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FULL Diablo 2 Style Socket System =)


LordHogFred said:
Ok I have a bit of bad news.

I am going to postpone the update for a while due to the fact that I am on work experiance for the next 3 weeks and will not have much time for the scripts :(

However, I would be more than happy to hand over some of the work I have already done if someone else would like to put the gems and socket items into the LootPacks ?

Anyway sorry about tht :(

aye friend, email it to me if you would. Also if you have one of the socketed weapon scripts done in regards to saving the gem thats in it on save (remember that bug?) I can get to work on adding that to all of them.

As for the loot packs I will see what I can do, I still run b36 so I am not used to using them.


this is what i did for the loot info.. if you look at it youll see that i have all the socketed items listed.. you wont be able ot just copy and paste this cause a buncha extra stuff but it will give you an idea.. also have SOME of the gems.. i dont have anything higher then plain.. so the prefect and flawless is more rare

	public class Loot
		#region List definitions
		private static Type[] m_AosWeaponTypes = new Type[]
				typeof( Scythe ),				typeof( BoneHarvester ),		typeof( Scepter ),
				typeof( BladedStaff ),			typeof( Pike ),					typeof( DoubleBladedStaff ),
				typeof( Lance ),				typeof( CrescentBlade ),		typeof( CompositeBow ),

		public static Type[] AosWeaponTypes{ get{ return m_AosWeaponTypes; } }

		private static Type[] m_WeaponTypes = new Type[]
				typeof( Axe ),					typeof( BattleAxe ),			typeof( DoubleAxe ),
				typeof( ExecutionersAxe ),		typeof( Hatchet ),				typeof( LargeBattleAxe ),
				typeof( TwoHandedAxe ),			typeof( WarAxe ),				typeof( Club ),
				typeof( Mace ),					typeof( Maul ),					typeof( WarHammer ),
				typeof( WarMace ),				typeof( Bardiche ),				typeof( Halberd ),
				typeof( Bow ),					typeof( Crossbow ),				typeof( HeavyCrossbow ),
				typeof( Spear ),				typeof( ShortSpear ),			typeof( Pitchfork ),
				typeof( WarFork ),				typeof( BlackStaff ),			typeof( GnarledStaff ),
				typeof( QuarterStaff ),			typeof( Broadsword ),			typeof( Cutlass ),
				typeof( Katana ),				typeof( Kryss ),				typeof( Longsword ),
				typeof( Scimitar ),				typeof( SocketedAxe ),			typeof( SocketedBattleAxe ),			
				typeof( SocketedExecutionersAxe ),		typeof( SocketedLargeBattleAxe ),		typeof( RecallRune ),
				typeof( BlendWithForestScroll ),		typeof( EnchantedGroveScroll ),			typeof( FireflyScroll ),			typeof( HollowReedScroll ),
				typeof( SpringOfLifeScroll ),			typeof( LureStoneScroll ),				typeof( MushroomCircleScroll ),		typeof( MushroomGatewayScroll ),
				typeof( RestorativeSoilScroll ),		typeof( NaturesPassageScroll ),			typeof( PackOfBeastScroll ),		typeof( SheildOfEarthScroll ),
				typeof( TreefellowScroll ),	   			typeof( VolcanicEruptionScroll ),		typeof( WitherScroll ),				typeof( GraspingRootsScroll ),
				typeof( AnimateDeadScroll ),			typeof( BloodOathScroll ),				typeof( CorpseSkinScroll ),			typeof( CurseWeaponScroll ),
				typeof( EvilOmenScroll ),				typeof( HorrificBeastScroll ),			typeof( LichFormScroll ),			typeof( MindRotScroll ),
				typeof( PainSpikeScroll ),				typeof( PoisonStrikeScroll ),			typeof( StrangleScroll ),			typeof( SummonFamiliarScroll ),
				typeof( VampiricEmbraceScroll ),		typeof( VengefulSpiritScroll ),			typeof( WitherScroll ),				typeof( WraithFormScroll ),
				typeof( SocketedTwoHandedAxe ),			typeof( SocketedWarAxe ),				typeof( SocketedClub ),
				typeof( SocketedMace ),					typeof( SocketedMaul ),					typeof( SocketedWarHammer ),
				typeof( SocketedWarMace ),				typeof( SocketedBardiche ),				typeof( SocketedHalberd ),
				typeof( SocketedBow ),					typeof( SocketedCrossbow ),				typeof( SocketedHeavyCrossbow ),
				typeof( SocketedSpear ),				typeof( SocketedShortSpear ),			typeof( SocketedPitchfork ),
				typeof( SocketedWarFork ),				typeof( SocketedBlackStaff ),			typeof( SocketedGnarledStaff ),
				typeof( SocketedQuarterStaff ),			typeof( SocketedBroadsword ),			typeof( SocketedCutlass ),
				typeof( SocketedKatana ),				typeof( SocketedKryss ),				typeof( SocketedScimitar ),		
				typeof( PaladinSword ),					typeof( MonkLeatherGloves ),			typeof( MonkStuddedGloves ),
				typeof( SFloppyHat ),					typeof( SFlowerGarland ),				typeof( SWideBrimHat ),
				typeof( SCap ),							typeof( SSkullCap ),					typeof( SBandana ),
				typeof( STallStrawHat ),				typeof( SStrawHat ),					typeof( SOrcishKinMask ),
				typeof( SSavageMask ),					typeof( SWizardsHat ),					typeof( SMagicWizardsHat ),
				typeof( STallStrawHat ),				typeof( SBonnet ),						typeof( SFeatheredHat ),
				typeof( STricorneHat ),					typeof( SJesterHat ),					typeof( SSRobe ),			
				typeof( MonkBoneGloves ),				typeof( MonkPlatedGloves ),				typeof( SocketedDoubleAxe ),
				typeof( IDWand )

		public static Type[] WeaponTypes{ get{ return m_WeaponTypes; } }

		private static Type[] m_ArmorTypes = new Type[]
				typeof( BoneArms ),				typeof( BoneChest ),			typeof( BoneGloves ),
				typeof( BoneLegs ),				typeof( BoneHelm ),				typeof( ChainChest ),
				typeof( ChainLegs ),			typeof( ChainCoif ),			typeof( Bascinet ),
				typeof( CloseHelm ),			typeof( Helmet ),				typeof( NorseHelm ),
				typeof( OrcHelm ),				typeof( FemaleLeatherChest ),	typeof( LeatherArms ),
				typeof( LeatherBustierArms ),	typeof( LeatherChest ),			typeof( LeatherGloves ),
				typeof( LeatherGorget ),		typeof( LeatherLegs ),			typeof( LeatherShorts ),
				typeof( LeatherSkirt ),			typeof( LeatherCap ),			typeof( FemalePlateChest ),
				typeof( PlateArms ),			typeof( PlateChest ),			typeof( PlateGloves ),
				typeof( PlateGorget ),			typeof( PlateHelm ),			typeof( PlateLegs ),
				typeof( RingmailArms ),			typeof( RingmailChest ),		typeof( RingmailGloves ),
				typeof( RingmailLegs ),			typeof( FemaleStuddedChest ),	typeof( StuddedArms ),
				typeof( StuddedBustierArms ),	typeof( StuddedChest ),			typeof( StuddedGloves ),
				typeof( ChippedAmethyst ),		typeof( ChippedDiamond ),		typeof( ChippedEmerald ),
				typeof( ChippedRuby ),			typeof( ChippedSapphire ),		typeof( ChippedSkull ),
				typeof( ChippedTopaz ),			typeof( FlawedAmethyst ),		typeof( FlawedDiamond ),
				typeof( FlawedEmerald ),		typeof( FlawedRuby ),			typeof( FlawedSapphire ),
				typeof( FlawedSkull ),			typeof( FlawedTopaz ),			typeof( PlainAmethyst ),
				typeof( PlainDiamond ),			typeof( PlainEmerald ),			typeof( PlainRuby ),	
				typeof( PlainSapphire ),		typeof( PlainSkull ),			typeof( PlainTopaz ),
				typeof( StuddedGorget ),		typeof( SocketedBoneArms ),				typeof( SocketedBoneChest ),
				typeof( SocketedBoneLegs ),				typeof( SocketedBoneHelm ),				typeof( SocketedChainChest ),
				typeof( SocketedChainLegs ),			typeof( SocketedChainCoif ),			typeof( SocketedBascinet ),
				typeof( SocketedCloseHelm ),			typeof( SocketedHelmet ),				typeof( SocketedNorseHelm ),
				typeof( SocketedOrcHelm ),				typeof( SocketedFemaleLeatherChest ),	typeof( SocketedLeatherArms ),
				typeof( SocketedLeatherBustierArms ),	typeof( SocketedLeatherChest ),			typeof( SocketedLeatherGloves ),
				typeof( SocketedLeatherGorget ),		typeof( SocketedLeatherLegs ),			typeof( SocketedLeatherShorts ),
				typeof( SocketedLeatherSkirt ),			typeof( SocketedLeatherCap ),			typeof( SocketedFemalePlateChest ),
				typeof( SocketedPlateArms ),			typeof( SocketedPlateChest ),			typeof( SocketedPlateGloves ),
				typeof( SocketedPlateGorget ),			typeof( SocketedPlateHelm ),			typeof( SocketedPlateLegs ),
				typeof( SocketedRingmailArms ),			typeof( SocketedRingmailChest ),		typeof( SocketedRingmailGloves ),
				typeof( SocketedRingmailLegs ),			typeof( SocketedFemaleStuddedChest ),	typeof( SocketedStuddedArms ),
				typeof( SocketedStuddedBustierArms ),	typeof( SocketedStuddedChest ),			typeof( SocketedStuddedGloves ),
				typeof( SocketedStuddedGorget ),		typeof( SocketedBoneGloves ),			typeof( IDWand )

		public static Type[] ArmorTypes{ get{ return m_ArmorTypes; } }

		private static Type[] m_ShieldTypes = new Type[]
				typeof( BronzeShield ),			typeof( Buckler ),				typeof( HeaterShield ),
				typeof( MetalKiteShield ),		typeof( MetalShield ),			typeof( WoodenKiteShield ),
				typeof( SocketedBronzeShield ),			typeof( SocketedBuckler ),				typeof( SocketedHeaterShield ),
				typeof( SocketedMetalKiteShield ),		typeof( SocketedMetalShield ),			typeof( SocketedWoodenKiteShield )


I was wondering if it would be too hard to make magic weapons have sockets. Only normal drop weapons can be modded, I think it would be nice if some of the magic loot has sockets. Would it be hard to change this? If not can someone please help me with it?


xetic said:
I was wondering if it would be too hard to make magic weapons have sockets. Only normal drop weapons can be modded, I think it would be nice if some of the magic loot has sockets. Would it be hard to change this? If not can someone please help me with it?

see what the loot info i posted right above your post... thats how you do it.. some times youll find normal items.. sometimes youll find magically ones.. but it works


I have the luck system on my shard, and this system enhanced dropped items with magic, so on my shard you do on occassion get magical socketed stuff
Socket System

I abosolutly LOVE this system, atlass once i removed the errors *my fault, cant read* LMAO, anyhow instructions were great and the system seems fine. I have noticed the gems randomly spawn and all. In 1.o is there a code i can add to the shard that will spawn these items like the gems and other loots??if so where to put it and what to put?? Any help would be appriciated, great work to all whom have assisted in this creation :cool:


Theron Of SOJ said:
I abosolutly LOVE this system, atlass once i removed the errors *my fault, cant read* LMAO, anyhow instructions were great and the system seems fine. I have noticed the gems randomly spawn and all. In 1.o is there a code i can add to the shard that will spawn these items like the gems and other loots??if so where to put it and what to put?? Any help would be appriciated, great work to all whom have assisted in this creation :cool:

the lootpacks are being worked on for 1.0. You can either wait til they are done or look in the lootpack.cs and edit it to do what you want.


K guys GREAT news :D
I finally got the time to go back and look at the scripts over the past few days and guess what ........

The lootpacks that support gem distribution are almost finished now, they have compiled successfully on my shard and I am now running final checks on them, expect them in the next few days :D

Better late than never :p


On my shard, when you try to enhance a weapon, it says "You can not enhance that." even when it does enhance. It doesnt do that on the armor or shields though.


Belgario said:
On my shard, when you try to enhance a weapon, it says "You can not enhance that." even when it does enhance. It doesnt do that on the armor or shields though.

same here, but its a minor bug that is not harmful so I never bothered to root around in the code and try to fix it, however I also figured that it was a custom script of mine, so now I know its not, or if it is, its a custom that we both have... but thats not likely.


Ok new LootPack.cs is uploaded :D
ONly the gems are in the lootpack at the moment but I will add the weapons, armour and shields to it eventually, I am working on them at the moment.

Enjoy :)


I wrote modified version of system - most comfort to add changes in system.

I created base abstract class BaseSocketGem, all work with insert gems in items included in it. Gems scripts includes only values and attributes in constructor; added checks for skills, so to insert gems in:
- baseranged weapons need GM Fletching;
- leather's armors need GM Tailoring;
- other armors and weapons need GM Blacksmith;
- for all items need GM Tinkering for insert gems.

P.S. Sorry for my English ;-))


  • Socket
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Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (5 errors, 4 warnings)
- Warning: Scripts\Items\Shields\BaseShield.cs: CS0108: (line 16, column 17) Th
e keyword new is required on 'Server.Items.BaseShield.AugmentList' because it hi
des inherited member 'Server.Items.BaseArmor.AugmentList'
- Warning: Scripts\Items\Shields\BaseShield.cs: CS0114: (line 22, column 25) 'S
erver.Items.BaseShield.SocketLabel' hides inherited member 'Server.Items.BaseArm
or.SocketLabel'. To make the current member override that implementation, add th
e override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.
- Warning: Scripts\Items\Shields\BaseShield.cs: CS0108: (line 25, column 14) Th
e keyword new is required on 'Server.Items.BaseShield.UsedSockets' because it hi
des inherited member 'Server.Items.BaseArmor.UsedSockets'
- Warning: Scripts\Items\Shields\BaseShield.cs: CS0108: (line 32, column 14) Th
e keyword new is required on 'Server.Items.BaseShield.MaxSockets' because it hid
es inherited member 'Server.Items.BaseArmor.MaxSockets'
- Error: Scripts\moje\d2\LootPack.cs: CS1501: (line 575, column 8) No overload
for method 'ApplyAttributesTo' takes '6' arguments
- Error: Scripts\moje\d2\LootPack.cs: CS1501: (line 577, column 8) No overload
for method 'ApplyAttributesTo' takes '6' arguments
- Error: Scripts\moje\d2\LootPack.cs: CS1501: (line 579, column 8) No overload
for method 'ApplyAttributesTo' takes '6' arguments
- Error: Scripts\moje\d2\LootPack.cs: CS0117: (line 619, column 16) 'Server.Ite
ms.BaseRunicTool' does not contain a definition for 'GetRandomSlayer'
- Error: Scripts\moje\d2\LootPack.cs: CS0117: (line 790, column 24) 'Server.Loo
t' does not contain a definition for 'RandomJewelry'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


Please help me!!!


error ?

Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (4 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 9, column 15) The namespace 'S
erver' already contains a definition for 'LootPack'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 366, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackEntry'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 619, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackItem'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 726, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackDice'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

nice script, i can get everything working but this one file....lootpack.cs just doesnt want to any help is appriciated...



nist said:
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (4 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 9, column 15) The namespace 'S
erver' already contains a definition for 'LootPack'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 366, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackEntry'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 619, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackItem'
- Error: Scripts\Misc\LootPack.cs: CS0101: (line 726, column 15) The namespace
'Server' already contains a definition for 'LootPackDice'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

nice script, i can get everything working but this one file....lootpack.cs just doesnt want to any help is appriciated...

You have 2 copies of the same file....remove 1


One great BUG!!

When I create an item with attributes magics with using socket I system or any attribute of socket system the attribute name does not function! the name of the item is random it catches example: Physical Resist 7.. or another attribute magic of the weapon or armor.. or shield hehe:p I go to give a better example to follow:

If the item has the following attributes: Name = "name"; + Attributes.WeaponSpeed = 25% + WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend = 25% this attribute of socket system:

public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
list.Add( "25% Chance of CrushingBlow on Attack" );

The name of the item will not be what it is inside of the name = "name"; more yes one of the attributes example: HitLowerDefense 25% or Swing Speed Increase 25% I do not know if you they had understood to put create an item with attributes magics and with socket they system in it and will see the problem! :)

They forgive for my English is that I am Brazilian!