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FS Grave Digger Quest / System



Yes, I found out that I had to install the quest again to get that file. But every time I install it and restart my server, I keep coming up with the same errors I've been getting all along, and it also renders some of my other scripts unusable.

I popped in your shard and got a little help with the quest to see how it works, and got my butt kicked, so I gave up. I am NO good at this. I really like this system, but I can't get it to work. It will only work on a fresh installed copy of RunUO, and I certainly can't restart from scratch. My users wouldn't like that very much LOL!

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



works fine for me

Thanx for the quest it is extr3emely easy to install and works perfectly on my shard and all my players love it. No probs what so ever :)


Yes Sean i remember you (I am Paige) anyway.
Please post the errors you are getting so i can help.




Sorry I haven't gotten back to ya in a while. Apparently the E-Mail notifications for this thread aren't working for me. Here are the errors I get when I unzip the Grave Digger quest into my Customs folder and try to restart my shard:

RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (6 errors, 40 warnings)
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Town House System\TownHouseSign.cs: CS0114: (line 39
, column 23) 'Knives.TownHouses.TownHouseSign.OnSpeech(Server.SpeechEventArgs)'
hides inherited member 'Server.Item.OnSpeech(Server.SpeechEventArgs)'. To make t
he current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherw
ise add the new keyword.
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Vampire Quest\VampQuestItems\Drac Required items\Dra
culasTeleporter.cs: CS0114: (line 21, column 18) 'Server.Items.DraculasTeleporte
r.Location' hides inherited member 'Server.Item.Location'. To make the current m
ember override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the
new keyword.
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Vampire Quest\VampQuestItems\Drac Required items\Dra
culasTeleporter.cs: CS0108: (line 28, column 14) The keyword new is required on
'Server.Items.DraculasTeleporter.Map' because it hides inherited member 'Server.
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\cedartreeAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 23, column 1
9) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouse13Addon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouse2Addon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouse4Addon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouse5Addon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouse7Addon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\DollHouseAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 1
9) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave1NAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave2NAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave2WAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave3NAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\grave3WAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave4NAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave4WAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\Grave5WAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\GraveNAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\GraveWAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\largesworddisplay1NAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22
, column 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\largesworddisplay1WAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 23
, column 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\OakTreeAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column 19)
The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\SheepCarcassNAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, colu
mn 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\SkinnedDeerNAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, colum
n 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\SkinnedDeerWAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, colum
n 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\SkinnedRabbitNAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 23, col
umn 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\SkinnedRabbitWAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 23, col
umn 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\smallsworddisplayWAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22,
column 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\treeAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 29, column 19) Th
e variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\WallWepsNAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 23, column 1
9) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\WalnuttreeAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Addonz\willowtreeAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 24, column
19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\A_Li_N's Paintball 1.1.0\PBGameItem.cs: CS0183: (lin
e 196, column 13) The given expression is always of the provided ('Server.Mobile
') type
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Custom Vendors On The Fly\MyVendorBag.cs: CS0219: (l
ine 116, column 9) The variable 'done' is assigned but its value is never used
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Easier Vendor Mall\BaseLandLord.cs: CS0162: (line 12
8, column 4) Unreachable code detected
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Easier Vendor Mall\BaseLandLord.cs: CS0162: (line 16
3, column 6) Unreachable code detected
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0104: (line 143, column 6) 'Linda' is an ambiguous reference
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0246: (line 172, column 7) The type or namespace name 'l' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0246: (line 173, column 7) The type or namespace name 'l' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0246: (line 174, column 7) The type or namespace name 'l' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0103: (line 175, column 24) The name 'l' does not exist in the class or namesp
ace 'Server.GenerateGDQ.GenMobiles'
- Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Commands\GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs:
CS0246: (line 178, column 6) The type or namespace name 'l' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Town House System\TownHouse.cs: CS0642: (line 88, co
lumn 51) Possible mistaken null statement
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Web Stone\SetableWebStoneGump.cs: CS0642: (line 40,
column 53) Possible mistaken null statement
- Warning: Scripts\Customs\Web Stone\SetableWebStoneGump.cs: CS0168: (line 129,
column 14) The variable 'Display' is declared but never used
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

As you can see, this system continues to give me the errors associated with the Grave Digger quest, as well as the fact that it CONTINUES to clash with several of my other scripts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you can fix this, cause I would LOVE to have this system on my shard.

Thank You,


GraveDiggersShovel.cs Member OnTick creates some items at the beginning but only one item is for the Player. The rest will not be deleted and fills the internal map with unused items!


Nice work!Very enjoyable quest, i tested on my test shard with a player from the main shard and he loved it!the only change i made is for everything to be generated in felucca
great work and fun thanx


1 question:
how i can add some tokens to dig up after 90% minig skill:)
2 question
in gravediger.cs
else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Base < 150.0)
if ( Utility.Random( 500 ) < 5 )
so arti can olny be dig up after 150 mining skill? but i think mining skill on my shard can be done to 100%
what should i do?
change it to 119% and add mining ps to shard,then when ppl get 120 mining ps ,they can be dig up artis.
please answer me if i think wrong:eek:


The Problem in filling the internal map with unused items can be solved by doing the following changes:

m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );

// Added begin GraveDiggersSchovel.cs DigTimer.OnTick() last lines
if ( gem != null && ( gem.Map == null || gem.Map == Map.Internal ) )

if ( reg != null && ( reg.Map == null || reg.Map == Map.Internal ) )

if ( equip != null && ( equip.Map == null || equip.Map == Map.Internal ) )
// Added end



Hi steamin

I was wondering if this fix goes in once or after every instance of...

m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );

the reason I ask is that there are 6 instances of that line.

nm I just woke up and now I see it goes in around line 658.. thanks for the fix.


Quest not functioning correctly on my shard.

Great Quest! Thank you! The only problem I had with it is the "stolen from a grave" label is not being added to the graveitems as it should. I'm running a pre-AOS shard, so that may have something to do with it.


Same Crash

hafolee said:
also crash....
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
   at Server.Item.get_PropertyList()
   at Server.Item.InvalidateProperties()
   at Server.Item.set_Map(Map value)
   at Server.Item.AddItem(Item item)
   at Server.Items.Container.DropItem(Item dropped)
   at Server.Items.BaseContainer.TryDropItem(Mobile from, Item dropped, Boolean sendFullMessage)
   at Server.Mobile.PlaceInBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Mobile.AddToBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Items.DigTimer.OnTick()
   at Server.Timer.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Did someone figure out what is causing this? We have been running this for awhile and this popped up out of the blue. I was going to post our crash log, but it is identical to this one.


Felucca Spawn

Is there anyway you could make this spawn in Felucca. I do not have Trammel on my shard. I have looked through the script and do not have a clue as to where to begin changing the locations. If you could and would take the time to make it happen I would be very greatful. Thx


AdminZin said:
Is there anyway you could make this spawn in Felucca. I do not have Trammel on my shard. I have looked through the script and do not have a clue as to where to begin changing the locations. If you could and would take the time to make it happen I would be very greatful. Thx

GenGraveDiggerQuest.cs contains the following:
public static void CreateMobiles()
				CreateMobilesFacet( Map.Trammel );

Perhaps changing that to Felucca?


Issues with script removal

We are having some serious issues removing the script.
Even after removing the spawns, all NPC, items, etc, when you start the server up it asks to delete all those which you already removed.
I believe they are writing to the null map and even with a wiped server of items(well everything) and placing the saves back in, it is still causing issues.
I know this because we wiped our test server of everything, including players bank boxes, the only thing kept were the player accounts and characters with skills and stats, and we had to leave that script on our blank server.

I did a findnpcbyname command and found Linda Gastov(sp) on the internal map 4 times. Even after actually being able to remove her, doing a save and restart, it asked again if I wanted to remove "Linda".

Unless someone has a solution for correcting this in the script OR for removing items from the null map, we are stuck with this script on our server with no way to remove it.

All help is appreciated.


I have pb with Samus mc Nealson. when we talk him his answer is always " I am busy for the moment, could you come back later".

Thanks for your help.


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
   at Server.Item.get_PropertyList()
   at Server.Item.InvalidateProperties()
   at Server.Item.set_Map(Map value)
   at Server.Item.AddItem(Item item)
   at Server.Items.Container.DropItem(Item dropped)
   at Server.Items.BaseContainer.TryDropItem(Mobile from, Item dropped, Boolean sendFullMessage)
   at Server.Mobile.PlaceInBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Mobile.AddToBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Items.DigTimer.OnTick()
   at Server.Timer.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Same Crash here using Runuo 1.0

cu marc



The Yoshimitsu Creature in this script has ninja related items and is A ninja itself looks like. I run ML on my I need to add anything from SE to my shard? Or does ML have these items the leather ninja pants, etc.


marclemke said:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
   at Server.Item.get_PropertyList()
   at Server.Item.InvalidateProperties()
   at Server.Item.set_Map(Map value)
   at Server.Item.AddItem(Item item)
   at Server.Items.Container.DropItem(Item dropped)
   at Server.Items.BaseContainer.TryDropItem(Mobile from, Item dropped, Boolean sendFullMessage)
   at Server.Mobile.PlaceInBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Mobile.AddToBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Items.DigTimer.OnTick()
   at Server.Timer.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Same Crash here using Runuo 1.0

cu marc

This needs to be in debug mode to give a proper analysis but I would surmise that this crash actually has nothing to do with this pack. It just happen that someone was digging as well at the time. usually a crash is related to the first item on the list not that 3 to last, also unless in debug mode it says otherwise someone could have been mining when they got that issue. well anyway. Run this in debug mode and then make the crash happen again and give us a debug crashlog cause it shows line numbers and what files exactly the issues are located in.