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Slot Machine


Well, I was able to lose 60K gold in about 5 minutes, and I tested this 5 times. One 60K session, I won 5K a few times, and I won something from the magical hats, but that money was gone quickly as well.

It is a great gold sink, that is for sure, but I think most players will end up avoiding it, once they realize what it does.... steals your gold.

They are the true test. As staff testing goes, works great, looks great.



mordred said:
Ok, so I'm a complete RunUO noob. I was able to add 1 script add-on cause it was just dropping a file.

First, the custom directory doesnt exist, so I created it in the scripts folder.

Second, once I restart the server, I can't seem to find the command to place the slot machine. I know how to add items, but I dont know the item id for the slot machine.

Any help would be appriciated.


[add slotmachine


mordred said:
Ok, so I'm a complete RunUO noob. I was able to add 1 script add-on cause it was just dropping a file.

First, the custom directory doesnt exist, so I created it in the scripts folder.

Second, once I restart the server, I can't seem to find the command to place the slot machine. I know how to add items, but I dont know the item id for the slot machine.

Any help would be appriciated.


Its rather easy to find in any script what you gotta say to add the item look here

//slotmachine by zulu, updated Feb 2004
using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
   public class SlotMachine : Item  <---- THERE YOU GOT THE NAME
         private int Slot1Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot2Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot3Graphic = 3823;

         private int Slot1_x = 108;

now you found the name just say [add slotmachine


The sequence for when you win 1000 gold on the "match any two" is seemingly random. It is always a pair of items, but which pair varies. Sometimes you get a pair and win nothing. Since this is the most common winnings, it will frustrate players that are unable to see any patterns at all. It is this issue that makes the game an excessive gold sink. Money goes quickly, because half of your 1K winnings are never registered.

Again, great script, but due to the winnings for pairs being all screwy, players will get turned off quickly to this great gambling game.

Hope all this research on this script helps some.



TomC said:
The sequence for when you win 1000 gold on the "match any two" is seemingly random. It is always a pair of items, but which pair varies. Sometimes you get a pair and win nothing. Since this is the most common winnings, it will frustrate players that are unable to see any patterns at all. It is this issue that makes the game an excessive gold sink. Money goes quickly, because half of your 1K winnings are never registered.

Again, great script, but due to the winnings for pairs being all screwy, players will get turned off quickly to this great gambling game.

I have found a bug in the script and I posted an update.

the fix is on line 242
if (Slot2 == 4 || Slot2 == 5) // crystal ball, burner


bleis said:
Another thing is, no player can hold the large amount of monny won, they drop to the ground unless your staff

Does anyone have a suggestion on what can be done to fix this?


Zulu said:
Does anyone have a suggestion on what can be done to fix this?

It'd be really great if players could have a bankcheck in their pack and the slot machine would deduct from the value of the check instead of needing gold. If you do decide to do this, it should check to see if there's gold in their pack first and use that before a check.

Having Bank checks as pay out is good, but you could add a check to see if the gold would put the player overweight, if not then give gold, if it would put them overweight give a bank check.



Well I did run a longer test sesion now, and it seem like I was wrong, my apoligies !!

Now I have tryed to redo the platemails, so it gives a bankcheck insted, see code below, but I cant seem to get it right, can anybody see the mistakes I have made and help me out a bit here

//slotmachine by zulu, updated Feb 2004
using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
   public class SlotMachine : Item 
         private int Slot1Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot2Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot3Graphic = 3823;

         private int Slot1_x = 108;
         private int Slot1_y = 119;
         private int Slot2_x = 108;
         private int Slot2_y = 119;
         private int Slot3_x = 108;
         private int Slot3_y = 119;

         private int Prize1WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize2WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize3WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize4WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize5WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize6WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize7WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize8WinTotal = 0;

      public SlotMachine() : base( 0xED4 )
         Movable = false;
         Hue = 0x56;
         Name = "a slot machine";

      public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
	 from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump( (Mobile)from,this,0) );

      public SlotMachine( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

      public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
         base.Serialize( writer );

         writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

         writer.Write( (int) Slot1Graphic );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2Graphic );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3Graphic );

         writer.Write( (int) Slot1_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot1_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize1WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize2WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize3WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize4WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize5WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize6WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize7WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize8WinTotal );

      public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
         base.Deserialize( reader );

         int version = reader.ReadInt();

         switch ( version )
            case 0:
               Slot1Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot1_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot1_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize1WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize2WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize3WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize4WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize5WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize6WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize7WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
	       Prize8WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();

   public class SlotMachineGump : Gump
      private SlotMachine m_From;

      public SlotMachineGump( Mobile from, SlotMachine machine, int spin) : base(0,0) 
	m_From = machine;

	Closable = false;

	from.CloseGump( typeof( SlotMachineGump ) );

	if (!from.Alive)

	string message = "500 gold per spin.";

	int Image1 = 9300;
	int Image2 = 9300;
	int Image3 = 9300;

	if (spin==1)
	Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, from.Map, 0x2e1 );
	message = "You did not win.";

       	// 3823 gold		3826 silver	6225 scales
       	// 3629 crystal ball	6218 hstand	5912 wizard
       	// 6186 P Flask		6188 R Flask

	int [] prize = {3823,3826,6225,3629,6218,5912,6186,6188};
	int [] slotx = {108,108,108,109,108,108,108,108};
	int [] sloty = {119,119,118,124,120,124,120,120};

	int modifier = 64;  // number of virtual wheel locations - 32,64,128,256,512

	int temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	int hold1, hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot1 = findreelspot(hold2);

	temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot2 = findreelspot(hold2);

	temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot3 = findreelspot(hold2);
	bool bc = false;

	 	m_From.Slot1Graphic = prize[Slot1-1];
 		m_From.Slot1_x      = slotx[Slot1-1];
	 	m_From.Slot1_y      = sloty[Slot1-1];

		m_From.Slot2Graphic = prize[Slot2-1];
 		m_From.Slot2_x      = slotx[Slot2-1];
 		m_From.Slot2_y      = sloty[Slot2-1];

 		m_From.Slot3Graphic = prize[Slot3-1];
 		m_From.Slot3_x      = slotx[Slot3-1];
 		m_From.Slot3_y      = sloty[Slot3-1];

            if (Slot1 == Slot2 && Slot2 == Slot3) // All Three the same 
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image2 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;
               if (Slot1 == 1) // Gold
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 1000000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize1WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 2) // Silver
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 100000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize2WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$100,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 3) // scales
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 50000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize3WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$50,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 4) // crystal ball
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 10000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize4WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$10,000 gold";
               else if (Slot1 == 5) // hstand
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 5000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize5WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$5,000 gold";
               else if (Slot1 == 6) // wizard's hat
               	m_From.Prize6WinTotal += 1;
		message = "Magic Show";
		from.SendGump( new MagicShowGump(from,m_From) );
               else // flask
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 2500 ) );
                  m_From.Prize7WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$2,500 gold";
            else if (Slot1 == Slot2) // Only two the same
               if (Slot1 == 4 || Slot1 == 5) // crystal ball
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image2 = 9350;
            else if (Slot2 == Slot3) // Only two the same
               if (Slot1 == 4 || Slot1 == 5) // crystal ball
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image2 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;
            else if (Slot1 == Slot3) // Only two the same
               if (Slot1 == 4 || Slot1 == 5) // crystal ball
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;

if (message!="You did not win.")
Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, from.Map, 0x36 );
string message1 = String.Format( "{0} just won - {1} playing slots.",from.Name,message );
message = String.Format( "You won {0}!", message );
from.SendMessage( 0x22,  message );

if (bc)
foreach ( NetState state in NetState.Instances )
Mobile m = state.Mobile;

if ( m != null && m.NetState != from.NetState )
m.SendMessage( 0x482, message1 );
} //foreach
} //if



	else if (spin==2)
		message = "You need more money!";


	AddImageTiled( 74, 78, 250, 184, 2624 ); //full
	AddBackground( 90, 95, 220, 150, 9350 );
	AddAlphaRegion( 74, 78, 250, 184 );

	AddButton(  180, 175, 2642,2643, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
	AddLabel( 187, 200, 152, "Spin");

	AddButton( 74, 78, 3, 4, 666, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
	AddLabel( 106, 190, 152, "Paytable");
	AddButton( 125, 180, 2117, 2118, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

	if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Seer )
	AddLabel( 253, 190, 152, "Stats");
	AddButton( 265, 180, 2117, 2118, 103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

	AddLabel( 162, 84, 152, "Slot Machine");
	AddLabel( 136, 220, 34, message);

	AddBackground( 100, 105, 60, 60, Image1); // Slot Machine Box 1
	AddBackground( 170, 105, 60, 60, Image2); // Slot Machine Box 2
	AddBackground( 240, 105, 60, 60, Image3); // Slot Machine Box 3

	AddItem( m_From.Slot1_x, m_From.Slot1_y, m_From.Slot1Graphic );
	AddItem( m_From.Slot2_x+70, m_From.Slot2_y, m_From.Slot2Graphic );
	AddItem( m_From.Slot3_x+140, m_From.Slot3_y, m_From.Slot3Graphic );


      public int findreelspot(int hold)
	int [] reel1 = {1};							// gold
	int [] reel2 = {2,8};		  					// silver
	int [] reel3 = {3,9,14};						// scales
	int [] reel4 = {4,10,15,19};						// crystal ball
	int [] reel5 = {5,11,16,20,23,26,29,32};				// head stand
	int [] reel6 = {6,12,17,21,24,27,30,33,35,36,37,59};			// wizards hat
	int [] reel7 = {7,13,18,22,25,28,31,34,49,50,51,52,53,57,58,61,62};	// Flask

	foreach ( int item in reel1 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 1;

	foreach ( int item in reel2 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 2;

	foreach ( int item in reel3 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 3;

	foreach ( int item in reel4 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 4;

	foreach ( int item in reel5 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 5;

	foreach ( int item in reel6 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 6;

	foreach ( int item in reel7 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 7;

	    return 8;

      public override void OnResponse( Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) 
	Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

	switch ( info.ButtonID )
	  case 101:
	  { // spin
	    Container pack = from.Backpack;

	    if ( pack != null && pack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 500 ) )
		from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,1) );
		from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,2) );

	  case 102:
	  { // help
	    from.CloseGump( typeof( HelpStatsGump ) );
	    from.SendGump( new HelpStatsGump(m_From) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
	  case 103:
	  { // stats
	    from.CloseGump( typeof( SlotsStatsGump ) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotsStatsGump(m_From) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
	  case 666:
	  { // quit
      } // OnResponse

   } // SlotMachineGump

	public class HelpStatsGump : Gump

      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public HelpStatsGump( SlotMachine machine ) : base( 240, 0 )
			m_From = machine;

			AddPage( 0 );

	AddImageTiled( 85, 80, 230, 340, 2624 ); //5120
	AddAlphaRegion( 85, 80, 230, 340 );

 	AddLabel( 153, 85, 152, "Match all three");

	AddBackground( 100, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,108,3823 );
	AddItem( 178,108,3823 );
	AddItem( 248,108,3823 );
	AddLabel( 150, 110, 152, "One Million Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,143,3826 );
	AddItem( 178,143,3826 );
	AddItem( 248,143,3826 );
	AddLabel( 120, 145, 152, "One Hundred Thousand Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,176,6225 );
	AddItem( 178,176,6225 );
	AddItem( 248,176,6225 );
	AddLabel( 140, 180, 152, "Fifty Thousand Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,213,3629 );
	AddItem( 178,213,3629 );
	AddItem( 248,213,3629 );
	AddLabel( 144, 215, 152, "Ten Thousand gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,249,6218 );
	AddItem( 178,249,6218 );
	AddItem( 248,249,6218 );
	AddLabel( 143, 250, 152, "Five Thousand gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,285,5912 );
	AddItem( 178,285,5912 );
	AddItem( 248,285,5912 );
	AddLabel( 145, 285, 152, "Magic Show Bonus!");

	AddBackground( 100, 315, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 315, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 315, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,318,6186 );
	AddItem( 178,318,6188 );
	AddItem( 248,318,6186 );
	AddLabel( 120, 320, 152, "Twenty Five Hundred Gold!");

	AddLabel( 154, 355, 152, "Match any two");
	AddBackground( 100, 375, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 375, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 375, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,377,6218 );
	AddItem( 178,377,3629 );
	AddItem( 248,377,6218 );
	AddLabel( 144, 380, 152, "One Thousand gold!");


	public class MagicShowGump : Gump

      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public MagicShowGump( Mobile from, SlotMachine machine ) : base( 10, 100 )
			m_From = machine;

         		Closable = false;
         		Dragable = false;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 70, 100, 258, 120, 5120 );

			AddLabel(  90, 105, 1500, "Click on a magic hat for your bonus" );

			int [] rb = {0,0,0};

			int i=0,j,temp;
			bool doit;

			while (i<3)
			  temp = Utility.Random( 3 );
			  doit = true;
			  for (  j=0;j<3;++j )
			    if (rb[j]==101+temp)
				doit = false;

			    if (doit)
			    	rb[i] = 101+temp;

			AddButton( 100, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[0], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddButton( 170, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[1], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddButton( 240, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[2], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )

		Mobile from = sender.Mobile;
		Container pack = from.Backpack;
		int temp;

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 101:
				{ // gold
				  temp = Utility.Random( 25000,50000 );
				  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( temp ) );
				  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won {0} gold!",temp) );
				  from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
				case 102:
				{ // reagents,armor
				temp = Utility.Random( 6 );
				if (temp==0)
                 from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 150000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 150000!") );
				else if (temp==1)
                 from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 100000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 100000!") );
				else if (temp==2)
                from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 80000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 80000!") );
				else if (temp==3)
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 60000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 60000!") );
				else if (temp==4)
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 30000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 30000!") );
				else if (temp==5)
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 20000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won 20000!") );
		                  from.AddToBackpack( new BagOfReagents( 100 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won a Bag of Reagents!") );
				from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
				case 103:
				{ // 
				  temp = Utility.Random( 500,5000 );
				  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( temp ) );
	  			  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won {0} gold!",temp) );
	  			  from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
			} //switch

	public class SlotsStatsGump : Gump

	      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public SlotsStatsGump( SlotMachine machine ) : base( 50, 160 )
			m_From = machine;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 30, 100, 90, 160, 5120 );

			AddLabel( 45, 100, 70, "Slot Stats" );
			AddLabel( 48, 115, 600, "1: "+m_From.Prize1WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 130, 600, "2: "+m_From.Prize2WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 145, 600, "3: "+m_From.Prize3WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 160, 600, "4: "+m_From.Prize4WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 175, 600, "5: "+m_From.Prize5WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 190, 600, "6: "+m_From.Prize6WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 205, 600, "7: "+m_From.Prize7WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 220, 600, "8: "+m_From.Prize8WinTotal );

			AddLabel(  48, 234, 1500, "Reset" );

			AddButton( 85, 235, 2117, 2118, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 101:
				{ // reset
				  m_From.Prize1WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize2WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize3WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize4WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize5WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize6WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize7WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize8WinTotal = 0;



bleis said:
Now I have tryed to redo the platemails, so it gives a bankcheck insted, see code below, but I cant seem to get it right, can anybody see the mistakes I have made and help me out a bit here

What errors does it give ?


Give this one a try.

//slotmachine by zulu, updated Feb 2004
using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
   public class SlotMachine : Item 
         private int Slot1Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot2Graphic = 3823;
         private int Slot3Graphic = 3823;

         private int Slot1_x = 108;
         private int Slot1_y = 119;
         private int Slot2_x = 108;
         private int Slot2_y = 119;
         private int Slot3_x = 108;
         private int Slot3_y = 119;

         private int Prize1WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize2WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize3WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize4WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize5WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize6WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize7WinTotal = 0;
         private int Prize8WinTotal = 0;

      public SlotMachine() : base( 0xED4 )
         Movable = false;
         Hue = 0x56;
         Name = "a slot machine";

      public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
	 from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump( (Mobile)from,this,0) );

      public SlotMachine( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

      public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
         base.Serialize( writer );

         writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

         writer.Write( (int) Slot1Graphic );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2Graphic );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3Graphic );

         writer.Write( (int) Slot1_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot1_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot2_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3_x );
         writer.Write( (int) Slot3_y );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize1WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize2WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize3WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize4WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize5WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize6WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize7WinTotal );
         writer.Write( (int) Prize8WinTotal );

      public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
         base.Deserialize( reader );

         int version = reader.ReadInt();

         switch ( version )
            case 0:
               Slot1Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3Graphic = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot1_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot1_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot2_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3_x = reader.ReadInt();
               Slot3_y = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize1WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize2WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize3WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize4WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize5WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize6WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
               Prize7WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();
	       Prize8WinTotal = reader.ReadInt();

   public class SlotMachineGump : Gump
      private SlotMachine m_From;

      public SlotMachineGump( Mobile from, SlotMachine machine, int spin) : base(0,0) 
	m_From = machine;

	Closable = false;

	from.CloseGump( typeof( SlotMachineGump ) );

	if (!from.Alive)

        if ( !from.InRange( machine.Location, 4 ) )

	string message = "500 gold per spin.";

	int Image1 = 9300;
	int Image2 = 9300;
	int Image3 = 9300;

	if (spin==1)
	Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, from.Map, 0x2e1 );
	message = "You did not win.";

       	// 3823 gold		3826 silver	6225 scales
       	// 3629 crystal ball	6218 hstand	5912 wizard
       	// 6186 P Flask		6188 R Flask

	int [] prize = {3823,3826,6225,3629,6218,5912,6186,6188};
	int [] slotx = {108,108,108,109,108,108,108,108};
	int [] sloty = {119,119,118,124,120,124,120,120};

	int modifier = 64;  // number of virtual wheel locations - 32,64,128,256,512

	int temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	int hold1, hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot1 = findreelspot(hold2);

	temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot2 = findreelspot(hold2);

	temp = Utility.Random( 100000,100000000 );
	hold2 = (temp / modifier);
	hold1 = modifier*hold2;
	hold2 = (temp-hold1);
	int Slot3 = findreelspot(hold2);
	bool bc = false;

	 	m_From.Slot1Graphic = prize[Slot1-1];
 		m_From.Slot1_x      = slotx[Slot1-1];
	 	m_From.Slot1_y      = sloty[Slot1-1];

		m_From.Slot2Graphic = prize[Slot2-1];
 		m_From.Slot2_x      = slotx[Slot2-1];
 		m_From.Slot2_y      = sloty[Slot2-1];

 		m_From.Slot3Graphic = prize[Slot3-1];
 		m_From.Slot3_x      = slotx[Slot3-1];
 		m_From.Slot3_y      = sloty[Slot3-1];

            if (Slot1 == Slot2 && Slot2 == Slot3) // All Three the same 
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image2 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;
               if (Slot1 == 1) // Gold
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 1000000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize1WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 2) // Silver
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 100000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize2WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$100,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 3) // scales
                  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 50000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize3WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$50,000 gold";
                  bc = true;
               else if (Slot1 == 4) // crystal ball
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 10000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize4WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$10,000 gold";
               else if (Slot1 == 5) // hstand
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 5000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize5WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$5,000 gold";
               else if (Slot1 == 6) // wizard's hat
               	m_From.Prize6WinTotal += 1;
		message = "Magic Show";
		from.SendGump( new MagicShowGump(from,m_From) );
               else // flask
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 2500 ) );
                  m_From.Prize7WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$2,500 gold";
            else if (Slot1 == Slot2) // Only two the same
               if (Slot1 == 4 || Slot1 == 5) // crystal ball, burner
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image2 = 9350;
            else if (Slot2 == Slot3) // Only two the same
               if (Slot2 == 4 || Slot2 == 5) // crystal ball, burner
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image2 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;
            else if (Slot1 == Slot3) // Only two the same
               if (Slot1 == 4 || Slot1 == 5) // crystal ball, burner
                  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 1000 ) );
                  m_From.Prize8WinTotal += 1;
                  message = "$1,000 gold";
	Image1 = 9350;
	Image3 = 9350;

if (message!="You did not win.")
Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, from.Map, 0x36 );
string message1 = String.Format( "{0} just won - {1} playing slots.",from.Name,message );
message = String.Format( "You won {0}!", message );
from.SendMessage( 0x22,  message );

if (bc)
foreach ( NetState state in NetState.Instances )
Mobile m = state.Mobile;

if ( m != null && m.NetState != from.NetState )
m.SendMessage( 0x482, message1 );
} //foreach
} //if



	else if (spin==2)
		message = "You need more money!";


	AddImageTiled( 74, 78, 250, 184, 2624 ); //full
	AddBackground( 90, 95, 220, 150, 9350 );
	AddAlphaRegion( 74, 78, 250, 184 );

	AddButton(  180, 175, 2642,2643, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
	AddLabel( 187, 200, 152, "Spin");

	AddButton( 74, 78, 3, 4, 666, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
	AddLabel( 106, 190, 152, "Paytable");
	AddButton( 125, 180, 2117, 2118, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

	if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Seer )
	AddLabel( 253, 190, 152, "Stats");
	AddButton( 265, 180, 2117, 2118, 103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

	AddLabel( 162, 84, 152, "Slot Machine");
	AddLabel( 136, 220, 34, message);

	AddBackground( 100, 105, 60, 60, Image1); // Slot Machine Box 1
	AddBackground( 170, 105, 60, 60, Image2); // Slot Machine Box 2
	AddBackground( 240, 105, 60, 60, Image3); // Slot Machine Box 3

	AddItem( m_From.Slot1_x, m_From.Slot1_y, m_From.Slot1Graphic );
	AddItem( m_From.Slot2_x+70, m_From.Slot2_y, m_From.Slot2Graphic );
	AddItem( m_From.Slot3_x+140, m_From.Slot3_y, m_From.Slot3Graphic );


      public int findreelspot(int hold)
	int [] reel1 = {1};							// gold
	int [] reel2 = {2,8};		  					// silver
	int [] reel3 = {3,9,14};						// scales
	int [] reel4 = {4,10,15,19};						// crystal ball
	int [] reel5 = {5,11,16,20,23,26,29,32};				// head stand
	int [] reel6 = {6,12,17,21,24,27,30,33,35,36,37,59};			// wizards hat
	int [] reel7 = {7,13,18,22,25,28,31,34,49,50,51,52,53,57,58,61,62};	// Flask

	foreach ( int item in reel1 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 1;

	foreach ( int item in reel2 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 2;

	foreach ( int item in reel3 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 3;

	foreach ( int item in reel4 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 4;

	foreach ( int item in reel5 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 5;

	foreach ( int item in reel6 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 6;

	foreach ( int item in reel7 )
	  if (item==hold)
	    return 7;

	    return 8;

      public override void OnResponse( Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) 
	Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

	switch ( info.ButtonID )
	  case 101:
	  { // spin
	    Container pack = from.Backpack;

	    if ( pack != null && pack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 500 ) )
		from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,1) );
		from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,2) );

	  case 102:
	  { // help
	    from.CloseGump( typeof( HelpStatsGump ) );
	    from.SendGump( new HelpStatsGump(m_From) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
	  case 103:
	  { // stats
	    from.CloseGump( typeof( SlotsStatsGump ) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotsStatsGump(m_From) );
	    from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
	  case 666:
	  { // quit
      } // OnResponse

   } // SlotMachineGump

	public class HelpStatsGump : Gump

      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public HelpStatsGump( SlotMachine machine ) : base( 240, 0 )
			m_From = machine;

			AddPage( 0 );

	AddImageTiled( 85, 80, 230, 340, 2624 ); //5120
	AddAlphaRegion( 85, 80, 230, 340 );

 	AddLabel( 153, 85, 152, "Match all three");

	AddBackground( 100, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 105, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,108,3823 );
	AddItem( 178,108,3823 );
	AddItem( 248,108,3823 );
	AddLabel( 150, 110, 152, "One Million Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 140, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,143,3826 );
	AddItem( 178,143,3826 );
	AddItem( 248,143,3826 );
	AddLabel( 120, 145, 152, "One Hundred Thousand Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 175, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,176,6225 );
	AddItem( 178,176,6225 );
	AddItem( 248,176,6225 );
	AddLabel( 140, 180, 152, "Fifty Thousand Gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 210, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,213,3629 );
	AddItem( 178,213,3629 );
	AddItem( 248,213,3629 );
	AddLabel( 144, 215, 152, "Ten Thousand gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 245, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,249,6218 );
	AddItem( 178,249,6218 );
	AddItem( 248,249,6218 );
	AddLabel( 143, 250, 152, "Five Thousand gold!");

	AddBackground( 100, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 280, 60, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 108,285,5912 );
	AddItem( 178,285,5912 );
	AddItem( 248,285,5912 );
	AddLabel( 145, 285, 152, "Magic Show Bonus!");

	AddBackground( 100, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 130, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 200, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 270, 315, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 95,318,6186 );
	AddItem( 165,318,6186 );
	AddItem( 235,318,6186 );
	AddItem( 125,318,6188 );
	AddItem( 195,318,6188 );
	AddItem( 265,318,6188 );

	AddLabel( 120, 320, 152, "Twenty Five Hundred Gold!");

	AddLabel( 154, 355, 152, "Match any two");
	AddBackground( 100, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 170, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 240, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 130, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 200, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddBackground( 270, 375, 29, 30, 9300);
	AddItem( 92,378,6218 );
	AddItem( 162,379,6218 );
	AddItem( 232,378,6218 );
	AddItem( 122,379,3629 );
	AddItem( 192,378,3629 );
	AddItem( 262,379,3629 );

	AddLabel( 144, 380, 152, "One Thousand gold!");


	public class MagicShowGump : Gump

      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public MagicShowGump( Mobile from, SlotMachine machine ) : base( 10, 100 )
			m_From = machine;

         		Closable = false;
         		Dragable = false;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 70, 100, 258, 120, 5120 );

			AddLabel(  90, 105, 1500, "Click on a magic hat for your bonus" );

			int [] rb = {0,0,0};

			int i=0,j,temp;
			bool doit;

			while (i<3)
			  temp = Utility.Random( 3 );
			  doit = true;
			  for (  j=0;j<3;++j )
			    if (rb[j]==101+temp)
				doit = false;

			    if (doit)
			    	rb[i] = 101+temp;

			AddButton( 100, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[0], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddButton( 170, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[1], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddButton( 240, 130, 5569, 5570, rb[2], GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )

		Mobile from = sender.Mobile;
		int temp;

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 101:
				{ // gold
				  temp = Utility.Random( 25000,50000 );
				  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( temp ) );
				  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won {0} gold!",temp) );
				  from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
				case 102:
				{ // reagents,armor
				temp = Utility.Random( 6 );
				if (temp==0)
				  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 150000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $150,000 Gold!") );
				else if (temp==1)
                 		  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 100000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $100,000 Gold!") );
				else if (temp==2)
                		  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 80000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $80,000 Gold!") );
				else if (temp==3)
                  		  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 60000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $60,000 Gold!") );
				else if (temp==4)
                  		  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 30000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $30,000 Gold!") );
				else if (temp==5)
                  		  from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( 20000 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won $20,000 Gold!") );
		                  from.AddToBackpack( new BagOfReagents( 100 ) );
		                  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won a Bag of Reagents!") );
				  from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
				case 103:
				{ // 
				  temp = Utility.Random( 500,5000 );
				  from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( temp ) );
	  			  from.SendMessage( 0x22, String.Format("You won {0} gold!",temp) );
	  			  from.SendGump( new SlotMachineGump(from,m_From,0) );
			} //switch

	public class SlotsStatsGump : Gump

	      private SlotMachine m_From;

		public SlotsStatsGump( SlotMachine machine ) : base( 50, 160 )
			m_From = machine;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 30, 100, 90, 160, 5120 );

			AddLabel( 45, 100, 70, "Slot Stats" );
			AddLabel( 48, 115, 600, "1: "+m_From.Prize1WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 130, 600, "2: "+m_From.Prize2WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 145, 600, "3: "+m_From.Prize3WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 160, 600, "4: "+m_From.Prize4WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 175, 600, "5: "+m_From.Prize5WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 190, 600, "6: "+m_From.Prize6WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 205, 600, "7: "+m_From.Prize7WinTotal );
			AddLabel( 45, 220, 600, "8: "+m_From.Prize8WinTotal );

			AddLabel(  48, 234, 1500, "Reset" );

			AddButton( 85, 235, 2117, 2118, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 101:
				{ // reset
				  m_From.Prize1WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize2WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize3WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize4WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize5WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize6WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize7WinTotal = 0;
				  m_From.Prize8WinTotal = 0;



Debbie said:
I modified the script slightly to give bankchecks instead of gold for all winnings over 5k.

I have put those changes in the new version of script and updated the zip file. Thanks Deb.


bleis said:
erm... thanks a lot Zulu, but what did you make diffrent from the changes I made ??


I put in the updated instructions.
I put in the distance bug fix.
I put in the double match bug fix.
I put in checks for items over 5K

Other than that, it is the same, what you had. It is random which button will give the low $money, high $money and the checks.

In other words...If you click on the same magic hat each time it appeared, you can win low$, high $ or the checks.


very nice work as always. bears the Zulu stamp of quality.
any plans in the future to code your online auction system in C#?


Jarrod said:
very nice work as always. bears the Zulu stamp of quality.
any plans in the future to code your online auction system in C#?

Thanks for the kudos Jarrod. Here is a screen shot of my auction system running on runuo. I have optimized a few things and added a few new features. This now supports 9 items and the system is global.

The green,blue and red image shows if you can still bid on an item.



So i assume you will post this after you have fully completed this? cuz its making my mouth go :O like wow! Cool! at same time this will sure be cool :p


You just keep it for your shard only? hehe :p


Zulu is very creative and generous with his scripts. I don't think he'd offer up snap shots and not ship it off to the community.

I just hope this doesn't delay the dartboard deco, item and gumps I sent him.

