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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] On-site Dueling System 2.0


using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.ScoreBoard;
namespace Server.Items;
namespace Server.Dueling;
public class ScoreBoardGump : Gump
public ScoreBoardGump()
: base( 200, 200 )
this.AddBackground(36, 25, 732, 375, 3500);
this.AddButton(733, 46, 3, 4, (int)Buttons.CopyofcloseBtn, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
this.AddLabel(292, 39, 36, @"Onsite Duel System Top 10 Scoreboard");
this.AddHtml( 49, 102, 142, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddLabel(104, 82, 36, @"Name");
this.AddLabel(590, 82, 36, @"Total Wins");
this.AddLabel(674, 82, 36, @"Total Loses");
this.AddLabel(343, 82, 36, @"Quickest Duel");
this.AddLabel(476, 82, 36, @"Longest Duel");
this.AddLabel(371, 60, 36, @"Duel Type: 1vs1");
this.AddLabel(207, 82, 36, @"Wins");
this.AddLabel(270, 82, 36, @"Loses");
this.AddHtml( 193, 102, 61, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddHtml( 256, 102, 61, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddHtml( 319, 102, 130, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddHtml( 450, 102, 130, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddHtml( 582, 102, 85, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddHtml( 668, 102, 85, 23, @"", (bool)true, (bool)false);
this.AddLabel(292, 38, 36, @"Onsite Duel System Top 10 Scoreboard");
this.AddLabel(104, 81, 36, @"Name");
this.AddLabel(590, 81, 36, @"Total Wins");
this.AddLabel(674, 81, 36, @"Total Loses");
this.AddLabel(343, 81, 36, @"Quickest Duel");
this.AddLabel(476, 81, 36, @"Longest Duel");
this.AddLabel(371, 59, 36, @"Duel Type: 1vs1");
this.AddLabel(207, 81, 36, @"Wins");
this.AddLabel(270, 81, 36, @"Loses");
this.AddButton(291, 368, 5603, 5607, (int)Buttons.prevBtn, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
this.AddButton(494, 368, 5601, 5605, (int)Buttons.nextBtn, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
this.AddLabel(314, 366, 36, @"Previous");
this.AddLabel(461, 366, 36, @"Next");


public enum Buttons

Line5 said needs { expected
line60 said needs } expected


Interesting, I didn't change that one :) Did you?

Also, that script does not match the code in the package currently available for download. I suggest you get the newest version.


yea i did had and idea after looking over your script as to what was missing.
replace it with yours and it came up with 10 errors and was still missing something i'm reloading it now..

now i'm getting 6 errors that has nothing to do with the scripts we are looking at ?


Well, I can't tell since the code you posted does not match what's in the current release, so I'm not sure what you have done.


ok i got it back up and running.. woot

yea i know its not the same code trying to work with jeff's i think i got it now with your code and jeff's i was able to cross reference them :)


Ummm... Ok, but if you do not use Jeff's package that is in there now, you will not have many of the bugfixes he put in. I only added some missing parts...


thats what i was afraid of ok thanks for the help..
your scoreboard script has a few errors in it.. sorry i would have posted them but i cant seem to get it to copy here :(


rightclick on the top left of the console window. select edit/mark, then drag a box across the stuff you want to copy. hit enter or rightclick and it will copy the console text to the clipboard for pasting.


+ Misc/Test Center/ScoreBoard.cs:
CS1501: Line 9: No overload for method 'Sign' takes '0' arguments
CS0149: Line 12: Method name expected
CS1502: Line 15: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Items.Sign.Sig
n(int)' has some invalid arguments
CS1503: Line 16: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'Server.Items.SignType' t
o 'int'
CS0246: Line 26: The type or namespace name 'DuelScoreBoardGump' could not b
e found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 27: The type or namespace name 'DuelScoreBoardGump' could not b
e found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS1502: Line 27: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SendGum
p(Server.Gumps.Gump)' has some invalid arguments
CS1503: Line 27: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'DuelScoreBoardGump' to '


You will lose half those errors when you put in Jeff's DuelScoreBoardGump in place of your ScoreBoardGump stuff (that's why you need the latest and you don't know what else changed), and I'll look at the others.


Get the new copy of ScoreBoard.cs and overwrite the other one and see what happens.


and you didn't get the new version I uploaded...

Best thing you can do is to delete or zip up and move ALL of the stuff you have now and install it brand new then add in my new stuff. That way you can be sure you're starting at the same point I did.