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Old School Items, Lost to UO


I remember

I used to chat in mIRC with one of the Dev team members around the time of the Third Dawn and Blackthorne's Revenge releases and I told him about an item that I had aquired somehow. Now this Item looked like an ordinary stack of ingots I had about 4 varities of them but when you single clicked them it said dull copper ingots: 0. I think I had Iron Dull Copper Copper and Shadow Iron ones. After telling him about them he asked for my houses UOAM cords and I gave them to him since he was interested in checking them out he'd never heard of them.

Several minutes go by and finally tired of waiting I ask "Well did you find them?"

My reply was "Yeah and WTF?"


not an Item but still OLD and funny

About 2 months after the 1997 release, myself (RedFenris at the time) and two other players, MaXxXxXuM and HeartSeeker (from the old PK guild "The Pluggers" if anyone remembers that one) from the Atlantic shard all managed to duplicate a glitch on the same day, one of us unknowing of the other two's actions.

The glitch was casting polymorph and turning into the opposite sex, while polymorphed into the opposite sex you could use Incognito and would retain the body of the opposite sex but the facial hair or hair of your true sex. Was great fun being a bearded lady for a few minutes.

The trouble set in when the polymorph wouldnt wear off..though the incognito would, leaving you an insanely pale, bald individual of the opposite sex. Also quite hilarious aside from the fact that the server no longer recognized you and would instantly log you out.

Heartseeker was lucky she was at the bank of Yew. Myself, I was stuck in my home with a GM (got ahold of one 2 days after the incident....) and he was struggling to catch my character for the 2-3 seconds between me logging it in and being instantly logged out due to the fact I was in my home and bugged.

The whole fiasco was a bit amusing...and our reward for discovering the glitch was to have our hair and skintone set to any hue of our choosing. HeartSeeker and I used our imaginations...becoming the first two players (As far as I know) on the Atlantic server to have bright neon colored hair.

On another interesting note, and something I told only two close friends at the time, after that incident my skills continued to go up. I had beyond 1200 skill points total before abandoning OSI (the 1st time) after the release of T2A.

And one thing I didnt notice mentioned in this thread.

The ORIGINAL TankMage....GODS of the initial release. :p


You used to be able to kill someone and make edible Human Jerky out of them.

Collecting the heads of other players.

Insta-kill Tinker traps.

No banks! :O


Staking out Brit Banks back room for Unsecure trades with a stealth mage.

Staking out the Tailor shops in various cities during the black sandle exploits and Guard wacking peeps then looting the sandals off their corpses (Which was legal)Think I had a couple hundred pair at one time

Hiding in mines for people who Piled up ore then grabbing the biggest pile and watching them go "WTF?"

Stealthing through dungeons looting corpses and finding that Indestructable Supremely accurate Silver Short Spear of Vanquishing my Dex monkey carried

Dragons Blood viles (I had a couple hundred at one time)

Gating People to Wyvern Isle from Brit Bank (Yes I announced where it went too) going through and dispelling the gate then hiding

Dispelling Moongates in dungeons on people for laughs

Trapping Water Elementals in your house for Resist gains

When 3rd Dawn Launched they spawned Ore elementals near the Exodus Dungeon where all the Earth Elementals are now so I took up mining with a Bard :D

Having piles of 0 ore and smelting it to get stacks of 0 ingots

Having to tame Nightmares in Fel Terithian Keep

Walking into a dungeon and seeing a Tamer with 30 WW's in tow all named A
then proceding to Own the Spawn with a Dexer just to piss him off

Meleeing Blood Elementals with a War Hammer while a Tamer watched and bitched about taking too long and holding up the spawn.

My UO Hero

The Secrect Gimp (A real Vet knows who that is)

Dang didn't realize I've posted in this thread it didn't show the little icon for me having posted here before....Oops


Not as good as the others posted here, but I wasn't all that good or creative with bugs and exploits...

When my friend introduced me, he showed me this trick of being on at like 4am on Great Lakes, right before the server reset. Find some newb that didn't know about the resets and tell them you're sick of UO and wanting to give away all your stuff...

Then give all the stuff away, walk off, wait for the server to reset, and get all your stuff back.

Lord Micheal

The really rare Hear and Say Crystal Ball. There was one usually in Level 2 Deceit Lich room.
It recorded up to 10 things at a time and when you dclicked it -- it would say a random thing that was recorded.

The crystal balls and scrolls that dropped on liches... that did nothing.

The Fortune Telling Crystal ball. Would say random things like: Yes. No. Maybe.

Nobody knew Wind existed.


Lord Micheal;697539 said:
The really rare Hear and Say Crystal Ball. There was one usually in Level 2 Deceit Lich room.
It recorded up to 10 things at a time and when you dclicked it -- it would say a random thing that was recorded.

The crystal balls and scrolls that dropped on liches... that did nothing.

The Fortune Telling Crystal ball. Would say random things like: Yes. No. Maybe.

Nobody knew Wind existed.

The Hear and Say Crystal Balls are still in Deceit......the crystal balls off liches...those things sell for a good bit now on OSI Servers....I got a few of the ask and answer crystal balls on my account...I think they came with the 300th Anniversary bags.


While you guys are talking about "old school" items, I'm just thing "old school" altogether. And with that, what really takes me back is the thought of:

Paralyze, E-Bolt Combo, baybee.
