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Public Gates


QuIcK_FiNgErS said:
Cannot walk over the gate when a spell is loaded.
Cannot walk over the gate if in battle or Criminal.
Its giving a rubberbanding effect.
Feature as it's the same code as in the Public Moongates.

Prohor Meletevich said:
What about "young" players? I found only options for "reds" and "staff"...
Update to the ACC (in my sigi). It has things for young, amung other things. Note, you don't need the entire system like the spells, but the PG system is newer in that system.

Lord Neo

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range.  Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Server.PG.PGGump.CountLocs() in c:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0\Scripts\Custom\CustomAddons\A_Li_N's Public Gates 1.0.0\Gumps\PGGump.cs:line 147
   at Server.PG.PGGump..ctor(Mobile from, Int32 Page, PublicGate gate) in c:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0\Scripts\Custom\CustomAddons\A_Li_N's Public Gates 1.0.0\Gumps\PGGump.cs:line 85
   at Server.PG.PGGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) in c:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0\Scripts\Custom\CustomAddons\A_Li_N's Public Gates 1.0.0\Gumps\PGGump.cs:line 251
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Crash Log is in Debug mode

I tried to upgrade to the ACC system and it wants to delete all the gates and the PG control, then it throws a exception. do i have to upgrade to the new ACC or is there a updated version of this still around?


Thanks for reporting and the debug report...I will take a look and see what fixes I can find for the ACC (if I havn't already done so).

To update to the ACC (which you should do), please note the update on 01-11-06 - 0109...there are special instructions on updating the Public Gates from the old versions.

Here's a direct link to the post about such things...

Pretty much, in the ACC system, open PGSystem.cs, set 'UseVersioning' to 'false', load the server and save. Then set it to true and everything will be fine.

Lord Neo

A_Li_N said:
Thanks for reporting and the debug report...I will take a look and see what fixes I can find for the ACC (if I havn't already done so).

To update to the ACC (which you should do), please note the update on 01-11-06 - 0109...there are special instructions on updating the Public Gates from the old versions.

Here's a direct link to the post about such things...

Pretty much, in the ACC system, open PGSystem.cs, set 'UseVersioning' to 'false', load the server and save. Then set it to true and everything will be fine.

thanks A_Li_N, worked great, thanks for the quick response and awsome system.


ii. said:
A_Li_N you have to make this compatable with runuo 2.0.0 I love this script and i need it bad :{

Look at lucid nagul's offerings has the ACC CM and public gates on it that work so.....that will be your best bet


A_Li_N has to work on his house, find a job or two, get his practice up and running and then he might be able to find time to work on things.


A_Li_N said:
A_Li_N has to work on his house, find a job or two, get his practice up and running and then he might be able to find time to work on things.

at least A_Li_N has his priorities :)

but why is A_Li_N talking in third person??:confused: Pyro-Tech doesn't understand :D

take care though....we understand that there is life outside of UO


I'm hoping to have something updated by the time they release the stable 2.0. But that's just what' I'm hoping.