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I never said if you don't follow Christianity you will go to Hell. Its just you need to know why the religion says to follow it. Read about what God's son did. Why he died, for you.

Read about it...


php-junkie said:
Religion is the #1 cause of wars every where. For example if there was no religion 9/11 would never have happened and if 9/11 never happened we never would have invaded iraq.

That is one of the most inane things that I have ever read. GREED has caused more wars than anything, and 9/11 had fuck all to do with invading Iraq. Sure it provided a good means to get people with little knowledge or understanding of world politics to support an illegal and heinous war, but it was not the cause. Do you remember that Afghanistan was actually the first country invaded after 9/11, not Iraq. In fact, WMD's were the supposed 'reason' for invading Iraq, with the fear of a reoccurance of 9/11 as the motivator for public support.


php-junkie said:
What other justification could anyone have for killing thousands of people like they did on 9/11?

The towers were a symbol (and centre) of US economic power, the Pentagon was a symbol (and centre) of the US military 'intelligence' and the White House (another purported target - was a symbol of US government). Believe or not, there are many people in the world who despise the effects of US foreign policy, hence such a violent and tragic reaction.

What justification does the US have for causing thousands of civillian deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq? Sure the 'moral superiority' of the Christian fundamentalists in the US can fuel support (although you will find that most Christian groups in the US oppose the war).

War=greed and power, not 'freedom' and 'justice'


Quantos said:
Your trolling a nine month old thread why?

Because I am bored at college and this was the first thread of interest after doing a search for "fellowship" (as in The Fellowship from Ultima 7).

You call it trolling, I call it 'discussing' or 'arguing'.

See the great thing about the net, is that you can choose not to read something, or choose not to respond if it doesn't interest you.


php-junkie said:
I can grantee america would not be in Iraq right now if it wasn't for 9/11.

The US had plans to invade Iraq before 9/11 (and I'm not talking about the first Gulf War).


Tarnicus said:
Because I am bored at college and this was the first thread of interest after doing a search for "fellowship" (as in The Fellowship from Ultima 7).

You call it trolling, I call it 'discussing' or 'arguing'.

See the great thing about the net, is that you can choose not to read something, or choose not to respond if it doesn't interest you.

You answered my question, I'm just glad it wasn't an inane thread that you revived.

*shudders at the possibilities*


lets make this simple, who knows god personally? what does he look like? yeah i didnt think so. never seen him huh? me either, neither has anyone else. Hmmm.... must be somthing to it? oh yeah, i almost forgot, why are so many messengers of god child molestors (you know, priests)? because the churches have been raping people for centuries, wether it be your wallet, or your children. one more thing, you know the part in that big fat ficticious novel called the bible, it says spare the rod... it should say we have really heavy blunt objects we threaten your children with if they tell You (their parents) that we are poking them in the..........


Goku said:
If you want to go to Hell, then continue not to believe in anything. Thats just you. You'll regret it one day though. Trust me...
I tend to avoid religous debate as people dont like what I have to say.
But I will say this..
Im what the world would call an Atheist as I dont believe in any of your Gods
You know what I do believe in?

One other thing
Goku you have that all forgiving God the one whos so all forgiving that He (a relative term) found a need for a place called HELL?!?!?

*stops now as he could go all day*

religion - love it, hate it, but you will alwayse go away provoked.

nothing A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y can say can convince you that religion is true, if there is a god, which one is the real one. its the feeling you get that confirms what you are hearing, it lets you know that what you are hearing is true.
flame me/my religion all you want, that's your right as a human being and i wont argue with you because i will never be able to convince you... i have friends who sing in the mormon tabernacle choir. they tell me stories of how people just flat out crying like babies when they hear them sing. they cry because when they hear them sing they feel something they have never felt before. it's the spirit. the holy ghost.

THE one thing that people EVERYWHERE are fiercly passionate about is religion. this thread will go nowhere, but people will continue to post and read it because its topic is religion. with that being said, ill get back to the reason i came to this website, UO


Raymond said:
oh well all believe what you want, i'm not gona try to convince people to become christian lol :p Make your own opinion about god etc.

The problem with that is that most people here aren't even qualified to make an opinion about religion, much less tell that opinion to others.


php-junkie said:
Wow, I see some one that needs to go do some research on the bible because it's far from perfect. The bible has thousands of mistakes and thousands of contradictions and is why it can't be use to prove jack. Here's a really huge misconception about the bible. People seem to think the literature predates the king James version of the bible and these mistakes occurred in each translation of the bible up to the kings james version when in fact the king james version is the translation from the dead sea scrolls. Before the king james version of the bible there was no bible. There was only the scrolls. So these mistakes and contradictions were translated right out of the dead sea scrolls strait into the king james version of the bible.

Sorry, but that's just bullshit. I doubt the Dead Sea Scrolls were even intact in the 1600's. You don't know what you're talking about.

Give specifics, if you want to argue about contradictions.


some fag made up the bible and everything in it... what if one day everyone died cept a few people and a lord of the rings book. HUMM me might all actuly believe that there was a ring so on and so forth. The bible is a fucked up story some retard wrote and now people who are fucked up i nthe head start believing in this shit. has ANYONE even so much as have a shred of evidence that even jesus existed let alone a god and yes i know this is one giant ass sentence that is rambling on and on o well


Supremeone said:
has ANYONE even so much as have a shred of evidence that even jesus existed

Yes. There are records that Jesus existed. In that part of the world. In that time period.

Don't be silly. It makes your entire argument so much less believable.


DontdroptheSOAD said:
a·the·ist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-st)
One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

I guess I would be atheist, I do not believe in any god, I belive in the theory of evolution.


pr0totype said:
I guess I would be atheist, I do not believe in any god, I belive in the theory of evolution.

Which version? The one that Darwin theorised and later disproved and claimed was incorrect?


Mifune said:
The problem with that is that most people here aren't even qualified to make an opinion about religion, much less tell that opinion to others.

So, what "qualifies" you as someone who can make an OPINION about religion?


lordomega said:
So, what "qualifies" you as someone who can make an OPINION about religion?

I would say that his being human qualifies him. God did create us in his image, that means that we have the ability to think. God also gave us the freedom of choice. I may not agree with someone elses opinion, but I will die to defend his right to that opinion - My grandfather did that in WW1, can I do less?


I agree, I think it's very unethical to think that anyone has more room to pass off an opinion than someone else. NO ONE has the right to pass that judgement on you, at least on this planet.
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