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Zippy's CTF ReRelease for 1.0


Cant get part 5

Update on 8/11/04:
This is a small clean up & update for the CTF and DD games. If you already have CTF/DD on your shard you will NOT need to resetup your games to use the new version of the scripts. The only thing you must do after unextracting is re-add all of your signup stones (and relink them to the game stone). Please delete DDJoin.cs, CTFJoin.cs, and CTFJoinGump.cs from previous isntallations.
What changed? The game no longer infinitely restarts itself. The game now runs once for it's set length and then stops. If someone reaches the maxscore before the game time is over, it will end early. You can use [startgame and [stopgame (see below) to control the game as you see fit. When the game is not running, players will be unable to fight (or heal) each other, and none of the flags/waypoints will work.
Also, Notoriety.cs is now much less cluttered with CTF stuff. There are only 2 places, (both are clearly marked) where CTF stuff is in there. There is a comment in CTFGame.cs where you can add code to give prizes to members of the winning team.
**** Installation ****
Unextract to your scripts folder. Then make SURE you delete your "Scripts/Misc/Notoriety.cs" file. This is very important....
Follow the instructions below to setup your game.
**** Setup Instuctions ****
Okay, this is a fairly large system.. there's a lot of little thigns and you'll want to play around with it before dropping it right on to your shard... Here is a "crash" course in how to set it up.
Before setting up the script on the shard, you may want to change the Coords in the "GameRegion.cs" script. The coords in there now are some nice places me & alkiser found a while ago on the default map... but you might want to use something else.
Capture the Flag:
1) [add CTFGame put it someplace out of the way.. this is used for controling game options only, players dont need to see it.
2) [props or double click the game stone and setup the properties of the game (like how many teams, etc).
3) [add CTFFlag, this is the flag so it should go someplace in your "arena"
4) Double click or do [props on the Flag, you will get a props menu... FIRST Set the TeamID to the Team Number (0, 1, 2, 3) etc you want the team to have. (This should never be >= the number of teams in the game)
5) Next set the Flag's Game property to the game stone you added in step 1.
6) Set all the other properties how you want, Note:set the flag's Hue to the color you want the team to wear (a blue flag means everyone on the team will wear a blue robe).
*) Repeat steps 3-6 for each team
Now you may [add gamejoinstone all around your shard to allow players to join the game. These must also be linked via props to the game stone from step 1.
You may also [add ctfscoreboard all over your shard (and dont forget to link them to the gamestone) so your players can see the scores. You might also want to add one in the arena.

Ok part 5 is what i am having trouble with it says set the flag's game property to the game stone you added in step 1 how do i set the flags game property and wear is it


I fixed little problem with team message. When player write a team message [team <some string> or [t <some string>, players of his team received twice same messages.

I edited CTFGame.cs line 503

for(int i=0;i<m_Registry.Count;[COLOR="Red"]i++[/COLOR])

for(int i=0;i<m_Registry.Count;[COLOR="Red"]i += 2[/COLOR])

Now players received only once message. I mean it's working well. However, if you found some bugs of this fix post it here, please!


after bouncing back and forth for weeks.... I've found that zippys actual release works much cleaner than this version....