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[RUO 2.0] Extended Localizer - PropertyList-2-StringList


[RUO 2.0] Extended Localizer - PropertyList-2-StringList

Key Words:// ObjectPropertyList, OPL, Wrapper, Packets, Localizer, Extended

Supported Versions:

* RunUO 2.0 x

Here we go, another instance of "Impossible...? pfft". How many people have claimed that something is "impossible" with RunUO? Well, here is a development of a good friend, Dominik Seifert, aka, Squishy.

When I posted in the Script Support section asking for help with converting ObjectPropertyLists to a string format, that could easily be used in Gumps, I recieved negative karma from an un-named source, because I was positive that it was completely possible to do this, and would not accept that it was impossible...

I was talking to Dominik and I mentioned the subject, since that talk, he strived to prove the fact that nothing was impossible. Even though it took a lot of trial and error, as everything does, we have the final product...

So, without further adue, I give you;

Squishy's Extended Localizer - Package:
ReadMe.txt said:
squishy's extended Localizer - Package:

Enables you to get localized string-representation of message codes and
retrieve string-representation of ObjectPropertyLists.


Localizer.cs Utility class that provides methods to translate
message-codes (with or without parameters) into readable strings

OPLWrapper.cs Wraps an ObjectPropertyList and provides a method to retrieve
all its entries as readable strings

GoodPacketReader.cs Modified version of PacketReader: Original PacketReader was missing
reading unsafe unicode strings of fixed length

IndependentStringList.cs Modified version of Ultima SDK's StringList:
Does not require an UO installation

Also required are the Cliloc.* - files of any language you want to support.
If you do not have UO installed, copy them next to your other UO Data files or into
this folder: Data/UO Files


1. Copy this directory to your script directory
2. Copy the Ultima.dll from the Ultima SDK to your data directory and add
it to the Assemblies.cfg (Only needed for StringEntry-class in IndependentStringList)
3. Done. Good luck!


Feel free to embedd the Localizer into the Ultima SDK (please don't remove my credits).
Also in order to keep it consistent, you might want to replace all occurences of
IndependentStringList back into StringList:
You are welcome to do sufficient changes or let me know if you want me to do so.

Also do not believe that there is anything impossible. Some things might not be
worth the effort or are simply too resource-intensive for continuing use.

However you can do a lot of fine things with RunUO; its really a great project
which meanwhile (imo) is one of the main factors why UO is still alive.

Dominik Seifert
Criticism should not be the cause of anger.

Original version and FAQs can be found here:


  • Localize 2.0.rar
    7.1 KB · Views: 266


Awesome to see.

Imnpossible is not a word in my vocablary and this great effort has proved yet again, that NOTHING is impossible with enough hard work, and the will to succeed...




Very nice. I had the same motivation when I created the CliLoc Handler script as an addition to some of my other projects. But yours looks more generic and easier to deeply integrate into a server.


I wrote a simplier version of this script back in 2006. In that script I used a regex pattern similar to yours, however it would convert the ~#_name~ to {#}. By doing that, someone using your code can use String.Format( resulthere, args ) to emulate what the client does when sending it the tabbed arguments.

		//C# argument support
		public static Regex FormatExpression = new Regex( @"~(\d)+_.*?~", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );

		public static string MatchComparison( Match m )
			return "{" + (Utility.ToInt32( m.Groups[1].Value ) - 1) + "}";

		public static string FormatArguments( string entry )
			return FormatExpression.Replace( entry, new MatchEvaluator( MatchComparison ) );

I hope it helps you!


Yeah that's pretty nice, but for the context of this script, Regex is quit slow and resource consuming.

Feel free to embed that code into this system, but I won't fix what aint broken :D

Thanks very much,


Error 1 No overload for method 'Compile' takes '1' arguments C:\Documents and Settings\----------\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\RunUO\RunUO\Localizer\OPLWrapper.cs 42 27 RunUO

Fresh extract and I get that error on this line:
byte[] data = list.Compile(false);


I felt like this needed a bump, there has been a large increase in posts asking for similar information regarding ObjectPropertyLists recently.



Hi there, Any idea why I am getting this error? I tried replacing byte[] data = list.Compile(false); with byte[] data = list.Compile(); but I am still getting it. Below is some information.


[COLOR="Red"] + Customs/Extended Localizer - PropertyList-2-StringList/OPLWrapper.cs:
    CS1501: Line 43: No overload for method 'Compile' takes '0' arguments[/COLOR]

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

using System.IO;

using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Localize
    /// <summary>
    /// Wraps an ObjectPropertyList and provides the GetString-Method to obtain a String representation
    /// of the given list.
	/// Author: squishy (Dominik Seifert) 05/12/2006
	/// Updated by: Vorspire (LG Archer) 23/04/09
	/// Update Summary:
	/// Now supports newer UO Cliloc algorithms, latest UO SDK and RunUO 2.0 Packet changes.
	/// Crash-free, errors result in default string-lists being used.
    /// </summary>
    public class OPLWrapper
        ObjectPropertyList list;

        public OPLWrapper(ObjectPropertyList list)
            this.list = list;

        /// <returns>
        /// The localized propertys of this OPLWrapper's list in the language of the given Mobile.
        /// </returns>
        public string[] GetString(Mobile reader)
            return GetString(reader.Language);

        /// <returns>The localized propertys of this OPLWrapper's list in the given language.</returns>
        public string[] GetString(string language)
[B]            //byte[] data = list.Compile(false);
	    byte[] data = list.Compile();[/B]
            ArrayList msgs = new ArrayList();

            GoodPacketReader reader = new GoodPacketReader(data, false);
            reader.Seek(15, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            int msgNum = -1;
            for (int i = 15; i < data.Length - 4; )
                msgNum = reader.ReadInt32();
                int paramLength = reader.ReadInt16() / 2;

                string param = "";
                if (paramLength > 0)
                    param = reader.ReadUnicodeStringLE(paramLength);

                string msg = Localizer.GetFormat(language, msgNum, param);

                i += 6 + paramLength;

            return (string[])msgs.ToArray(typeof(string));




Sorry about that, there is a fix, the packets changed between the versions of RunUO.

Packet :: byte[] Compile( bool compress, out int length )

The method should be:
int length;
byte[] data = list.Compile( false, out length );

//Suppress 'never used' errors;
length = length;

        /// <returns>The localized propertys of this OPLWrapper's list in the given language.</returns>
        public string[] GetString(string language)
[B]             int length;
             byte[] data = list.Compile( false, out length );

            //Suppress 'never used' errors;
            length = length;[/B]

            ArrayList msgs = new ArrayList();

            GoodPacketReader reader = new GoodPacketReader(data, false);
            reader.Seek(15, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            int msgNum = -1;
            for (int i = 15; i < data.Length - 4; )
                msgNum = reader.ReadInt32();
                int paramLength = reader.ReadInt16() / 2;

                string param = "";
                if (paramLength > 0)
                    param = reader.ReadUnicodeStringLE(paramLength);

                string msg = Localizer.GetFormat(language, msgNum, param);

                i += 6 + paramLength;

            return (string[])msgs.ToArray(typeof(string));


Tip: The string language variable should be equal the the file extension of the Cliloc you want to read data from.
EG: "enu"


Hi there,

I am pretty sure I am getting all these errors from the Extended Localizer. The server still compiles and runs. But I get a TONE of messages when it’s loading. I took away all the other scripts that I was working on to make sure that it was this set of scripts that is causing it (probably).

Any idea what is doing this?

   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.GetStatic(Int32 index)
   at Server.Item.GetBitmap(Int32 itemID) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:
line 833
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw
an exception. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Attempted to access a p
ath that is not on the disk.
   at Ultima.Client.GetFilePath(String file)
   at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, Int32 length, Int32
   at Ultima.Art..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int3
2& yMax)
   at Server.Item.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int
32& yMax) in e:\UO\Run UO SA SVN\Server\Item.cs:line 847
done (126025 items, 17020 mobiles) (8.38 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick


The errors are coming from the UO:SDK dll.

It looks like they are caused by your shard because of the scripts/lines displayed in the errors, but error reports need to be read in reverse, you can see that the underlying problem is with Ultima.Art.

If you have the latest UO:SDK (UltimaSDK) and you're still getting errors, please post the code for the error on line 833.


Vorspire;841769 said:
The errors are coming from the UO:SDK dll.

It looks like they are caused by your shard because of the scripts/lines displayed in the errors, but error reports need to be read in reverse, you can see that the underlying problem is with Ultima.Art.

If you have the latest UO:SDK (UltimaSDK) and you're still getting errors, please post the code for the error on line 833.

I dont have any UO:SDK installed. I was looking at that here not long ago. Cant remember why. But I could not figure out I needed to do to install it?

Do you know how to install it properly?


I already had the Ultima.dll in the main RunUO dir & it was added to Assemblies.cfg. Was there something else I had to do?

I also have a copy of the Ultima.dll in the Data folder. Though I saw that some where in the instlal file for this thing.


Nockar;841877 said:
I already had the Ultima.dll in the main RunUO dir & it was added to Assemblies.cfg. Was there something else I had to do?

I also have a copy of the Ultima.dll in the Data folder. Though I saw that some where in the instlal file for this thing.

Is it the old version or 2.x?

Right Click -> Properties -> Summary -> Version