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Mongbatica's Mail System v1.0


Mongbatica's Mail System v2.0

With a few new mail systems being posted, I thought I'd offer the update to the original Mail System from Mongbatica, complete with post boxes, ability to send parcels, sealing wax and scrolls. Sealing wax on Mongbatica is made from Bees Wax (what else).

A big thankyou to Dian of Ancient Realms for the help testing it back in the day, and to all the folks on Mong for checking for bugs.

New features in this version:
Book now displays number of entries in properties.
Entries now sorted alphabetically, ignoring deleted characters automatically.
Some general code tidying on book and gump.

Weird occasional crash bug fixed
Other crash bug fixed, whereby closing the book opened the first entry, even if there wasn't one...
Added [AllNames command to fill book

Names hold the hue of the character's access level
Semi-infinite number of names can be held instead of the previous 5.

Another big thankyou to Georox for bug testing and general help

Let me know your thoughts, and bugs you find, etc!


    10.1 KB · Views: 546

Mad Clown

My shard crashed when I attempted to use the AddressBook. I had 3 Sealingwax and 3 BlankScrolls added to it.

Here is my crashlog:

Server Crash Report

Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0
.NET Framework: 1.1.4322.573
Time: 9/12/2004 10:04:31 AM
Mobiles: 10048
Items: 71712
- Count: 1

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Gumps.AddressBookGump..ctor(Mobile owner, Int32 listPage, ArrayList list, Int32[] count, AddressBook hiya)
at Server.Items.AddressBook.OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
at Server.Mobile.Use(Item item)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.UseReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Not sure what I did. :confused:


Odd - never done that before, and I can't replicate it. Could you run the console with the -debug command and duplicate it?


Server Crash Report

Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0
.NET Framework: 1.1.4322.573
Time: 9/12/2004 1:10:54 PM
Mobiles: 11303
Items: 96707
- Count: 1
+ (account = georox) (mobile = 0x1 'Geo')

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Gumps.AddressBookGump..ctor(Mobile owner, Int32 listPage, ArrayList list, Int32[] count, AddressBook hiya)
at Server.Items.AddressBook.OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
at Server.Mobile.Use(Item item)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.UseReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Geo's Realm.
Added wax into the book, Crash!! If your willing to get on I can show you exactly what I did and how it happened. Geo's Realm. icq me at 161-928-321 or aim GeoL337 first.


I did a [add beeswa
and it brought up
BeesWax and

there appears to be a dirstro version and I've noticed in the past an issue like this will cause crashes


Not quite sure what the wax itself is for but it looks like its looking for the sealingwax
else if ( dropped is SealingWax )

Besides if it was looking for the BeesWax that was added removing it isn't gonna help.


Oh, I see how it is. Voran's trying to out do me huh! ;) just kidding. Script looks to be much more in-depth than mine. Can't wait until I can get home to test it out and see if I can help find/fix the bug with the bees wax. Not that I am saying I can, but who knows. :D Keep up da good work Voran and hope you can get this fixed for the others that are having problems.



I had the same problem when I tried to open the AddressBook, The shard crashed, everything else seems to work, :rolleyes: other than the AddressBook, This seems like a great idea, so I am hoping this error can be fixed.


Yes it must be in the address book gump i think. If i try and open the server crashes. The beeswax thing is np..sorry. Here is my crash message.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range.  Must be non-negativ
e and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Server.Gumps.AddressBookGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketRe
ader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
Crash: Backing up...done
Crash: Generating report...done
Crash: Restarting...done
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Server.TimerThread.TimerMain()


Broadside said:
Yes it must be in the address book gump i think. If i try and open the server crashes. The beeswax thing is np..sorry. Here is my crash message.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range.  Must be non-negativ
e and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at Server.Gumps.AddressBookGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketRe
ader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
Crash: Backing up...done
Crash: Generating report...done
Crash: Restarting...done
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Server.TimerThread.TimerMain()

Yea thats exactly what I had... I don't really think it has to do with the beeswax... maybe just the Gump


As I say, I've never had issues. It's been running fine for months (and yes, RC1.0)

Could someone who's managing to make it crash run their server with the -debug command and tell me which line is causing the crash? I can't duplicate it.


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Gumps.AddressBookGump..ctor(Mobile owner, Int32 listPage, ArrayList list, Int32[] count, AddressBook hiya) in c:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0 RC0\Scripts\Custom\MailSystem\MailSystem\AddressBookGUMP.cs:line 109
   at Server.Items.AddressBook.OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) in c:\Program Files\RunUO Software Team\RunUO 1.0 RC0\Scripts\Custom\MailSystem\MailSystem\AddressBook.cs:line 82
   at Server.Mobile.Use(Item item)
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.UseReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

I added 3 of each component ( wax and scrolls ) to the address book. When I double-clicked the book after, it crashed.

I could double-click the book before the items were added, so the exception is occuring in the path where the gump will be opened.