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(Nujel'm) Battle Chess


I have posted an update which includes the possibility to choose the board orientation and it implements the second hue suggested by jjarmis (and discards the SecondaryHue from the piece appearance).

I have added a region to the chessboard (active only during a game) that will prevent players to walk on the chessboard if they aren't part of the game (can be toggled by the game owners) and to cast invisibility on the pieces.

Hades, I have added a safe word that will resend the game gump in case something werid happens. By default it's "game", and players can see it on the stone's properties when the game is running.


An alternate would be to make it so that if you dclick the stone while game is in progress and you are one of the players, then display gumps again.

Also, you forgot the orientations of SouthNorth and WestEast ;). To some poeple, it may make a difference in their map :(

And, when I try to set BlackMinorHue, it doesn't change. :eek:

EDIT: Easy fix, the propertyf or BlackMinorHue is missing

m_BlackMinorHue = value;


Arya said:
I have posted an update which includes the possibility to choose the board orientation and it implements the second hue suggested by jjarmis (and discards the SecondaryHue from the piece appearance).

Alrighty.. looks good, however the goal of my adding a color was so that the pieces could have a total of 3 colors on them to make them more colorful... which if you look at my code again is why I left the original 2 colors and just added a 3rd. :)


Where do i add the black minor hue line to? And i also suggested more hues to get blood oath and other effect colors..


HadesUO said:
Where do i add the black minor hue line to? And i also suggested more hues to get blood oath and other effect colors..

In CheccControl.cs (battlechess/items) at about line 135. :)


that line that I posted should be on line 137 of ChessControl.cs

In Addition to the hues, I believe that to make them more uniform, their hair should all be the same color for the same type of peice. Now it could be different per game, but it should be the same for all peices in a game. Also their skin tones should be the same for human types. And if it is the classic (or others using humans), the hair and skin tone should be the same for both sides.

Another suggestion is that for the animal king and queen. If you like cows.. use a cow and a bull. If you like bears, use a polar bear and a black bear. I like unity in peice relationships :eek:


jjarmis said:
Alrighty.. looks good, however the goal of my adding a color was so that the pieces could have a total of 3 colors on them to make them more colorful... which if you look at my code again is why I left the original 2 colors and just added a 3rd. :)
Well I loaded your script and played around with the 3 colors, and decided it was a bit too colorful. However I really liked the idea of using two colors which weren't as different as in the original version, so decided to use two separate hues for both piece sets.

XxSp1derxX said:
An alternate would be to make it so that if you dclick the stone while game is in progress and you are one of the players, then display gumps again.
Yep, i was going to do that too but forgot in the end. Will be in next time.

XxSp1derxX said:
Also, you forgot the orientations of SouthNorth and WestEast
. To some poeple, it may make a difference in their map
How can it make a difference? It would only switch the black and white sets around, which in turn determines who moves first. And considering that colors are assigned randomly it should make no difference at all ;)

XxSp1derxX said:
Another suggestion is that for the animal king and queen. If you like cows.. use a cow and a bull. If you like bears, use a polar bear and a black bear. I like unity in peice relationships
On my first test the king was a bull. However when used with a black color, the king and queen were very similar. I guess I'd have to try black bear/polar bear and see if it looks good.

XxSp1derxX said:
In Addition to the hues, I believe that to make them more uniform, their hair should all be the same color for the same type of peice. Now it could be different per game, but it should be the same for all peices in a game. Also their skin tones should be the same for human types. And if it is the classic (or others using humans), the hair and skin tone should be the same for both sides.
Excellent point. This will be in the next update. Thanks!


You are correct.. that is what I was thinking, that it would switch the sets around. But I see your point on that. :)

Also if you need jjarmis, you can add new sets to look however you want ;)


Okay here are a few issues -

If you do anything which requires the system to make new peices (like changing hues), then a move in progress is ruined, and the game is bugged.

Next, I would like to make a suggestion to add a boolean, to use SolidHueOverride, which if yes, would set the players solidhueoverride to their color's main hue. This would allow the "statue" look. If you do like my suggestion, dont forget that when it is disabled, to set it back to -1.


Another small update. It corrects the issue with changing the board during the move. Now the action will be delayed until the move is over. The orientation setting will be applied real time.

The stone's properties will now display whether spectators are allowed on the board or not. Staff will be able to change this setting real time through the props.

Added the minor hue override property, I guess it's good for lazy people who don't feel like setting the minor hue to whatever value the main one is ;)

Also I did the gump reset on double clicking the stone as suggested.

Many thanks to Sp1der for all the feedback! :)


Another suggestion to an already amazing module, add a setting in [props to allow players of a certain accesslevel on the board.

I've modified line 69 in ChessRegion.cs from

else if ( m_BoardBounds.Contains( m.Location ) )
else if ( m_BoardBounds.Contains( m.Location ) && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )

but this is not a very flexible fix.


That actually works just fine, I'd even simply use == AccessLevel.Player. I'll include it in the next revision, thanks you!


Arya said:
That actually works just fine, I'd even simply use == AccessLevel.Player. I'll include it in the next revision, thanks you!

How difficult would it be to include it in the [props menu, so it could be changed on the fly?


Igon said:
How difficult would it be to include it in the [props menu, so it could be changed on the fly?
Very easy but, honestly, useless. Why would you need a flag on the stone that would prevent staff on the board if they could change it themselves anyway?


The SolidHueOverride would make a human fully colored (skin tone, hair, and all) as apposed to only their clothing. Thats the minor difference which gives the "statue" feel.

I am unsure of how this came about but there was a crash -

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
   at Arya.Chess.ChessGame.OnPlayerDisconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e) 
   at Server.DisconnectedEventHandler.Invoke(DisconnectedEventArgs e) 
   at Server.Mobile.set_NetState(NetState value) 
   at Server.Network.NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue() 
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

All I know for sure is that someone pressed End Game, and it crashed.


The bug is here in ChessGame.cs on line 451

						m_White.CloseGump( typeof( GameGump ) );

Should be changed to

						m_Black.CloseGump( typeof( GameGump ) );


Hmm Arya, I looked at what you added as per my idea.

I was thinking about SolidHueOverride (not ignoring MinorHue). This property is what is used in factions to make the full purple look. Try it by typing [set solidhueoverride 1154 and you will turn pure stone colored. That is what I think is a true "statue look" where everything from the skin tone, to the hair, to the clothes are completely one color.

And here is an update to make staff not affected by the setting to not allowe spectators (Should change it to only when they are invisible?)

ChessRegion.cs - Line 69
else if ( m_BoardBounds.Contains( m.Location ) && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )


When I make the move the NPC starts wandering around and even when I plced it over the rune with MOVE command my turn did not finish.
How to fix it?


Urk said:
When I make the move the NPC starts wandering around and even when I plced it over the rune with MOVE command my turn did not finish.
How to fix it?
Are you sure you're using the latest version? Does this happen always? Please give me some more details, possibly a way to reproduce the bug.