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Your programing history( runuo counts ^^ )

Your programing history( runuo counts ^^ )

Mmmmkay this is just a lil post I thought would help me get to know some of the people I attempt to interact with here :). Basically im going to post how i started with programming and the processes i went through to get to where i am now :). And if you feel like it you may post how you started aswell that would be awesome.

Ok so here it is!

My first experience with any kind of programming was with c. I used to be a hardcore mud fan( mmm i still play them just not as often, you can thank uo for that :D ) and was very interested in helping develope them. Right well one day i was on a certain mud and i got to talking to someone on it. After about 20 mins he literally gave me access to his shell( redhat 8 ) and told me to have at it, his reasoning? Everyone needs a chance, nice guy huh. Anyways, he is now the best friend i have on the net( have known him 3 years + ). After awhile of playing with c on redhat i started learning java. Mmm java was fun, i spent about 3 months with some compiler included with my java 2 book, did some gui work ect. When i got tired of java( just wasnt like me, i like c much more ) i took a crack at my vb 6 book wich promptly found its way out my bedroom window into the rain. After me and my vb book had a go I moved on to c++. I played with c++ for awhile, learned alot of new stuff, enjoyed it somewhat. Anyways, c# came into play around three months after i started playing uo( hell i think it was almost before se ... i know i live in a cave! ) anyways thats when i was introduced to runuo. Once i learned that runuo was in c# i started to play with c# and decided i liked c# more than any other language i have mentioned in this post. I have been playing with c# ever sense and enjoy alot.

As you can see my "programming" history is not much. I have taught myself everything i know either from books or tutorials( c# was all through online tuts and runuo scripts that i forced myself to disect ). Im happy with how my knowlege has turned out, i can write simple programs from scratch with no visual aids( i even have a compiler i made from the runuo core that does nothing but compile everything and put an exe as output, yes i do use it now ).

Anyways, this is not a "praise" me kinda post, I simply wanna share a lil something about myself that you guys can relate to :).


Well, waaay back in Feb. '05, the first shard that I ever got hired as staff on, went down. I said to myself, "hell, why don't I try to make my own shard?" I downloaded a copy of RunUO, and just started messing with stuff. Haven't done any other language, and had no experience before that. Never had any books, and I've only read one tutorial in my life: David's "Troubling things that start with 'T'" tutorial. Now, a year later, I can say that I'm much better at C#, but I've still got a lot to learn! :D

I'm planning on learning HTML and PhP, we'll see how that goes...
I forgot about HTML and php, i would add them to my post but its much faster just to put it here instead of finding the right spot int hat novel of a paragraph of mine .... lol.


My dad is a comp-geek/web designer, so when I was six or seven or so, he taught me a bit of HTML, just about enough to have the webbrowser say "Hi". Afterwards, I ran into a UO sever around 10.


I didnt really discover computers or the internet til I was 14-15. Up until then I was just a booky/artsy geek.

Been around Runuo since...beta 36ish I think. I can barely script runuo things, just poke at existing code usually. Id say Im much more comfy with html/css..been mildly poking at that for the past 5-6 years.


I started in 2004 on my first shard where I learned the verry basic "Operations" of C# as time advanced I did alot of reading on these forums and asking for help absorbing knowledge like a sponge, now come around 2006 i'm still not the best but i'm getting better...

Either way, I did alot of my learning from Trial and Error and bassic skill in Algebra

I have been into computers since DOS tho..


Way back in 84 bc (Before Computers) lol, or proper computers that is, i started off getting interested in just playing the games, at that time it was all a new fangled thing back then and i was errm young and daft.

After a short time playing them i started to show an interest in why & how things did what they did so began to poke around inside the programming and it started off from there really, just doing tweaks to some of the games i liked to play. From all this i began to understand machine code (9502 ASSEMBLY..aggh) mainly for some of the older 8 bit machines that were around at the time and followed on from there getting into the groups of people who had the same interests. The AMIGA turned up and it was off to 68000 assembly (new language sort of) and newer and better games.

I learnt a hell of a lot from some of them and had fun along the way, one of my friends i used to hang round with was this guy... Gary Partis, along with Nezzy (Still working for BitMap Brothers i think, remember speed ball on the amiga) (and tell your mom i'm still sorry for hurling on her feet that night... long story :eek: , Perdo & Blacks... what were we thinking :) ) & a guy called Spike (I think still lives close by), gary was one of the better BBC micro computers games programmers of the 80's and had already by then became a house hold name in the 80's BBC gaming arena, by the way gary if you ever read this...did you sus how to wheel spin in that car of yours??? (old joke).

The coolest thing i saw was when a guy called Andrew Braybrook created a game called Uridium and Gary started to write a BBC version of it... but he had a couple of problems at the start with the vertical sync on the monitor to make the scrolling effect not do that tearing effect (when the monitor changes the frame) so he just gets the circuit diagram out for the whole of the BBC and says... yeah thats it ??? Mind boggling to see him understand that one lol. That was back when we had to check interupts & stuff for video timings to get screens to scroll all nice & neat with not flicker.

Then there was full time work, wine & women and along that path (very rocky one too) i stopped off to do a 2 year HNC in Computer Science. Learnt C++, Electronics, and all the other stuff that came with the course and finally understood the internal workings of everything in the chips, like Flip Flop switches N timing diagrams N stuff (get ya diagrams out now then gary...i'll show ya :D ).

I only got back into it all in about 2000 with PC's as they became house hold items by now, and messed around ever since. Which is why i love RunUO so much, it's a great learning tool for people & fun at the same time.

It's my hobby now :)

*goes off to try and find old friends*:)
first experience: in 2001 Hex editing Planescape: Torment saves,
first experience with an actual language: Qbasic last year :p


For DOS:

BASIC, QBASIC, QuickBasic, Visual Basic for Dos (Yes it did exist) - all reasonably self-explanatory. I wrote a VBDOS program that operated part of a store, so that was cool. ^.^ (Yes, a real store, and the program actually did things. Useful things.)

Some C - I never really got into C beyond some simple programs. I can read C code okay, more or less, just not write my own.

For TinyMuck:

MPI - Message Parsing Interpreter. A few examples:

lwho:  {commas:{parse:who,{contents:here,player},{name:{&who}}{if:{awake:{&who}},,[asleep]}}}

pall: {if:{&arg},{null:{parse:x,{prop:_prefs/con_announce_list,me},{force:me,page #mail {&x}={&arg}}, }},You need to specify what to page!  This will page-mail everyone in your watchfor list.}

MUF - Multi-User Forth. Imagine a programming language that worked like a polish calculator - instant headache inducer. =P

(  Header:  1-13
Daily_Planner.MUF  v1.3  by  Alari @ xxxxxxxxx.  Please ask before porting.
Program stores props in /_dplan/ propdir on the object running the program.
Quick Setup:
 @action dplan = me
 @link dplan = <This program>
 dplan                       < for listing >
 dplan #help                 < for help >
 dplan <day> = <message>     < to set that day's activity >
: version           (To save space)
"Daily_Planner.MUF  v1.3  by  Alari" .tell 
" " .tell 
: dayfind   ( s -- s  ; takes the string to the left of the equals, and
                        figures out which day it is referring to.
                        Returns 3 char string used in proptree. )
( this function's stack:  s.   s == everything to the left of the equals
in arg, including the equal sign. <to ditch it, since it isn't needed
anyway> )
dup "su" 2 strncmp not if pop "sun"  exit then 
dup "m"  1 strncmp not if pop "mon"  exit then
dup "tu" 2 strncmp not if pop "tue"  exit then
dup "w"  1 strncmp not if pop "wed"  exit then
dup "th" 2 strncmp not if pop "thu"  exit then
dup "f"  1 strncmp not if pop "fri"  exit then
dup "sa" 2 strncmp not if pop "sat"  exit then
dup "n"  1 strncmp not if pop "note" exit then
"Error!  I don't know what day you're talking about!" .tell "xxx" exit
;  ( End Dayfind )
: mainscr  (  --  ; Shows the main screen of the program )
"Your schedule:"  .tell
"   Sunday: " me @ "_dplan/sun"  getpropstr strcat .tell
"   Monday: " me @ "_dplan/mon"  getpropstr strcat .tell
"  Tuesday: " me @ "_dplan/tue"  getpropstr strcat .tell
"Wednesday: " me @ "_dplan/wed"  getpropstr strcat .tell
" Thursday: " me @ "_dplan/thu"  getpropstr strcat .tell
"   Friday: " me @ "_dplan/fri"  getpropstr strcat .tell
" Saturday: " me @ "_dplan/sat"  getpropstr strcat .tell
me @ "_dplan/note" getpropstr 
if  ( If _dplan/note is not nul, then )
   " " .tell
   "     Note: " me @ "_dplan/note" getpropstr strcat .tell
then  (end if)
;  ( End MainScr )
: helpscr  (  --  ;show the help screen )
"Usage:  dplan <day> = <message>"  .tell
"<day> must be at least the first two letters of the day you want" .tell
"If there is nothing after the equals, then it will delete that day's message." .tell
"For the 'Note' field, use the format  'dplan note=<message>'" .tell
; ( End HelpScr)
: main  ( s --  ; ?  )
dup                    ( arg arg )
not                    ( arg ;  Is there an arg? )
if mainscr exit then   ( If arg is "" then do the mainscr function )
dup           ( arg arg.  Look familiar? )
"#help"       ( arg arg "#help" )
stringcmp     ( arg 0|1 )
not           ( arg 0|1 )
if helpscr exit then  ( If arg is "#help" then show the help screen )
 (If arg isn't nul or help, then start figuring out what to do.  =)
( arg ;  current stack )
me @ swap                          ( me arg ;  you'll see why later )
dup                                ( me arg arg )
"="                                ( me arg arg "=" )
instr                              ( me arg 0|# )
dup                                ( me arg 0|# 0|# )
not                                ( me arg 0|# 0|1 )
if "Error!  Equals is missing!  To clear a day, type:  dplan <day> =" .tell exit then
( If there's no = in the arg, quit.  Maybe fix this later so 'dplan
<day>' will clear the day or something like that? )
( me arg equal's_loc )
strcut   ( me s1 s2 ;  s1 being everything up to and including the equal,
           hopefully )
strip    ( me s1 s2 ;  strip leading and trailing spaces from string)
swap                               ( me s2 s1 )
strip    ( me s2 s1 ;  strip s1 )
dayfind      ( s -- s ;  turn s1 into 3 char string for use w/props )
                                   ( stack:  me  s2  day|xxx )
dup "xxx" strcmp not if exit then  ( you're better off not knowing. )
"_dplan/" swap                     ( me string "_dplan/" day )
strcat                             ( me string propval )
swap                               ( me propval string )
dup                                ( me propval string string )
not                                ( me propval string 0|1 )
( if string is null, then removeprop, else addprop )
if pop remove_prop "Cleared." .tell exit then    ( me propval string )
0                                  ( me propval string 0 )
addprop                            (  )
"Set." .tell
;  ( End Main )


bash, ksh, and probably a few others - Shell Scripts. Bash and KSH are shells in unix, like for DOS/Win. They parse shell scripts, batch files on steroids to you DOS/Win users, as well as the command line. My most impressive examples would be for the system check script I wrote for the FAA, so sorry, can't give you that example. ;)

Perl - supposedly I passed the Perl class I took, though I don't remember a damn thing about it. IMHO that programming language is generally used by overly-smug people who think a string of gibberish that does something is cool.

For Windows:

Visual Basic - did a few things but not much.

and of course...

C# - Started using this with RunUO, didn't know anything about it before then.


I started toying around with BASIC a long time ago (back in grade school, somewhere in the mid 80's), went to Q-Basic from there, and then onto Visual Basic 5 when it was available. After VB5, I went to VB6, and then to VB.NET.

I also toyed around with HTML, VBScript, and JavaScript, then I got into ASP. That brought me into database work (after all, what's a website without a database?).

I took a job after getting my Associates degreen in Computer Technology from Purdue University doing Access-database work for a local company. I got fed up real quick with the ill-formed database structure, and rewrote the whole thing, and then spent a long time writing a VB6 front-end to run the database. 10K+ lines of code later, I went down to the corporate office and implemented my work at the corporate site as well (and added about 10K more lines of code for the corporate site). This was a database that handled customer complaints, BTW.

I went back to Purdue to get my Bachelor's Degree. After I got that, I starting working for a Tech Support company because the job market was horrible at the time (this was around when 9/11 happened). I did a couple of programming jobs in my free time there to make things at work a little easier.

After the job market starting coming back up again, I got a call from a local business that was looking for a web developer using C#, ASP, etc. They hired me on even though I hadn't touched C# at all, but that's because I had 10+ years of personal programming experience, and proved that I could learn a new language quickly. They also liked that I was completely self-taught (good motivation).

So, I took the job, and 2 months later, I was quite fluent in C#, just hacking away figuring stuff out using all the resources I could find. Now, I've written several websites in C#, as well as quite a few stand-alone applications. I don't use VB.NET anymore either, as I've chosen C# as my preferred language now.

So anyways, that's it in a nutshell. I've been programming for quite some time, and all I can say is that I love it. :)


Programming? What's that? Isn't that something the Chinese did to people to make them into puppets or something in the early 50's? :p


Malaperth said:
Programming? What's that? Isn't that something the Chinese did to people to make them into puppets or something in the early 50's? :p
Well he did say "Programming History" so I think that counts.


Programming? What's that? Isn't that something the Chinese did to people to make them into puppets or something in the early 50's?

Nah, something to do with valve's, cogs & steam engines if i remember rightly :D


Formerly DontdroptheSOAD
and C#

I have only read primer books on the c languages and I have a hard time with certain aspects, but I'm hoping when I go to school this will be clarified for me.


started with C/C++ when I was...12/13? Never done anything in it since. Had two semesters of Java when I got to college. Been "poking" at HTML since I was 14. Now I'm pretty good with it. I only recently started using the "code view" of Dreamweaver, though :p (Recently = 2 years ago). Using PHP for a year, ASP.NET for 6 months. C# was when I was first introduced to RunUO (see join date :rolleyes:).