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Just installed Router now what ?


You don't. By default MyRunUO doesn't work.

MyRunUO has *NOTHING* to do with RunUO connecting/not connecting.

When your friend gets disconnected, what does the RunUO window show?

(Post here)


He doesn't have RunUO he's trying to connect to me and my window says user connected and then user disconnected
If you mean what does his UO window show it says that the server was restarted.


No, I mean when he connects to your shard, what does YOUR RunUO window say?

Paste it here so we can see exactly what's going on.


It says:
[code:1]Valid account credentials for Mallard
1 Users connected
User Mallard disconnected
0 Users connected[/code:1]

Or somthing like that, I'm sorry don't have the logs from when he was disconnected


Yes he has encryption removed from his client (UORice) but no he isn't using UOGateway.
I know that his client works becuase he has connected before when I didn't have a router
Looking at all this, the symptoms indicate that the address that you've put in ServerList.cs is not the address on the other side of the router. Go to and put that number in there, or update your dynamic hostname to it if you have one.


Your login.cfg doesn't affect what other people can do. It sets what servers YOU connect to.

The reason UORice isn't supported here is precisely BECAUSE you have to edit your login.cfg with it. UOGateway doesn't require you to edit it at all.


That's confused me
I have always used altered login.cfg files I have never used UOGateway before and I've never had any problems before


I've used UOGateway and I get exactly the same problem, also if it helps here is a copy of my serverlist.cs,
[code:1]using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Misc
public class ServerList
/* Address:
* The default setting, a value of 'null', will attempt to detect your IP address automatically:
* private const string Address = null;
* This detection, however, does not work for servers behind routers. If you're running behind a router, put in your IP:
* private const string Address = "";
* If you need to resolve a DNS host name, you can do that too:
* private const string Address = "";

public const string Address = "";

public const string LocalServerAddress = "";

public const string ServerName = "New Britannia";

public static void Initialize()
Listener.Port = 2593;

EventSink.ServerList += new ServerListEventHandler( EventSink_ServerList );

public static void EventSink_ServerList( ServerListEventArgs e )
IPAddress ipAddr;

if ( Resolve( Address != null && !IsLocalMachine( e.State ) ? Address : Dns.GetHostName(), out ipAddr ) )
e.AddServer( ServerName, new IPEndPoint( ipAddr, Listener.Port ) );
e.Rejected = true;
e.Rejected = true;

public static bool Resolve( string addr, out IPAddress outValue )
outValue = IPAddress.Parse( addr );
return true;
IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.Resolve( addr );

if ( iphe.AddressList.Length > 0 )
outValue = iphe.AddressList[iphe.AddressList.Length - 1];
return true;

outValue = IPAddress.None;
return false;

private static bool IsLocalMachine( NetState state )
Socket sock = state.Socket;

IPAddress theirAddress = ((IPEndPoint)sock.RemoteEndPoint).Address;

if ( IPAddress.IsLoopback( theirAddress ) )
return true;

bool contains = false;
IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.Resolve( Dns.GetHostName() );

for ( int i = 0; !contains && i < iphe.AddressList.Length; ++i )
contains = theirAddress.Equals( iphe.AddressList );

return contains;


UOGateway overrides the login.cfg, thus no need to edit it. UOGateway removes encryption, thus no need to use UORice. UOGateway doesn't edit the actual client.exe, thus no need for a backup. UOGateway doesn't require you to re-apply it for every new client update. UOGateway has the option to lower client priority, thus makes your machine more efficient.

But, if you're going to use UORice + login.cfg, change your server info in login.cfg to point to your DNS instead of directly to your computer. You serverlist is expecting connections this way. This is how I've had mine set up for over a year, and it works fine.

Put your in your login.cfg or in UOGateway. Not your LAN IP address.