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unicorn & kirin rider defances


unicorn & kirin rider defances

i read a document for unicorn and kirin . wroted at the document unicorn heal and cure rider also kirin cast chain lightning to attackers of rider when rider hurt.

sorry for bad english...


On OSI, Unicorns used to cure the rider if they were poisoned and under X amount of health. I'm not sure about ki-rins. I don't know if they do that anymore though.


Me either, but it says on Stratics that they do. Not that I trust Stratics all that much. They update the mobs about once every two years. I'll check it out on OSI.


tannis right on osi uni heal and cure kirin cast chain lightning i read at startics but i cant find this abilities on runuo server. i think maybe i cant see in game but i investigate the kirin scp i cant find this ability. i think these abilities will add to runuo

Sorry for bad english...


I know on Atlantic with the kirin when its rider hits like 50 health ya see a message that says something to the effect of "Your mount calls forth the wrath of nature" or something but it does indeed cast chain lightening on everything withen a certain radius. I believe the Kirin just had to be under your control to do it.

The unicorn im not sure about never saw the unicorn use its supposed ability but i did see the Kirin use the one it had more than once. For some reason im thinking the Kirin was changed with SE though.


I've had a lot of unicorns on OSI, but I've never been on one and poisoned at the same time. Ki-rins I can't ride, so I don't know a thing about them hehe. I will check it out though, I heard they were changed too. I really wish Stratics would keep up.


from stratics about kirin

Special Abilities:
Can be used as a mount.
Can only be tamed and ridden by male characters.
Calls down the forces of nature when the rider is badly hurt.

before about 1 year (maybe i remember wrong) calls down the nature forces dont wrote wrote massive chain lightning

about unicorn

Special Abilities: Cures its rider when poisoned and badly hurt.

that is all...

sorry for bad english....


Yes, I know that's what they did before, but no one is sure if they still do it or not. They don't update that website as often as they should, so it's not always the most reliable source.


ok tannis i understand you.
maybe this abilities closed on osi but i use these abilities on my friends shard (he is owner)(his developer is sux :D ) how can i find scps what contained these abilities...

thanx for everything

sorry for bad english....


Start by taking a look at the unicorn and kirin classes, and if there is little different from any other creature class, then the probability is that these abilities have not been coded yet.


i looked the uni & kirin scps but i cant find any code about these abilities but they have differences about rider and tamer sex.
and i havent got scaled swamp dragon scp(included damage reduct) maybe i have the scp of swamp dragon damage reduct i try wrote but i have no idea about affect rider...

sorry for bad english...


I don't remember where i read this but the unicorns and ki-rins abilities only worked in Ilshenar thjats prolly why not many people have seen the abilities at work. Don't know if they still do but if going in to try to see try it in ilshenar


i dont play in osi so i cant any idea about osi rulz only read in stratics. but runuo dont contain these abilities i am looked codes of uni and kirin and i find -nothing about these abilities-.

if any have scaled swamp dragon damage reduct scp please send me ...

Sorry for bad english...


Requesting scripts isn't allowed :) You might find it in the Script Submission section. I know that the damage absorption from armored swamp dragons is not a part of OSI anymore. They did away with it. I've been on OSI hunting in Ilshenar while on a unicorn, and I haven't had it cure me so far.


tannis i know this class for scp modification request and i know too damage reducter swamps no part of osi anymore. i want the swamp damage reduct scp because maybe can find somethings about rider and i try write the uni and kirin abilities...


It was just my point that this part of the forum is for requests or suggestions to make RunUO closer to OSI. Since OSI may not have these features at know? :)


There is no ACTUAL information on this anyways. There are no numbers on what % health that the ability gets activated. Or if its only for monsters or NPCs, or if its with players. Plus with the new virtue armor which cures you as well, unicorns are a little obselete.

Can anyone confirm the features still exist on OSI, and get some numbers going. If so, then the info can be relayed to the devs.


I haven't been able to confirm the ki-rin or unicorn abilites over the past few days. I know for sure that damage absorption was removed some time ago.