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my thoughts about magery


my thoughts about magery

hello everyone

well playing in a lot of servers and by the experience of playing this game for years... i noticed magery its very overpowered....just with the thing of having 1 combat skill at gm they have 50% chance of evade a melee attack... but a warrior with resistance spells.... just lowering the time of the curse and 40% to all res... that is not going to help against a mage...some of the times its just a joke see a warrior trying to hit the mage meanwhile the mage just cast the most slow but powerfull spell and bye warrior... and worst if u are archer... slow hiting and almost no dmg..

and here comes the worst part... with aos... mages got fastcast.. def chance...and what got a warrior or archer... just hit chance..... 2 things for mage 1 for warrior and archer.. even the magery spells do more dmg than bows and melee weps...

also... the other thing the infamous pre cast.... casting multiple spells another overpowered joke..

can someone balance this class ? even its very see that class its overpowered in all server most of the ppl that kill a lot are mages... why ? cause this thing its cheap.... easy to kill with magery..... what about the warriors... archers ??'

this is just my thoughts of the magery skill from this years....playing uo
i hope some day someone will balance this thing and we will very happy with this great old game.. that its still played.. :D ( remember dont kill UO this game its Ultima Online not Mages Online.. ) :p

Look forward to viewing your changes.

Incase you can't tell, I am telling you basicly, if you want this to happen you gota do it.


Im not trying to flame you here but I just have 1 question. What game are you playing...honestly? You say mages got this, mages got that, but didnt warriors and archers also get stuff like damage increase and swing speed increase? A heck of a lot more good equipment. I would say the problems lies in your character template. I had a stealth/ninja/archer on osi that could drop peps in seconds. Pvp is all about finding the right template that works for you. So for maybe most people mages work for them. You should try out a few things before blaming it on the game.

And 1 final question for you. What happens to a mage when they cant cast a spell?

I'll go ahead give you the answer. They get owned.

Dont hate the game...hate the player.



In some ways the whole "suggestion" board is somewhat useless. You post something here on the vain and mostly entirely hopeless chance that someone with time on their hands will find it amusing enough to dedicate their spare time to solving the problem.

A far more useful board would be members-only (qualify by number of posts or invitation by a member) board where we, the more experienced community, documented our complaints about weakenesses in the current core, lack of coverage by known scripts (i.e., "hey, there's no system to do such and such, right?"), and so forth.

After this fashion, we, who would actually have to do the work, and we, who also know whether there is work worth doing there, would be the only conversation.

IOW, a collaboration center for serious work.



Ok, so the more posts I make the more qualified I am? So I am not experienced if i have lets say 52 posts? So it doesnt matter that Ive been doing this for a really long time, or the amount of college classes I've taken in programming, it depeneds on my post count? Man, I love your logic. So basically it doesnt matter that Ive wrote scripts for Wolfpack, back when they first got started, or UOX, or now RunUO, but my experience comes from how many posts I have? I dont post much because I dont really need that much help, I'm quite capable of figuring things out on my own.

My whole point of my previous post was to point out that there is nothing wrong with magery. IMO it works just like OSI, which I know its a shocker, but is what RunUO is molded after. So unless OSI makes some drastic changes to magery...again, we will not see it anytime soon. Which means that this suggestion to change the way magery works is rather pointless.


I think the whole idea of this forum wasn't the possibility for everyone to make suggestions for everything... Probably it was just meant for people to suggest changes to the Core and Distro-files. But RunUO is "meant" to be as near to the original as possible, so the possibilites for suggestions are rather small...


...doesnt matter that Ive been doing this for a really long time...

Someone that knows you or your background would invite you to the forum. I said that. A post quantity limiter of some kind serves a valuable purpose. It ditches all the fly-by-nite accounts. This includes the abusers. It also includes the newcomers who are about to figure out that writing C# script is beyond them. I personally don't want to deal with either. And more to the point don't think that core mods should be discussed with the unindoctrinated. And who says your 53 posts isn't enough?

Anyway, I wasn't trying to try a special club of only 10% of the people, but rather something that excludes the 10% you don't want, if you get the idea.


p.s. I don't think you have to worry; my recommendation is just about as vain and hopeless as any of the others posted here.



mages get:
faster cast
faster cast recover
spell damage inc
lower mana cost
lower reg cost
mana inc
int inc

warriors get:
katanas with 30dmg inc and 20 swing speed inc
armor with defence chance inc
dex increase
stamina increase

the addons for both sides go on and on, but they even out (kind of)

the problem lies in the fact that the special items with high stats on them for dexxers cost 1/10th of that of special mage items.

20k gets you one killer katana
100lrc costs 300-500k and more

just because you dont know how to pvp doesnt mean the game is flawed


bzk90 said:

mages get:
faster cast
faster cast recover
spell damage inc
lower mana cost
lower reg cost
mana inc
int inc

warriors get:
katanas with 30dmg inc and 20 swing speed inc
armor with defence chance inc
dex increase
stamina increase

the addons for both sides go on and on, but they even out (kind of)

the problem lies in the fact that the special items with high stats on them for dexxers cost 1/10th of that of special mage items.

20k gets you one killer katana
100lrc costs 300-500k and more

just because you dont know how to pvp doesnt mean the game is flawed

has u said mr. mages got more stuff than warriors.. and even chivalry its useless in pvp ... necromancy its much better... again, more ranged magic power....

and its annoying when mages got cast runing heal and magic arrow with alot that fast cast ( spamming ,, that its a ridiculus idea )

some one said yeah warrior got " special moves " ok thats right... but its useless if u gonna miss the 50% of the hits ... doenst matter if u got hitchance cause the mage its gonna have def chance...

any ways i said warrior ( pure warrior ) no paladin ( chivalry )... paladin its another class and even the " close wounds spells " its almost useless in combat... even with fc its slow...

what about the pure warrior , archer... no chance on pvp ? the annoying thing even in the game all say if u gonna kill ppl use magery....every pk use magery why ? cause kill fast..what about archery ? melee skills r for nothing just kill monsters ? no pvp ?? and resistance spells.... almost nothing of true resistance.. against spells... just curses....

u said:
just because you dont know how to pvp doesnt mean the game is flawed

i say:
i know how to pvp the problem is a guy with magery got a LOT of advantage against a warrior,, archer,,, paladin ,,,,even a necro,,,,and thats its very unfair....

of course many of u say hey man learn how to pvp ,, stfu,,,noobie,, etc... cause most of u play as mages,,, and its easy 4 u.......try to pvp with a pure paladin or warrior...... u will have a horrible surprise...


its true that most people who pvp and are good at it are mages, but not because its easier. its because it requires a decent amount of skill. if majority of pvpers were dexxers then pvp would be BORING because its not a interactive form of combat other then clicking armor ignor every 10 seconds and hiting your aids macro. magery requires combo development and knowing when or when not to heal/cast a certain spell. your template is obviously setup wrong if your having trouble killing a mage. a warrior without chivalry is dumb in this day and age. get chivalry and use things like paralyzing blow.

again you cant pvp, we know this because part of pvping is knowing how to setup a decent template. which is something you dont know how to do


bzk90 said:
the problem lies in the fact that the special items with high stats on them for dexxers cost 1/10th of that of special mage items.

20k gets you one killer katana
100lrc costs 300-500k and more
At least you'll never, ever have to risk and lose it once you own it.


you can lose your 20k katana, we can lose 300k worth of armor... you have to insure one item we have to insure 6 or more items
Can a warrior ever completely resist a damage spell? No.
Can a mage ever completely mitigate a warrior's attack? Yes.

See the imbalance?

I also like how you misrepresent itemization between the two types. Warriors need high resist armor AND a great weapon. Mages only need armor.


bzk90 said:

mages get:
faster cast
faster cast recover
spell damage inc
lower mana cost
lower reg cost
mana inc
int inc

warriors get:
katanas with 30dmg inc and 20 swing speed inc
armor with defence chance inc
dex increase
stamina increase

the addons for both sides go on and on, but they even out (kind of)

the problem lies in the fact that the special items with high stats on them for dexxers cost 1/10th of that of special mage items.

20k gets you one killer katana
100lrc costs 300-500k and more

just because you dont know how to pvp doesnt mean the game is flawed

exactly what i was gonna say... kind of :)

the nico

I play a tank mage (sword tactics, 6-2 sdi 10 lmc 36 bla bla bla) and a mace chivaly dexxer (201 dex 50 enhance pots . heal x1 sec, berserker's maul, 45 hci 81 di, no jewer changing)

those are my main mage and warrior.

the mage has no chance against the warrior (pure mages have absolutely no chance) you can cast a traditional *explo ebolt* combo and as the explo dmgs the warrior, he has already healed the ebolt dmg. the only way the mage can kill the warrior is that the warrior runs out of agility refresh and heal pots, gets disarmed, mortaled like 3 times in a row and misses several hits.

¬¬ think you got the idea.

I prefer the mage tho, that mace I have is the lammiest thing I've ever seen but he never fell in 1 on 1.


In the earliest days, the mages ruled the roost. Anyone have fond memories of the magic arrow/paralyze/ebolt combo? Those were the days. Notoriety didn't mean anything, every man for himself. UO was most fun then, IMO.



I didnt know those days because i wasnt pvping back then, but i use to do a lot of pvp on renisance style servers and my combo was always

exp > ebolt > psn > para > arrow

think thats right atleast, been a good year and some months since ive been active in pvp