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How about a Competition?


im not a learning but can't do much big just yet.

But i think a competition like this would be great for community. Places like deviantART have done this stuff for a long time and it always has multiple bonuses. More website hits, more interaction in the community, gets peoples ideas going (whether they are in or out), and the end results others can learn from.

I think it's a great idea and would encourage anyone with the ability to do so and try! :)


hmm...sounds interesting. i've been brushing up on C# lately because i want to eventually try writing small games so this might be a good chance to practice some of what i've learned. now i've just gotta think about what i wanna write, lol. wouldn't mind doing something towards completing something runuo doesn't already have but not really sure what.


How about we register all entrants and then make a poll for the submissions of scripts, so people can vote on the winner (vote names are recorded, so it's managable)
- and then everyone who takes part in the competition should give positive rep to the winner?


Vorspire;768273 said:
How about we register all entrants and then make a poll for the submissions of scripts, so people can vote on the winner (vote names are recorded, so it's managable)
- and then everyone who takes part in the competition should give positive rep to the winner?

The RunUO Team will be judging, and it will be based off of these guidelines. Reason being, not everyone codes and not everyone should be qualified to judge, perhaps as things progress each competition could have its own panel of judges from the community. For now, it will be us.


Sounds like a plan. If anyone is putting forward RL prizes, should they not be forwarded to Ryan or David to be held until the competition closes? :D - I bet they'd have a private mailbox.


Vorspire;768278 said:
Sounds like a plan. If anyone is putting forward RL prizes, should they not be forwarded to Ryan or David to be held until the competition closes? :D - I bet they'd have a private mailbox.

Ryan has agreed to sponsor these competitions with prizes. At this point in time, those prizes will not be disclosed as we want to keep them secret until a real competition is created.


Good to hear :) Can't wait 'till it happens... But definately count me in :) I have the perfect things that I've been working on recently for an occasion like this :D


Vorspire;768273 said:
How about we register all entrants and then make a poll for the submissions of scripts, so people can vote on the winner (vote names are recorded, so it's managable)
- and then everyone who takes part in the competition should give positive rep to the winner?

That is a bad idea because not everyone would vote fairly, and it would end up being a popularity contest.


Kitchen_;768323 said:
By the way, did this idea happen to be inspired by Dream Build Play? :p

Not really, more inspired by lack of good things happening here on the boards, tons of negative remarks, tons of asshole comments, tons of people not helping other people.


That's what my comment about "activity that will surge up". I guess I should've included the word "positive" before activity, but that's what I was poking at. Thus, despite that I do not play, script, or generally do much with UO anymore, I'm excited for this. Something good for the community to focus on.


PerfectWing;768339 said:
That's what my comment about "activity that will surge up". I guess I should've included the word "positive" before activity, but that's what I was poking at. Thus, despite that I do not play, script, or generally do much with UO anymore, I'm excited for this. Something good for the community to focus on.

I dont play, script or do anything except connectuo :)



I would suggest you narrow down the category. To say just make a script, you may end up with another 100 useless daggers that do 100% damage.

Three categories would be cool. 1) Decoration - as a cool add-on, building or city. 2) Basic - Mobiles & Items (NPCs, Weapons, Armor,etc). 3) Advanced - Event or Server based script (Spawner, Skill System, etc)

I think by making three categories, you improve you chances of participation by various skill levels and more of our great community.



RavonTUS;768365 said:

I would suggest you narrow down the category. To say just make a script, you may end up with another 100 useless daggers that do 100% damage.

Three categories would be cool. 1) Decoration - as a cool add-on, building or city. 2) Basic - Mobiles & Items (NPCs, Weapons, Armor,etc). 3) Advanced - Event or Server based script (Spawner, Skill System, etc)

I think by making three categories, you improve you chances of participation by various skill levels and more of our great community.


a dagger that does 100% damage isnt very inovative so obviously it wont win. No reason to narrow it down to anything specific at the moment. If people don't want to put effort into it, thats fine, they just wont win :)


Jeff;768326 said:
Not really, more inspired by lack of good things happening here on the boards, tons of negative remarks, tons of asshole comments, tons of people not helping other people.

The quick-fix for this would be to delete the Starbucks forum...:p theoretically of course.


Vorspire;768385 said:
The quick-fix for this would be to delete the Starbucks forum...:p theoretically of course.

However, i wasnt taking starbucks into account when i made that statement.


Vorspire;768385 said:
The quick-fix for this would be to delete the Starbucks forum...:p theoretically of course.

Agreed. Who has time to code when there is so much to read in Starbucks?:rolleyes: