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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] On-site Dueling System 2.0


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Doom;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Haven;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
	public class Corpse : Container, ICarvable
		private Mobile		m_Owner;				// Whos corpse is this?
		private Mobile		m_Killer;				// Who killed the owner?
		private bool		m_Carved;				// Has this corpse been carved?

		private List<Mobile>	m_Looters;				// Who's looted this corpse?
		private List<Item>		m_EquipItems;			// List of items equiped when the owner died. Ingame, these items display /on/ the corpse, not just inside
		private List<Mobile>	m_Aggressors;			// Anyone from this list will be able to loot this corpse; we attacked them, or they attacked us when we were freely attackable

		private string		m_CorpseName;			// Value of the CorpseNameAttribute attached to the owner when he died -or- null if the owner had no CorpseNameAttribute; use "the remains of ~name~"
		private bool		m_NoBones;				// If true, this corpse will not turn into bones

		private bool		m_VisitedByTaxidermist;	// Has this corpse yet been visited by a taxidermist?
		private bool		m_Channeled;			// Has this corpse yet been used to channel spiritual energy? (AOS Spirit Speak)

		// For notoriety:
		private AccessLevel	m_AccessLevel;			// Which AccessLevel the owner had when he died
		private Guild		m_Guild;				// Which Guild the owner was in when he died
		private int			m_Kills;				// How many kills the owner had when he died
		private bool		m_Criminal;				// Was the owner criminal when he died?

		private DateTime	m_TimeOfDeath;			// What time was this corpse created?

		private HairInfo m_Hair;					// This contains the hair of the owner
		private FacialHairInfo m_FacialHair;		// This contains the facial hair of the owner

		public static readonly TimeSpan MonsterLootRightSacrifice = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 2.0 );

		public override bool IsDecoContainer
			get{ return false; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public DateTime TimeOfDeath
			get{ return m_TimeOfDeath; }
			set{ m_TimeOfDeath = value; }

		public HairInfo Hair { get { return m_Hair; } }
		public FacialHairInfo FacialHair { get { return m_FacialHair; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Carved
			get{ return m_Carved; }
			set{ m_Carved = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool VisitedByTaxidermist
			get{ return m_VisitedByTaxidermist; }
			set{ m_VisitedByTaxidermist = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Channeled
			get{ return m_Channeled; }
			set{ m_Channeled = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AccessLevel AccessLevel
			get{ return m_AccessLevel; }

		public List<Mobile> Aggressors
			get{ return m_Aggressors; }

		public List<Mobile> Looters
			get{ return m_Looters; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Killer
			get{ return m_Killer; }

		public List<Item> EquipItems
			get{ return m_EquipItems; }

		public Guild Guild
			get{ return m_Guild; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Kills
			get{ return m_Kills; }
			set{ m_Kills = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Criminal
			get{ return m_Criminal; }
			set{ m_Criminal = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Owner
			get{ return m_Owner; }

		public void TurnToBones()
			if ( Deleted )

			ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
			Hue = 0;

			m_NoBones = true;
			BeginDecay( m_BoneDecayTime );

			/*DecayedCorpse c = new DecayedCorpse( Name );

			c.MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

			ArrayList list = Items;

			for ( int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( i < list.Count )
					c.AddItem( (Item)list[i] );


		private static TimeSpan m_DefaultDecayTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 7.0 );
		private static TimeSpan m_BoneDecayTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 7.0 );

		private Timer m_DecayTimer;
		private DateTime m_DecayTime;

		public void BeginDecay( TimeSpan delay )
			if ( m_DecayTimer != null )

			m_DecayTime = DateTime.Now + delay;

			m_DecayTimer = new InternalTimer( this, delay );

		public override void OnAfterDelete()
			if ( m_DecayTimer != null )

			m_DecayTimer = null;

		private class InternalTimer : Timer
			private Corpse m_Corpse;

			public InternalTimer( Corpse c, TimeSpan delay ) : base( delay )
				m_Corpse = c;
				Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;

			protected override void OnTick()
				if ( !m_Corpse.m_NoBones )

		public static string GetCorpseName( Mobile m )
			Type t = m.GetType();

			object[] attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( CorpseNameAttribute ), true );

			if ( attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0 )
				CorpseNameAttribute attr = attrs[0] as CorpseNameAttribute;

				if ( attr != null )
					return attr.Name;

			return null;

		public static void Initialize()
			Mobile.CreateCorpseHandler += new CreateCorpseHandler( Mobile_CreateCorpseHandler );

		public static Container Mobile_CreateCorpseHandler( Mobile owner, HairInfo hair, FacialHairInfo facialhair, List<Item> initialContent, List<Item> equipItems )
			bool shouldFillCorpse = true;

			//if ( owner is BaseCreature )
			//	shouldFillCorpse = !((BaseCreature)owner).IsBonded;

			Corpse c;
			if( owner is MilitiaFighter )
				c = new MilitiaFighterCorpse( owner, hair, facialhair, shouldFillCorpse ? equipItems : new List<Item>() );
				c = new Corpse( owner, hair, facialhair, shouldFillCorpse ? equipItems : new List<Item>() );

			owner.Corpse = c;

			if ( shouldFillCorpse )
				for ( int i = 0; i < initialContent.Count; ++i )
					Item item = initialContent[i];

					if ( Core.AOS && owner.Player && item.Parent == owner.Backpack )
						c.AddItem( item );
						c.DropItem( item );

					if ( owner.Player && Core.AOS )
						c.SetRestoreInfo( item, item.Location );
				c.Carved = true; // TODO: Is it needed?

			Point3D loc = owner.Location;
			Map map = owner.Map;

			if ( map == null || map == Map.Internal )
				loc = owner.LogoutLocation;
				map = owner.LogoutMap;

			c.MoveToWorld( loc, map );

			return c;

		public override bool IsPublicContainer{ get{ return true; } }

		public Corpse( Mobile owner, List<Item> equipItems ) : this( owner, null, null, equipItems )
		public Corpse( Mobile owner, HairInfo hair, FacialHairInfo facialhair, List<Item> equipItems )
			: base( 0x2006 )
			// To supress console warnings, stackable must be true
			Stackable = true;
			Amount = owner.Body; // protocol defines that for itemid 0x2006, amount=body
			Stackable = false;

			Movable = false;
			Hue = owner.Hue;
			Direction = owner.Direction;
			Name = owner.Name;

			m_Owner = owner;

			m_CorpseName = GetCorpseName( owner );

			m_TimeOfDeath = DateTime.Now;

			m_AccessLevel = owner.AccessLevel;
			m_Guild = owner.Guild as Guild;
			m_Kills = owner.Kills;
			m_Criminal = owner.Criminal;

			m_Hair = hair;
			m_FacialHair = facialhair;

#if false
			// This corpse does not turn to bones if:
			//    (the owner is not a player) and (the owner doesn't have a human body)
			m_NoBones = !owner.Player && !owner.Body.IsHuman;
			// This corpse does not turn to bones if:
			//    (the owner is not a player)
			m_NoBones = !owner.Player;

			m_Looters = new List<Mobile>();
			m_EquipItems = equipItems;

			m_Aggressors = new List<Mobile>( owner.Aggressors.Count + owner.Aggressed.Count );
			bool addToAggressors = !( owner is BaseCreature );

			TimeSpan lastTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

			for ( int i = 0; i < owner.Aggressors.Count; ++i )
				AggressorInfo info = owner.Aggressors[i];

				if ( (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < lastTime )
					m_Killer = info.Attacker;
					lastTime = (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime);

				if ( addToAggressors && !info.CriminalAggression )
					m_Aggressors.Add( info.Attacker );

			for ( int i = 0; i < owner.Aggressed.Count; ++i )
				AggressorInfo info = owner.Aggressed[i];

				if ( (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < lastTime )
					m_Killer = info.Defender;
					lastTime = (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime);

				if ( addToAggressors )
					m_Aggressors.Add( info.Defender );

			if ( !addToAggressors )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)owner;

				Mobile master = bc.GetMaster();
				if( master != null )
					m_Aggressors.Add( master );

				List<DamageStore> rights = BaseCreature.GetLootingRights( bc.DamageEntries, bc.HitsMax );
				for ( int i = 0; i < rights.Count; ++i )
					DamageStore ds = rights[i];

					if ( ds.m_HasRight )
						m_Aggressors.Add( ds.m_Mobile );

			BeginDecay( m_DefaultDecayTime );

		public Corpse( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 10 ); // version

			writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_TimeOfDeath );

			ArrayList list = ( m_RestoreTable == null ? null : new ArrayList( m_RestoreTable ) );
			int count = ( list == null ? 0 : list.Count );

			writer.Write( count );

			for ( int i = 0; list != null && i < list.Count; ++i )
				DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)list[i];
				Item item = (Item)de.Key;
				Point3D loc = (Point3D)de.Value;

				writer.Write( item );

				if ( item.Location == loc )
					writer.Write( false );
					writer.Write( true );
					writer.Write( loc );

			writer.Write( m_VisitedByTaxidermist );

			writer.Write( m_DecayTimer != null );

			if ( m_DecayTimer != null )
				writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_DecayTime );

			writer.Write( m_Looters );
			writer.Write( m_Killer );

			writer.Write( (bool) m_Carved );

			writer.Write( m_Aggressors );

			writer.Write( m_Owner );

			writer.Write( m_NoBones );

			writer.Write( (string) m_CorpseName );

			writer.Write( (int) m_AccessLevel );
			writer.Write( (Guild) m_Guild );
			writer.Write( (int) m_Kills );
			writer.Write( (bool) m_Criminal );

			writer.Write( m_EquipItems );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
				case 10:
					m_TimeOfDeath = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

					goto case 9;
				case 9:
					int count = reader.ReadInt();

					for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
						Item item = reader.ReadItem();

						if ( reader.ReadBool() )
							SetRestoreInfo( item, reader.ReadPoint3D() );
						else if ( item != null )
							SetRestoreInfo( item, item.Location );

					goto case 8;
				case 8:
					m_VisitedByTaxidermist = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 7;
				case 7:
					if ( reader.ReadBool() )
						BeginDecay( reader.ReadDeltaTime() - DateTime.Now );

					goto case 6;
				case 6:
					m_Looters = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
					m_Killer = reader.ReadMobile();

					goto case 5;
				case 5:
					m_Carved = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 4;
				case 4:
					m_Aggressors = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();

					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();

					goto case 2;
				case 2:
					m_NoBones = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 1;
				case 1:
					m_CorpseName = reader.ReadString();

					goto case 0;
				case 0:
					if ( version < 10 )
						m_TimeOfDeath = DateTime.Now;

					if ( version < 7 )
						BeginDecay( m_DefaultDecayTime );

					if ( version < 6 )
						m_Looters = new List<Mobile>();

					if ( version < 4 )
						m_Aggressors = new List<Mobile>();

					m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					reader.ReadInt(); // guild reserve
					m_Kills = reader.ReadInt();
					m_Criminal = reader.ReadBool();

					m_EquipItems = reader.ReadStrongItemList();


		public override void SendInfoTo( NetState state )
			base.SendInfoTo( state );

			if ( ItemID == 0x2006 )
				state.Send( new CorpseContent( state.Mobile, this ) );
				state.Send( new CorpseEquip( state.Mobile, this ) );

		public bool IsCriminalAction( Mobile from )
			if ( from == m_Owner || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
				return false;

			Party p = Party.Get( m_Owner );

			if ( p != null && p.Contains( from ) )
				PartyMemberInfo pmi = p[m_Owner];

				if ( pmi != null && pmi.CanLoot )
					return false;

			return ( NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety( from, this ) == Notoriety.Innocent );

		public override bool CheckItemUse( Mobile from, Item item )
			if ( !base.CheckItemUse( from, item ) )
				return false;

			if ( item != this )
				return CanLoot( from );

			return true;

		public override bool CheckLift( Mobile from, Item item, ref LRReason reject )
			if ( !base.CheckLift( from, item, ref reject ) )
				return false;

			return CanLoot( from );

		public override void OnItemUsed( Mobile from, Item item )
			base.OnItemUsed( from, item );

			if ( from != m_Owner )

			if ( item != this && IsCriminalAction( from ) )
				from.CriminalAction( true );

			if ( !m_Looters.Contains( from ) )
				m_Looters.Add( from );

		public override void OnItemLifted( Mobile from, Item item )
			base.OnItemLifted( from, item );

			if ( item != this && from != m_Owner )

			if ( item != this && IsCriminalAction( from ) )
				from.CriminalAction( true );

			if ( !m_Looters.Contains( from ) )
				m_Looters.Add( from );

		private class OpenCorpseEntry : ContextMenuEntry
			public OpenCorpseEntry() : base( 6215, 2 )

			public override void OnClick()
				Corpse corpse = Owner.Target as Corpse;

				if ( corpse != null && Owner.From.CheckAlive() )
					corpse.Open( Owner.From, false );

		public override void GetContextMenuEntries( Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list )
			base.GetContextMenuEntries( from, list );

			if ( Core.AOS && m_Owner == from && from.Alive )
				list.Add( new OpenCorpseEntry() );

		private Hashtable m_RestoreTable;

		public bool GetRestoreInfo( Item item, ref Point3D loc )
			if ( m_RestoreTable == null || item == null )
				return false;

			object obj = m_RestoreTable[item];

			if ( obj == null )
				return false;

			loc = (Point3D)obj;
			return true;

		public void SetRestoreInfo( Item item, Point3D loc )
			if ( item == null )

			if ( m_RestoreTable == null )
				m_RestoreTable = new Hashtable();

			m_RestoreTable[item] = loc;

		public void ClearRestoreInfo( Item item )
			if ( m_RestoreTable == null || item == null )

			m_RestoreTable.Remove( item );

			if ( m_RestoreTable.Count == 0 )
				m_RestoreTable = null;

		public bool CanLoot( Mobile from )
			if ( !IsCriminalAction( from ) )
				return true;

			Map map = this.Map;

			if ( map == null || (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) != 0 )
				return false;

			return true;

		public bool CheckLoot( Mobile from )
			if ( !CanLoot( from ) )
				if ( m_Owner == null || !m_Owner.Player )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005035 ); // You did not earn the right to loot this creature!
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010049 ); // You may not loot this corpse.

				return false;
			else if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) )
				if ( m_Owner == null || !m_Owner.Player )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005036 ); // Looting this monster corpse will be a criminal act!
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005038 ); // Looting this corpse will be a criminal act!

			return true;

		public virtual void Open( Mobile from, bool checkSelfLoot )
			if ( from.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || from.InRange( this.GetWorldLocation(), 2 ) )
				bool selfLoot = ( checkSelfLoot && ( from == m_Owner ) );

				if ( selfLoot )
					List<Item> items = new List<Item>( this.Items );

					bool gathered = false;
					bool didntFit = false;

					Container pack = from.Backpack;

					bool checkRobe = true;

					for ( int i = 0; !didntFit && i < items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = items[i];
						Point3D loc = item.Location;

						if ( (item.Layer == Layer.Hair || item.Layer == Layer.FacialHair) || !item.Movable || !GetRestoreInfo( item, ref loc ) )

						if ( checkRobe )
							DeathRobe robe = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OuterTorso ) as DeathRobe;

							if ( robe != null )
								if ( Core.SE )
									Map map = from.Map;
									if ( map != null && map != Map.Internal )
										robe.MoveToWorld( from.Location, map );

						if ( m_EquipItems.Contains( item ) && from.EquipItem( item ) )
							gathered = true;
						else if ( pack != null && pack.CheckHold( from, item, false, true ) )
							item.Location = loc;
							pack.AddItem( item );
							gathered = true;
							didntFit = true;

					if ( gathered && !didntFit )
						m_Carved = true;

						if ( ItemID == 0x2006 )
							ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
							Hue = 0;

						from.PlaySound( 0x3E3 );
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062471 ); // You quickly gather all of your belongings.

					if ( gathered && didntFit )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062472 ); // You gather some of your belongings. The rest remain on the corpse.

				if ( !CheckLoot( from ) )

				PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

				if ( player != null )
					QuestSystem qs = player.Quest;

					if ( qs is UzeraanTurmoilQuest )
						GetDaemonBoneObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( GetDaemonBoneObjective ) ) as GetDaemonBoneObjective;

						if ( obj != null && obj.CorpseWithBone == this && ( !obj.Completed || UzeraanTurmoilQuest.HasLostDaemonBone( player ) ) )
							Item bone = new QuestDaemonBone();

							if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( bone ) )
								obj.CorpseWithBone = null;
								player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049341, "", 0x22 ); // You rummage through the bones and find a Daemon Bone!  You quickly place the item in your pack.

								if ( !obj.Completed )
								player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049342, "", 0x22 ); // Rummaging through the bones you find a Daemon Bone, but can't pick it up because your pack is too full.  Come back when you have more room in your pack.

					else if ( qs is TheSummoningQuest )
						VanquishDaemonObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( VanquishDaemonObjective ) ) as VanquishDaemonObjective;

						if ( obj != null && obj.Completed && obj.CorpseWithSkull == this )
							GoldenSkull sk = new GoldenSkull();

							if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( sk ) )
								obj.CorpseWithSkull = null;
								player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1050022 ); // For your valor in combating the devourer, you have been awarded a golden skull.
								player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1050023 ); // You find a golden skull, but your backpack is too full to carry it.

				base.OnDoubleClick( from );

				if ( from != m_Owner )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			Open( from, Core.AOS );

		public override bool CheckContentDisplay( Mobile from )
			return false;

		public override bool DisplaysContent{ get{ return false; } }

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
			if ( ItemID == 0x2006 ) // Corpse form
				if ( m_CorpseName != null )
					list.Add( m_CorpseName );
					list.Add( 1046414, this.Name ); // the remains of ~1_NAME~
			else // Bone form
				list.Add( 1046414, this.Name ); // the remains of ~1_NAME~

		public override void OnAosSingleClick( Mobile from )
			int hue = Notoriety.GetHue( NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety( from, this ) );
			ObjectPropertyList opl = this.PropertyList;

			if ( opl.Header > 0 )
				from.Send( new MessageLocalized( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, opl.Header, Name, opl.HeaderArgs ) );

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			int hue = Notoriety.GetHue( NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety( from, this ) );

			if ( ItemID == 0x2006 ) // Corpse form
				if ( m_CorpseName != null )
					from.Send( new AsciiMessage( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, "", m_CorpseName ) );
					from.Send( new MessageLocalized( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1046414, "", Name ) );
			else // Bone form
				from.Send( new MessageLocalized( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1046414, "", Name ) );

		public void Carve( Mobile from, Item item )
			Mobile dead = m_Owner;

			if ( m_Carved || dead == null )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
			else if ( ((Body)Amount).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006 )
				new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

				new Torso().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
				new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
				new LeftArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
				new RightLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
				new RightArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
				new Head( dead.Name ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

				m_Carved = true;

				ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
				Hue = 0;

				if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) )
					from.CriminalAction( true );
			else if ( dead is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)dead).OnCarve( from, this );
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
Try following the install instructions next time. You had never added the line of code at lines 872 like you were supposed to.....

This code should work:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Doom;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Haven;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
    public class Corpse : Container, ICarvable
        private Mobile m_Owner;				// Whos corpse is this?
        private Mobile m_Killer;				// Who killed the owner?
        private bool m_Carved;				// Has this corpse been carved?

        private List<Mobile> m_Looters;				// Who's looted this corpse?
        private List<Item> m_EquipItems;			// List of items equiped when the owner died. Ingame, these items display /on/ the corpse, not just inside
        private List<Mobile> m_Aggressors;			// Anyone from this list will be able to loot this corpse; we attacked them, or they attacked us when we were freely attackable

        private string m_CorpseName;			// Value of the CorpseNameAttribute attached to the owner when he died -or- null if the owner had no CorpseNameAttribute; use "the remains of ~name~"
        private bool m_NoBones;				// If true, this corpse will not turn into bones

        private bool m_VisitedByTaxidermist;	// Has this corpse yet been visited by a taxidermist?
        private bool m_Channeled;			// Has this corpse yet been used to channel spiritual energy? (AOS Spirit Speak)

        // For notoriety:
        private AccessLevel m_AccessLevel;			// Which AccessLevel the owner had when he died
        private Guild m_Guild;				// Which Guild the owner was in when he died
        private int m_Kills;				// How many kills the owner had when he died
        private bool m_Criminal;				// Was the owner criminal when he died?

        private DateTime m_TimeOfDeath;			// What time was this corpse created?

        private HairInfo m_Hair;					// This contains the hair of the owner
        private FacialHairInfo m_FacialHair;		// This contains the facial hair of the owner

        public static readonly TimeSpan MonsterLootRightSacrifice = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0);

        public override bool IsDecoContainer
            get { return false; }

        public DateTime TimeOfDeath
            get { return m_TimeOfDeath; }
            set { m_TimeOfDeath = value; }

        public HairInfo Hair { get { return m_Hair; } }
        public FacialHairInfo FacialHair { get { return m_FacialHair; } }

        public bool Carved
            get { return m_Carved; }
            set { m_Carved = value; }

        public bool VisitedByTaxidermist
            get { return m_VisitedByTaxidermist; }
            set { m_VisitedByTaxidermist = value; }

        public bool Channeled
            get { return m_Channeled; }
            set { m_Channeled = value; }

        public AccessLevel AccessLevel
            get { return m_AccessLevel; }

        public List<Mobile> Aggressors
            get { return m_Aggressors; }

        public List<Mobile> Looters
            get { return m_Looters; }

        public Mobile Killer
            get { return m_Killer; }

        public List<Item> EquipItems
            get { return m_EquipItems; }

        public Guild Guild
            get { return m_Guild; }

        public int Kills
            get { return m_Kills; }
            set { m_Kills = value; }

        public bool Criminal
            get { return m_Criminal; }
            set { m_Criminal = value; }

        public Mobile Owner
            get { return m_Owner; }

        public void TurnToBones()
            if (Deleted)

            ItemID = Utility.Random(0xECA, 9); // bone graphic
            Hue = 0;

            m_NoBones = true;

            /*DecayedCorpse c = new DecayedCorpse( Name );

            c.MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

            ArrayList list = Items;

            for ( int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
                if ( i < list.Count )
                    c.AddItem( (Item)list[i] );


        private static TimeSpan m_DefaultDecayTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(7.0);
        private static TimeSpan m_BoneDecayTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(7.0);

        private Timer m_DecayTimer;
        private DateTime m_DecayTime;

        public void BeginDecay(TimeSpan delay)
            if (m_DecayTimer != null)

            m_DecayTime = DateTime.Now + delay;

            m_DecayTimer = new InternalTimer(this, delay);

        public override void OnAfterDelete()
            if (m_DecayTimer != null)

            m_DecayTimer = null;

        private class InternalTimer : Timer
            private Corpse m_Corpse;

            public InternalTimer(Corpse c, TimeSpan delay)
                : base(delay)
                m_Corpse = c;
                Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if (!m_Corpse.m_NoBones)

        public static string GetCorpseName(Mobile m)
            Type t = m.GetType();

            object[] attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CorpseNameAttribute), true);

            if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
                CorpseNameAttribute attr = attrs[0] as CorpseNameAttribute;

                if (attr != null)
                    return attr.Name;

            return null;

        public static void Initialize()
            Mobile.CreateCorpseHandler += new CreateCorpseHandler(Mobile_CreateCorpseHandler);

        public static Container Mobile_CreateCorpseHandler(Mobile owner, HairInfo hair, FacialHairInfo facialhair, List<Item> initialContent, List<Item> equipItems)
            bool shouldFillCorpse = true;

            //if ( owner is BaseCreature )
            //	shouldFillCorpse = !((BaseCreature)owner).IsBonded;

            Corpse c;
            if (owner is MilitiaFighter)
                c = new MilitiaFighterCorpse(owner, hair, facialhair, shouldFillCorpse ? equipItems : new List<Item>());
                c = new Corpse(owner, hair, facialhair, shouldFillCorpse ? equipItems : new List<Item>());

            owner.Corpse = c;

            if (shouldFillCorpse)
                for (int i = 0; i < initialContent.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = initialContent[i];

                    if (Core.AOS && owner.Player && item.Parent == owner.Backpack)

                    if (owner.Player && Core.AOS)
                        c.SetRestoreInfo(item, item.Location);
                c.Carved = true; // TODO: Is it needed?

            Point3D loc = owner.Location;
            Map map = owner.Map;

            if (map == null || map == Map.Internal)
                loc = owner.LogoutLocation;
                map = owner.LogoutMap;

            c.MoveToWorld(loc, map);

            return c;

        public override bool IsPublicContainer { get { return true; } }

        public Corpse(Mobile owner, List<Item> equipItems)
            : this(owner, null, null, equipItems)
        public Corpse(Mobile owner, HairInfo hair, FacialHairInfo facialhair, List<Item> equipItems)
            : base(0x2006)
            // To supress console warnings, stackable must be true
            Stackable = true;
            Amount = owner.Body; // protocol defines that for itemid 0x2006, amount=body
            Stackable = false;

            Movable = false;
            Hue = owner.Hue;
            Direction = owner.Direction;
            Name = owner.Name;

            m_Owner = owner;

            m_CorpseName = GetCorpseName(owner);

            m_TimeOfDeath = DateTime.Now;

            m_AccessLevel = owner.AccessLevel;
            m_Guild = owner.Guild as Guild;
            m_Kills = owner.Kills;
            m_Criminal = owner.Criminal;

            m_Hair = hair;
            m_FacialHair = facialhair;

#if false
			// This corpse does not turn to bones if:
			//    (the owner is not a player) and (the owner doesn't have a human body)
			m_NoBones = !owner.Player && !owner.Body.IsHuman;
            // This corpse does not turn to bones if:
            //    (the owner is not a player)
            m_NoBones = !owner.Player;

            m_Looters = new List<Mobile>();
            m_EquipItems = equipItems;

            m_Aggressors = new List<Mobile>(owner.Aggressors.Count + owner.Aggressed.Count);
            bool addToAggressors = !(owner is BaseCreature);

            TimeSpan lastTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < owner.Aggressors.Count; ++i)
                AggressorInfo info = owner.Aggressors[i];

                if ((DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < lastTime)
                    m_Killer = info.Attacker;
                    lastTime = (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime);

                if (addToAggressors && !info.CriminalAggression)

            for (int i = 0; i < owner.Aggressed.Count; ++i)
                AggressorInfo info = owner.Aggressed[i];

                if ((DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < lastTime)
                    m_Killer = info.Defender;
                    lastTime = (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime);

                if (addToAggressors)

            if (!addToAggressors)
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)owner;

                Mobile master = bc.GetMaster();
                if (master != null)

                List<DamageStore> rights = BaseCreature.GetLootingRights(bc.DamageEntries, bc.HitsMax);
                for (int i = 0; i < rights.Count; ++i)
                    DamageStore ds = rights[i];

                    if (ds.m_HasRight)


        public Corpse(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)10); // version


            ArrayList list = (m_RestoreTable == null ? null : new ArrayList(m_RestoreTable));
            int count = (list == null ? 0 : list.Count);


            for (int i = 0; list != null && i < list.Count; ++i)
                DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)list[i];
                Item item = (Item)de.Key;
                Point3D loc = (Point3D)de.Value;


                if (item.Location == loc)


            writer.Write(m_DecayTimer != null);

            if (m_DecayTimer != null)









        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (version)
                case 10:
                        m_TimeOfDeath = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

                        goto case 9;
                case 9:
                        int count = reader.ReadInt();

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                            Item item = reader.ReadItem();

                            if (reader.ReadBool())
                                SetRestoreInfo(item, reader.ReadPoint3D());
                            else if (item != null)
                                SetRestoreInfo(item, item.Location);

                        goto case 8;
                case 8:
                        m_VisitedByTaxidermist = reader.ReadBool();

                        goto case 7;
                case 7:
                        if (reader.ReadBool())
                            BeginDecay(reader.ReadDeltaTime() - DateTime.Now);

                        goto case 6;
                case 6:
                        m_Looters = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                        m_Killer = reader.ReadMobile();

                        goto case 5;
                case 5:
                        m_Carved = reader.ReadBool();

                        goto case 4;
                case 4:
                        m_Aggressors = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();

                        goto case 3;
                case 3:
                        m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();

                        goto case 2;
                case 2:
                        m_NoBones = reader.ReadBool();

                        goto case 1;
                case 1:
                        m_CorpseName = reader.ReadString();

                        goto case 0;
                case 0:
                        if (version < 10)
                            m_TimeOfDeath = DateTime.Now;

                        if (version < 7)

                        if (version < 6)
                            m_Looters = new List<Mobile>();

                        if (version < 4)
                            m_Aggressors = new List<Mobile>();

                        m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        reader.ReadInt(); // guild reserve
                        m_Kills = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Criminal = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_EquipItems = reader.ReadStrongItemList();


        public override void SendInfoTo(NetState state)

            if (ItemID == 0x2006)
                state.Send(new CorpseContent(state.Mobile, this));
                state.Send(new CorpseEquip(state.Mobile, this));

        public bool IsCriminalAction(Mobile from)
            if (from == m_Owner || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return false;

            Party p = Party.Get(m_Owner);

            if (p != null && p.Contains(from))
                PartyMemberInfo pmi = p[m_Owner];

                if (pmi != null && pmi.CanLoot)
                    return false;

            return (NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety(from, this) == Notoriety.Innocent);

        public override bool CheckItemUse(Mobile from, Item item)
            if (!base.CheckItemUse(from, item))
                return false;

            if (item != this)
                return CanLoot(from);

            return true;

        public override bool CheckLift(Mobile from, Item item, ref LRReason reject)
            if (!base.CheckLift(from, item, ref reject))
                return false;

            return CanLoot(from);

        public override void OnItemUsed(Mobile from, Item item)
            base.OnItemUsed(from, item);

            if (from != m_Owner)

            if (item != this && IsCriminalAction(from))

            if (!m_Looters.Contains(from))

        public override void OnItemLifted(Mobile from, Item item)
            base.OnItemLifted(from, item);

            if (item != this && from != m_Owner)

            if (item != this && IsCriminalAction(from))

            if (!m_Looters.Contains(from))

        private class OpenCorpseEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            public OpenCorpseEntry()
                : base(6215, 2)

            public override void OnClick()
                Corpse corpse = Owner.Target as Corpse;

                if (corpse != null && Owner.From.CheckAlive())
                    corpse.Open(Owner.From, false);

        public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

            if (Core.AOS && m_Owner == from && from.Alive)
                list.Add(new OpenCorpseEntry());

        private Hashtable m_RestoreTable;

        public bool GetRestoreInfo(Item item, ref Point3D loc)
            if (m_RestoreTable == null || item == null)
                return false;

            object obj = m_RestoreTable[item];

            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            loc = (Point3D)obj;
            return true;

        public void SetRestoreInfo(Item item, Point3D loc)
            if (item == null)

            if (m_RestoreTable == null)
                m_RestoreTable = new Hashtable();

            m_RestoreTable[item] = loc;

        public void ClearRestoreInfo(Item item)
            if (m_RestoreTable == null || item == null)


            if (m_RestoreTable.Count == 0)
                m_RestoreTable = null;

        public bool CanLoot(Mobile from)
            if (!IsCriminalAction(from))
                return true;

            Map map = this.Map;

            if (map == null || (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) != 0)
                return false;

            return true;

        public bool CheckLoot(Mobile from)
            if (!CanLoot(from))
                if (m_Owner == null || !m_Owner.Player)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005035); // You did not earn the right to loot this creature!
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010049); // You may not loot this corpse.

                return false;
            else if (IsCriminalAction(from))
                if (m_Owner == null || !m_Owner.Player)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005036); // Looting this monster corpse will be a criminal act!
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005038); // Looting this corpse will be a criminal act!

            return true;

        public virtual void Open(Mobile from, bool checkSelfLoot)
            if (from.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 2))
                bool selfLoot = (checkSelfLoot && (from == m_Owner));

                if (selfLoot)
                    List<Item> items = new List<Item>(this.Items);

                    bool gathered = false;
                    bool didntFit = false;

                    Container pack = from.Backpack;

                    bool checkRobe = true;

                    for (int i = 0; !didntFit && i < items.Count; ++i)
                        Item item = items[i];
                        Point3D loc = item.Location;

                        if ((item.Layer == Layer.Hair || item.Layer == Layer.FacialHair) || !item.Movable || !GetRestoreInfo(item, ref loc))

                        if (checkRobe)
                            DeathRobe robe = from.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso) as DeathRobe;

                            if (robe != null)
                                if (Core.SE)
                                    Map map = from.Map;

                                    if (map != null && map != Map.Internal)
                                        robe.MoveToWorld(from.Location, map);

                        if (m_EquipItems.Contains(item) && from.EquipItem(item))
                            gathered = true;
                        else if (pack != null && pack.CheckHold(from, item, false, true))
                            item.Location = loc;
                            gathered = true;
                            didntFit = true;

                    if (gathered && !didntFit)
                        m_Carved = true;

                        if (ItemID == 0x2006)
                            ItemID = Utility.Random(0xECA, 9); // bone graphic
                            Hue = 0;

                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062471); // You quickly gather all of your belongings.

                    if (gathered && didntFit)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062472); // You gather some of your belongings. The rest remain on the corpse.

                if (!CheckLoot(from))

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                if (player != null)
                    QuestSystem qs = player.Quest;

                    if (qs is UzeraanTurmoilQuest)
                        GetDaemonBoneObjective obj = qs.FindObjective(typeof(GetDaemonBoneObjective)) as GetDaemonBoneObjective;

                        if (obj != null && obj.CorpseWithBone == this && (!obj.Completed || UzeraanTurmoilQuest.HasLostDaemonBone(player)))
                            Item bone = new QuestDaemonBone();

                            if (player.PlaceInBackpack(bone))
                                obj.CorpseWithBone = null;
                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1049341, "", 0x22); // You rummage through the bones and find a Daemon Bone!  You quickly place the item in your pack.

                                if (!obj.Completed)
                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1049342, "", 0x22); // Rummaging through the bones you find a Daemon Bone, but can't pick it up because your pack is too full.  Come back when you have more room in your pack.

                    else if (qs is TheSummoningQuest)
                        VanquishDaemonObjective obj = qs.FindObjective(typeof(VanquishDaemonObjective)) as VanquishDaemonObjective;

                        if (obj != null && obj.Completed && obj.CorpseWithSkull == this)
                            GoldenSkull sk = new GoldenSkull();

                            if (player.PlaceInBackpack(sk))
                                obj.CorpseWithSkull = null;
                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1050022); // For your valor in combating the devourer, you have been awarded a golden skull.
                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1050023); // You find a golden skull, but your backpack is too full to carry it.


                if (from != m_Owner)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (Server.Dueling.DuelController.IsInDuel(m_Owner) && m_Owner != from)
                from.SendMessage("This person is currently in a duel, you may not loot them");

            Open(from, Core.AOS);

        public override bool CheckContentDisplay(Mobile from)
            return false;

        public override bool DisplaysContent { get { return false; } }

        public override void AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list)
            if (ItemID == 0x2006) // Corpse form
                if (m_CorpseName != null)
                    list.Add(1046414, this.Name); // the remains of ~1_NAME~
            else // Bone form
                list.Add(1046414, this.Name); // the remains of ~1_NAME~

        public override void OnAosSingleClick(Mobile from)
            int hue = Notoriety.GetHue(NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety(from, this));
            ObjectPropertyList opl = this.PropertyList;

            if (opl.Header > 0)
                from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, opl.Header, Name, opl.HeaderArgs));

        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            int hue = Notoriety.GetHue(NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety(from, this));

            if (ItemID == 0x2006) // Corpse form
                if (m_CorpseName != null)
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, "", m_CorpseName));
                    from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1046414, "", Name));
            else // Bone form
                from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1046414, "", Name));

        public void Carve(Mobile from, Item item)
            Mobile dead = m_Owner;

            if (m_Carved || dead == null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500485); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
            else if (((Body)Amount).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006)
                new Blood(0x122D).MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                new Torso().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new LeftArm().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new RightLeg().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new RightArm().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new Head(dead.Name).MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                m_Carved = true;

                ItemID = Utility.Random(0xECA, 9); // bone graphic
                Hue = 0;

                if (IsCriminalAction(from))
            else if (dead is BaseCreature)
                ((BaseCreature)dead).OnCarve(from, this);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500485); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.


Ki Frost

For those of you interested in this system I am working on SOME small patches for it.

Right now the attached patch should fix the gumps not closing when they choose to not accept invitations.
Additionally. For those who want to try this script out, Currently it makes it so that players cannot heal their pets in any facet besides Felucca. It gives them a "cannot preform beneficial acts on your target" message.

Prolly an easy fix, but I do not know how to atm.



I believe I found a bug? Maybe its a personal mistake I dont know.

If I un-check "Allow Duel Invites" it no longer allows me to close out the Main Duel Gump and it gives me this message:
You cant start a duel if you have chosen to not accept duel invites.
Check the allow duel invites box before you start a duel

Also so now that its already been un-checked, and I cannot close it out because of this message I go to re-check this box but does not allow me to re-check it, and gives me that exact message again for what reason?
The only way I found to close it out is to log out and re-login..

Now that ive logged out and logged back in to close that gump and I go to use [duel again It tells me this:
You are currently in a duel.

What could be the problem for all this?

I am running the latest RunUO release.


help me =D

hey, i need put a thing on my onsite duel system,
I need that the winner of a onsite duel receive 5 PVPCoin because i put PVPCoin and PVP Reward Stone but dont know how I put to receive the coins :/


help me pls

im getting this when trying to start server

if someone could just post a legit corpse script i would apriciate it

please aim kato kil


  • errors.txt
    14.2 KB · Views: 51


it is unfortunate this script never worked right for me and Jeff seems to have abandoned it.Would be nice for him to fix the problems with it


Crowley62;633330 said:
it is unfortunate this script never worked right for me and Jeff seems to have abandoned it.Would be nice for him to fix the problems with it

not gonna happen any time soon, i dont play UO :/ so i have no ambition to finish it sry.


I've been looking at this script for the last 2 weeks!
And yes i no its a old post!
but i would like to get it up running.. Well i have it up and all works fine.. But i have 2 small errors.
1) scoreboard gump
2) duelinfo gump
both seem to be missing a assembly reference? i've checked the scripts and all seems to be ok! am i missing a file or something?


cs0234: Line5: The type or namespace 'Duelplayerinfo' does not exist in the namespace 'system' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
cs0234: Line4: The type or namespace 'scoreboard' does not exist in the namespace 'server' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


Ok... I'm trying to give a bit of a jumpstart to this since Jeff doesn't have time, but, I don't run a shard, so if anyone wants this, they will have to be beta testers. I have added the scoreboard and a command for DuelInfo, and I know it's lame to post without testing, and I would be the first to complain about that, but it's the best I can do right now.

So, basically, if anyone wants to try this, go for it. If not, you can't hurt my feelings.

Backup and copy over the DuelController.cs with my copy, and put in my ScoreBoard.cs file and hold onto your ass and pray.


  • DuelController.cs
    23.5 KB · Views: 72
  • ScoreBoard.cs
    859 bytes · Views: 73