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Advent Vampirica-Dark Race System v1.0



UMM this script should be better explain..

Ive tested this on several servers and still none have worked and if these do how bout showing whats needed to be added for the fellas who have PM already modified to cause i no ive modifide huge and no matter what i try this will not work.....


nospoon considering B36 is no longer supported you could at least notify in your starting post or topic that this is a B36 script.


Nospoon, if these people were having problems, why didn't you ask me for help? lol

I helped nospoon1 create these scripts. It is compatible with RUO 1.0 if you use the new RUO PlayerMobile.cs. There is only ONE line you must change in PlayerMobile.cs.

Change this:

	public class PlayerMobile : Mobile

to this:

	public class PlayerMobile : MiddleMobile

Doing this change WILL REQUIRE A PLAYER WIPE. It changes how the data is read from the saves dramatically. The reason for MiddleMobile is that you might want various npcs or creatures to have access to some of the functions in MiddleMobile.cs. This can create npcs that have the same races, and can be vampires just like the players.

The rest of the code is 100% compatible with RUO 1.0. If you have problems understanding what is going on, then I suggest you use the old dovPlayerMobile system instead.

Also, those scripts I sent nospoon were not meant to be posted here. Those were mostly a teaching tool that I was using to help him learn to script by himself. But oh well, if others find use for them, I don't care.



I don't care if people see the scripts, I was just showing you what you could do with stuff. You mentioned it would be cool to have npcs and stuff that are vampires or beasts that were similar to players, so I showed you a setup of how to do it

The scripts themselves aren't very complicated. However, it could help newbie programmers get started on systems like this, and may help them learn more. So its all good, no worries


any updates coming?

Just curiouse if anything was coming on the adding in abilities for the angels and dark angels. Really looking forward to this one once those are out.


These scripts started out as a beginning lesson in teaching new scripters how to script. I don't have plans on adding more to this script since I will not be using it for anything myself.

However, if you want to try to add things to it, I will be glad to help you along. Just PM me or use icq/aim to message me. My AIM name is ViWinfii.


I just like to say, i loveeee your race system, players love it too but i have a silly ?, how do the players transform? :p


for the werewolf you have to say [transform and for the vampire they have the ability of nightvision [infravision hope that helps


Well im having trouble with this system...

Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0115: (line 1647, column 24) 'Serve
r.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.OnGuildChange(Server.Guilds.Guild)': no suitable method f
ound to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.


If you are having problems with some error with Guilds, use the PlayerMobile.cs that came with RunUO 1.0, and reread my post here:

ViWinfii said:
Change this:

	public class PlayerMobile : Mobile

to this:

	public class PlayerMobile : MiddleMobile

Doing this change WILL REQUIRE A PLAYER WIPE. It changes how the data is read from the saves dramatically. The reason for MiddleMobile is that you might want various npcs or creatures to have access to some of the functions in MiddleMobile.cs. This can create npcs that have the same races, and can be vampires just like the players.

The rest of the code is 100% compatible with RUO 1.0. If you have problems understanding what is going on, then I suggest you use the old dovPlayerMobile system instead.

When nospoon posted this, he was using BETA 36. The only script from Beta 36 was PlayerMobile.cs, and the only edit in it was what I posted above. I repeat, USE THE PLAYERMOBILE.CS FROM 1.0 RUNUO AND MAKE THE ONE CHANGE ABOVE.

kthxbye :p


Good news im updating the race system again

New races:
Plane Touched

and many more look forward to seeing in a few days!



nospoon1 said:
Good news im updating the race system again

New races:
Plane Touched

and many more look forward to seeing in a few days!

Great cant wait to see it, hope it is done soon, just one question though, what is a Plane Touched? :D :rolleyes: :confused:


Error!!!error!!!abort Or Be Destroyed!!!

Ok, this is the error i got... care to help me out? and use small words, im dumb.

- Error: Scripts\Custom\Race Stone Stuff\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0115: (line 1647, c
olumn 24) 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.OnGuildChange(Server.Guilds.Guild)': no s
uitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.