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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] Pandora's Box / BoxServer


Sorry lost con

Here is the warning the server gives me

+ Core/BoxServer.cs:
CS0618: Line 41: 'System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices.RegisterC
hannel(System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel)' is obsolete: 'Use System.Runt
ime.Remoting.ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(IChannel chnl, bool ensureSecurity)
i get the same warning

but it is working fine for me - i can log in and use the box server with no problem, and so has many of my gm's - only one had a problem and he was using windows xp firewall, so he is going to try it again tomorrow with out it running, otherwise - it just would not connect for him - no error or anything - just did not connect


This is just a warning, it should not stop the Boxserver from working (it just means: You're using rather old methods, pal). I will correct it, when I find the time, the only problem with putting everything toegether is, that I'm not sure if I get the installers to work.


Login from outside........

Quick question... I am running on a local machine and can login fine to the box server with but the GM's canot login at all. The box comes up and says connecting (on their screen) and the purple bar just continues to run and it never connects. Do they also have to make the changes to their system (install .NET 2.0 and use the modified Pandora.exe) or could it be another problem. We have doublechecked the IP and port settings along with Name and Pass. We have also tried both SHA1 and normal.


Is that all?

Are all the files needed right in the zips to run pandoras box or is the rest elsewhere? If so anyone know where been poking around for it off and on and cant seem to find it. Help Pleas?
Havent read the entire thread but is there a way to get the map to display properly for ML? I cant see some of the areas that I should be able to.
the server ones go in the custom scripts directory

for the extended maps, etc, there is a thread in 3rd party support area of updates that have been made by others to see the extended maps and other features of ML
Lord_Greywolf said:
the server ones go in the custom scripts directory

for the extended maps, etc, there is a thread in 3rd party support area of updates that have been made by others to see the extended maps and other features of ML

Found what I needed thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


thank you I tired adding Pb and run Uo 2 but couldn't get them to coroparate but i'll give this one a try :)


Midnightdragon said:
I believe .NET 2.0 will overwrite .NET 1.1 and I would not suggest tring to get around this by installing them into two seperate directories. This will lead to alot of problems.

.NET 2.0 isn't an actual upgrade to .NET 1.1, they're two different frameworks, both of which can exist simultaneously on your computer


I followed the directions above, and i still get this when i try to connect to the box server....
31/08-02:34 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the
   at TheBox.BoxServer.BoxZLib.Decompress(Byte[] data, Type type)
31/08-02:34 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the
   at TheBox.BoxServer.BoxZLib.Decompress(Byte[] data, Type type)
31/08-02:34 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the
   at TheBox.BoxServer.BoxZLib.Decompress(Byte[] data, Type type)

to my understanding, i have done everything as it should have been done at a lost currently


Ok, I've installed, everything is fine... i just had one question...

Is there any perks with installing this? like somehting you can do that you couldn't with P-Box not connected?

was just wondering, I'm goign to leave it, but was just wondering...

Thank You.


If you install it, you have some "nice" features, that are really usefull on a "live" server. Especially the feature to download the actual datafiles is nice, because it allows you to update the "Item" list in Pandora's Box so that it includes all your own items. Other features are also there.


oh, that's sweet... umm, is there a website or anyhting I can look at to see how to do this? or is it auto?

And I installed before I first posted it, heh


No, sorry, Pyro... Nobody else seems to have the problem so I can only advise to try to do it again and check if you really followed all instructions.