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Support for Client

That could not work :) 'cose you send a packet with a width of 2 times

	public sealed class ContainerContentUpdate : Packet
		public ContainerContentUpdate( Item item, ClientVersion version ) : base( 0x25, IsUOKRPacket( version ) ? 21 : 20 )
			Serial parentSerial;

			if ( item.Parent is Item )
				parentSerial = ((Item)item.Parent).Serial;
				Console.WriteLine( "Warning: ContainerContentUpdate on item with !(parent is Item)" );
				parentSerial = Serial.Zero;

			ushort cid = (ushort) item.ItemID;

			if ( cid > 0x3FFF )
				cid = 0x9D7;

			m_Stream.Write( (int) item.Serial );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) cid );
			m_Stream.Write( (byte) 0 ); // signed, itemID offset
			m_Stream.Write( (ushort) item.Amount );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.X );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Y );
			if ( IsUOKRPacket( version ) )
				m_Stream.Write( (byte) item.GridLocation );
			m_Stream.Write( (int) parentSerial );
			m_Stream.Write( (ushort) item.Hue );

it's work

but problems with backpack still valid


There I updated it... But why doesn't it work?

EDIT: I think I still have more packets to update... If anyone has any ideas, please tell me.
Agreed. I am particularly concerned about the package 0xFF used to UOKR identification, and now it is sent if you drop item. If you have account on OSI, permits me - I will see what packets they added.


It might be that packet 0x25 ->

	public sealed class SecureTradeEquip : Packet
		public SecureTradeEquip( Item item, Mobile m ) : base( 0x25, 20 )
			m_Stream.Write( (int) item.Serial );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.ItemID );
			m_Stream.Write( (byte) 0 );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Amount );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.X );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Y );
			m_Stream.Write( (int) m.Serial );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Hue );

Should be -
	public sealed class SecureTradeEquip : Packet
		public SecureTradeEquip( Item item, Mobile m, ClientVersion version  ) : base( 0x25 )
			bool uokr = IsUOKRPacket( version );

			this.EnsureCapacity( uokr ? 21 : 20 );

			m_Stream.Write( (int) item.Serial );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.ItemID );
			m_Stream.Write( (byte) 0 );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Amount );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.X );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Y );
			if ( uokr )
				m_Stream.Write( (byte) item.GridLocation );
			m_Stream.Write( (int) m.Serial );
			m_Stream.Write( (short) item.Hue );


Well, after patching to the latest client, I'm experiencing the akward issues. I downloaded the latest server.exe (I'm running RC1) and when I try to run it, I get this error:

 + Items/Misc/Corpses/Corpse.cs:
    CS0506: Line 548: 'Server.Items.Corpse.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetState)':
 cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetStat
e)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
 + Items/Misc/Blocker.cs:
    CS0506: Line 21: 'Server.Items.Blocker.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetState)':
 cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetStat
e)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
 + Items/Misc/LOSBlocker.cs:
    CS0506: Line 30: 'Server.Items.LOSBlocker.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetState
)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetS
tate)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
 + Multis/HouseFoundation.cs:
    CS0506: Line 623: 'Server.Multis.HouseFoundation.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.N
etState)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Netwo
rk.NetState)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I removed all my custom scripts... should be running all stock distros (maybe except for an edited moongate file..). I'm not too 'up to date' on this core mod stuff... so I'm not sure if I've done something to mess this up.

The regular 'RunUO.exe' that comes with it, complies just fine. But, with the latest patch, I can't do anything when I log in... no paperdoll, missing gumps, and freeze up after a few steps. After I run this new server.exe, I get the errors above.

Any ideas?


Ok, nevermind.... I've been working on this thing for hours. :)

I'm guessing the new server core, is for the SVN. So, I downloaded a brand new fresh copy of RunUO RC1. I spent the time to compile the .exe, replaced all the data & scripts... and launched the server.

So far, all good.

I then went in and downloaded this new sever.exe replacement, and changed out the scripts that needed to be changed out.

The server complies with no errors. However, when I get into the game, I'm still have the same lag issues with paperdolls and freezing. (Due to the new client update.)

I assumed that this update would fix and address these issues, but maybe I did something wrong? I'm running the latest SVN with the latest support files found in this thread (with no errors) and I can't do anything when I log in.



I can connect to two of three accounts that I tested. Two of them (launched with Razor) work great. However, my admin account still produces the lag and paperdoll issues, even with Razor.


Ok... let me give you an update here on what is going on. (Sorry if I keep posting like crazy... just trying to give as much info as I can.)

On a test shard (using the latest SVN.. I believe 187?) and the patches found in this thread (both core and distro), I was able to connect with the two of three accounts just fine. (See above.) This was a LOCAL test shard, running on my machine.

I then took the same test shard, uploaded it to where my REAL shard was, and copied over any scripts that I had installed. Spent a few minutes going through and getting out the ones that didn't work with the SVN update... but it was only like 3. The rest were pretty much just drop in scripts that worked fine.. or with a line adjustment here or there. But as far as I can tell... there are no distro edits to any of the scripts. It's all just custom stuff.

Once I got the shard up and running, I'm now having login and lag issues, even with the Razor client. On the local shard, I didn't (except for the admin account), but on the REAL shard, the updates did not work, even when using the Razor client.

Here is the sever window... just in case if anything in there might be helpful to you all:

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2757.23663
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Running with arguments: -debug
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (0 errors, 0 warnings)
Scripts: Compiling VB.NET files found.
Scripts: Verifying...done (2157 items, 564 mobiles)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...done (117979 items, 4485 mobiles) (4.20 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: Annoy
Reports: Stats: Loading...done
Reports: Staff: Loading...done
Xanthos.Utilities.ConfigParser attempting to load Data/JailConfig.xml...
Xanthos.Utilities.ConfigParser failed.
Xanthos.Utilities.ConfigParser attempting to load Data/AuctionConfig.xml...
Xanthos.Utilities.ConfigParser failed.

No errors... loads just fine. But once you log in, no health bar, no paperdoll, and lag issues.

Here's also something else rather odd:

If I don't log in for several minutes.... I can then log in (even without Razor) and connect with an account and do just fine. As soon as I log back out and try to log back in, I start getting the lag issues. Even with the same account that I just tried out. Not sure if that really means anything... but thought I would pass it along.



I have no clue... no matter what I am getting problems when I log in...

I am having the same problem: as a player, I am perfectly fine... but as an admin... I am broke.


Negative. I checked other forums. But I bet if I had, I would figure out why I am still having problems. lol