(Begin));

        public void Begin()


        #region HordeSpawn

        /// <summary>
        /// Here we try to get a location, in a forest, near a road
        /// </summary>

        private void TryGetSpawnPosition()
            // Try 100 times to find a Spawnable location.
            for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
                m_CurrentLocation = GetSpawnPosition(Map, Location, m_HordeHomeRange);

            if(m_CurrentLocation == Location)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0), new TimerCallback(NoPossibleSpawn));

        private Point3D GetSpawnPosition(Map map, Point3D loc, int m_HomeRange)
            if ( map == null )
                return loc;

            // Try 10 times to find a Spawnable location.
            for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                int x = loc.X + (Utility.Random( (m_HomeRange * 2) + 1 ) - m_HomeRange);
                int y = loc.Y + (Utility.Random( (m_HomeRange * 2) + 1 ) - m_HomeRange);
                int z = map.GetAverageZ( x, y );

                if ( map.CanSpawnMobile( new Point2D( x, y ), this.Z ) )
                    return new Point3D( x, y, this.Z );
                else if ( map.CanSpawnMobile( new Point2D( x, y ), z ) )
                    return new Point3D( x, y, z );
            return loc;

        private bool IsValidPosition(Point3D loc)
            if(loc == Location)
                return false;

            if(CheckRegion(loc) && IsNextAForest(loc) && IsNearARoad(loc, 20))
                return true;

            m_CurrentLocation = Location;
            return false;

        private bool CheckRegion(Point3D loc)
            Map map = Map;
            if ( map == null )
                return false;

            Region reg = Region.Find(loc, map);
            if(reg is GuardedRegion || reg is DungeonRegion || reg is HouseRegion)
                return false;

            return true;

        private bool IsNextAForest(Point3D loc)
            if(!AlwaysInForest)return true;

            List<int> statics = GetStaticsInRange(loc, m_ThiefHomeRange, this.Map);

            return FindTrees(statics);

        public static List<int> GetStaticsInRange(Point3D p3d, int range, Map m)
            Point2D p = new Point2D(p3d.X,p3d.Y);

            List<int> result = new List<int>();
            Point2D point;

            int BeginX = p.X - range;
            int BeginY = p.Y - range;
            int EndX = p.X + range;
            int EndY = p.Y + range;

            for (int x = BeginX; x <= EndX; x++)
                for (int y = BeginY; y <= EndY; y++)
                    point = new Point2D(x, y);
                    List<StaticTile> eable = m.GetTilesAt(point, false, false, true);
                    foreach (StaticTile t in eable)
            return result;

        private bool FindTrees(List<int> statics)
            int trees = 0;

            for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
            return trees >= 5;

        private bool FindTree(List<int> statics)
            for ( int i=0;i<statics.Count;i++ )
                    return true;
            return false;

        private static bool IsTree(int id)
            for(int i=0;i<m_TreeTiles.Length;i++)
                    return true;
            return false;

        private static int[] m_TreeTiles = new int[]
            0x4CCA, 0x4CCB, 0x4CCC, 0x4CCD, 0x4CD0, 0x4CD3, 0x4CD6, 0x4CD8,
            0x4CDA, 0x4CDD, 0x4CE0, 0x4CE3, 0x4CE6, 0x4CF8, 0x4CFB, 0x4CFE,
            0x4D01, 0x4D41, 0x4D42, 0x4D43, 0x4D44, 0x4D57, 0x4D58, 0x4D59,
            0x4D5A, 0x4D5B, 0x4D6E, 0x4D6F, 0x4D70, 0x4D71, 0x4D72, 0x4D84,
            0x4D85, 0x4D86, 0x52B5, 0x52B6, 0x52B7, 0x52B8, 0x52B9, 0x52BA,
            0x52BB, 0x52BC, 0x52BD,

            0x4CCE, 0x4CCF, 0x4CD1, 0x4CD2, 0x4CD4, 0x4CD5, 0x4CD7, 0x4CD9,
            0x4CDB, 0x4CDC, 0x4CDE, 0x4CDF, 0x4CE1, 0x4CE2, 0x4CE4, 0x4CE5,
            0x4CE7, 0x4CE8, 0x4CF9, 0x4CFA, 0x4CFC, 0x4CFD, 0x4CFF, 0x4D00,
            0x4D02, 0x4D03, 0x4D45, 0x4D46, 0x4D47, 0x4D48, 0x4D49, 0x4D4A,
            0x4D4B, 0x4D4C, 0x4D4D, 0x4D4E, 0x4D4F, 0x4D50, 0x4D51, 0x4D52,
            0x4D53, 0x4D5C, 0x4D5D, 0x4D5E, 0x4D5F, 0x4D60, 0x4D61, 0x4D62,
            0x4D63, 0x4D64, 0x4D65, 0x4D66, 0x4D67, 0x4D68, 0x4D69, 0x4D73,
            0x4D74, 0x4D75, 0x4D76, 0x4D77, 0x4D78, 0x4D79, 0x4D7A, 0x4D7B,
            0x4D7C, 0x4D7D, 0x4D7E, 0x4D7F, 0x4D87, 0x4D88, 0x4D89, 0x4D8A,
            0x4D8B, 0x4D8C, 0x4D8D, 0x4D8E, 0x4D8F, 0x4D90, 0x4D95, 0x4D96,
            0x4D97, 0x4D99, 0x4D9A, 0x4D9B, 0x4D9D, 0x4D9E, 0x4D9F, 0x4DA1,
            0x4DA2, 0x4DA3, 0x4DA5, 0x4DA6, 0x4DA7, 0x4DA9, 0x4DAA, 0x4DAB,
            0x52BE, 0x52BF, 0x52C0, 0x52C1, 0x52C2, 0x52C3, 0x52C4, 0x52C5,
            0x52C6, 0x52C7

        private bool IsNearARoad(Point3D loc, int m_HomeRange)
            if(!AlwaysNearARoad)return true;

            for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
                int x = loc.X + (Utility.Random( (m_HomeRange * 2) + 1 ) - m_HomeRange);
                int y = loc.Y + (Utility.Random( (m_HomeRange * 2) + 1 ) - m_HomeRange);

                StaticTile landTile = this.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile( x, y );

                    return true;
            return false;

        //Maybe sometimes it will not be a road, still be dirt
        private bool IsRoad(int id)
            for(int i=0;i<m_RoadTiles.Length;i++)
                    return true;
            return false;

        //Seems don't need more tiles ID  to work, but there's a lot missing
        private static int[] m_RoadTiles = new int[]
            0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78

        //What else to do ?
        private void NoPossibleSpawn()


        #region HordeCreate

        private void InitHorde()
            for(int i=0;i<GetCount();i++)

        private int GetCount()
            return Utility.RandomMinMax(m_minCount, m_maxCount);

        private Mobile CreateThieves()
            //Initialize with a default value
            Type ThiefType = Type_1;

            if(Utility.RandomDouble() > Type_1_ratio)
                ThiefType = Type_1;
            else if(Utility.RandomDouble() > Type_2_ratio)
                ThiefType = Type_2;
            else if(Utility.RandomDouble() > Type_3_ratio)
                ThiefType = Type_3;

            BaseHordeThief result = (BaseHordeThief) Activator.CreateInstance(ThiefType);

            result.Horde = this;
            //result.Home = m_CurrentLocation;

            return (Mobile)result;

        private void LaunchHorde()
            Map map = Map;

            if(map == null)

            foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)

        private void SpawnThief(Mobile thief)
            if(thief != null && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive)

                Point3D loc = GetSpawnPosition(Map, m_CurrentLocation, m_ThiefHomeRange);

                //thief.OnBeforeSpawn( loc, Map );

                thief.MoveToWorld( loc, Map );



        #region HordeActions

        //An action begin
        //Rummage and goaway does only happen if !InAction
        private bool m_InAction;
        public bool InAction
            get{ return m_InAction;}
            set{ m_InAction = value;

                    //Good place to initilize it

                    //rats wont go, as a new action begin

        //A thief see a player, all thieves are called
        public void Call(Mobile m)
            if(!InAction && m!=null && !m.Deleted && m.Alive)

                InAction = true;

                foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                    if(thief != null && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive)

        //Check for players, in order to stop or not the action
        public void CheckAttackers(Mobile thief)
                Mobile combatant = thief.Combatant;
                if(combatant!=null && !m_Attackers.Contains(combatant))

                List<Mobile> todelete = new List<Mobile>();
                foreach(Mobile attacker in m_Attackers)
                    if(!attacker.Alive || !InLOS(attacker))

                for(int i=0;i<todelete.Count;i++)

                if( m_Attackers.Count<1 )
                    InAction = false;
                    GoAway = new GoAwayTimer(this);

        //they work together
        private bool InLOS(Mobile mob)
            bool see = false;

            if(mob != null)
                foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                    if(thief != null && !thief.Deleted &&thief.Alive && thief.InLOS(mob))
                        see = true;

            return see;

        //TimeSpan m_VanishAfterCombat and then Go away
        //Timer will stop if InAction set to true
        private Timer GoAway;
        private class GoAwayTimer : Timer
            private HordeSpawner Horde;

            public GoAwayTimer(HordeSpawner horde) : base(horde.m_VanishAfterCombat)
                Horde = horde;

            protected override void OnTick()


        private void EndAction()
                NextSpawn = DateTime.Now + m_HordeSpawnDelay;
                m_Attackers = new List<Mobile>();

        //Already called, don't send new calls
        private bool CalledToRummage;

        //All the rats may go to rummage the first looted corpse (player only)
        public void CallToRummage(Mobile m)
            if(!CalledToRummage && !InAction)
                CalledToRummage = true;
                Rummager = m;
                m.CantWalk = true;

                foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                    if( thief != null  && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive && Utility.RandomBool())
                        (((BaseCreature)thief).AIObject).Action = ActionType.Interact;

        #region TreasureBag
        private bool CreateTreasureBag()
            TreasureBag = new Backpack();

            foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                if(thief!=null && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public void GiveTreasureBag(Mobile mob)
                    foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                        if(thief!=null && thief!=mob && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive)

        private bool CheckTreasureBag()
                return true;
            else return CreateTreasureBag();

        private void CollectTreasure()
                foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                    if(thief!=null && !thief.Deleted && thief.Alive)
                        foreach(Item item in ((BaseHordeThief)thief).Loots)
                        ((BaseHordeThief)thief).Loots = new List<Item>();

        #region HordeCleanUp
        public override void OnDelete()
            foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)


        public void DeleteThief(Mobile mob)
            //    m_Thieves.Remove(mob);

        #region HordeSerialization
        public HordeSpawner( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            int count = reader.ReadInt();
            for(int i=0;i<count;i++)

            m_CurrentLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();

            TreasureBag = reader.ReadItem();


        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 1 ); // version

            writer.Write( (int) m_Thieves.Count );
            foreach(Mobile thief in m_Thieves)
                writer.Write( (Mobile) thief );

            writer.Write( (Point3D) m_CurrentLocation);

            writer.Write( (Item) TreasureBag);

    public class BaseHordeThief : BaseCreature
        #region Constructor

        //A direct [add would find a null exception, cause of the missing Horde
        public BaseHordeThief(AIType ai,
                              FightMode mode,
                              int iRangePerception,
                              int iRangeFight,
                              double dActiveSpeed,
                              double dPassiveSpeed)
            : base(ai,
                  dPassiveSpeed ){}

        //Our Horde
        public HordeSpawner Horde;
        //Without ShowNames, ambush is better
        public override void OnAosSingleClick( Mobile from )


        #region Rummage

        //they do rummage more than all others BaseCreatures
        public override bool CanRummageCorpses{ get{ return true; } }
        private const double ChanceToRummage = 1.0; // 100%
        private const double MinutesToNextRummageMin = 0.0;
        private const double MinutesToNextRummageMax = 1.0;
        private const double MinutesToNextChanceMin = 0.10;
        private const double MinutesToNextChanceMax = 0.10;

        //all what our thief loot
        public List<Item> Loots = new List<Item>();

        //Same as base one
        //but a little larger rummage-range (4 instead of 2)
        //and make a CallToRummage, in order all the other rats came rummage too
        //we also take a trace of looted items, in order to drop it later in our Treasure
        //and toRummage extern to the method, in order to use it later
        private Corpse toRummage = null;
        public override bool Rummage()
            toRummage = null;

            foreach ( Item item in this.GetItemsInRange( 4 ) )//******
                if ( item is Corpse && item.Items.Count > 0 )
                    toRummage = (Corpse)item;

            if ( toRummage == null )
                return false;
            else if(toRummage.Owner is PlayerMobile)

            Container pack = this.Backpack;

            if ( pack == null )
                return false;

            List<Item> items = toRummage.Items;

            bool rejected;
            LRReason reason;

            for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
                Item item = items[Utility.Random( items.Count )];

                Lift( item, item.Amount, out rejected, out reason );

                if ( !rejected && Drop( this, new Point3D( -1, -1, 0 ) ) )
                    // *rummages through a corpse and takes an item*
                    PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x3B2, 1008086 );

                    if(toRummage.Owner is PlayerMobile)

                    return true;

            return false;

        //BaseAI.Interact does nothing, so it let us do our stuff
        //It's called via CallToRummage
        //Our rats run next the first one who loot a corpse
        public override void OnActionInteract()
                    this.MoveToWorld(toRummage.Location, Map);
                    this.AIObject.MoveTo( Horde.Rummager, true, 1 );


        #region Ambush

        //You attack me, you attack the entire Horde
        public override void OnCombatantChange()


        //Starts the ambush
        public override void OnMovement( Mobile m, Point3D oldLocation )
            if(m is PlayerMobile && m.Alive && m.AccessLevel==AccessLevel.Player && Horde.NextSpawn<DateTime.Now)
                //A good place to initilize that
                if(this.AIObject.Action == ActionType.Interact)
                    this.AIObject.Action = ActionType.Wander;


        //Let's wait for a player
        public void Hide()
            Hidden = true;
            CantWalk = true;
            FocusMob = null;

        public void Unhide(Mobile mob)
            Hidden = false;
            CantWalk = false;

            if(mob!=null && !mob.Deleted && mob.Alive)
                FocusMob = mob;
            //    this.AIObject.AcquireFocusMob( 20, this.FightMode, true, true, true );


        #region Kill

        public override void Kill()
            //The treasure still in the Horde till the end




        #region Serialization
        public BaseHordeThief( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 0 );

            writer.Write( (Item) Horde);

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            Horde = (HordeSpawner)reader.ReadItem();



RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/HordeSystem.cs:
    CS0117: Line 191: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'GetTilesAt
    CS0029: Line 267: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Server.LandTile' to 'Serve
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


you were almost there man... so close!!! You forgot the very last thing we did List<Server.StaticTile> eable = new List<Server.StaticTile>();


on line 191 i replaced it with
<Server.StaticTile> eable = new List<Server.StaticTile>();
but got
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/HordeSystem.cs:
    CS1525: Line 191: Invalid expression term '<'
    CS1002: Line 191: ; expected
    CS0029: Line 267: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Server.LandTile' to 'Serve
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


the first error remove the line about 191 where you made the change that looks like it could fix it... and the line 267 error You should have Left it LandTile landTile = this.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(x, y);


well actually
LandTile landTile = this.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(x, y);
was like this
Tile landTile = this.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(x, y);
i just put the static in front lol but i got ride of line 191 and got an error on 192 forget it here is the list lol
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/HordeSystem.cs:
    CS0103: Line 192: The name 'eable' does not exist in the current context
    CS0246: Line 267: The type or namespace name 'Tile' could not be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


should have removed this point = new Point2D(x, y); removing the line we just changed would have been pointless we edited it for a reason... Add this back in there List<Server.StaticTile> eable = new List<Server.StaticTile>();try this for 267 I am off to bed... I have not worked with this script before so... LandTile landTile = this.Map.StaticTiles.GetLandTile( x, y );


ok man ty for all of your help and i have learned a lot on how to fix those errors i do have one more error but i will do my best on fixing it myself ty again for everything


if ( newComponents.Tiles[x][y].Length == 0 || Contains( x, y ) )

put ^^^ above
LandTile landTile = this.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile( x, y );
StaticTile[] tiles = map.Tiles.GetStaticTiles( x, y, true );

try putting that in there and see if that works.. I think it should be pretty close...