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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] Bestiary Generator.


I am unsure, but this would probably require a devastating amount of editing but. Instead of having to edit my 400 custom monsters in, is there any way to change it to record all monsters under Server.Mobiles and use the "Name" attribute as their name?


Yay! The tear was caused by a white stripe in the layer_top.png

Try out this one.

I abandoned this idea after 1/2 of the bestiary was empty because of improperly written constructors.


  • layer_top.png
    18.4 KB · Views: 108
i must have downloaded the one from today before the new one again from today was posted

i removed all those with out constrictors, still got same error
so will try again tomorrow with the new newone from today ;)
ok question:

<mobiles useFixes="true">

this is only to set it to use custom back grounds and such?
it actualy does not do any fixing? or does it?

i have the newest set of scripts, etc in stall
all of the critters in the xml file have constructors

but i am still getting this message upon startup:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the ta
rget of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Bestiary.MobileEntry..ctor(Type type)
   at Server.Bestiary.Bestiary.Generate()
   at Server.Bestiary.Bestiary.Initialize()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] argum
ents, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] argume
nts, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwn
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
Attr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisib
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
Attr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile(Boolean debug, Boolean cache)
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

what i have a feeling it is doing even though it has a constructor (these are all basecreature also, so not based off of something else) is that it needs something in there to tell it how many, or body styles or something, and that is what it throwing it off
i.e. if you do not suppy an argument when making it - it will not be made

i am going to be going through them all again to see if any are that way (and many might be)

but you may want to put in a null check for that all


Well, there are only two dereferences in MobileEntry's ctor. Try this debug ctor and watch console for output:

  public MobileEntry( Type type )
   m_MasterType = type;
   m_Module = type.Module;
   m_Name = Bestiary.TypeRegistry[ m_MasterType ].Name;
   m_Slayer = this.SlayerGroup();
   ConstructorInfo ctor = this.HandleSpecialType( type );
   if( ctor == null )
      Console.WriteLine("Ctor null on type {0}", m_MasterType.Name);
   this.AnalyseILCode( ctor.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray() );
   #region [Additional data]
    BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)Activator.CreateInstance( type );
    if( bc == null )
      Console.WriteLine("Instance null on type {0}", m_MasterType.Name);

    if( bc.Unprovokable )
     m_Barding |= 0x1;
    if( bc.Uncalmable)
     m_Barding |= 0x2;
    if( bc.BardImmune )
     m_Barding |= 0x4;
    m_Immunity = bc.PoisonImmune;
    m_Difficulty = Items.BaseInstrument.GetBaseDifficulty( bc );
   if( m_BodyId != 0 )

wulf monat

I tried to reinstall and heres what i get when first trying to restart server after installing:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the ta
rget of an invocation. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find
a part of the path 'C:\LinksLand\runuo2.0\Bestiary\index.html'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, I
nt32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions o
ptions, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encodin
g, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
at Server.Bestiary.Bestiary.Generate()
at Server.Bestiary.Bestiary.Initialize()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] argum
ents, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] argume
nts, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwn
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
Attr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisib
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
Attr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile(Boolean debug, Boolean cache)
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit


wulf monat;686439 said:
I tried to reinstall and heres what i get when first trying to restart server after installing:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\LinksLand\runuo2.0\Bestiary\index.html'.

Do you have the Bestiary directory with the style.css, and cold, energy, fire, physical, and poison gifs in the root directory of your runuo2.0 directory? It looks like that error says it can't find the directory. Copy the Bestiary directory with those files in it to your RunUO root directory.

wulf monat

ok then the folder called release is the one i have in the root and it holds these:

thats the one with those files you mentioned in it

then theres the folder=Scripts,
it contains the .cs files where should those go?
i assume in my customs folder?
then where do the the seperate files=
layer bottom and top and the watermark go?

EDIT:I tried it out myself and placed things where i thought they should be, anyway i beleive im to the point where other guy had same problem i just need to go check his problem and solution he was given.....the error after world loads something about ctor be back after i try that one fix thanks
if you unzip the files into a "new" directory keeping the directory structure

then you have the "root" of this new directory - they go in the root runuo folder, tec

so the cs files go in scripts/engines/beastery, etc

just basical highligh everything in the "new directory" and copy it to the root runuo directory and say yes on the overwrite of everything (unless you have a modified assemblies file, then need to modify that one by hand)


that check helped a lot - found the 2 files that was causing the problem, removed it from the data list and then it all went well ;)

suggestion though and maybe question with it :D
does it do this each and every restart? if so - why not make it a command to generate them instead? this way we only need to redo it when needed
and it will not slow down the restart process

wulf monat

OK i got it installed,

OK i got it installed, i think......but i have one error
Error and script to follow:

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2588.21930
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Engines/Bestiary/MobileEntry.cs:
CS0246: Line 515: The type or namespace name 'SlayerEntry' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 952: The type or namespace name 'SlayerEntry' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

//#define DEBUG
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Items;

using Ultima;
namespace Server.Bestiary
	public enum MetadataToken
		String		= 0x07000000,

		MemberRef	= 0x0A000000,
		MethodRef	= 0x06000000,
		Method		= MemberRef | MethodRef

	public delegate void MethodHandler( MobileEntry m, int paramCount );

	public sealed class MobileEntry
		#region [Static]
		private static Bitmap m_BorderImage			= new Bitmap( "layer_top.png" );
		private static Bitmap m_Background			= new Bitmap( "layer_bottom.jpg" );
		private static Bitmap m_WaterMark			= new Bitmap( "watermark.png" );
		private static EncoderParameters m_EncoderParameter = new EncoderParameters();
		private static StringList m_Cliloc			= new StringList( "enu" );
		private static ImageCodecInfo m_Encoder;
		private static Dictionary<string, string> m_Templates = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		internal static ImageAttributes imgAttrs = new ImageAttributes();
		internal static float[][] alphaBlendMatrix = new float[][] {
				new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },	// Red		100%
				new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },	// Green	100%
				new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },	// Blue		100%
				new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, .075f, 0.0f },	// Alpha	7.5%
				new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }	// Gamma	100%

		private static Dictionary<string, MethodHandler> m_Handlers = new Dictionary<string, MethodHandler>();
		private static MethodHandler m_BlankHandler = delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )	{/*supress the unregistered handler message in debug mode, TODO!*/};

		// gets the hue to be applied from a datafile, from Pandora's Box
		public static Hue GetHue( int index )
			string huesFile = Core.FindDataFile( "hues.mul" );

			if( ( huesFile == null ) || !File.Exists( huesFile ) )
				return null;

			Hue hue = null;

			using( FileStream stream = new FileStream( huesFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) )
				BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader( stream );

				int offset = index / 8;
				int remainder = index % 8;
				int range = ( offset * 0x2c4 ) + ( remainder * 0x58 );

				if( ( range + 0x58 ) < stream.Length )
					stream.Seek( (long)range, SeekOrigin.Begin );
					hue = new Hue( index, reader );
			return hue;
		static MobileEntry()
			#region [Method handlers]
			m_Handlers[ "set_Body" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_BodyId = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "SetStr" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						if( paramCount == 2 )
							m.m_Str[ 0 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Str[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Str[ 0 ] = m.m_Str[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "SetDex" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						if( paramCount == 2 )
							m.m_Dex[ 0 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Dex[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Dex[ 0 ] = m.m_Dex[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "SetInt" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						if( paramCount == 2 )
							m.m_Int[ 0 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Int[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();
							m.m_Int[ 0 ] = m.m_Int[ 1 ] = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "SetDamageType" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						int value = m.Pop<int>();
						int type = m.Pop<int>();

						switch( type )
							case 0:
								m.m_DamagePhysical = value;
							case 1:
								m.m_DamageFire = value;
							case 2:
								m.m_DamageCold = value;
							case 3:
								m.m_DamagePoison = value;
							case 4:
								m.m_DamageEnergy = value;

			m_Handlers[ "SetResistance" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						int max = m.Pop<int>();
						int min = max;

						if( paramCount == 3 )
							min = m.Pop<int>();

						int type = m.Pop<int>();

						switch( type )
							case 0:
								m.m_Physical = new int[] { min, max };
							case 1:
								m.m_Fire = new int[] { min, max };
							case 2:
								m.m_Cold = new int[] { min, max };
							case 3:
								m.m_Poison = new int[] { min, max };
							case 4:
								m.m_Energy = new int[] { min, max };

			m_Handlers[ "SetSkill" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						double max = m.Pop<double>();
						double min = max;

						if( paramCount == 3 )
							min = m.Pop<double>();

						int type = m.Pop<int>();

						m.m_Skills[ type ] = new double[] { min, max };
			m_Handlers[ "set_Fame" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Fame = m.Pop<int>(  );

			m_Handlers[ "set_VirtualArmor" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_VirtualArmor = m.Pop<int>(  );

			m_Handlers[ "set_Title" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Title = m.Pop<string>(  );

			m_Handlers[ "set_Karma" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Karma = m.Pop<int>(  );

			m_Handlers[ "SetDamage" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Damage[1] = m.Pop<int>(  );
						m.m_Damage[0] = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "set_Hue" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Hue = m.Pop<int>(  );						

			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomDouble" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Stack.Push( Utility.RandomDouble() );						

			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomMinMax" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						if( paramCount == 2 )
							m.m_Stack.Push( Utility.RandomMinMax( m.Pop<int>(), m.Pop<int>() ) );

			m_Handlers[ "Utility::Random" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						if( paramCount == 1 )
							m.m_Stack.Push( Utility.Random( m.Pop<int>() ) );
						else if ( paramCount == 2 )
							m.m_Stack.Push( Utility.Random( m.Pop<int>(), m.Pop<int>() ) );

			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomBool" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_Stack.Push( Utility.RandomBool() );

			m_Handlers[ "set_MinTameSkill" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_MinToTame = m.Pop<double>();

			m_Handlers[ "set_ControlSlots" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						m.m_ControlSlots = m.Pop<int>();

			m_Handlers[ "BaseCreature::.ctor" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						double max = m.Pop<double>();
						double min = m.Pop<double>();

						int skip = m.Pop<int>();
						int rangePerception = m.Pop<int>();
						int fightMode = m.Pop<int>();

						m.m_Mode = ( (AIType)m.Pop<int>() ).ToString().Remove( 0, 3 );

			m_Handlers[ "BaseMount::.ctor" ] =
					delegate( MobileEntry m, int paramCount )
						double max = m.Pop<double>();
						double min = m.Pop<double>();

						int skip = m.Pop<int>();
						int rangePerception = m.Pop<int>();
						int fightMode = m.Pop<int>();

						m.m_Mode = ( (AIType)m.Pop<int>() ).ToString().Remove( 0, 3 );
						m.m_BodyId = m.Pop<int>();
						m.Pop<string>();// name

			m_Handlers[ "Container::DropItem" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomList" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "set_Tamable" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "SetHits" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "AddItem" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "set_SpeechHue" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "set_Female" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Utility::AssignRandomHair" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomNeutralHue" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Utility::RandomSkinHue" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "set_BaseSoundID" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "SetMana" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "set_Name" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "PackItem" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "PackArmor" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "PackWeapon" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Body::op_Implicit" ] = m_BlankHandler;
			m_Handlers[ "Seed::RandomBonsaiSeed" ] = m_BlankHandler;

			ImageCodecInfo[] encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();

			// find the JPEG encoder.
			foreach( ImageCodecInfo encoder in encoders )
				if( encoder.FormatDescription == "JPEG" )
					m_Encoder = encoder;

			m_EncoderParameter.Param[ 0 ] = new EncoderParameter( System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, new long[ 1 ] { 0x46 } );
			imgAttrs.SetColorMatrix( new ColorMatrix( alphaBlendMatrix ), ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap );

			m_Templates.Add( "tableTop", /*"/*<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n" +
													"<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en\">\n" +
													"	<head>\n" +
													"		<title> Twilight-Zone :: Bestiary </title>\n" +
													"		<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style.css\" />\n" +
													"		<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n" +
													"	</head>\n" +
													"	<body bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n" +*/
													"		<center>\n" +
													"			<img src=\"../images/{0}.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{0}\" />\n" +
													"			<br />\n" +
													"			<br />\n" +
													"			<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"mobileEntry\">\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "nameHeader", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<td bgcolor=\"#cccccc\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" style=\"padding: 2px; color: #000\">\n" +
													"						<b>{0}</b>\n" +
													"					</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "strenghtOneArg", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Strength: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "strenghtTwoArgs", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Strength: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0} - {1}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "dexterityOneArg", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Dexterity: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "dexterityTwoArgs", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Dexterity: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0} - {1}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "intelligenceOneArg", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Intelligence: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "intelligenceTwoArgs", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Intelligence: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0} - {1}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damageTypesHeader", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th valign=\"top\">Damage types: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "resistancesHeader", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th valign=\"top\">Resistances: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damagePhysical", "						<div style=\"border: 1px solid #555; background-image: url('../physical.gif'); width: {0}px; color: #000; font-weight: bold\">\n" +
													"							{0}%\n" +
													"						</div>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damageFire", "						<div style=\"border: 1px solid #555; background-image: url('../fire.gif'); width: {0}px; color: #000; font-weight: bold\">\n" +
													"							{0}%\n" +
													"						</div>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damageCold", "						<div style=\"border: 1px solid #555; background-image: url('../cold.gif'); width: {0}px; color: #000; font-weight: bold\">\n" +
													"							{0}%\n" +
													"						</div>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damagePoison", "						<div style=\"border: 1px solid #555; background-image: url('../poison.gif'); width: {0}px; color: #000; font-weight: bold\">\n" +
													"							{0}%\n" +
													"						</div>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "damageEnergy", "						<div style=\"border: 1px solid #555; background-image: url('../energy.gif'); width: {0}px; color: #000; font-weight: bold\">\n" +
													"							{0}%\n" +
													"						</div>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "endRow", "						<br />\n" +
													"					</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>" );
			m_Templates.Add( "minMaxDmgOneArg", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Damage: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "minMaxDmgTwoArgs", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Damage: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0} - {1}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "mode", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Mode: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "fame", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Fame: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "karma", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Karma: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "slayer", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Slayer: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>\n" +
													"						<span style=\"color: #990000\">\n" +
													"							{0}\n" +
													"						</span>\n" +
													"					</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "armour", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Armour: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
													"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "minToTame", "				<tr>\n" +
										"					<th>Minimal taming: </th>\n" +
										"					<td>{0:F1}</td>\n" +
										"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "slots", "				<tr>\n" +
										"					<th>Control slots: </th>\n" +
										"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
										"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "immunity", "				<tr>\n" +
							"					<th>Poison immunity: </th>\n" +
							"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
							"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "barding", "				<tr>\n" +
							"					<th>Barding: </th>\n" +
							"					<td>{0}</td>\n" +
							"				</tr>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "skillsHeader", "				<tr>\n" +
													"					<th>Skills: </th>\n" +
													"					<td>\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "skillRow", "						<b>{0}</b>: {1}<br />\n" );
			m_Templates.Add( "tableFooter", "</table>\n");
												/*	"	</body>\n" +
													"</html>" );*/

		#region [Fields]
		private Module m_Module;
		private Type m_MasterType;
		private int[] m_Str = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Dex = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Int = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Damage = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Physical = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Fire = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Cold = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Poison = new int[ 2 ];
		private int[] m_Energy = new int[ 2 ];
		private int m_DamagePhysical;
		private int m_DamageFire;
		private int m_DamageCold;
		private int m_DamagePoison;
		private int m_DamageEnergy;
		private int m_BodyId;
		private int m_Hue;
		private int m_Fame;
		private int m_Karma;
		private int m_VirtualArmor;
		private int m_ControlSlots;
		private int m_Barding;
		private double m_Difficulty;
		private double m_MinToTame;
		private string m_Title;
		private string m_Mode;
		private string m_Name;
		private string m_PrevLink, m_NextLink;
		private Poison m_Immunity;
		private SlayerEntry m_Slayer;
		private Stack m_Stack = new Stack();
		private Dictionary<int, double[]> m_Skills = new Dictionary<int, double[]>();

		#region [Properties]
		public string Name { get { return m_Name; } set { m_Name = value; } }
		public string PrevLink { get { return m_PrevLink; } set { m_PrevLink = value; } }
		public string NextLink { get { return m_NextLink; } set { m_NextLink = value; } }
		public Type MasterType { get { return m_MasterType; } set { m_MasterType = value; } }
		// returns the final html code
		public string Html
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 0x2000 );

				#region [Header]
				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "tableTop" ], m_MasterType.Name );
				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "nameHeader" ], m_Name );

				#region [Stats output]
				if( m_Str[ 0 ] != m_Str[ 1 ] )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "strenghtTwoArgs" ], m_Str[ 1 ], m_Str[ 0 ] );
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "strenghtOneArg" ], m_Str[ 0 ] );

				if( m_Dex[ 0 ] != m_Dex[ 1 ] )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "dexterityTwoArgs" ], m_Dex[ 1 ], m_Dex[ 0 ] );
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "dexterityOneArg" ], m_Dex[ 0 ] );

				if( m_Int[ 0 ] != m_Int[ 1 ] )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "intelligenceTwoArgs" ], m_Int[ 1 ], m_Int[ 0 ] );
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "intelligenceOneArg" ], m_Int[ 0 ] );

				#region [Damage Types]
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "damageTypesHeader" ] );
				if( m_DamagePhysical != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damagePhysical" ], m_DamagePhysical );
				if( m_DamageFire != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageFire" ], m_DamageFire );
				if( m_DamageCold != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageCold" ], m_DamageCold );
				if( m_DamagePoison != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damagePoison" ], m_DamagePoison );
				if( m_DamageEnergy != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageEnergy" ], m_DamageEnergy );
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "endRow" ] );

				#region [Resistances]
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "resistancesHeader" ] );
				if( m_Physical[ 0 ] != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damagePhysical" ], m_Physical[ 0 ] );
				if( m_Fire[ 0 ] != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageFire" ], m_Fire[ 0 ] );
				if( m_Cold[ 0 ] != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageCold" ], m_Cold[ 0 ] );
				if( m_Poison[ 0 ] != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damagePoison" ], m_Poison[ 0 ] );
				if( m_Energy[ 0 ] != 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "damageEnergy" ], m_Energy[ 0 ] );
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "endRow" ] );

				#region [Some stuff]
				if( m_Damage[ 0 ] != m_Damage[ 1 ] )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "minMaxDmgTwoArgs" ], m_Damage[ 0 ], m_Damage[1] );
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "minMaxDmgOneArg" ], m_Damage[1] );

				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "mode" ], m_Mode );
				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "fame" ], m_Fame );
				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "karma" ], m_Karma );
				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "armour" ], m_VirtualArmor );

				if( m_Slayer != null )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "slayer" ], m_Cliloc.Table[ m_Slayer.Title ] );

				if( m_ControlSlots > 0 )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "minToTame" ], m_MinToTame );
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "slots" ], m_ControlSlots );

				if( m_Immunity != null )
					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "immunity" ], m_Immunity.ToString() );

				StringBuilder bard = new StringBuilder( 0x400 );

				if( ( m_Barding & 4 ) != 0 )
					bard.Append( "<b>Bard Immune</b><br />\n" );
					bard.AppendFormat( "<b>Difficulty:</b> {0:F1}<br />\n", m_Difficulty );

					if( ( m_Barding & 1 ) != 0 )
						bard.Append( "<b>Unprovokable</b><br />\n" );

					if( ( m_Barding & 2 ) != 0 )
						bard.Append( "<b>Uncalmable</b><br />\n" );

				sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "barding" ], bard.ToString() );


				#region [Skills]
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "skillsHeader" ] );
				List<int> keys = new List<int>( m_Skills.Keys );

				for( int i = 0; i < 5 && i < m_Skills.Count; i++ )
					double[] skillVal = m_Skills[ keys[ i ] ];
					string skStrVal = "";

					if( skillVal[ 0 ] == skillVal[ 1 ] )
						skStrVal = string.Format( "{0:F1}", skillVal[ 0 ] );
						skStrVal = string.Format( "{0:F1} - {1:F1}", skillVal[ 0 ], skillVal[ 1 ] );

					sb.AppendFormat( m_Templates[ "skillRow" ], SkillInfo.Table[ keys[ i ] ].Name, skStrVal );
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "endRow" ] );

				#region [Footer]
				sb.Append( m_Templates[ "tableFooter" ] );
				if( m_PrevLink != null )
					sb.AppendFormat( "<span style=\"padding: 3px;border: 1px solid #555; background-color: #333; margin: 2px;\">{0}</span>", m_PrevLink );
				if ( m_NextLink != null )
                    sb.AppendFormat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style=\"padding: 3px;border: 1px solid #555; background-color: #333; margin: 2px;\">{0}</span>", m_NextLink);
				sb.Append("</center><br /><br ?>");

				return sb.ToString();
		// Consider the entry being empty if it does have all of the following -zero-: bodyId, str, int or dex.
		public bool GuessEmpty
				return ( 
					m_BodyId == 0 &&
					m_Str[1] == 0 && 
					m_Int[1] == 0 && 
					m_Dex[1] == 0 

		public MobileEntry( Type type )
			m_MasterType = type;
			m_Module = type.Module;
			m_Name = Bestiary.TypeRegistry[ m_MasterType ].Name;
			m_Slayer = this.SlayerGroup();

			ConstructorInfo ctor = this.HandleSpecialType( type );

			this.AnalyseILCode( ctor.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray() );

			#region [Additional data]
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)Activator.CreateInstance( type );
				if( bc.Unprovokable )
					m_Barding |= 0x1;
				if( bc.Uncalmable)
					m_Barding |= 0x2;
				if( bc.BardImmune )
					m_Barding |= 0x4;
				m_Immunity = bc.PoisonImmune;
				m_Difficulty = Items.BaseInstrument.GetBaseDifficulty( bc );

			if( m_BodyId != 0 )
		// Predict that the last 0 or 1 pushed onto the stack being the value to be returned.  Returns false on error. Naughty me!
		public bool GetBooleanValue( string methodName )
			MethodInfo method = m_MasterType.GetMethod( methodName );
			if( method != null )
				byte[] methodData = method.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray();
				BinaryReader codeReader = new BinaryReader(
				   new MemoryStream( methodData )
			   	bool lastCode = false;

				while( codeReader.PeekChar() >= 0 )
					OpCode op = OPCodeCache.Hit( codeReader.ReadByte() );
					if ( op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1 )
						lastCode = true;
					else if ( op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0 )
						lastCode = false;
				return lastCode;		
			return false;
		// some ctors may need extra care.
		private ConstructorInfo HandleSpecialType( Type type )
			ConstructorInfo ctor = null;

			if( typeof( BaseMount ).IsAssignableFrom( type ) )
				ctor = type.GetConstructor( new Type[] { typeof( string ) } );

			return ( ctor ?? type.GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes ) );

		// heart and soul, yay!
		private void AnalyseILCode( byte[] code )
			BinaryReader codeReader = new BinaryReader(
				   new MemoryStream( code )

			while( codeReader.PeekChar() >= 0 )
				OpCode op = OPCodeCache.Hit( codeReader.ReadByte() );

				if( op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4 )
					m_Stack.Push( codeReader.ReadInt32() );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Ldc_R8 )
					m_Stack.Push( codeReader.ReadDouble() );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Ldc_R4 )
					m_Stack.Push( codeReader.ReadSingle() );
				else if( op.Value > 0x15 && op.Value < 0x1F )
					m_Stack.Push( op.Value - 0x16 );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_M1 )
					m_Stack.Push( -1 );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S )
					m_Stack.Push( (int)codeReader.ReadByte() );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Ldstr )
					int stringDescriptor = codeReader.ReadInt32();

					if( MatchMetadata( stringDescriptor, MetadataToken.String ) ) // sanity check, am I really a string?
						m_Stack.Push( m_Module.ResolveString( stringDescriptor ) );
						m_Stack.Push( "(error - string value couldn't be resolved.)" );
				else if( op == OpCodes.Call || op == OpCodes.Callvirt )
					int methodDescriptor = codeReader.ReadInt32();

					if( MatchMetadata( methodDescriptor, MetadataToken.Method ) ) // sanity check, am I really a method?
						MethodBase mb = m_Module.ResolveMethod( methodDescriptor );

						if( (mb.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf( typeof( Mobile ) ) || mb.DeclaringType == typeof( Mobile )) && !mb.IsConstructor )
							Dispatch( mb.Name, mb.GetParameters().Length );
							Dispatch( mb.Name, mb.DeclaringType.Name, mb.GetParameters().Length );
					// all opcodes that push something onto the stack have been taken care of.
					// now we have to check whether the given opcode has an operand or not.
					// if so, we'll skip appropriate amount of bytes.
					OperandType operandType = op.OperandType;

					switch( operandType )
						case OperandType.InlineNone:
						case OperandType.InlineR:
						case OperandType.InlineI8:
						case OperandType.InlineSwitch:
								int switchBranches = codeReader.ReadInt32();

								while( switchBranches-- > 0 )
						case OperandType.ShortInlineR:
						case OperandType.InlineType:
						case OperandType.InlineTok:
						case OperandType.InlineString:
						case OperandType.InlineSig:
						case OperandType.InlineMethod:
						case OperandType.InlineI:
						case OperandType.InlineField:
						case OperandType.InlineBrTarget:
						case OperandType.InlineVar:
						case OperandType.ShortInlineVar:
						case OperandType.ShortInlineI:
						case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget:

		// Pops the value of predicted type <T> outta the stack.
		// otherwise returns a default value.
		private T Pop<T>()
			if( m_Stack.Count > 0 )
				object pop = m_Stack.Pop();

				if( pop is T )
					return (T)pop;

			return default( T );

		// am I really what I'm expected to be, huh?
		private bool MatchMetadata( int descriptor, MetadataToken token )
			return ( descriptor & (int)token ) != 0;

		private SlayerEntry SlayerGroup()
			foreach( SlayerGroup group in Server.Items.SlayerGroup.Groups )
				if( Array.IndexOf<Type>( group.Super.Types, m_MasterType ) != -1 )
					return group.Super;

				foreach( SlayerEntry entry in group.Entries )
					if( Array.IndexOf<Type>( entry.Types, m_MasterType ) != -1 )
						return entry;

			return null;

		// dispatcher!
        private void Dispatch( string methodName, string typeName, int paramCount )
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))
                Dispatch(methodName, paramCount);
				if( typeName != "TimeSpan" ||
					typeName != "DateTime" ||
					typeName != "Map"	   ||
					typeName != "NameList" ||
					typeName != "Loot" ) // ignore several types
					Dispatch( string.Concat( typeName, "::", methodName ), paramCount );

		// switch witch, sandwich .. am I nuts?
		private void Dispatch( string methodName, int paramCount )
			MethodHandler handler;

			if( m_Handlers.TryGetValue( methodName, out handler ) )
				handler( this, paramCount );
				Console.WriteLine("Unregistered handler for method: {0} !", methodName);

		private void GenerateImage()
			Frame[] animFrames = Animations.GetAnimation( m_BodyId, 0, 1, ( m_Hue - 1 ), false );
			Bitmap bmp = null;
			if( Bestiary.UseFixes )
				string fixPath = Path.Combine("Bestiary/fixes", m_MasterType.Name + ".jpg");
				if( File.Exists(fixPath) )
					bmp = new Bitmap( fixPath );

            if (animFrames != null || bmp != null)
                using (Bitmap mobImage = new Bitmap(bmp ?? animFrames[0].Bitmap))
                    using (Bitmap result = new Bitmap(m_BorderImage.Width, m_BorderImage.Height))
                        using (Bitmap title = ASCIIText.DrawText(3, m_Name, 0x3B2))
                            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(result))
                                using (Bitmap tz = ASCIIText.DrawText(3, " - (server's) Bestiary -", 1260))
                                    using (SolidBrush blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 1, 1, 1)))
                                        if (m_Hue > 0)
                                            Hue hue = GetHue(m_Hue - 1);

                                            if (hue != null)
												// explicitely apply the hue, GetAnimation method doesn't work for few bodyIds.
                                                hue.ApplyTo(mobImage, false);

                                        GraphicsUnit unit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
                                        RectangleF rect = mobImage.GetBounds(ref unit);
                                        int trX = (214 - (mobImage.Width >> 1));
                                        int trY = (170 - (mobImage.Height >> 1));
                                        int brX = (int)(trX + rect.Width);
                                        int brY = (int)(trY + rect.Height);

										string customBg = Bestiary.TypeRegistry[m_MasterType].Background;
										if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customBg) )
											using( Bitmap cBg = new Bitmap(customBg) )
												gr.DrawImage(cBg, 0.0f, 0.0f);	
                                        	gr.DrawImage(m_Background, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                                        gr.FillRectangle(blackBrush, new Rectangle(22, 22, 385, 30));
                                            new Rectangle(0, 0, m_BorderImage.Width, m_BorderImage.Height),
                                        gr.DrawImage(title, ((brX + trX) >> 1) - (title.Width >> 1), trY - 5 - title.Height);
                                        gr.DrawImage(mobImage, trX, trY);
                                        gr.DrawImage(m_BorderImage, 0, 0, m_BorderImage.Width, m_BorderImage.Height);
                                        gr.DrawImage(tz, 100, 25);

                                        result.Save(Path.Combine("./Bestiary/images/", m_MasterType.Name + ".jpg"), m_Encoder, m_EncoderParameter);
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't acquire animation frames for bodyID: {0}, {1}", m_BodyId, m_Name);

Any help is greatly appreciated.!.


By default the SlayerEntry class lies within the Server.Items namespace. Some of your custom scripts changed that. Please check ./Scripts/Items/Weapons/SlayerEntry.cs and make appropriate change.

wulf monat


Thank you got it installed all correctly now, i have index.html file now as well very kewl system man i like it, now for me to get to work on certain stones or commands to open to the webpage i'll setup for this and adding all my creatures.

THanks again for the help and the scripts submission.!!.


The SlayerEntry you posted is correct. You can't get that compile error ...

You must have posted SlayerEntry from different RunUO directory than is the Bestiary installed.
just a note you might want to add to the directions:

where to set their servers name so the pics say it correctly :
in the MobileEntry.cs file:

                            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(result))
                                using (Bitmap tz = ASCIIText.DrawText(3, " -(server's)-", 1260))

to like this:

                            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(result))
                                using (Bitmap tz = ASCIIText.DrawText(3, " - Age of Avatar's Bestiary -", 1260))


wulf monat

Looking 4 Fast way to list mobs

Anyone know a fast way or of a script to list Mobiles fast, so i dont have to add each of my custom monsters and write all the names down........
i know ill have to add them eventually anyway in order to take screen shots of their looks for the pictures but im kinda looking to at least get the list updated with all my custom mobs to hurry and set up webpage for it for now.

thanks for any help or insight on this!
i used iforapid and then did a lot of fudging

i searched for : basecreature
then highlighted everything and "copied" the text
then pasted it into notepad and made a txt file
then opened it in Excel, did sort, removed the extra junk in there - just leaving the ones with the creature name : base creature
then pruned out what i did not want to be in there
saved as a text file again
then i was able to go in and use find & replace and put in the tabs and typeof and the line ends etc
then just copied it into the xml file over the other stuff

that was quick 7 dirty instructions, but if you know how to use Excell and find and replace very wel, then should understand it

I was able to do 575 monsters in a matter of minutes that way


nice to have this....i have a system like this that uses a pearl compiler to run things...the only thing is it can read all mobiles...

this is easier to work with though for sure....thanks for the submission :)