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Druid Spells


		public static Type PigIron
			get{ return m_Types[12]; }
			set{ m_Types[12] = value; }

		public static Type PetrifiedWood
			get{ return m_Types[13]; }
			set{ m_Types[13] = value; }

		public static Type SpringWater
			get{ return m_Types[14]; }
			set{ m_Types[14] = value; }
All of these Types are missing a } after them. It should look like this:
		public static Type PigIron
			get{ return m_Types[12]; }
			set{ m_Types[12] = value; }
		public static Type PetrifiedWood
			get{ return m_Types[13]; }
			set{ m_Types[13] = value; }
		public static Type SpringWater
			get{ return m_Types[14]; }
			set{ m_Types[14] = value; }


Ohh...did not see that you already responded. I figured I missed something stupid, then I figured to look over it one last time and saw that I was missing the "}" at the end of each.
Ohh..the other spells work great as well! Thank you much good sir! The more spells the merrier! You ARE the man!


Hi guys! :)
i'm just a beginner of writing script.
when i use the package of druid , the server show 3 errors and 3 warnings.
since i'm not good in english...i don't know how to translate those chinese into english~~
i hope u guys can understand what i mean :p

- Warning: Scripts\Customs\MOTD\motd.cs: CS0183: (line 205, column 49) 指定的é‹
ç®—å¼æ°¸é*為æ供的 ('Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile') 型別
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs: CS0162: (line 548, colu
mn 6) åµæ¸¬åˆ°ä¸å¯èƒ½åŸ·è¡Œåˆ°çš„程å¼ç¢¼
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs: CS0219: (line 614, colu
mn 10) 已指派變數 'check',但從未使用其值
- Error: Scripts\Spells\Reagent.cs: CS0118: (line 24, column 13) 'Server.Spells
.Reagent.Blackrock' 代表 '屬性',但是必é*ˆæ˜¯ '類別'
- Error: Scripts\Spells\Reagent.cs: CS0118: (line 28, column 21) 'Server.Spells
.Reagent.WyrmsHeart' 代表 '屬性',但是必é*ˆæ˜¯ '類別'
- Error: Scripts\Spells\Reagent.cs: CS0246: (line 29, column 21) 找ä¸åˆ°åž‹åˆ¥æˆ–命
å空間å稱 'SerpentsScale' (您是å¦éºæ¼ using 指示詞或組件åƒè€ƒ?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

Here is my reagent.cs :

using System;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Spells
public class Reagent
private static Type[] m_Types = new Type[20]
typeof( BlackPearl ),
typeof( Bloodmoss ),
typeof( Garlic ),
typeof( Ginseng ),
typeof( MandrakeRoot ),
typeof( Nightshade ),
typeof( SulfurousAsh ),
typeof( SpidersSilk ),
typeof( BatWing ),
typeof( GraveDust ),
typeof( DaemonBlood ),
typeof( NoxCrystal ),
typeof( PigIron ),
typeof( Carrot ),
typeof( Blackrock ),
typeof( SpringWater ),
typeof( DestroyingAngel ),
typeof( PetrafiedWood ),
typeof( WyrmsHeart ),
typeof( SerpentsScale )

public Type[] Types
get{ return m_Types; }

public static Type BlackPearl
get{ return m_Types[0]; }
set{ m_Types[0] = value; }

public static Type Bloodmoss
get{ return m_Types[1]; }
set{ m_Types[1] = value; }

public static Type Garlic
get{ return m_Types[2]; }
set{ m_Types[2] = value; }

public static Type Ginseng
get{ return m_Types[3]; }
set{ m_Types[3] = value; }

public static Type MandrakeRoot
get{ return m_Types[4]; }
set{ m_Types[4] = value; }

public static Type Nightshade
get{ return m_Types[5]; }
set{ m_Types[5] = value; }

public static Type SulfurousAsh
get{ return m_Types[6]; }
set{ m_Types[6] = value; }

public static Type SpidersSilk
get{ return m_Types[7]; }
set{ m_Types[7] = value; }

public static Type BatWing
get{ return m_Types[8]; }
set{ m_Types[8] = value; }

public static Type GraveDust
get{ return m_Types[9]; }
set{ m_Types[9] = value; }

public static Type DaemonBlood
get{ return m_Types[10]; }
set{ m_Types[10] = value; }

public static Type NoxCrystal
get{ return m_Types[11]; }
set{ m_Types[11] = value; }

public static Type PigIron
get{ return m_Types[12]; }
set{ m_Types[12] = value; }
public static Type Carrot
get{ return m_Types[13]; }
set{ m_Types[13] = value; }
public static Type Blackrock
get{ return m_Types[14]; }
set{ m_Types[14] = value; }
public static Type SpringWater
get{ return m_Types[15]; }
set{ m_Types[15] = value; }

public static Type DestroyingAngel
get{ return m_Types[16]; }
set{ m_Types[16] = value; }

public static Type PetrafiedWood
get{ return m_Types[17]; }
set{ m_Types[17] = value; }
public static Type WyrmsHeart
get{ return m_Types[18]; }
set{ m_Types[18] = value; }
public static Type SerpentScale
get{ return m_Types[19]; }
set{ m_Types[19] = value; }

THANKS for help ..... i really want to enjoy this Druid Spells!! :)
there are more reagents is this script than the required ones to druid spells

you must remove them
Serpents Scale, Blackrock, Carrot and WyrmsHeart


like the idea ... thinking bout adding it

this might be a stupid question .... but this script will coexist with the Old magery scrip right ....?


Is there a way to create shortcuts for casting the druid spells? So i can place them on buttons to click on?

Also, is it possible to make the Druid spellbook stay open after you cast a spell?

At the moment, i cannot find a way to quickly use druid spells, when i cast a spell from the druid spellbook, the spellbook closes. I cannot use a macro hotkey since the spells do not show up in CastSpell and i can't seem to figure out how [cast ist supposed to work.

Thanks for any input you can give me...


Make power word commands for those spells... Check what the spoken mantra is and then make speech event for that mantra and when ever you say the mantra of specific spell you will start casting it...

That is how i made fast casting for my heavily customed cleric set to work without always needing to go through gump... and that is how i will made it for druid set of mine when i have it ready otherwise. Ofcourse you will need to make macro for every spell then to be able to really fast cast em but it is working solution.... and there is enough keys for them... for example use CTRL+first letter of spell/effect... easy to remember.

Here's example from my cleric scripts.. it has lot of other stuff you don't need to mind about but you get the point
if ( e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( "equus divinus" ) != -1 )
			if ( e.Mobile is dovPlayerMobile )
					dovPlayerMobile m = e.Mobile as dovPlayerMobile;					
					if ( !m.CheckAlive() )
						m.SendMessage( "You cannot pray while dead." );
					else if ( !( m.Class == ClassType.Cleric || m.Class == ClassType.None) )
						m.SendMessage( "Nothing happens" );
					else if ( m.Religion == Reserved1.None)
						m.SendMessage( "Nothing happens" );
					m.SendMessage("You have " +m.TithingPoints+" tithing points left");
					new DivineSteedSpell( m, null ).Cast();


Voran said:
As to the other issue - I don't support UO3d, but I can give you some alternate ItemID's that may help:

Destroying Angel: 0xFE3
Petrified Wood: 0xF90
Spring Water: 0x21FE

I was thinking of trying this out. Do you not recommend this if people are running the 3D client? Is that all I can expect is to have to change a few ItemID's and it will work fine? Just wanted to know what I would be in for if I tried to add these. :)


I don't reccomend running the 3D client full stop.
But it should work fine :)

As to the question about the book staying open - there's no way I can see to do it, other than reopending the book on cast. I'm working on a quicker way.


Heres what i am using.. Standard RunUO plus Druid Spells added, nothing else. Hope this helps any.

using System;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Spells
	public class Reagent
		private static Type[] m_Types = new Type[16]
				typeof( BlackPearl ),
				typeof( Bloodmoss ),
				typeof( Garlic ),
				typeof( Ginseng ),
				typeof( MandrakeRoot ),
				typeof( Nightshade ),
				typeof( SulfurousAsh ),
				typeof( SpidersSilk ),
				typeof( BatWing ),
				typeof( GraveDust ),
				typeof( DaemonBlood ),
				typeof( NoxCrystal ),
				typeof( PigIron ),
				typeof( SpringWater ),
				typeof( DestroyingAngel ),
				typeof( PetrafiedWood )

		public Type[] Types
			get{ return m_Types; }

		public static Type BlackPearl
			get{ return m_Types[0]; }
			set{ m_Types[0] = value; }

		public static Type Bloodmoss
			get{ return m_Types[1]; }
			set{ m_Types[1] = value; }

		public static Type Garlic
			get{ return m_Types[2]; }
			set{ m_Types[2] = value; }

		public static Type Ginseng
			get{ return m_Types[3]; }
			set{ m_Types[3] = value; }

		public static Type MandrakeRoot
			get{ return m_Types[4]; }
			set{ m_Types[4] = value; }

		public static Type Nightshade
			get{ return m_Types[5]; }
			set{ m_Types[5] = value; }

		public static Type SulfurousAsh
			get{ return m_Types[6]; }
			set{ m_Types[6] = value; }

		public static Type SpidersSilk
			get{ return m_Types[7]; }
			set{ m_Types[7] = value; }

		public static Type BatWing
			get{ return m_Types[8]; }
			set{ m_Types[8] = value; }

		public static Type GraveDust
			get{ return m_Types[9]; }
			set{ m_Types[9] = value; }

		public static Type DaemonBlood
			get{ return m_Types[10]; }
			set{ m_Types[10] = value; }

		public static Type NoxCrystal
			get{ return m_Types[11]; }
			set{ m_Types[11] = value; }

		public static Type PigIron
			get{ return m_Types[12]; }
			set{ m_Types[12] = value; }

		public static Type SpringWater
			get{ return m_Types[13]; }
			set{ m_Types[13] = value; }
		public static Type DestroyingAngel
			get{ return m_Types[14]; }
			set{ m_Types[14] = value; }
		public static Type PetrafiedWood
			get{ return m_Types[15]; }
			set{ m_Types[15] = value; }

- Error: Scripts\Custom\SpellRegistry.cs: CS0101: (line 5, column 15) The names
pace 'Server.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SpellRegistry'

need help im new at this got the server running for about a week now and just started to ad some script to it, i would apreciate it if someone could gimme a hand :rolleyes:


That means you have 2 copies of spell registry. Try searching for a seocnd copy of spellregistry.cs. If im correct its in C:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0 RC0\Scripts\Spells. Remove this one and kepe the edited one for the spells.