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Click here to download

World file with fully spawned Trammel and Felucca (and some Ilshenar and Malas) for those people who would like to have a small shard on their LAN.

Update December 06, 2003 (RunUOBeta36World)
- Removed the custom TownCrier.cs script in favour of the default TownCrier.cs script provided in the standard RunUO distribution.
- Added property HomeBounds to BaseCreature.cs so that a creature can have a rectangular boundary defined for its home as well as a home range within that boundary. The HomeBounds would normally
be the spawn area and the HomeRange would then be how far the BaseCreature could move within that boundary from its Home point.
- Modifed BaseAI.cs to use the new HomeBounds if it is defined (not equal to HomeBounds.Zero). This should prevent BaseCreature mobiles from wandering outside of their home range / spawn area.
- Modified XML spawn files (Fixed graveyard spawns)
* Spawns\Trammel\OsiLight.xml
* Spawns\Trammel\OsiMedium.xml
* Spawns\Felucca\OsiLight.xml
* Spawns\Felucca\OsiMedium.xml

1. Unzip the world package zip file into a directory of your choice ( Example: C:\RunUOWorld )

2. Download the official RunUO distribution that matches the version of the world package you downloaded.

3. Extract the RunUO binaries (*.dll and *.exe) from the RunUO distribution downloaded in step 2 into the directory created in step 1.

3a. OPTIONAL - Take the \Saves folder from a previous RunUO installation and COPY it over the \Saves folder in the directory created in step 1.

4. Start RunUO.

5. If prompted, create the admin account.

6. Create a character if necessary.

7. Login to RunUO and run the command: [CreateWorld

8. A gump will appear where you can customize the creation of the world.

9. Confirm the selections and wait...

10. Save your world manually when the world is created or wait for the automatic save to do it for you.


hey man, thanks for continue supporting...
my shard is now correcting all your spawns :D :D
to be totally like OSI (two of my staffs play there and are helping me to correct dungeons). As i done it, i will post in the forums and you obviously can put the spawns in your distribution...

thanks for all, and thanks for be back ;)

Hi bobsmart,

I haven't talked to you in the past, but I am using your spawner modified for B36..and it's great...but do you know of anywhere to get a more complete set of XML files for malas, tram, fel, ilshenar?



Re: Spawns

crazyseamonkey said:
Hi bobsmart,

I haven't talked to you in the past, but I am using your spawner modified for B36..and it's great...but do you know of anywhere to get a more complete set of XML files for malas, tram, fel, ilshenar?


My guess there isn't one.

So make one and release it.


I v waited but couldn't download

This(World2) Link was broken like "RunuoBeta36World"
and Here (
I couldn't found any new world file about beta36


Ok, I think I was able to post the file in a Yahoo group. The link should work now. I hope :rolleyes:

If not, I might take you up on that offer Thrain


problem updating from world35 to world36

I followed intruction to install and recieve this error can someone help me with this?

World: Loading...failed
Error: Type 'Server.Items.PreciousBlueRose' was not found. Delete all of those t
ypes? (y/n)
World: Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Mobiles.TownCrier
- Serial: 0x00005E51
Delete the object? (y/n)
Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate

System.Exception: Load failed (items=False, mobiles=True, guilds=False, regions=
False, type=Server.Mobiles.TownCrier, serial=0x00005E51) ---> System.Exception:
***** Bad serialize on Server.Mobiles.TownCrier *****
at Server.World.Load()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load()
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile(Boolean debug)
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
XML Files

I will be working on a OSI spawn map in the xml files for the bob smart spawner. I really like this spawner, and have played with the spawns some...I have some people from my shard working on mapping out all of the dungeons etc...and then we'll be creating the spawners...

When I'm finished I will try to post them up here since there doesn't seem to be anyone that has really gotten the spawns right that cares to post them.


Re: problem updating from world35 to world36

lovelylove said:
I followed intruction to install and recieve this error can someone help me with this?

World: Loading...failed
Error: Type 'Server.Items.PreciousBlueRose' was not found. Delete all of those t
ypes? (y/n)


Yeah, your problem is that you are trying to use a world save inconsistant with the bobsmart world. The save has items such as a PreciousBlueRose that the package doesn't have.

Make sure you transfer all of your custom items from whatever old shard you were using to the new bobsmart installation.


bobsmart could we ask you to post your spawn editor installation package in some way, please? I've been dieing to try it but can't even get the source code from your website, let alone the .msi installer that the manual refers to.


You got that exception because the towncrier by bobsmart was removed. or you are clashing it with the b36 distro version.



im not authorized to download file, personally bobsmart i think u should just ditch yahoo =/
try bravenet or something, because that download link dont work



this is space I've given Bob to put his zip up...


I'm sorry for the bad download link. It was working and then it suddenly stopped working. It looks like the forum was reset to a previous state.

The link works again.


I get this error when i run RebuildCategorization


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Item.Delete()
at Server.Custom.Categorization.RecurseExport(XmlTextWriter xml, CategoryEntry ce)
at Server.Custom.Categorization.RecurseExport(XmlTextWriter xml, CategoryEntry ce)
at Server.Custom.Categorization.RecurseExport(XmlTextWriter xml, CategoryEntry ce)
at Server.Custom.Categorization.Export(CategoryEntry ce, String fileName, String title)
at Server.Custom.Categorization.RebuildCategorization_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
at Server.Commands.Handle(Mobile from, String text)
at Server.Mobile.DoSpeech(String text, Int32[] keywords, MessageType type, Int32 hue)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.UnicodeSpeech(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)


I found 2 warnings ...

- Warning: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0660: (line 135, colu
mn 19) 'Server.Mobiles.HomeBounds' defines operator == or operator != but does n
ot override Object.Equals(object o)
- Warning: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0661: (line 135, colu
mn 19) 'Server.Mobiles.HomeBounds' defines operator == or operator != but does n
ot override Object.GetHashCode()

If someone could see and repair it ...
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