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New 'booster' expansion for UO


Had a chance to try the BETA. Downloaded the client. I will cover two points. I didn't mess around with all the game play stuff...just basics. 2D client.

First: The boats move smoothly over the water. This looks nice. The mobiles can still walk around on the boat while moving...but it still stutters every now and again but nothing like the boats normally do/did. They only have the 4 standard directions of view, though can move in 8 directions (looks kinda funny). They look alright..but smacks of the SA client.

Second: There's a reason why they smack of the SA client...Couldn't open up the art files in UO fiddler for some reason. But I did in Inside UO. The graphic sets are in the extended set. I believe all of them. Canons, fish, crabs, lobsters, boats. Meaning, those of us who haven't already converted their server to SA compatible, may have to start taking a more active role in doing so, if we want these graphics.

Misc: They added a number of new hues...which will be nice to play with.

Everything else (excepting possibly ship movement) should be scriptable.

One more point. UO Cartographer wasn't communicating with the client. Not sure if this was because it was a special client...or in my opinion, because of what has to take place to glide a multi on the, I guess the client would have something to do with it after all.


hilarious.. i swear to christ EA sends employee's to player-run shards for idea's this sounds so close to my fishing system its not even funny.


i bet like hell they do. if it was me and i was looking for an idea, that would be the first thing i would do, but im not making money so it hardly is worth my time. XD
Thagoras;851722 said:
They only have the 4 standard directions of view, though can move in 8 directions (looks kinda funny).
clarify this, like does it stay the same view orientation it was before you chose to go on a diagonal?

Thagoras;851722 said:
They look alright..but smacks of the SA client.
are the original boats still included in the art, and can they be 8 directional as well?


Seems pretty clear to me...
4 orientations (north, west, south, east), 8 directions (4+4 diagonals), the boat stays in one of the 4 directions even when going diagonal... like it does already...


Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer. Thilgon has it exactly though.

are the original boats still included in the art, and can they be 8 directional as well?

All old boats still exist and I BELIEVE they can go in all 8 directions too. They 'glide' like the new boats I assume they can too. It's an easy thing for me to quick check though.

like it does already...

They already did that? Well, with the mouse driven's as if you're running or riding. Not really special, if you ask me. But they do go in (seems to, anyway) 3 different speeds...which is a nice feature.

Ok, tried with Razor...still works. That was my fear...that they changed the client to the point of not working with Razor (again).
Another thing. UO Cartographer works...but not while the boat is in motion. All other movement seems to work. I bring this up, in case any of our more advanced programmers have an idea of what's going on. The glide effect works outside the normal coordinate functions.


Thagoras;851722 said:
Had a chance to try the BETA. Downloaded the client. I will cover two points. I didn't mess around with all the game play stuff...just basics. 2D client.

First: The boats move smoothly over the water. This looks nice. The mobiles can still walk around on the boat while moving...but it still stutters every now and again but nothing like the boats normally do/did. They only have the 4 standard directions of view, though can move in 8 directions (looks kinda funny). They look alright..but smacks of the SA client.

Second: There's a reason why they smack of the SA client...Couldn't open up the art files in UO fiddler for some reason. But I did in Inside UO. The graphic sets are in the extended set. I believe all of them. Canons, fish, crabs, lobsters, boats. Meaning, those of us who haven't already converted their server to SA compatible, may have to start taking a more active role in doing so, if we want these graphics.

Misc: They added a number of new hues...which will be nice to play with.

Everything else (excepting possibly ship movement) should be scriptable.

One more point. UO Cartographer wasn't communicating with the client. Not sure if this was because it was a special client...or in my opinion, because of what has to take place to glide a multi on the, I guess the client would have something to do with it after all.

SA is not enough to support new booster ;)


SA is not enough to support new booster
Right. In order to get the glide ability you'd need to new client...and it seems that they changed a few things with how the new client communicates with their server (probably in regards to this new glide). And RunUO can't handle it at present.

My point was: if we just wanted the graphic set and have the faintest possibility of scripting this booster, we would need the SA server to do so.


EA also started a 14 day return program now until 11 Oct. (is for UO, DAOC, Warhammer)
And the booster is supposed to go live in 14 days on the 12 Oct.
You can check out the content with the beta client on a test server


Kons.snoK;852274 said:
anyone noticed anything about the new anti-thirdparty-programs functionality?

Haven't run into any issues yet. Razor still works...even with new client (in fact, I need Razor to connect to OSI...for some reason their client, on its own, can't connect to their servers...on my system anyway). UO Cartographer still works.

I was reading on Stratics that the anti-3rdparty stuff had to do with macroing or any other program which would allow an unfair advantage (EasyUO, and the like). I'm not really sure how they could detect a 3rd party program.


Thagoras;852275 said:
Haven't run into any issues yet. Razor still works...even with new client (in fact, I need Razor to connect to OSI...for some reason their client, on its own, can't connect to their servers...on my system anyway). UO Cartographer still works.

I was reading on Stratics that the anti-3rdparty stuff had to do with macroing or any other program which would allow an unfair advantage (EasyUO, and the like). I'm not really sure how they could detect a 3rd party program.

Probably something like blizzard does.Their warden gathers all running apps info and sends hash values to their servers and compare to "known" 3rdparty programs.


i know for sure that spyuo,IDA,VS2010,OllyDbg are relevated by client.
I was going to test razor but i cannot connect to my server with that :)

PS:Blizzard system is stupid


Kons.snoK;852289 said:
PS:Blizzard system is stupid

No offence, but instead of just saying that it's stupid, why don't you post an alternative thesis?

Besides, that isn't how Blizzard do it at all, infact, they can't detect if you are using 3rd party applications, like speed-hacks or bots.
Instead, they get alerted when a player is throttling packets too fast or if the packet data they expect to receive has been corrupted or changed.
Tabain;852310 said:
Was a big fuss years ago about how Blizzard was spying on their porn and stealing their creditcard numbers.
They just wanted free porn, whats wrong with that? Learn to share.

Pure Insanity

Erm...from the looks of that wiki page it is still around. It was even updated back in June. And it only scans the games memory space now.