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Smoking Banned in State of Illinois


Behringer;732366 said:
Among other reasons, I have an allergy to cigarette smoke.

And I'm allergic to cats, along with millions of other Americans...

Guess what cat-lovers... your cats are next!!! Fluffy can't be around because poor Behringer sneezes too much.

Funny thing is, it's a proven fact that some exposure to an allergen builds your tolerance levels of said allergen. Don't misread what I just said though, it only builds the tolerance. I now own a cat just so my allergies don't get the best of me when I'm around other cats (yeah, I'm still fucked around 3+ cats, but I'm not forced to be around those, am I?).


Wrong again, I wouldn't dream of forcing it upon immigrants unwillingly. If they don't want to learn it, go fucking home.

That's almost exactly our message here, yet you find it horribly offensive. If you don't want to accept social standards or our laws, go fucking home. Want to explain the difference?

Don't worry WA, you aren't one of the "You guys", I'll exclude the ignorant assholes just to keep you out.

So which of us ARE you generalizing about then, Mr. Logical-Fallacy?

Then they can get the fuck out of my building, is it time to break out the crayons again???

Follow my laws or get the fuck out of my country. Is it time to break out an explanation of how our country works?

Thanks for emboldening it btw. Almost couldn't read it.

Rights aren't negative, nor are they exclusive. If that were the case, then they would be banned until they are deemed a right.

You're confused on your terminology. Positive rights are the system under which only rights affirmed by the government/rulers exist. Negative rights are the system under which you have a right to anything until it is specifically banned, which is how our country works under the Constitution.

Let me repeat this, since you obviously did not process my explanation (your return argument didn't even try and refute what I stated):

You have a right to do anything you like in the United States until specific rights/liberties are limited by laws. You have a few basic rights which are spelled out in the bill of rights which can NEVER be limited by laws. Other than that, there is nothing to stop other actions from being limited/prohibited besides the judiciary.

Do you understand this basic foundation upon which our entire government is built upon now?


Lysdexic;732375 said:
And I'm allergic to cats, along with millions of other Americans...

Guess what cat-lovers... your cats are next!!! Fluffy can't be around because poor Behringer sneezes too much.

Funny thing is, it's a proven fact that some exposure to an allergen builds your tolerance levels of said allergen. Don't misread what I just said though, it only builds the tolerance. I now own a cat just so my allergies don't get the best of me when I'm around other cats (yeah, I'm still fucked around 3+ cats, but I'm not forced to be around those, am I?).

Do you take your cat to restaurants with you? Can your cat cause cancer?


Behringer;732378 said:
Do you take your cat to restaurants with you? Can your cat cause cancer?

If the restaurant owner allows it, then yes... get the point? All allergens cause cancer.

WA, I'm done with your God complex.


WA, I'm done with your God complex.

Oh, right. Someone points out your hypocrisy and you break. Imagine that.

Out of all the topics you could accuse me of God-complexing on, how is this the one?


Lol sorry lys but your argumentation is very weak.

Allergies hold hazards contained to a minority.
Smoking holds hazards that no human can escape.
They're not comparable.

Second, theres hundreds of things you're not allowed to do in public. Are you going to contest all of it?
I mean, walking around naked doesn't hurt anyone. Its not your business either. Should I be allowed to walk around naked then?
No, because people won't necessarily want to see me naked the same way I don't want to be next to a smoker.
Shall I just say "Look elsewhere if you don't want to see my naked body" ?

What about restrictions on car music volume, etc.

If you're contesting this then you'd have to contest many other things for your logic to hold.

Maybe you do contest all these things, but in that case you must definitely not live in a metropolis.

Nar Matteru

you can be nekkid in a building that you own tho :/

I think its wrong that the government can tell people who own a building what they can allow in it or not. That kinda defeats the whole purpose of owning a building. Altho, I wouldn't mind requiring a sign that says "this establishment allows people who smoke" or somethign so that nonsmokers can decide not to enter it.

On the other hand, public, as in parks and sidewalks, bus stops etc, I can definitely see that as a good thing.


Radwen;732383 said:
Lol sorry lys but your argumentation is very weak.

Allergies hold hazards contained to a minority.
Smoking holds hazards that no human can escape.
They're not comparable.

Second, theres hundreds of things you're not allowed to do in public. Are you going to contest all of it?
I mean, walking around naked doesn't hurt anyone. Its not your business either. Should I be allowed to walk around naked then?
No, because people won't necessarily want to see me naked the same way I don't want to be next to a smoker.
Shall I just say "Look elsewhere if you don't want to see my naked body" ?

What about restrictions on car music volume, etc.

If you're contesting this then you'd have to contest many other things for your logic to hold.

Maybe you do contest all these things, but in that case you must definitely not live in a metropolis.

I lived in downtown Minneapolis and San Antonio for many years, I do contest all of it. If people want nudity, then by god let them. I detest the overly obese, but it's still their choice.

Music volume that doesn't actually hurt the ears is perfectly fine. The only stipulation that I feel needs to be drawn is what hurts a babies ears.

As far as smoking outside is concerned, it does not cause cancer. It has never been remotely linked to it. The air dissipates it just as it does car exhaust and the numerous other chemicals. It only matters for enclosed premises, and like I've stated numerous times, that is up to the owner's discretion if they so choose to allow it.

I would like to add that I actually am for sectioning off certain public areas, such as bus stops. The smokers can step a few more feet away (that's just rudeness on their behalf). As far as people complaining about "entrances to buildings", then use another entrance, or force the building owners to provide suitable quick access to other areas.


Lysdexic;732381 said:
If the restaurant owner allows it, then yes... get the point? All allergens cause cancer.

Actually, everything I've read states that recent theories are that people with allergies might be more resistent to some types of cancer due to having an active immune systems. Also, there is no evidence that allergens in general can cause cancer. An allergy is a reaction of your body identifying something foriegn and trying to get rid of it. On the opposite side, cancer is cells with damaged dna (not cat hair) that the immune system doesn't know what to do with or can't get rid of that can spread and grow out of control inside your body.

As far as pets such as cats in the United States being allowed in restaurants good luck with that. Some area's are allowing outdoor pet-friendly dining, but there are health codes that prohibit that in most places as well.


Behringer;732389 said:
As far as pets such as cats in the United States being allowed in restaurants good luck with that. Some area's are allowing outdoor pet-friendly dining, but there are health codes that prohibit that in most places as well.

There shouldn't be any health codes for it. If a restaurant allows it, fine for them. I probably wouldn't actually eat there, but that's the whole point, they should be allowed to if they want (but of course make it publicly known).

Notice a pattern? You're responsible for those choices, not them (them is pretty general, but I'm sure you know what I mean).


Lysdexic;732393 said:
There shouldn't be any health codes for it. If a restaurant allows it, fine for them. I probably wouldn't actually eat there, but that's the whole point, they should be allowed to if they want (but of course make it publicly known).

Notice a pattern? You're responsible for those choices, not them (them is pretty general, but I'm sure you know what I mean).
I understand your point. Thing is people are rude, ignorant and idiotic.

If most people were smart enough to think on their own with a basic set of logic most laws would be rendered useless.

Laws are imposed by the government for the same religion as religions impose moral and values.
The mass is too stupid to make the right choice on their own.

Laws and moralities never fit 100% of cases, but it helps those who can't think to make a choice that is more often right than wrong.

Base line is that humans are for the most like sheep. Some rare ones becomes shepherds.


Radwen;732383 said:
I mean, walking around naked doesn't hurt anyone. Its not your business either. Should I be allowed to walk around naked then?...Shall I just say "Look elsewhere if you don't want to see my naked body" ?

:D lol ah I needed a good chuckle today. Good stuff!


Contesting points that are irrelevant doesn't make it right or wrong. It seems you are going to try to argue down to the end, but the point here is that smoking is banned in public places by the government in which was voted in by the people. It's has more benefits than not. It is a reality that non-smokers will or should be happy about, and smokers will just have to adapt (hopefully quit smoking).

Choose which fights are important. You want to be more constructive? Go find something being taken away that actually has a benefit to it. Go argue about which candidate should be elected president and try to pursuade people to vote for the right person. Go argue about anything that actually matters. People that just blatently stand up to complain about a made up right being taken away, and can't even support why it should be kept is wasting time. I mean seriously, a simple priviledge (not a right) to be able to smoke in someone else's space it not something to fight for.


I have no problem with not smoking in confined area's, and if I'm around some that it bother's I put it out. I know it suck's when someone blows smoke in your face, so ban rude people.

Lysdexic;732375 said:
Guess what cat-lovers... your cats are next!!!

Think thats far fetched well think again, How about banning all burning, in counties who's economy is based on farming. A few people in town have breathing disorder's so lets make everyone else's life harder and more costly.

Ya think they took a vote? Not.

Bill of right's, I could be wrong, I don't have a copy on me right now, but wasn't the right to privacy on there some where. Tap,Tap,Tap.

Anyone that thinks the U.S. is run by the people, no matter who you vote for is delusional, it's run by special intrest groups and corparations, senatorial votes going to the highest bidder.

No ones talking about having the right to murder and rape here and that just plain stupid.

The ban on smoke is a small thing by it's self. But all the small thing's add up to big thing's. Every time you let it pass with out a word, your saying it's ok that someone else dictates how you live your life.

I can see why people in other countries hate us, all the double standards, it's "a ok" for U.S. company's to dump shit in their water, and in their air, it's ok to use slave labor and child labor, No I guess we shouldn't bitch about this shit either you probably have stock in those companies. Oh yea that's ok, but don't stand on the cornner smoking a cigarette.

I love my country, I just hate that a few pompas assholes can fuck it all up.

Oh yea drinking must be good for you huh or is it there's more drunks than smokers.

Oh no ban air lines they put out a lot of smoke and they might crash on your house.

Don't tell me it dosn't matter because it does. It all matters. aguy gets 20 years for putting a finger in a bowel of chilly, and another gets a slap on the rist for ripping off the public for 600 million. it all matter's.

This Thread wasn't just about smoking.


Behringer;732405 said:
Contesting points that are irrelevant doesn't make it right or wrong. It seems you are going to try to argue down to the end, but the point here is that smoking is banned in public places by the government in which was voted in by the people. It's has more benefits than not. It is a reality that non-smokers will or should be happy about, and smokers will just have to adapt (hopefully quit smoking).

Choose which fights are important. You want to be more constructive? Go find something being taken away that actually has a benefit to it. Go argue about which candidate should be elected president and try to pursuade people to vote for the right person. Go argue about anything that actually matters. People that just blatently stand up to complain about a made up right being taken away, and can't even support why it should be kept is wasting time. I mean seriously, a simple priviledge (not a right) to be able to smoke in someone else's space it not something to fight for.

Irrelevant? No way, it starts with these little things. More and more is taken until there is nothing left. The US is becoming exactly like all the other democracies that they ran from in the first place. Every single other one was perfectly fine to start out, but people got greedy, needy, ignorant, and selfish. Which puts us right back to square one.

And you're dead wrong about it being pointless. This is exactly how you teach the ignorant, by debating with them. Even if I can't swing your decision on this subject, I hope to hell I can open your eyes to see that the majority means nothing... we're all human beings, thats the only majority that matters. Harmony amongst our civilization is pretty simple... just leave others alone to make their own decisions, as long as that decision causes unavoidable harm.

And I apologize for the brutality of the word ignorant, but it truly is. "Leave me the fuck alone" is pretty simple conceptually, but very few people come close to living by it.


Radwen;732400 said:
Base line is that humans are for the most like sheep. Some rare ones becomes shepherds.

Unfortunately your right.

And some of those Shepherds turn in to Hitler's, and Stalin's if allowed to run unchecked.