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Supremeone said:
some fag made up the bible and everything in it... what if one day everyone died cept a few people and a lord of the rings book. HUMM me might all actuly believe that there was a ring so on and so forth. The bible is a fucked up story some retard wrote and now people who are fucked up i nthe head start believing in this shit. has ANYONE even so much as have a shred of evidence that even jesus existed let alone a god and yes i know this is one giant ass sentence that is rambling on and on o well

I myself am an athiest, but you're just an idiot. If you want to share your opinion at least do it intelligently.


Apparenly you didn't understand my post Quantos. Let me reiterate. I was responding to Mifune when he made the following comment:

The problem with that is that most people here aren't even qualified to make an opinion about religion, much less tell that opinion to others.

Therefore I responded, asking what justified him as being able to make an opinion over anyone else. You said it best yourself, him being human gives him the right to make an opinion, but..last time I checked, we're all human. So, therefore, we ALL get to make that choice. Which is what I was saying.


STFU guys! It isn't freaking religion that started all the wars, it's people fighting over what religion (or lack there of) is better! I hate these damned threads because your NOT gonna change anybodys mind, you only gonna offend them. Nothing offends people more then religion-bashing! Let people belive what they want to belive! by the way I am a certified minister of the universal life church so technacaly I am qualified. (note: all you have to do to become a minister in the universal life church, is fill out a web form.)


Supremeone said:
some fag made up the bible and everything in it... what if one day everyone died cept a few people and a lord of the rings book. HUMM me might all actuly believe that there was a ring so on and so forth. The bible is a fucked up story some retard wrote and now people who are fucked up i nthe head start believing in this shit. has ANYONE even so much as have a shred of evidence that even jesus existed let alone a god and yes i know this is one giant ass sentence that is rambling on and on o well
actually i think the bible is a fucked up story that several retards wrote


That and they've proven quite a bit of the people and places existed...

(Jericho being discovered was a major blow to people who thought the bible was 100% fiction....)


lordomega, no one is qualified to make a credible opinion about any religion unless they truly learn what the religion teaches, and not what some ass-clowns on a message board made up about the religion.

I know that arguing on a message board is unlikely to change anyone's mind. Why? We have free will. I would just stress that intelligent discussion about the religions and what they teach is more likely to be enlightening than a discussion in which people just make up their own Theories of Everything, and then bash others for not agreeing.

The first point that needs to be established in an argument over the credibility of Christianity as a whole is that the main source of information about Christianity's origins, the Holy Bible, is indeed credible. Present objections against or arguments for the credibility of the Bible, so that they can be answered. But please keep it to one objection or argument at a time, so we don't have to read posts that are half a thread page long. And DO NOT FLAME. Everyone is indeed entitled to his or her opinion, whether credible or not.


enigma_admin said:
I think religion (meaning EVERY religion) is too much into beliefs and not enough into ideas....

...I saw that in a movie once ;)

Dogma ;)

I hate religious Im not gonna leap any farther into this fray.


I'm christian, I believe in God and Jesus. However, I do NOT believe most of the shit the catholic church tells us, and I don't read the bible word for word as its like 2000 years old. well nearly.

hey i r ghey

religion is for the weak minded. a person who cannot bare the thought that they are not incharge of their own lives. "God has a plan for everyone." Religion lays too much into the "faith" idea tho. Jesus might have been an actual person, but you must have "faith" in that he did all these incredible feats that no human can reproduce. "faith" in that you were created by a all seeing all knowing being. and "faith" that your soul will be condemded to a firey pit ruled by a fallen angel if you dont believe.and isnt the whole sin thing kinda pointless? it is my understanding that everyone who truely believes in Jesus and accepts him into his heart goes to heaven(which isnt me). So if this is correct why bother worrying about sinning in life when as long as you believe you go to heaven?

personally i think religion is root of all evil and the cause of all hate

as far as i am conserned you are all infidels becuz you do not follow my religion, which i am still making up at the moment.

-Zealot and Prophet of the future unnamed religion


Reasons not to take "hey i r ghey" seriously:

1. The name.

2. Humans are weak minded. Deal with it. Some people deal with it by believing in God. Others deal with it in more destructive ways, such as drugs, alcohol, sex, or various other pointless worldy attachments.

3. Religion is not the root of all evil. Free will is the root of all evil.

4. If you would look at Christianity, it doesn't say anywhere to hate your fellow man, or take revenge upon those who smite thee. (bleh, thee-and-thou talk.) Christ taught "Love your neighbor as thyself", and to those who would strike one cheek, turn the other cheek, that they may strike that one as well. To those who would take your cloak, give them your shirt as well. etc. Even the thought of harming another, or even anger towards another, is sinful.

5. People who use the power that exists in a religious institution to achieve their own ends are really to blame for all the hate that you see in religions. And if you want to know the truth, Islam violently opposed Christianity from the beginning. There were unforgivable massacres by both sides. However, these events took place some 7 or 8 hundred years ago, and were the result of the actions of mercenaries. Those who kill in the name of God do not correctly represent the religion's ideals.

6. Even though some people who have represented Christianity may have done wrong, this does not detract from the ideal of Christianity: That we give to God what is God's. That we give the respect and honor due to Him for having created us, and that we give our fellow man the respect due for being creatures of God, made in the image and likeness of God. Being made in the image and likeness of God means that we have free will like Him, and that we have an intellect like Him.

7. 'hey i r ghey' just invented a new cult in an attempt at cynicism and sarcasm. Quite unclassy, and not even very original. I've been involved in this type of debate a few times before, and every time, someone comes up with a new imaginary invisible unicorn orbiting Mars, or Queen Prophetess, and then asks me to disprove its existence. Believe in whatever you want, but don't be surprised when you get called on the carpet for bullshit. Christianity has had a profound and dramatic effect upon humanity. I believe that if not for the existence of this religion, that we would be like a bunch of depraved, decadent Romans by now, or worse. Placing your faith in the stability of this earthly life is a recipe for disappointment.


IMHO there is no defining "root of all evil". There are indeed people that act "evilly", and some of those are affiliated with a religion. Some of them use religion as an excuse to do terrible things. Religion cannot be to blame, however. After all, people control it...

I don't really care how people maintain their happiness, so long as it doesn't hurt others. I'm agnostic... I don't have a faith, but some part of me feels there's something more.

But anyway. Really. These threads achieve little...
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