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President George W. Bush

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IxildorRS said:
Feel sorry for some people that desperatly need their country go to war!
They never think about how many innocent people will die!
but if you support war so blindly , you shouldn't have any feelings for human lifes!
Just feel sorry..... :(

its better to save many lives and lose a few lives than to let many die.

i am one who is willing to make the sacrifice to save many others.

you have no feeling for human life.

IxildorRS said:
Yep sure if in us you are so pathetic beleiving that you express the 50% of the world!
LOL! :twisted:
Wake up and see 95% of the world don't want war and yes in here you can include a 50%that don't give a **** because they are not gonna have any profit out of it like us! :twisted:

you are so uninformed


Actually Jimbo, IxildorRS is right.

You should live in another country other than the US, a neutral country, to really see how ppl in the world think and be really informed. (not the brainwashing US media).

Also Jimbo, you know that Bush is more hated than Saddam in the world?

Today i was watching the news here ( they dont censure like they do in the US), and in a recent poll the results were that Bush is considered more than a terrorist than Saddam. And that 90% of the ppl asked in different countries is against the war.

With this numbers i can say that if he keeps his position, it could be a disaster for diplomatic relationships, also that if US doesnt follow UN, this organism is merely a shadow and nobody else will ever pay attention to what they say causing big troubles in the future.


Gustavo said:
Actually Jimbo, IxildorRS is right.

You should live in another country other than the US, a neutral country, to really see how ppl in the world think and be really informed. (not the brainwashing US media).

Also Jimbo, you know that Bush is more hated than Saddam in the world?

Today i was watching the news here ( they dont censure like they do in the US), and in a recent poll the results were that Bush is considered more than a terrorist than Saddam. And that 90% of the ppl asked in different countries is against the war.

With this numbers i can say that if he keeps his position, it could be a disaster for diplomatic relationships, also that if US doesnt follow UN, this organism is merely a shadow and nobody else will ever pay attention to what they say causing big troubles in the future.


so you are saying that your media is perfectly correct right?

dont think so

i know for a fact that there are only 3 countries in the UN that oppose our push for preemptive action.


Jimbo..... i have more feeling's for human lives that you can ever imagine! :twisted:
Ofcourse i would never compare my human life feelings with yours because I JUST DON'T KNOW YOU WELL!
Not like you that you are talking like you know who i'm or what i'm trying to prove with what i'm saying!
I don't want war Just because is the worst solution!
Guess something else to i'm human and most possibly i make mistakes like all of us!
I may be wrong!
What you think about your self?
People that don't want war come to the target and you and some other's give them nick names like!they don't have human feelings but we have , they are afrade of going to war AND but you are so fucking brave that don't afraid anything!They are not informed well! But we are informed perfectly! :twisted:

IxildorRS said:
Jimbo..... i have more feeling's for human lives that you can ever imagine! :twisted:
Ofcourse i would never compare my human life feelings with yours because I JUST DON'T KNOW YOU WELL!
Not like you that you are talking like you know who i'm or what i'm trying to prove with what i'm saying!
I don't want war Just because is the worst solution!
Guess something else to i'm human and most possibly i make mistakes like all of us!
I may be wrong!
What you think about your self?
People that don't want war come to the target and you and some other's give them nick names like!they don't have human feelings but we have , they are afrade of going to war AND but you are so fucking brave that don't afraid anything!They are not informed well! But we are informed perfectly! :twisted:

So lets just go for appeasement like the British and French did with the Germans before WW2. That’s one of the most stupid things we could do is to let Iraq build up their weapons of mass destruction and HIDE THEM. This would be great for us because when they get them built up in greater numbers they will have increased chances of hitting targets with Biological, Chemical, and possibly Nuclear devices.

So basically what I’m saying is that if we don’t do something they will be able to do more damage than they can now.

They do have bio and chem weapons because they have huge projects on these weapon types. We know this because numerous defectors from Sadam's programs have told us this.

O yea I want to see what your views on life are look at this post and let’s see what you think

So what I’m saying is that Appeasement is the worst option because it will cost more lives than a preemptive strike

Are you saying that you know everything when you say you are informed perfectly? I know that no one is informed perfectly so why did you say you where?

IxildorRS said:
I never said i'm informed perfectly!
I did say that it is a possibilitie for all of us to be wrong :twisted:

hmm that mokes no sence because if there are only two sides on this issue how can we both be wrong.

flame on
k thx

IxildorRS said:
I didn't understand what you are saying to!:p :twisted:

Flame on

then dont reply if you are BULL SHITING

if there are only two sides to an issue then only one side can be right


Yes ofcourse you do , crazy people always believe that are the only with the right (ideas,opinions)
So i excuse you because you are crazy :twisted:

IxildorRS said:
Yes ofcourse you do , crazy people always believe that are the only with the right (ideas,opinions)
So i excuse you because you are crazy :twisted:

i am crazy you are wrong so how can i be crazy lol
you dont think you are right so you lac confidence lol


First of all i said there's a possibilitie for me to be wrong! :twisted:
At least i know that i'm not crazy! :twisted:


Nuglet said:
jimbo, you need to calm down
your yelling wont solve anything, The US IS going to was with Iraq, theres no turning back after spending billions of dollars sending troops there.

I personally dont go eiher way, i mean, if we do get attacked by iraq on our own lands what do you think will happen? If Saddam was smart he would ahve just handed over his weapons which he DOES have, but he is a stupid ***, and will die a stupid ***'s death
yes there is only one way to stop the war...
you all spended bilions of dollars to send the troops and will speend much more to continue with then... if the $$ is bigger enough to make a big resection, then i think you all will begin saying to stop that fucking war.
(because for many of you, americans... all that only counts is your dollars and taxes).


Re: lol

Jimbo said:
dude only 3 nations dont support the US those are France(bunch of pussys), Germany(have lost their pride), Russia(Ex-commies).

For the record the following UN security council countries are against military action:

Permanent Members:
- Russia
- France
- China
Elected Members:
- Germany
- Angola
- Cameroon
- Guinea
- Chile
- Syria

Will only support if Autherised by UN:
Elected members:
- Mexico

Countries who support Action:
Permanent Members:
- Brittian
Elected Members:
- Turkey
- Bulgaria
- Spain

This is only the securiy council that consists of 15 members.

Re: lol

ratfink said:
Jimbo said:
dude only 3 nations dont support the US those are France(bunch of pussys), Germany(have lost their pride), Russia(Ex-commies).

For the record the following UN security council countries are against military action:

Permanent Members:
- Russia
- France
- China
Elected Members:
- Germany
- Angola
- Cameroon
- Guinea
- Chile
- Syria

Will only support if Autherised by UN:
Elected members:
- Mexico

Countries who support Action:
Permanent Members:
- Brittian
Elected Members:
- Turkey
- Bulgaria
- Spain

This is only the securiy council that consists of 15 members.

good point i guess i was thinking of the only ones that really matter
Russia France Germany
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