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house problems


Check out the mapdefinitions.cs file. Somewhere around line 42 it wii ask about the client patch being over 7.0.9 I believe just setting that to false should help you out with this...


Check out the mapdefinitions.cs file. Somewhere around line 42 it wii ask about the client patch being over 7.0.9 I believe just setting that to false should help you out with this...
dude dont take this the wrong way but i am virtually gonna hug you because u fixed my month long problem lol ty ty ty


ok up for another bro hug lol try this out

i downloaded the script addongen.cs and i got this error.

Line 195: the type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the namespace 'Server'
Line 195: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'GetTilesAt'
also got this same error in another script for the horderats you no the ones that jump your players and take there stuff lmao
but here is the addongen.cs
// If you're using an SVN that supports List<> methods (remove the //s) to use those instead of arrays or add them for RC1.
#define RC2
//#define DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Commands
    public class AddonGen2erator
        private static string m_CustomOutputDirectory = null;

        #region Template

        private const string m_SimpleCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnSimpleComponents.Length / 4; i++)
                AddComponent( new AddonComponent( m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,0] ), m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,1], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,2], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,3] );";

        private const string m_ComplexCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnComplexComponents.Length / 6; i++)
                AddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon)this, m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,0], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,1], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,2], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,3], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,4], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,5] );";

        private const string m_ComplexNameCode = @"
        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource)
            AddComplexComponent(addon, item, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, hue, lightsource, null);

        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name)
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null) ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0) ac.Hue = hue;
            if (lightsource != -1) ac.Light = (LightType) lightsource;
            addon.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private const string m_Template = @"using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace {namespace}
    public class {name}Addon : BaseAddon
        public override BaseAddonDeed Deed { get { return new {name}AddonDeed(); } }

        [ Constructable ]
        public {name}Addon()
        public {name}Addon(Serial serial) : base(serial){}
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer ) { base.Serialize( writer ); writer.Write( 0 ); }
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) { base.Deserialize( reader ); int version = reader.ReadInt();}

    public class {name}AddonDeed : BaseAddonDeed
        public override BaseAddon Addon { get { return new {name}Addon(); } }

        public {name}AddonDeed()
            Name = ""{name}"";

        public {name}AddonDeed(Serial serial) : base(serial){}
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer ) { base.Serialize( writer ); writer.Write( 0 ); }
        public override void    Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) { base.Deserialize( reader ); int version = reader.ReadInt(); }


        public static void Initialize()
            CommandSystem.Register("AddonGen2", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler(OnAddonGen2));

        #region Command
        [Usage("AddonGen2 or AddonGen2 <name> namespace")]
        [Description("Brings up the addon script generator gump. When used with the name (and eventually namespace) parameter generates an addon script from the targeted region.")]
        private static void OnAddonGen2(CommandEventArgs e)
            object[] state = new object[18];

            state[0] = "";
            state[1] = "Server.Items";
            state[2] = true;
            state[3] = false;
            state[4] = false;
            state[5] = true;
            state[6] = true;
            state[7] = true;
            state[8] = true;
            state[9] = -128;
            state[10] = 127;
            state[11] = state[13] = state[15] = 2;
            state[12] = state[14] = state[16] = 16384;

            if (e.Arguments.Length > 0)
                state[0] = e.Arguments[0];
                if (e.Arguments.Length > 1) state[1] = e.Arguments[1];
            e.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(e.Mobile, state));

        private static void PickerCallback(Mobile from, Map map, Point3D start, Point3D end, object state)
            object[] args = state as object[];
            int m_SimpleComponents = 0;
            int m_ComplexComponents = 0;
            int m_NamedComponents = 0;
            int m_TotalComponents = 0;

            if (start.X > end.X)
                int x = start.X;
                start.X = end.X;
                end.X = x;

            if (start.Y > end.Y)
                int y = start.Y;
                start.Y = end.Y;
                end.Y = y;

            Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D(start, end);

            string name = args[0] as string;
            string ns = args[1] as string;

            bool getStatics = (bool)args[2];
            bool getItems = (bool)args[3];
            bool getTiles = (bool)args[4];
            bool includeStaticRange = (bool)args[5];
            bool includeItemRange = (bool)args[6];
            bool includeTileRange = (bool)args[7];
            bool includeZRange = (bool)args[8];
            bool generateTest = (bool)args[17];

            sbyte min = sbyte.MinValue;
            sbyte max = sbyte.MaxValue;

            short minStaticID = 2;
            short maxStaticID = 16384;
            short minItemID = 2;
            short maxItemID = 16384;
            short minTileID = 2;
            short maxTileID = 16384;

            try { min = sbyte.Parse(args[9] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { max = sbyte.Parse(args[10] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minStaticID = short.Parse(args[11] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxStaticID = short.Parse(args[12] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minItemID = short.Parse(args[13] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxItemID = short.Parse(args[14] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minTileID = short.Parse(args[15] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxTileID = short.Parse(args[16] as string); }
            catch { }

            Hashtable tiles = new Hashtable();

            if (getTiles)
                for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; x++)
                    for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; y++)
#if RC2
                        List<Server.Tile> list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        List<Server.Tile> remove = new List<Server.Tile>();
                        ArrayList list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
                        foreach (Tile t in list)
                            int id = t.ID - 16384;
                            if (id < 2 || id > 16382) remove.Add(t);
                            else if (includeZRange && (t.Z < min || t.Z > max)) remove.Add(t);
                            else if (!includeZRange && (t.Z >= min && t.Z <= max)) remove.Add(t);
                            else if (includeTileRange && (id < minTileID || id > maxTileID)) remove.Add(t);
                            else if (!includeTileRange && (id >= minTileID && id <= maxTileID)) remove.Add(t);

                        foreach (Tile t in remove)

                        if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                            tiles[new Point2D(x, y)] = list;

            IPooledEnumerable en = map.GetItemsInBounds(bounds);
            ArrayList target = new ArrayList();
            bool fail = false;

                foreach (object o in en)
                    if (getStatics)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s == null)
                        { }
                        else if (includeZRange && (s.Z < min || s.Z > max)) continue;
                        else if (!includeZRange && (s.Z >= min && s.Z <= max)) continue;
                        else if (includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID < minStaticID || s.ItemID > maxStaticID)) continue;
                        else if (!includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID >= minStaticID && s.ItemID <= maxStaticID)) continue;
                            Console.WriteLine("Static={0}:{1}", s.GetType().ToString(), s.ItemID);
                    if (getItems)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s != null) continue;
                        Item i = o as Item;
                        if (i == null) continue;
                        else if (i is BaseAddon) continue;
                        else if (i.ItemID < 2 || i.ItemID > 16382) continue;
                        else if (includeZRange && (i.Z < min || i.Z > max)) continue;
                        else if (!includeZRange && (i.Z >= min && i.Z <= max)) continue;
                        else if (includeItemRange && (i.ItemID < minItemID || i.ItemID > maxItemID)) continue;
                        else if (!includeItemRange && (i.ItemID >= minItemID && i.ItemID <= maxItemID)) continue;
                        Console.WriteLine("item={0}:{1}", i.GetType().ToString(), i.ItemID);
            catch (Exception err)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "The targeted components have been modified. Please retry.");
                fail = true;

            if (fail) return;

            if (target.Count == 0 && tiles.Keys.Count == 0)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "No components have been selected.");
                from.SendGump(new InternalGump(from, args));

            Point3D center = new Point3D();
            center.Z = 127;

            int x1 = bounds.End.X;
            int y1 = bounds.End.Y;
            int x2 = bounds.Start.X;
            int y2 = bounds.Start.Y;

            foreach (Item item in target)
                if (item.Z < center.Z)
                    center.Z = item.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, item.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, item.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, item.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, item.Y);
            CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon = null;

            if (generateTest) IdentifyAddon = new CEOIdentifyAddon("init");

            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.Tile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.Tile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;

                if (list == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The list is null... ");

                foreach (Tile t in list)
                    if (t.Z < center.Z)
                        center.Z = t.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, p.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, p.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, p.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, p.Y);

            center.X = x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2);
            center.Y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) / 2);

            // Build items
            System.Text.StringBuilder nc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            System.Text.StringBuilder sl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnSimpleComponents = new int[,] {\r\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnComplexComponents = new int[,] {\r\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder sc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sc.Append("// ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cc.Append("// ");

            int simplecount = 0;
            int complexcount = 0;
            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.Tile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.Tile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;
                int xOffset = p.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = p.Y - center.Y;

                foreach (Tile t in list)
                    int zOffset = t.Z - center.Z;
                    int id = t.ID - 16384;
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t ", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1)
                        sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest) AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, 0, -1, string.Format("({0}):{1},{2},{3}", m_TotalComponents, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset));
            foreach (Item item in target)
                int xOffset = item.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = item.Y - center.Y;
                int zOffset = item.Z - center.Z;
                int id = item.ItemID;

                if (((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource) || (item.Hue != 0) || (item.Name != null)) // Use old method
                    if (item.Name != null) // Have to do this one the old method
                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource) lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        nc.AppendFormat("\t\t\tAddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon) this, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\" );// {7}\r\n", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource, item.Name, m_TotalComponents);
                        if (generateTest) AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset));

                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource) lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        cc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                        if (complexcount > 1) cl.Append(", ");
                        cl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} ", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource);
                        if (complexcount % 3 == 0)
                            cl.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n\t\t\t", cc.ToString());
                            cc.Length = 0;
                            cc.Append("// ");
                        if (generateTest) AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset));
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1) sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest) AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset));
            if (sc.Length > 4) sl.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n", sc.ToString());
            if (cc.Length > 4) cl.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n", cc.ToString());
            if (m_SimpleComponents > 0) sl.Append("\t\t};\r\n\r\n");
            if (m_ComplexComponents > 0) cl.Append("\t\t};\r\n\r\n");

            string output = m_Template.Replace("{name}", name);
            output = output.Replace("{simplelist}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? sl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{simplecomponentscode}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? m_SimpleCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexlist}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? cl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexcomponentscode}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? m_ComplexCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{namedcomponentscode}", m_NamedComponents > 0 ? nc.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexnamecomponentscode}", (m_ComplexComponents > 0 || m_NamedComponents > 0) ? m_ComplexNameCode : "");

            output = output.Replace("{namespace}", ns);

            StreamWriter writer = null;
            string path = null;

            if (m_CustomOutputDirectory != null) path = Path.Combine(m_CustomOutputDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));
            else path = Path.Combine(Core.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));
            fail = false;
                string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folder);
                writer = new StreamWriter(path, false);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "An error occurred when writing the file.");
                fail = true;
                if (writer != null) writer.Close();

            if (!fail)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Script saved to {0}", path);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Total components in AddOn: {0}", m_TotalComponents);
                if (generateTest && IdentifyAddon != null)
                    from.SendMessage(0x37, "Now target a land tile to place a your addon.");
                    from.Target = new InternalTarget(IdentifyAddon);

        private static void AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(CEOIdentifyAddon ai, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name)
            if (ai == null) return;
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null) ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0) ac.Hue = hue;
            if (lightsource != -1) ac.Light = (LightType)lightsource;
            ai.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private class InternalTarget : Target
            private CEOIdentifyAddon m_IdentifyAddon;

            public InternalTarget(CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
                m_IdentifyAddon = IdentifyAddon;
                CheckLOS = true;
                AllowGround = true;
                DisallowMultis = true;
                Range = 15;

            protected override void OnTargetCancel(Mobile from, TargetCancelType cancelType)
                if (m_IdentifyAddon != null) m_IdentifyAddon.Delete();

            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o != null)
                    if (o is LandTarget)
                        LandTarget l = o as LandTarget;
                        m_IdentifyAddon.MoveToWorld(l.Location, from.Map);
                        from.SendMessage(37, "Use must target a land tile to place your addon.");
                        if (m_IdentifyAddon != null) m_IdentifyAddon.Delete();
        #region Gump
        private class InternalGump : Gump
            private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
            private const int TitleHue = 0x35;
            private object[] m_State;

            public InternalGump(Mobile m, object[] state) : base(100, 50)
                m_State = state;

            private void MakeGump()
                Closable = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable = true;
                Resizable = false;
                AddBackground(0, 0, 440, 260, 9260);
                AddHtml(0, 15, 440, 20, Center(Color("CEO's Yet Another Arya Addon Generator(YAAAG)", 0x000080)), false, false);
                int x = 40;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Name");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 0, m_State[0] as string); // Name
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Namespace");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 1, m_State[1] as string); // Namespace
                AddLabel(340, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, TitleHue, @"Export");
                AddLabel(170, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                AddLabel(320, x, TitleHue, @"Include/Exclude");
                x += 25;
                // Export Statics, Items, and Tiles
                string[] exportString = new string[] {"Statics", "Items", "Tiles"};
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    DisplayExportLine(x, i, ((bool)m_State[i + 2]), ((bool)m_State[i + 5]), exportString[i], m_State[11 + (i * 2)].ToString(), m_State[12 + (i * 2)].ToString());
                    x += (i < 2 ? 25 : 15);
                AddImageTiled(15, x + 15, 420, 1, 9304);
                x += 25;
                // Z Range
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, ((bool)m_State[8]), 6);
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Z Range");
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 2, m_State[9].ToString());
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 3, m_State[10].ToString());
                x += 25;

                // Buttons
                AddButton(20, x, 4020, 4021, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(55, x, LabelHue, @"Cancel");
                AddButton(155, x, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(195, x, LabelHue, @"Generate");
                AddButton(300, x, 4005, 4006, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(340, x, LabelHue, @"Test & Gen");

            private void DisplayExportLine(int x, int index, bool state, bool include, string heading, string min, string max)
                AddCheck(20, x, 9026, 9027, state, index);
                AddLabel(40, x, LabelHue, heading);
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 4 + (index * 2), min);// Tile ID Min
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 5 + (index * 2), max);// Tile ID Max
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, include, index + 3); // Include or Exclude compare?

            private string Center(string text)
                return String.Format("<CENTER>{0}</CENTER>", text);

            private string Color(string text, int color)
                return String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</COLOR>", color, text);

            public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                if (info.ButtonID == 0) return;
                else if (info.ButtonID == 1) m_State[17] = false;
                else m_State[17] = true;

                foreach (TextRelay text in info.TextEntries)
                    m_State[text.EntryID < 2 ? text.EntryID : text.EntryID + 7] = text.Text;

                // Reset checks
                for (int x = 2; x <= 8; x++)
                    m_State[x] = false;

                foreach (int check in info.Switches)
                    m_State[check + 2] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object

                if (Verify(sender.Mobile, m_State))
                    BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddonGen2erator.PickerCallback), m_State);
                    sender.Mobile.SendMessage(0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid.");
                    sender.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(sender.Mobile, m_State));

            private static bool Verify(Mobile from, object[] state)
                if (state[0] == null || (state[0] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Name field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (state[1] == null || (state[1] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Namespace field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (!((bool)state[2] || (bool)state[3] || (bool)state[4]))
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "You must have least one Export button selected. (Static/Items/Tiles)");
                    return false;

                string[] errors = new string[] {"Z Range Min", "Z Range Max","Static Min ID", "Static Max ID",
                                                "Item Min ID", "Item Max ID", "Tile Min ID", "Tile Max ID"};

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    if (!CheckNumber(x < 2 ? 0 : 1, state[x + 9] as string, errors[x], from)) return false;
                return true;

            private static bool CheckNumber(int numType, string number, string error, Mobile from)
                sbyte sbyteTemp;
                short shortTemp;
                    if (numType == 0) sbyteTemp = sbyte.Parse(number);
                    else shortTemp = short.Parse(number);
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "There's a problem with the {0} field.", error);
                    return false;

                return true;

#region CEOIdentifyAddon
namespace Server.Items
    public class CEOIdentifyAddon : BaseAddon

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(string init)
            // Nothing really here, just prevents adding a null contruct via [add command

        public CEOIdentifyAddon()

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(Serial serial) : base(serial){}
        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); }
        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            if (this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal)

        public void ReDeed(Mobile m)


Hey bud give this a try let me know if it works for you or not...

// If you're using an SVN that supports List<> methods (remove the //s) to use those instead of arrays or add them for RC1.
#define RC2
//#define DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Commands;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Arya.Misc
    public class AddonGenerator
        /// <summary>
        /// Set this value if you wish the scripts to be output somewhere else rather than in the default RunUO\TheBox
        /// directory. This should be a full valid path on your computer
        /// Example:
        /// private static string m_CustomOutputDirector = @"C:\Program Files\RunUO\Scripts\Custom\Addons";
        /// </summary>
        private static string m_CustomOutputDirectory = null;

        #region Template

        private const string m_SimpleCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnSimpleComponents.Length / 4; i++)
                AddComponent( new AddonComponent( m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,0] ), m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,1], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,2], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,3] );";

        private const string m_ComplexCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnComplexComponents.Length / 6; i++)
                AddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon)this, m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,0], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,1], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,2], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,3], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,4], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,5] );";

        private const string m_ComplexNameCode = @"
        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource)
            AddComplexComponent(addon, item, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, hue, lightsource, null, 1);

        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name, int amount)
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
                ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0)
                ac.Hue = hue;
            if (amount > 1)
                ac.Stackable = true;
                ac.Amount = amount;
            if (lightsource != -1)
                ac.Light = (LightType) lightsource;
            addon.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private const string m_Template = @"
//                                    //
//  Generated by CEO's YAAAG - V1.2  //
// (Yet Another Arya Addon Generator) //
//                                    //
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace {namespace}
    public class {name}Addon : BaseAddon
        public override BaseAddonDeed Deed
                return new {name}AddonDeed();

        [ Constructable ]
        public {name}Addon()

        public {name}Addon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( 0 ); // Version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class {name}AddonDeed : BaseAddonDeed
        public override BaseAddon Addon
                return new {name}Addon();

        public {name}AddonDeed()
            Name = ""{name}"";

        public {name}AddonDeed( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( 0 ); // Version

        public override void    Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();


        public static void Initialize()
            CommandSystem.Register("AddonGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler(OnAddonGen));

        #region Command
        [Usage("AddonGen [<name> [namespace]]"),
        Description("Brings up the addon script generator gump. When used with the name (and eventually namespace) parameter generates an addon script from the targeted region.")]
        private static void OnAddonGen(CommandEventArgs e)

            object[] state = new object[18];

            state[0] = "";
            state[1] = "Server.Items";
            state[2] = true;
            state[3] = false;
            state[4] = false;
            state[5] = true;
            state[6] = true;
            state[7] = true;
            state[8] = true;
            state[9] = -128;
            state[10] = 127;
            state[11] = state[13] = state[15] = 2;
            state[12] = state[14] = state[16] = 16384;

            if (e.Arguments.Length > 0)
                state[0] = e.Arguments[0];

                if (e.Arguments.Length > 1)
                    state[1] = e.Arguments[1];
            e.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(e.Mobile, state));

        private static void PickerCallback(Mobile from, Map map, Point3D start, Point3D end, object state)
            object[] args = state as object[];
            int m_SimpleComponents = 0;
            int m_ComplexComponents = 0;
            int m_NamedComponents = 0;
            int m_TotalComponents = 0;

            if (start.X > end.X)
                int x = start.X;
                start.X = end.X;
                end.X = x;

            if (start.Y > end.Y)
                int y = start.Y;
                start.Y = end.Y;
                end.Y = y;

            Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D(start, end);

            string name = args[0] as string;
            string ns = args[1] as string;

            bool getStatics = (bool)args[2];
            bool getItems = (bool)args[3];
            bool getTiles = (bool)args[4];
            bool includeStaticRange = (bool)args[5];
            bool includeItemRange = (bool)args[6];
            bool includeTileRange = (bool)args[7];
            bool includeZRange = (bool)args[8];
            bool generateTest = (bool)args[17];

            sbyte min = sbyte.MinValue;
            sbyte max = sbyte.MaxValue;

            short minStaticID = 2;
            short maxStaticID = 16384;
            short minItemID = 2;
            short maxItemID = 16384;
            short minTileID = 2;
            short maxTileID = 16384;

            try { min = sbyte.Parse(args[9] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { max = sbyte.Parse(args[10] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minStaticID = short.Parse(args[11] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxStaticID = short.Parse(args[12] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minItemID = short.Parse(args[13] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxItemID = short.Parse(args[14] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minTileID = short.Parse(args[15] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxTileID = short.Parse(args[16] as string); }
            catch { }

            Hashtable tiles = new Hashtable();

            if (getTiles)
                for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; x++)
                    for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; y++)
#if RC2
                        List<Server.Tile> list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        List<Server.Tile> remove = new List<Server.Tile>();
                        ArrayList list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();

                        foreach (Tile t in list)
                            int id = t.ID - 16384;
                            if (id < 2 || id > 16382)
                            else if (includeZRange && (t.Z < min || t.Z > max))
                            else if (!includeZRange && (t.Z >= min && t.Z <= max))
                            else if (includeTileRange && (id < minTileID || id > maxTileID))
                            else if (!includeTileRange && (id >= minTileID && id <= maxTileID))

                        foreach (Tile t in remove)

                        if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                            tiles[new Point2D(x, y)] = list;

            IPooledEnumerable en = map.GetItemsInBounds(bounds);
            ArrayList target = new ArrayList();
            bool fail = false;

                foreach (object o in en)
                    if (getStatics)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s == null)
                        { }
                        else if (s.Deleted)
                        else if (includeZRange && (s.Z < min || s.Z > max))
                        else if (!includeZRange && (s.Z >= min && s.Z <= max))
                        else if (includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID < minStaticID || s.ItemID > maxStaticID))
                        else if (!includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID >= minStaticID && s.ItemID <= maxStaticID))
                            Console.WriteLine("Static={0}:{1}", s.GetType().ToString(), s.ItemID);
                    if (getItems)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s != null) // Don't want a static
                        Item i = o as Item;
                        if (i == null)
                        else if (i.Deleted)
                        else if (i is BaseAddon) // Not a good idea to add a BaseAddOn for obvious reasons
                        else if (i.ItemID < 2 || i.ItemID > 16382) // This is not an Item within the normal artwork.. multi... etc.. Toss it
                        else if (includeZRange && (i.Z < min || i.Z > max))
                        else if (!includeZRange && (i.Z >= min && i.Z <= max))
                        else if (includeItemRange && (i.ItemID < minItemID || i.ItemID > maxItemID))
                        else if (!includeItemRange && (i.ItemID >= minItemID && i.ItemID <= maxItemID))
                        Console.WriteLine("item={0}:{1}, {2}-map{3}", i.GetType().ToString(), i.ItemID, i.Deleted, i.Map);
            catch (Exception err)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "The targeted components have been modified. Please retry.");
                fail = true;

            if (fail)

            if (target.Count == 0 && tiles.Keys.Count == 0)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "No components have been selected.");
                from.SendGump(new InternalGump(from, args));

            // Get center
            Point3D center = new Point3D();
            center.Z = 127;

            int x1 = bounds.End.X;
            int y1 = bounds.End.Y;
            int x2 = bounds.Start.X;
            int y2 = bounds.Start.Y;

            // Get correct bounds
            foreach (Item item in target)
                if (item.Z < center.Z)
                    center.Z = item.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, item.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, item.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, item.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, item.Y);
            CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon = null;

            if (generateTest)
                IdentifyAddon = new CEOIdentifyAddon("init");

            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.Tile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.Tile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;

                if (list == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The list is null... ");

                foreach (Tile t in list)
                    if (t.Z < center.Z)
                        center.Z = t.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, p.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, p.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, p.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, p.Y);

            center.X = x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2);
            center.Y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) / 2);

            // Build items
            System.Text.StringBuilder nc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            System.Text.StringBuilder sl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnSimpleComponents = new int[,] {\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnComplexComponents = new int[,] {\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder sc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sc.Append("// ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cc.Append("// ");

            int simplecount = 0;
            int complexcount = 0;
            // Tiles
            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.Tile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.Tile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;
                int xOffset = p.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = p.Y - center.Y;

                foreach (Tile t in list)
                    int zOffset = t.Z - center.Z;
                    int id = t.ID - 16384;
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t ", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1)
                        sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest)
                        AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, 0, -1, string.Format("({0}):{1},{2},{3}", m_TotalComponents, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
            // Statics & Items
            foreach (Item item in target)
                if (item.Deleted)
                int xOffset = item.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = item.Y - center.Y;
                int zOffset = item.Z - center.Z;
                int id = item.ItemID;

                if (((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource) || (item.Hue != 0) || (item.Name != null) || item.Amount > 1) // Use old method
                    if (item.Name != null || item.Amount != 0) // Have to do this one the old method
                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                            lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        nc.AppendFormat("\t\t\tAddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon) this, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\", {7});// {8}\n", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource, item.Name, item.Amount, m_TotalComponents);
                        if (generateTest)
                            AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), item.Amount);

                    else //if (item.Hue != 0 || (item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                            lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        cc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                        if (complexcount > 1)
                            cl.Append(", ");
                        cl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} ", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource);
                        if (complexcount % 3 == 0)
                            cl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", cc.ToString());
                            cc.Length = 0;
                            cc.Append("// ");
                        if (generateTest)
                            AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
                else // Add data to static table
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1)
                        sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest)
                        AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
            if (sc.Length > 4)
                sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n", sc.ToString());
            if (cc.Length > 4)
                cl.AppendFormat("{0}\n", cc.ToString());
            if (m_SimpleComponents > 0)
            if (m_ComplexComponents > 0)

            string output = m_Template.Replace("{name}", name);
            output = output.Replace("{simplelist}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? sl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{simplecomponentscode}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? m_SimpleCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexlist}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? cl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexcomponentscode}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? m_ComplexCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{namedcomponentscode}", m_NamedComponents > 0 ? nc.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexnamecomponentscode}", (m_ComplexComponents > 0 || m_NamedComponents > 0) ? m_ComplexNameCode : "");

            output = output.Replace("{namespace}", ns);

            StreamWriter writer = null;
            string path = null;

            if (m_CustomOutputDirectory != null)
                path = Path.Combine(m_CustomOutputDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));
                path = Path.Combine(Core.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));

            fail = false;

                string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

                if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

                writer = new StreamWriter(path, false);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "An error occurred when writing the file.");
                fail = true;
                if (writer != null)

            if (!fail)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Script saved to {0}", path);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Total components in AddOn: {0}", m_TotalComponents);
                if (generateTest && IdentifyAddon != null)
                    from.SendMessage(0x37, "Now target a land tile to place a your addon.");
                    from.Target = new InternalTarget(IdentifyAddon);

        private static void AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(CEOIdentifyAddon ai, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name, int amount)
            if (ai == null)
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
                ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0)
                ac.Hue = hue;
            if (amount > 1) // Note: a warning will show on the console regarding a non-stackable item....
                ac.Stackable = true;
                ac.Amount = amount;
            if (lightsource != -1)
                ac.Light = (LightType)lightsource;
            ai.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private class InternalTarget : Target
            private CEOIdentifyAddon m_IdentifyAddon;

            public InternalTarget(CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon)
                : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
                m_IdentifyAddon = IdentifyAddon;
                CheckLOS = true;
                AllowGround = true;
                DisallowMultis = true;
                Range = 15;

            protected override void OnTargetCancel(Mobile from, TargetCancelType cancelType)
                if (m_IdentifyAddon != null)

            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o != null)
                    if (o is LandTarget)
                        LandTarget l = o as LandTarget;
                        m_IdentifyAddon.MoveToWorld(l.Location, from.Map);
                        from.SendMessage(37, "Use must target a land tile to place your addon.");
                        if (m_IdentifyAddon != null)


        #region Gump
        private class InternalGump : Gump
            private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
            private const int TitleHue = 0x35;
            private object[] m_State;

            public InternalGump(Mobile m, object[] state)
                : base(100, 50)
                m_State = state;

            private void MakeGump()
                Closable = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable = true;
                Resizable = false;
                AddBackground(0, 0, 440, 260, 9260);
                //AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 430, 260);  //uncomment this line if you like see-thru menus
                AddHtml(0, 15, 440, 20, Center(Color("CEO's Yet Another Arya Addon Generator(YAAAG)", 0x000080)), false, false);
                int x = 40;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Name");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 0, m_State[0] as string); // Name
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Namespace");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 1, m_State[1] as string); // Namespace
                AddLabel(340, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, TitleHue, @"Export");
                AddLabel(170, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                AddLabel(320, x, TitleHue, @"Include/Exclude");
                x += 25;
                // Export Statics, Items, and Tiles
                string[] exportString = new string[] {"Statics", "Items", "Tiles"};
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    DisplayExportLine(x, i, ((bool)m_State[i + 2]), ((bool)m_State[i + 5]), exportString[i], m_State[11 + (i * 2)].ToString(), m_State[12 + (i * 2)].ToString());
                    x += (i < 2 ? 25 : 15);
                AddImageTiled(15, x + 15, 420, 1, 9304);
                x += 25;
                // Z Range
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, ((bool)m_State[8]), 6);
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Z Range");
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 2, m_State[9].ToString());
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 3, m_State[10].ToString());
                x += 25;

                // Buttons
                AddButton(20, x, 4020, 4021, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(55, x, LabelHue, @"Cancel");
                AddButton(155, x, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(195, x, LabelHue, @"Generate");
                AddButton(300, x, 4005, 4006, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(340, x, LabelHue, @"Test & Gen");

            private void DisplayExportLine(int x, int index, bool state, bool include, string heading, string min, string max)
                AddCheck(20, x, 9026, 9027, state, index);
                AddLabel(40, x, LabelHue, heading);
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 4 + (index * 2), min);// Tile ID Min
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 5 + (index * 2), max);// Tile ID Max
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, include, index + 3); // Include or Exclude compare?

            private string Center(string text)
                return String.Format("<CENTER>{0}</CENTER>", text);

            private string Color(string text, int color)
                return String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</COLOR>", color, text);

            public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                else if (info.ButtonID == 1)
                    m_State[17] = false;
                    m_State[17] = true;

                foreach (TextRelay text in info.TextEntries)
                    m_State[text.EntryID < 2 ? text.EntryID : text.EntryID + 7] = text.Text;

                // Reset checks
                for (int x = 2; x <= 8; x++)
                    m_State[x] = false;

                foreach (int check in info.Switches)
                    m_State[check + 2] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object

                if (Verify(sender.Mobile, m_State))
                    BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddonGenerator.PickerCallback), m_State);
                    sender.Mobile.SendMessage(0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid.");
                    sender.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(sender.Mobile, m_State));

            private static bool Verify(Mobile from, object[] state)
                if (state[0] == null || (state[0] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Name field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (state[1] == null || (state[1] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Namespace field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (!((bool)state[2] || (bool)state[3] || (bool)state[4]))
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "You must have least one Export button selected. (Static/Items/Tiles)");
                    return false;

                string[] errors = new string[] {"Z Range Min", "Z Range Max","Static Min ID", "Static Max ID",
                                                "Item Min ID", "Item Max ID", "Tile Min ID", "Tile Max ID"};

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    if (!CheckNumber(x < 2 ? 0 : 1, state[x + 9] as string, errors[x], from))
                        return false;
                return true;

            private static bool CheckNumber(int numType, string number, string error, Mobile from)
                sbyte sbyteTemp;
                short shortTemp;
                    if (numType == 0)
                        sbyteTemp = sbyte.Parse(number);
                        shortTemp = short.Parse(number);
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "There's a problem with the {0} field.", error);
                    return false;

                return true;

#region CEOIdentifyAddon
namespace Server.Items
    public class CEOIdentifyAddon : BaseAddon

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(string init)
            // Nothing really here, just prevents adding a null contruct via [add command

        public CEOIdentifyAddon()

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            writer.Write(0); // Version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            if (this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal)
                this.Delete(); // Remove it because it's most

        public void ReDeed(Mobile m)



well its not a crash its errors on the blk runuo screen and there is a lot is there a faster way to show u then writing them all out?


yea... on the console click the top left little icon click edit go to mark and select the whole screen and post up here... did you select the whole script I added and copy that over or did you just copy the line?


this is very nice to know ty
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/AddonGen.cs:
    CS0234: Line 262: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0117: Line 262: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'GetTilesAt
    CS0234: Line 263: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0234: Line 263: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 269: The type or namespace name 'Tile' could not be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 273: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Add(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 273: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS1502: Line 275: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Add(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 275: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS1502: Line 277: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Add(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 277: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS1502: Line 279: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Add(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 279: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS1502: Line 281: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Add(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 281: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS0246: Line 284: The type or namespace name 'Tile' could not be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1502: Line 286: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.G
eneric.List<Server.Tile>.Remove(Server.Tile)' has some invalid arguments
    CS1503: Line 286: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Tile' to 'Server.Tile'
    CS0234: Line 409: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0234: Line 409: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 420: The type or namespace name 'Tile' could not be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0234: Line 455: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0234: Line 455: The type or namespace name 'Tile' does not exist in the na
mespace 'Server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 462: The type or namespace name 'Tile' could not be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


So... what happened is... They should be StaticTiles and not just tiles give this a shot hopefully this knocks some of them down :)
// If you're using an SVN that supports List<> methods (remove the //s) to use those instead of arrays or add them for RC1.
#define RC2
//#define DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Commands;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Arya.Misc
    public class AddonGenerator
        /// <summary>
        /// Set this value if you wish the scripts to be output somewhere else rather than in the default RunUO\TheBox
        /// directory. This should be a full valid path on your computer
        /// Example:
        /// private static string m_CustomOutputDirector = @"C:\Program Files\RunUO\Scripts\Custom\Addons";
        /// </summary>
        private static string m_CustomOutputDirectory = null;

        #region Template

        private const string m_SimpleCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnSimpleComponents.Length / 4; i++)
                AddComponent( new AddonComponent( m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,0] ), m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,1], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,2], m_AddOnSimpleComponents[i,3] );";

        private const string m_ComplexCode = @"
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AddOnComplexComponents.Length / 6; i++)
                AddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon)this, m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,0], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,1], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,2], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,3], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,4], m_AddOnComplexComponents[i,5] );";

        private const string m_ComplexNameCode = @"
        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource)
            AddComplexComponent(addon, item, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, hue, lightsource, null, 1);

        private static void AddComplexComponent(BaseAddon addon, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name, int amount)
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
                ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0)
                ac.Hue = hue;
            if (amount > 1)
                ac.Stackable = true;
                ac.Amount = amount;
            if (lightsource != -1)
                ac.Light = (LightType) lightsource;
            addon.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private const string m_Template = @"
//                                    //
//  Generated by CEO's YAAAG - V1.2  //
// (Yet Another Arya Addon Generator) //
//                                    //
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace {namespace}
    public class {name}Addon : BaseAddon
        public override BaseAddonDeed Deed
                return new {name}AddonDeed();

        [ Constructable ]
        public {name}Addon()

        public {name}Addon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( 0 ); // Version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class {name}AddonDeed : BaseAddonDeed
        public override BaseAddon Addon
                return new {name}Addon();

        public {name}AddonDeed()
            Name = ""{name}"";

        public {name}AddonDeed( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( 0 ); // Version

        public override void    Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();


        public static void Initialize()
            CommandSystem.Register("AddonGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler(OnAddonGen));

        #region Command
        [Usage("AddonGen [<name> [namespace]]"),
        Description("Brings up the addon script generator gump. When used with the name (and eventually namespace) parameter generates an addon script from the targeted region.")]
        private static void OnAddonGen(CommandEventArgs e)

            object[] state = new object[18];

            state[0] = "";
            state[1] = "Server.Items";
            state[2] = true;
            state[3] = false;
            state[4] = false;
            state[5] = true;
            state[6] = true;
            state[7] = true;
            state[8] = true;
            state[9] = -128;
            state[10] = 127;
            state[11] = state[13] = state[15] = 2;
            state[12] = state[14] = state[16] = 16384;

            if (e.Arguments.Length > 0)
                state[0] = e.Arguments[0];

                if (e.Arguments.Length > 1)
                    state[1] = e.Arguments[1];
            e.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(e.Mobile, state));

        private static void PickerCallback(Mobile from, Map map, Point3D start, Point3D end, object state)
            object[] args = state as object[];
            int m_SimpleComponents = 0;
            int m_ComplexComponents = 0;
            int m_NamedComponents = 0;
            int m_TotalComponents = 0;

            if (start.X > end.X)
                int x = start.X;
                start.X = end.X;
                end.X = x;

            if (start.Y > end.Y)
                int y = start.Y;
                start.Y = end.Y;
                end.Y = y;

            Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D(start, end);

            string name = args[0] as string;
            string ns = args[1] as string;

            bool getStatics = (bool)args[2];
            bool getItems = (bool)args[3];
            bool getTiles = (bool)args[4];
            bool includeStaticRange = (bool)args[5];
            bool includeItemRange = (bool)args[6];
            bool includeTileRange = (bool)args[7];
            bool includeZRange = (bool)args[8];
            bool generateTest = (bool)args[17];

            sbyte min = sbyte.MinValue;
            sbyte max = sbyte.MaxValue;

            short minStaticID = 2;
            short maxStaticID = 16384;
            short minItemID = 2;
            short maxItemID = 16384;
            short minTileID = 2;
            short maxTileID = 16384;

            try { min = sbyte.Parse(args[9] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { max = sbyte.Parse(args[10] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minStaticID = short.Parse(args[11] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxStaticID = short.Parse(args[12] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minItemID = short.Parse(args[13] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxItemID = short.Parse(args[14] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { minTileID = short.Parse(args[15] as string); }
            catch { }
            try { maxTileID = short.Parse(args[16] as string); }
            catch { }

            Hashtable tiles = new Hashtable();

            if (getTiles)
                for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; x++)
                    for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; y++)
#if RC2
                        List<Server.StaticTile> list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        List<Server.StaticTile> remove = new List<Server.StaticTile>();
                        ArrayList list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
                        ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();

                        foreach (StaticTile t in list)
                            int id = t.ID - 16384;
                            if (id < 2 || id > 16382)
                            else if (includeZRange && (t.Z < min || t.Z > max))
                            else if (!includeZRange && (t.Z >= min && t.Z <= max))
                            else if (includeTileRange && (id < minTileID || id > maxTileID))
                            else if (!includeTileRange && (id >= minTileID && id <= maxTileID))

                        foreach (StaticTile t in remove)

                        if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                            tiles[new Point2D(x, y)] = list;

            IPooledEnumerable en = map.GetItemsInBounds(bounds);
            ArrayList target = new ArrayList();
            bool fail = false;

                foreach (object o in en)
                    if (getStatics)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s == null)
                        { }
                        else if (s.Deleted)
                        { }
                        else if (includeZRange && (s.Z < min || s.Z > max))
                        else if (!includeZRange && (s.Z >= min && s.Z <= max))
                        else if (includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID < minStaticID || s.ItemID > maxStaticID))
                        else if (!includeStaticRange && (s.ItemID >= minStaticID && s.ItemID <= maxStaticID))
                            Console.WriteLine("Static={0}:{1}", s.GetType().ToString(), s.ItemID);
                    if (getItems)
                        Static s = o as Static;
                        if (s != null) // Don't want a static
                        Item i = o as Item;
                        if (i == null)
                        else if (i.Deleted)
                        else if (i is BaseAddon) // Not a good idea to add a BaseAddOn for obvious reasons
                        else if (i.ItemID < 2 || i.ItemID > 16382) // This is not an Item within the normal artwork.. multi... etc.. Toss it
                        else if (includeZRange && (i.Z < min || i.Z > max))
                        else if (!includeZRange && (i.Z >= min && i.Z <= max))
                        else if (includeItemRange && (i.ItemID < minItemID || i.ItemID > maxItemID))
                        else if (!includeItemRange && (i.ItemID >= minItemID && i.ItemID <= maxItemID))
                        Console.WriteLine("item={0}:{1}, {2}-map{3}", i.GetType().ToString(), i.ItemID, i.Deleted, i.Map);
            catch (Exception err)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "The targeted components have been modified. Please retry.");
                fail = true;

            if (fail)

            if (target.Count == 0 && tiles.Keys.Count == 0)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "No components have been selected.");
                from.SendGump(new InternalGump(from, args));

            // Get center
            Point3D center = new Point3D();
            center.Z = 127;

            int x1 = bounds.End.X;
            int y1 = bounds.End.Y;
            int x2 = bounds.Start.X;
            int y2 = bounds.Start.Y;

            // Get correct bounds
            foreach (Item item in target)
                if (item.Z < center.Z)
                    center.Z = item.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, item.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, item.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, item.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, item.Y);
            CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon = null;

            if (generateTest)
                IdentifyAddon = new CEOIdentifyAddon("init");

            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.StaticTile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.StaticTile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;

                if (list == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The list is null... ");

                foreach (StaticTile t in list)
                    if (t.Z < center.Z)
                        center.Z = t.Z;

                x1 = Math.Min(x1, p.X);
                y1 = Math.Min(y1, p.Y);
                x2 = Math.Max(x2, p.X);
                y2 = Math.Max(y2, p.Y);

            center.X = x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2);
            center.Y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) / 2);

            // Build items
            System.Text.StringBuilder nc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            System.Text.StringBuilder sl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnSimpleComponents = new int[,] {\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cl = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cl.Append("private static int[,] m_AddOnComplexComponents = new int[,] {\n\t\t\t  ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder sc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sc.Append("// ");
            System.Text.StringBuilder cc = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            cc.Append("// ");

            int simplecount = 0;
            int complexcount = 0;
            // Tiles
            foreach (Point2D p in tiles.Keys)
#if RC2
                List<Server.StaticTile> list = tiles[p] as List<Server.StaticTile>;
                ArrayList list = tiles[p] as ArrayList;
                int xOffset = p.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = p.Y - center.Y;

                foreach (StaticTile t in list)
                    int zOffset = t.Z - center.Z;
                    int id = t.ID - 16384;
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t ", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1)
                        sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest)
                        AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, 0, -1, string.Format("({0}):{1},{2},{3}", m_TotalComponents, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
            // Statics & Items
            foreach (Item item in target)
                if (item.Deleted)
                int xOffset = item.X - center.X;
                int yOffset = item.Y - center.Y;
                int zOffset = item.Z - center.Z;
                int id = item.ItemID;

                if (((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource) || (item.Hue != 0) || (item.Name != null) || item.Amount > 1) // Use old method
                    if (item.Name != null || item.Amount != 0) // Have to do this one the old method
                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                            lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        nc.AppendFormat("\t\t\tAddComplexComponent( (BaseAddon) this, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\", {7});// {8}\n", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource, item.Name, item.Amount, m_TotalComponents);
                        if (generateTest)
                            AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), item.Amount);

                    else //if (item.Hue != 0 || (item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                        int lightsource = -1;
                        if ((item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource) == TileFlag.LightSource)
                            lightsource = (int)item.Light;
                        cc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                        if (complexcount > 1)
                            cl.Append(", ");
                        cl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} ", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, lightsource);
                        if (complexcount % 3 == 0)
                            cl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", cc.ToString());
                            cc.Length = 0;
                            cc.Append("// ");
                        if (generateTest)
                            AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
                else // Add data to static table
                    sc.AppendFormat("{0}\t", m_TotalComponents);
                    if (simplecount > 1)
                        sl.Append(", ");
                    sl.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
                    if (simplecount % 3 == 0)
                        sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n\t\t\t", sc.ToString());
                        sc.Length = 0;
                        sc.Append("// ");
                    if (generateTest)
                        AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(IdentifyAddon, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, item.Hue, -1, string.Format("({0},{1}): {2}, {3}, {4}", m_TotalComponents, id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0);
            if (sc.Length > 4)
                sl.AppendFormat("{0}\n", sc.ToString());
            if (cc.Length > 4)
                cl.AppendFormat("{0}\n", cc.ToString());
            if (m_SimpleComponents > 0)
            if (m_ComplexComponents > 0)

            string output = m_Template.Replace("{name}", name);
            output = output.Replace("{simplelist}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? sl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{simplecomponentscode}", m_SimpleComponents > 0 ? m_SimpleCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexlist}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? cl.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexcomponentscode}", m_ComplexComponents > 0 ? m_ComplexCode : "");
            output = output.Replace("{namedcomponentscode}", m_NamedComponents > 0 ? nc.ToString() : "");
            output = output.Replace("{complexnamecomponentscode}", (m_ComplexComponents > 0 || m_NamedComponents > 0) ? m_ComplexNameCode : "");

            output = output.Replace("{namespace}", ns);

            StreamWriter writer = null;
            string path = null;

            if (m_CustomOutputDirectory != null)
                path = Path.Combine(m_CustomOutputDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));
                path = Path.Combine(Core.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name));

            fail = false;

                string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

                if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

                writer = new StreamWriter(path, false);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "An error occurred when writing the file.");
                fail = true;
                if (writer != null)

            if (!fail)
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Script saved to {0}", path);
                from.SendMessage(0x40, "Total components in AddOn: {0}", m_TotalComponents);
                if (generateTest && IdentifyAddon != null)
                    from.SendMessage(0x37, "Now target a land tile to place a your addon.");
                    from.Target = new InternalTarget(IdentifyAddon);

        private static void AddIdentifyAddOnComponent(CEOIdentifyAddon ai, int item, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int hue, int lightsource, string name, int amount)
            if (ai == null)
            AddonComponent ac;
            ac = new AddonComponent(item);
            if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
                ac.Name = name;
            if (hue != 0)
                ac.Hue = hue;
            if (amount > 1) // Note: a warning will show on the console regarding a non-stackable item....
                ac.Stackable = true;
                ac.Amount = amount;
            if (lightsource != -1)
                ac.Light = (LightType)lightsource;
            ai.AddComponent(ac, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);

        private class InternalTarget : Target
            private CEOIdentifyAddon m_IdentifyAddon;

            public InternalTarget(CEOIdentifyAddon IdentifyAddon)
                : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
                m_IdentifyAddon = IdentifyAddon;
                CheckLOS = true;
                AllowGround = true;
                DisallowMultis = true;
                Range = 15;

            protected override void OnTargetCancel(Mobile from, TargetCancelType cancelType)
                if (m_IdentifyAddon != null)

            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o != null)
                    if (o is LandTarget)
                        LandTarget l = o as LandTarget;
                        m_IdentifyAddon.MoveToWorld(l.Location, from.Map);
                        from.SendMessage(37, "Use must target a land tile to place your addon.");
                        if (m_IdentifyAddon != null)


        #region Gump
        private class InternalGump : Gump
            private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
            private const int TitleHue = 0x35;
            private object[] m_State;

            public InternalGump(Mobile m, object[] state)
                : base(100, 50)
                m_State = state;

            private void MakeGump()
                Closable = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable = true;
                Resizable = false;
                AddBackground(0, 0, 440, 260, 9260);
                //AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 430, 260);  //uncomment this line if you like see-thru menus
                AddHtml(0, 15, 440, 20, Center(Color("CEO's Yet Another Arya Addon Generator(YAAAG)", 0x000080)), false, false);
                int x = 40;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Name");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 0, m_State[0] as string); // Name
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Namespace");
                AddImageTiled(95, x, 165, 18, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(95, x, 165, 20, LabelHue, 1, m_State[1] as string); // Namespace
                AddLabel(340, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                x += 20;
                AddLabel(20, x, TitleHue, @"Export");
                AddLabel(170, x, TitleHue, @"ID Range");
                AddLabel(320, x, TitleHue, @"Include/Exclude");
                x += 25;
                // Export Statics, Items, and Tiles
                string[] exportString = new string[] { "Statics", "Items", "Tiles" };
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    DisplayExportLine(x, i, ((bool)m_State[i + 2]), ((bool)m_State[i + 5]), exportString[i], m_State[11 + (i * 2)].ToString(), m_State[12 + (i * 2)].ToString());
                    x += (i < 2 ? 25 : 15);
                AddImageTiled(15, x + 15, 420, 1, 9304);
                x += 25;
                // Z Range
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, ((bool)m_State[8]), 6);
                AddLabel(20, x, LabelHue, @"Z Range");
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 2, m_State[9].ToString());
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 3, m_State[10].ToString());
                x += 25;

                // Buttons
                AddButton(20, x, 4020, 4021, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(55, x, LabelHue, @"Cancel");
                AddButton(155, x, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(195, x, LabelHue, @"Generate");
                AddButton(300, x, 4005, 4006, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(340, x, LabelHue, @"Test & Gen");

            private void DisplayExportLine(int x, int index, bool state, bool include, string heading, string min, string max)
                AddCheck(20, x, 9026, 9027, state, index);
                AddLabel(40, x, LabelHue, heading);
                AddImageTiled(115, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(115, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 4 + (index * 2), min);// Tile ID Min
                AddLabel(185, x, LabelHue, @"to");
                AddImageTiled(225, x + 15, 50, 1, 9274);
                AddTextEntry(225, x - 5, 50, 20, LabelHue, 5 + (index * 2), max);// Tile ID Max
                AddCheck(350, x, 9026, 9027, include, index + 3); // Include or Exclude compare?

            private string Center(string text)
                return String.Format("<CENTER>{0}</CENTER>", text);

            private string Color(string text, int color)
                return String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</COLOR>", color, text);

            public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                else if (info.ButtonID == 1)
                    m_State[17] = false;
                    m_State[17] = true;

                foreach (TextRelay text in info.TextEntries)
                    m_State[text.EntryID < 2 ? text.EntryID : text.EntryID + 7] = text.Text;

                // Reset checks
                for (int x = 2; x <= 8; x++)
                    m_State[x] = false;

                foreach (int check in info.Switches)
                    m_State[check + 2] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object

                if (Verify(sender.Mobile, m_State))
                    BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddonGenerator.PickerCallback), m_State);
                    sender.Mobile.SendMessage(0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid.");
                    sender.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(sender.Mobile, m_State));

            private static bool Verify(Mobile from, object[] state)
                if (state[0] == null || (state[0] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Name field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (state[1] == null || (state[1] as string).Length == 0)
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "Namespace field is invalid or missing.");
                    return false;

                if (!((bool)state[2] || (bool)state[3] || (bool)state[4]))
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "You must have least one Export button selected. (Static/Items/Tiles)");
                    return false;

                string[] errors = new string[] {"Z Range Min", "Z Range Max","Static Min ID", "Static Max ID",
                                                "Item Min ID", "Item Max ID", "Tile Min ID", "Tile Max ID"};

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    if (!CheckNumber(x < 2 ? 0 : 1, state[x + 9] as string, errors[x], from))
                        return false;
                return true;

            private static bool CheckNumber(int numType, string number, string error, Mobile from)
                sbyte sbyteTemp;
                short shortTemp;
                    if (numType == 0)
                        sbyteTemp = sbyte.Parse(number);
                        shortTemp = short.Parse(number);
                    from.SendMessage(0x40, "There's a problem with the {0} field.", error);
                    return false;

                return true;

#region CEOIdentifyAddon
namespace Server.Items
    public class CEOIdentifyAddon : BaseAddon

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(string init)
            // Nothing really here, just prevents adding a null contruct via [add command

        public CEOIdentifyAddon()

        public CEOIdentifyAddon(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            writer.Write(0); // Version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            if (this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal)
                this.Delete(); // Remove it because it's most

        public void ReDeed(Mobile m)



RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/AddonGen.cs:
    CS0117: Line 262: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'GetTilesAt
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


same error but this time its
CS0117: Line 262: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'GetStaticTilesAt


Try using this line... did a little research and they totally removed that Gettilesat reference so...
List<Server.StaticTile> tiles = new List<Server.StaticTile>();


so now we got this
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3995.28114
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/AddonGen.cs:
    CS0136: Line 262: A local variable named 'tiles' cannot be declared in this
scope because it would give a different meaning to 'tiles', which is already use
d in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something else
    CS0029: Line 262: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic
.List<Server.StaticTile>' to 'System.Collections.Hashtable'
    CS0103: Line 269: The name 'list' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 286: The name 'list' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 289: The name 'list' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 289: The name 'list' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 291: The name 'list' does not exist in the current context
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
and i changed this
 ArrayList list = map.GetTilesAt(new Point2D(x, y), false, false, true);
now looks like this
 List<Server.StaticTile> tiles = new List<Server.StaticTile>();