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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] Toolbar


Thx for your quick response. Acouple things:

First; BY = by; should be int BY = by; ?

Here is a screen shot. What did I miss?


  • Haazen_11-30_15.58.jpg
    232.8 KB · Views: 110


I can't believe I actually told you to do that... lol I'm sorry I messed up :(

Do this instead:
		public Toolbar(ToolbarInfo info) : base(0, 28)
			Closable = false;

			p_Info = info;
			p_Commands = info.Entries;
			p_Skin = info.Skin;
			p_Columns = info.Dimensions[0];
			p_Rows = info.Dimensions[1];

			int offset = GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.ButtonOffset].Content[p_Skin,0];
			int bx = ((offset * 2) + (Columns * 110)), by = ((offset * 2) + (Rows * 24));

			[COLOR="Blue"]int BY = by;
			by = 0;[/COLOR]

			SetCoords( offset );
			AddInitOpts( by, offset );

			AddBackground(0, [COLOR="blue"]/*[/COLOR]0[COLOR="Blue"]*/ InitOptsH[/COLOR], bx, [COLOR="Blue"]/*[/COLOR]by[COLOR="blue"]*/ BY[/COLOR], GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Background].Content[p_Skin,0]); 
			int temp = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < Columns*Rows; i++)
				x = offset + ((i % Columns) * 110);
				y = [COLOR="blue"]InitOptsH + [/COLOR]offset + (int)(Math.Floor((double)(i / Columns)) * 24);
				AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
				AddBackground(x, y, 110, 24, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Buttonground].Content[p_Skin,0]);
				AddLabelCropped(x + 5, y + 3, 100, 20, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Color].Content[p_Skin,0], Commands[temp]); 

				if( i%Columns == Columns-1 )
					temp += 9-Columns;

			0%5 == 0
			1%5 == 1
			2%5 == 2
			3%5 == 3
			4%5 == 4
			5%5 == 0
			END TEST---*/

			AddMinimized( by, offset );
Sorry about that :eek:

Top Dog

Player Type Commands

I was just woundering if you can maybe set it up so in-game commands can be used also like ( Bank, I wish to secure this, and Pet commands ). Hehehe Im a lazy typer an this would greatly cut down on staff having multi systems for macro's when you could have it all in one.

Again Thks this system is a big life saver already, plz keep up the good work us non scripting owners really need people like you to keep us on top of game.

Thanks Again,


Top Dog said:
I was just woundering if you can maybe set it up so in-game commands can be used also like ( Bank, I wish to secure this, and Pet commands ). Hehehe Im a lazy typer an this would greatly cut down on staff having multi systems for macro's when you could have it all in one.

Again Thks this system is a big life saver already, plz keep up the good work us non scripting owners really need people like you to keep us on top of game.

Thanks Again,
That's what I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. Surprisingly it's actually not as easy as one would think...

But yeah, this was already planned for the next release.

Glad you like the script ^.^

Top Dog

Joeku said:
That's what I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. Surprisingly it's actually not as easy as one would think...

But yeah, this was already planned for the next release.

Glad you like the script ^.^

Oh, Okey thats easy to understand Im always finding out the hard way when I try to fix something that appears to be easy and end up coming here for help.

Again Thanks for all your hard work on this project. :)


Due to some ... unfortunate circumstances, I'll be without my home PC for a few days (on school PC at the moment...) so it probably won't be done for a week or so. :(


Couldn't you just make a new command similar to the makesay command called say for example that is accessible to players but with no targeting so they couldn't use it on anyone but themselves, then in the toolbar type 'say I wish to release this' ?


Malaperth said:
Couldn't you just make a new command similar to the makesay command called say for example that is accessible to players but with no targeting so they couldn't use it on anyone but themselves, then in the toolbar type 'say I wish to release this' ?
How the Toolbar works, is...

In the Edit Menu, you basically just type whatever it wants you to "say". If that happens to start with the shard's command prefix (default "["), it invokes the command. Otherwise, it passes through the speech event handlers (and just makes you "say" it). In short, it already does what you suggest...

To add the "key word phrases" I need to either 1. Send it as a packet and trick the shard into thinking that they actually typed that from their client and pressed <Enter>, or 2. Make a list of key words (English only) and then have it compare everything on-the-fly and add it as needed.

The "key words" are recognized by integers; every single key word or phrase is recognized by a number ("bank", for example, is like #2). There are tons of phrases.

I think I'm going to try to trick the shard with a packet if I can :D


Version 1.21 -> 1.3 January 22, 2007 - Fixed a glitch that erased commands on row 1, columns 6-9, for Game Masters and above, when the Default button is clicked in the edit menu. Added 12 different fonts (accessible via the edit menu). Added Phantom mode (turns toolbar semi-transparent). Added Stealth mode upon request (toolbar automatically minimizes when used). Added Reverse mode (minimize bar is above the toolbar instead of below). Added Lock mode (toolbar will not close when right-clicked). Added Expanded View for the edit menu (gives 4x viewing area for each entry). Added a small (50px) "handle" at the end of the minimize bar (I was having trouble grabbing the very edge of the toolbar when I wanted to move it). Changed Skin #2 border buffer from 10px to 7px.


Whoah this is weird... I can't edit my post.

Until the forums get fixed, here's the new version, along with some screenshots.

Post edits have been fixed now.


I'm glad you guys like it :)

Sadly, I'm going to be taking a break from RunUO in a little while... I am just going to finish up some bugfixes for other scripts and leave it at that.

You probably won't see any more updates for this in a long time.



Im Curently using v1.21 made over a year ago:eek: and it is a very helpfull toll and i love it. Cant wait to see what this one will do. Thanks!!!:D:cool: